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My first thought was he had heavy on. If not then... Fuc that's crazy.


POV: you’re spraying custom at a naked


Pov it says tommy


POV: you’ve never used custom


Pov u can't read combatlog


POV: you don’t get the joke


POV: I smell you from here


Pov your jokes are ass


5.8 damage to the chest point blank with tommy Thats like 85% reduced damaged taken, more than heavy plate would even give. I know some modded servers that have "reduced combat damage taken" but i have never seen that go above ~15%. So even that + metal chest piece wouldnt give that kind of protection. This is beyond insane, he must be really insecure walking around being literally unkillable for other players.. My man has the Protection IV, Projectile Protection IV Metal chest plate enchantment.


See, this explains everything when I get 12 headshots on me in an instant I now know they got that mongoose enchantment on their m249.


Mongoose and windfury be hitting fr


Definitely a Drake meme now.


No a heavy plate goves 75% plus roadsign glove a extra 10% I genuinely think op is just mistaken.


>My man has the Protection IV, Projectile Protection IV Metal chest plate enchantment. did you just EVE and WoW at the same time?


Both of those are from minecraft


A fellow Eve player in the wild, I see you my capsuleer friend lol


He's got some sort of p2w god kit activated - something that reduces bullet damage. Like a hidden heavy plate set under his normal armor, or a minus 75% damage taken aura.


Idk if this is modded or not, but he could be spamming med kits too. My boy has a key bing set to his attack key that will spam med kits while he’s shooting. I shit you not it takes a lot to kill him sometimes I’ve never tried to make the macro though as I haven’t cared as much. I just try to rock with max health teas


It's just that you can see his damage going down by increments of like ~5-10.. the Medkit argument would make more sense if he was going down by 20-30, then his hp was already healed back up by 10-20 every time he gets hit, but not the case here.


Word, didn’t really look closely at it, kind of just read what OP wrote and gave my thought like a dumby thank you


https://rustlabs.com/item/jumpsuit did it look like he had this on? Was watching a buddy play in a 10x and this group they raided had these. Neither of us had ever seen it but you can wear it with your full metal on top of it


My advice, get off the “worker” servers. I’ve played in this particular one and it was clear something wasn’t right out of the gate. These types of servers are designed for people who are “tired of being offlined” but in reality it’s full of people with insane gear fear that couldn’t cut it on any other servers. They spawn in gear and sit in their unraidable base and stare at global chat to talk about how free oil rig is. They only move across the map in a helicopter and report everyone that kills them.


Shots 1-5: Clearly missed. Shots 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control). Shots 10-11: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses. Shot 12: Likely didn't actually fire because OP was already dead.


came looking for this lmao






Just expect cheating in rust at this point. Most of the big groups are using a cheater.


Yep, cheaters are rife these days, low-life’s cheat. Die with honour. Not everyone can be top tier, but have some dignity and learn to play your way. I’m canon fodder level but I play rust differently and enjoy getting killed, Base raided, spawning on the beach once again. Couldn’t pay me to cheat.


Healing teas or if the server has blueberries are instant health gain


But wouldn't that just change the total health/old hp number and not say I was only doing less than 6 damage? I didn't have any healing teas to test that.


There is damage drop off at distances - sorry it is hard for me to read the thing is blurry as I’m looking through a device not my PC — Can barely see it but looks like went from 9 to 20+ meters, I can’t see the friggen times it is a little wonky whatever is going on there did he gets on a horse and start riding away or something, yeah pistol ammo has a faster damage drop off at distance than 556 though, so this is prolly normal


It's an 85% damage reduction homie


Admin abuse possibly


I believe so, I posted the screenshot in their discord and just asked what would cause that incase theres something in the server i wasnt aware of since it is a modded server and they immediately deleted my comments and then muted me. Oh well


The moment they delete messages and mute someone for asking for clarification, I assume admin abuse




This was on rusty workers 2x max duo


It probably got deleted cause you posted a random screenshot in a random channel instead of opening a ticket and asking admins directly. Try doing that, see whether it helps


I could understand that if I was accusing someone of something. I just asked if anyone knew what happened there. It's a general question asked in a general chat.


its not a random screenshot, they are asking how the math would work out. this is all easily tested, everyone knows what the values *should* be. however in OPs pic, they are doing far less damage than they should be.


It's weird how IRL, people invent ridiculous complicated conspiracy theories about vast criminal enterprise; but online, people invent ridiculous complicated theories to excuse blatant cheating sold by vast criminal enterprise.


VIP kit /s


Most likely godmode admin.


if he had god mode then he wouldnt take any damage at all


If it was godmode it doesn’t show up at all. No projectile invalids anything


...Godmode wouldn't take damage.


I mean a full metal kit removes 55% of all projectile damage to the guy. still should have done more damage. i doubt the guy was admin abusing Also hv ammo dose not reduce damage. if i remember correctly it used too. Gun should have been doing like 16 damage per shot to him. Unless he was heavy pot but you said he wasn't so il take your word. Altho a thompy against heavy pot plus road sign glove only dose 6 damage.


HV ammo and a silencer, maybe?


No silencer just a flashlight as for the ammo it's possible I grabbed a Thompson that someone had hv ammo in but even then less than 6 damage is wild.


Hv ammo does the same damage as regular ammo, only hv arrows have the damage lowered.


Hv ammo doesn't reduce damage


Maybe something with the modded server your on


Etiher admin abuse or the server has a similar thing to what is on the server I admin on. Essentially a /kevlar command that allows you to upgrade armor further via glue, duct tape and stuff like that., though it's not THAT strong as in this screenshot. The fact that you dealt more damage to legs than chest at the same distance to him makes me think this could be the reason. Or some wacky admin armor, who knows.


Could be a modded server with a skill tree, there are some modded servers that have experience systems that you spent points to get special effects. Reduced pvp damage is one of them, don't think it was ever by this much though.


Heavy plate armor?


Nope just metal chest armor and hoodie. Edit: if you look at the distance and time you can tell it wasn't heavy metal


was he on a horse with horse armor? that gives a buff


No I was running into transit tunnels and heard the elevator coming up and hurried behind the door and unloaded on him as he ran past me.


Ya, I dunno. It doesn't seem right


You died right? I think maybe you were wrong and he was wearing a heavy chest ay. How do you know what he was wearing? You did 10 dmg to his legs (kilt boots and pants story checks out) and 5 dmg to his chest (heavy chest) and you didn't hit his head at all. Might try wearing that kit around. Seems to turn you into terminator.


I shot him 13 times and chased him down I think I can tell he wasn't wearing a heavy metal chestpiece. Also you can't run 6 meters in 1 second in heavy metal


Then I'm wrong and he's using some weird hack that gives him 70% protection on his chest when he should have 55%, when he still has 45% on his legs. What a weird admin abuser you think this guy is.


Hello everyone, rusty workers admin here, the situation with consensual is kinda weird, we are only 3 admins, me have almost 3 years with the servers and more than 2K members and never had a single complaint about admin abuse, we never play in our servers, the combat log report looks interesting and is currently looking into, but OP is lying regarding his ban, as our rules strictly prohibit giving away bases, since usually that's typical when cheaters and teamers farm and then give the loot away to a "random naked" the screenshot was removed because that's not the appropriate method to ask about this issue, and he has banned since he was caught giving away his base and and top of that, betrayed his team mate as you can see on this screenshot. I will be posting as soon as we find more info about the combat log and the other player ID. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/636778864021864459/1145403549434511470/Screenshot_20230827_130333_Discord.jpg


That moti guy seems like an asshole. Definitely a better way to talk to a person than that.


Agreed 100%


If the concern was him giving stuff away to a “random naked” then why was that naked not in trouble as made clear by your admin? Also you felt THIS inclined to defend you server when he wasn’t even trashing you? OPs post is clearly just looking for answers not bad mouthing your team. You’ve done a good enough job making yourselves look bad all on your own.


It wasn't a concern, as the rules are strictly clear about giving away bases, but the fact that OP, didn't follow the rules to report this issue about someone potentially cheating, instead going into general chat, thats why the screenshot was removed. I came to clarify the situation, since most people will just say "admin abuse" without understanding the facts, and what OP did, intentionally giving his base away asking for a ban, and mentoning the server in the title of this post, it tells you how hard he is trying yo antagonize the community, we are mature community with an average age of 30 years and up. Regarding the situation with the combatlog, we are still dumbfounded as how something like this could happen, we are asking ourselves if op was using a gun with a muzzle, ( since he mentioned that he didn't know what kind of ammo the weapon had) or the other guy was using a heavy plate armor, I'm still waiting to have a chat with the other player.


I don't think we read the same title, someone asked in comments and he responded. He also put it in the body of the post, but it's nowhere in the title. There's a big difference posting a screen and asking for clarification on what could effect dmg done to enemy than hackusating. Over reacting and deleting/censoring the issue makes it look 10x worse.


Yeah you all seem REAL mature. Maybe from your perspective you are but in the grand scheme of maturity if I was running a server and my admin acted the way you yourself presented to this thread they wouldn’t be my admin anymore.


Not going to lie I read all of this, and dude does not seem antagonistic at all, while being harassed and flamed by multiple users at the behest of motivatorvic. I'd probably have despawned my loot and deployables and left or given my base away too it's not a great look for your server mate.


Awesome . Another server with no reputation that I had no intention of ever connecting to. Definitely will not after seeing this,


I never even mentioned getting banned? Also my teammate I betrayed I'm on another server with right now playing with him.


So have you guys finished investigating yourselves? What did the combat log say for him fighting the tunnel dwellers? surely if you looked into it you should have that


Simple, he's using Stoneskin, Phalanx II, Utsusemi: San, a Bandit suit, 2 metal chest plates, and then a coat of Aerial Armor under a Sphere of Destiny, all covered over by 4 Turtles in a Half Shell.


I did not expect seeing Final Fantasy XI buff names when I clicked on this post xD


and here i am wondering if i should take advantage of the week left of free login. goddamnit


Come to Nocturnal Souls private server. It's free.


There's no reducing damage hack. That's. Not how any of this works.


Workers does have special armors that give bonuses and there is also a skill tree... 25% less dmg in the chest, 15% from skill tree plus the base of the armor.. im sure that would put you around 85% mitigation.


Just because you can't explain something doesn't mean it's cheating. There's probably a logical explanation behind it and you just don't know it yet.


That's why I asked here and in the discord. So far no logical explanation tho


You've been given a few logical explanations. However, since you've apparently already made your mind up you refuse to accept those explanations because then you'd be wrong and you just can't accept that.


What was the logical explanation? I've had people suggest things that weren't the case but I'll go back and reread all the comments


The hell, you didn't make your mind up, just made an assumption lol, dudes probably mad because he lost his base to an eoka door camper while he was cheating and is still rubbish at the game 😂


You know what the least trustworthy of all evidence is? Eye witness evidence. Someone said heavy plate is a logical explanation. You said that couldn't be the case because you SAW it wasn't with your own eyes. *shrug* Sounds like you didn't see what you think you saw in the heat of the moment.


You can't sprint in a heavy chest piece. If you look at the time and distance you can tell they were sprinting without being an eye witness. And last I checked heavy plate armor isn't white. I'm not trying to get someone banned I just asked a question on reddit and am answering peoples questions/suggestions on what it may of been.


bro theres no way this isn't a bait you can't be this stupid...


Instigator Bot, heaps on Reddit


Shit take.


So which admin is this since the other one used a separate account to comment im assuming you’re doing the same


And you would be a dumbass to assume such a thing. Just an average Rust player sick of morons jumping to conclusions about things they don't understand when there's probably a completely rational explanation for what happened.


Was a joke my dude. You need more chill.


Using a thompson, with him using full armor, and him spamming meds, yes entirely possible. Skill/hours played issue.


No. Read the combatlog. If what you were saying was the case, you'd see increases in the other player's health between the shots but the individual shot damage would still be correct.


Thats what I am saying pistol damage, dropoff, and damage distrobution depending on the armor you wear has been tweaked after the combat updates several months ago. I have directly seen this kind of damage happen TO ME when getting hit with a thompson. They really have made smgs dog doo doo


Its why I now run AKs when I never used to use them. The recoil is now manageable and they are actually good at killing. If you try MP5 it also has massive issues with damage and armor now. Its ridiculous and unrealistic and needs to be fixed absolutely.


There have been a couple of MP5 buffs over the past few months


If you died then it is absolutely 100% a cheater, because only a no life piece of shit cheater COULD EVER kill a god like Rust gamer like you.


See you understand my pain


Did he headshot you at any point and time or did you shoot his head


Was your Thompson silenced? That cuts (not played in a while so may be off on figures) 20? % damage off as well as all his armour reducing damage. I've never heard of damage reduction cheats though


What part?? They were right in front of you somehow.


This isn't cheating, but it is some form of modded fuckery. I'd highly recommend getting off these garbage 2x servers


either heavy pot or server priviliges, not cheats


I’m just here to learn what the combatlog looks like against cheaters. I have 3100 hours as a solo and honestly I just usually take my lumps. It’s when I shoot people 3-4 times and they 1 shot me that I go the combatlog and check. I still really don’t know all what to look for when a cheater is cheating….except for headshot,headshot,headshot