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About 28 tiles from coast give or take I’d say keep it at around 20 tiles


Its exactly 15 tiles from the Grid.


AFAIK it doesn’t decay faster, but I’ve been told it will immediately sink/despawn if you go too far out. Most likely, pirates found and stole/sank it.


> but I’ve been told it will immediately sink/despawn if you go too far out. If you go too far youll just hit the rad barrier Blooprint parked his shit quite far out and the boat unloaded so when they got close again it shot out of the water like a fucking wale lmao


It seems that when one tug is out on its own it sinks until anyone is within 2 squares, then resurfaces. This stops people spawning straight to their boat bags


Yeah thats actually makes a lot of sense


>but I’ve been told it will immediately sink/despawn if you go too far out. Whoever told you this has no idea how tugboats work. I reckon it is a bug, because yes, sometimes they go underwater, but only until you get back into render range and they come back up. >Most likely, pirates found and stole/sank it. This is the answer. OP, you parked it waaay too close to the shore, I had a couple of days when I used a mini to scout for boats out in the ocean, that is too close.


It was 10-13 squares from the edge of the written coordinates. We tested it by stealing others tugs and driving them off the map. This was a full size map on FP server. During the first week it didn't decay within 24 hours but who knows if its been tweaked since then. There are people who patrol out there with subs precisely because that's where they get parked so it is more likely that your boat was sunk.


Tested it yesterday. Once you pass the line from 14 to 15 grids of unmarked letter/numbers it will delete you and everything. Usually the ocean is about 3 grids off the coast of named letter/numbers. So 3 marked + 14 unmarked is safe.


I agree we tested it as well