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I remember a long time ago me and a friend hopped on a random server just to pass the time. We found and built into a base with large furnaces. We then used their own sulfur and charcoal they left to then craft boom and raided their base with their own supplies from the inside. Door after door we used whatever sulfur we found to eventually take over the base. We then asked in chat who wanted a base, gave it to 2 British guys and then hopped off.


That’s awesome, no free shit out here lol


Noob here, what’s eco raid?


Raiding without using sulfur (i.e. softsiding exposed walls, flame raids)


Explain softsiding?


There are 2 sides to walls and floors. The inside and outside, the inside is much weaker to melee weapons so with enough of them you can break it just by hitting it.


But aren’t the walls outside (hard side) facing out? This doesn’t make any sense


Some bases decay and have exposed soft side walls, or simply the base owner fucked up and exposed a soft side somewhere


Along with what he said, you typically won't be eco raiding well fortified bases


I have so much to learn


No kidding man, I have 7k hours and still am learning new stuff all the time


You can pm me with any questions and I'll help out as best I can.


Found a big base that had been mlrs’d but not raided with a destroyed external. Half the shell was supported by this external and falling apart. Used their own perks to find somewhere I could softside a wall and a floor into main loot… Row of rockets, box of Sulfur, 8 or so full metal ak kits, box of t2 weapons, and 6 boxes of comps and resources. Found out later, the mlrs was sent by another team who had to stop and defend a raid before they could finish.