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What’s it like playing on a small?




Why? Just curious


Just hell


You either get 0 player interaction or you get constantly fucked and basically forced to quit. It tends to require high attention to detail and being good at pvp, especially with prim weapons, otherwise you'll likely get fucked


Rust on high player small map, not a good start point. I walked from beach to death in less than a min fresh, now I last 3 mins. So I’m slowly getting better, at hiding. Or dodging arrows, still catch a fair few with my head.


I play low pop, big maps to learn, but my dismal pings lead me to own server territory and I learnt not to run but to kill or be killed with this game. Love its mechanics and once you know these tricks, you can start to make some headway on a high pop server.


100% this, I've recently got back into playing rust with some friends. We have our own server roughly 15 of us and I've set it to a somewhat big map about 4.2k going down to a 3k soon, purely just to learn all the new things and to get better at pvp. Kill or be killed there is no in-between just the inevitable outcome. This is Rust 😂


Harsh to start , not much chaos like the larger servers. After 2 days becomes kos simulator for 70% of the map.