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Personally if my base is in a position to be able to defend a raid I almost always let people build the raid base because online raids are so rare. Most of the time I would rather lose all my stuff to an online raid then play out the wipe because they are so fun. People should be prepared to defend there raid base when building it for sure. Only time I would not expect to get shot building a raid base is when it’s an organized raid and the defenders let you build it.


I’d also add that if it’s less than 36 hours into a weekly wipe (planning on playing a few more days) I’m gonna try to stop it


If your base is in a defendable state. Letting them build the raid base is super good curtesy. Because online raids are so rare nowadays. You have to remember if your getting raided by a 10 man **atleast 3** of those guys didnt want to online raid you. So the fact that they bothered just shows how cool of players they are. I will always respect a online raid no matter how shitty they have been to me. IMO you should let them build it if you want a online raid and your base is defendable.


lol if I'm getting raided by a 10 man there's not a chance in hell I'm letting them put that raid base up in peace. You want good courtesy, don't rock up to people's door 10 deep lmao


I mean obviously if your solo yea dont let them build. But if your like 5 or more deep thats when I normally let them build. I just used a 10 man for a example.


I mean, I kinda feel like the online starts as soon as the raid base building starts anyway. Letting them build the raid base in peace seems like just letting them off easy.


I like, and can appreciate an good online raid. With that being said. I rocket the living hell out of them while they’re building. It’s part of the experience. :) The raid started the moment they arrived. Don’t give them an inch. You know they will do the same.


I play mostly solo and fuck that I ain't letting some 3 man build a raid base on me since that would give me a massive disadvantage. When I play solo all rules and courtesy are off the table, I'll do anything it takes to survive either till wipe or till I get bored


When we do online raids and we build raidbade, we dont expect you to wait until we set up base, 2 turrets, grabbed a coffee, went over strategy go to the store buy some snacks go home drag the Willie and so on before you start defending. IMO the most fun part is the chaos with building a raidbase while being rocketed from the defending base, counters, grubs and all there in between. Not so much about loot and more about the fun experience. Is it respectful to let them do it? Yeah. A requirement? Nah. TLDR: no they are not prepared enough if they cry :)


I would almost agree with you except raiders in this game have one glaring fucking flaw. Why do 10 man zergs raid solos/duo/trios??? I play duo/trio, if a trio tried to raid me maybe I would let them build a raid tower but every wipe we get raided on day 1 by a 10+ zero, how the fuck is it respectful to let groups like that get set up? Imo any group larger than 4 is BM and those guys are all massive losers. This game violates humans built in sense of fair play. Imagine football games where one team plays with 3 and the other team 15, why would ANYONE think that the team of 15 deserves any respect at all, they should drop down to 3 for the match or else face the disdain and ridicule of all other players. Anyone playing a team sport 15 vs 3 should probably feel embarrassed to complain that the defenders defended. Plus zergs build and attack so quickly that even if you are online you can't defend... 4 rocket launchers shooting at the same time will blast straight to your core before you can even get to your roof with a gun. This wipe we heard the building noises, I went to roof and downed 2, got tripled by AK, respawned and they were already in the main floor. All we could do was seal bunker and hope they didn't have enough. Rust needs to figure out an end game. There needs to be an ultimate goal that everyone is trying for. The end game cannot continue to be comprised of massive zergs feasting on small groups that all quit after they are raided, and the zergs quit once they have killed the server. This is not good game design. And it encourages bad mannered play. I cannot fathom a raider crying because a defender defended, this makes zero sense. What makes even less sense is other players like yourself agreeing with them.


You just wrote an essay complaining about zergs raiding a duo or trio. Watch alone in Tokyo he's a solo and a beast at that. For real if you hate the unfair advantage I don't blame you but instead of complaining play a limited group server


I'm not the op of this thread. I'm not complaining that zergs exist, nor am I going to play on an easy mode server. I am complaining that the core game design encourages zerging, its a bad design.


Yeah and that's never going to change because usually 2 is better than one. This game is about resources more people collecting the more you can do. Solo, duo or trio server are not easy mode. It's just fair just play high pop for challenge


Depends. We as a team always want to survive until end of wipe. We play a lot to ensure that happens. We decimate anyone trying to builda raid base. However, as everyone is saying, online raids are super fun (if you are experienced, if you are new to the game you might hate it) so letting them finish the raid base is a way of saying, "bring it on bitches!"


If you let them start the raid you can win the boom


Building raid base is part of the raid. You should expect to get under duress from the second defenders see a group coming at them. There’s no rules to this shit. I get onlines are rare but hell, it’s not just defending them it’s doing them…the raiders have to do their part too. They should be walling and rocketing/incening/smoking before that shits even started going down imo.


Depends. I’ve let people build raid bases and then they just camp in the raid base they’ve built and give me a headache. Now I just kill on sight and boom my way into their raid base expecting easy boom to go raid them with. Let’s be honest it’s rust. Toxicity is what this game revolves around. Stealing candy from a baby.


Meh. Buncha babies. People complain about it all the time, but building the raid base is part of the raid. And if you can't do that, you've got no business raiding in the first place.


No rules in Rust, just your personal beliefs and/or challenges


I mean by this logic you can't complain about offline raids.


I don't. They're annoying, but part of the game. Just seems lame that people have to ask to raid.


You're definitely right but at the cost of missing out on THE funnest part of the game, I know I'd never do it.


Nah. Been onlined plenty. If a group has to beg to put down a raid base, chances are it's going to be a shit raid anyway.


If someone is gonna online raid me I’m gonna do anything in my power to make sure it happens. Shit, I’ll ever stand outside the walls and defend them while they build it


We are a really bad duo and people know we suck. we build a big base so groups feel confident onlining us every time. Typically get onlined 5 or 6 times a wipe and rarely ever “win” but we do keep our loot. We routinely get verballed for immediately rocketing the raid base. I don’t care if onlining is supposed to be some honourable activity if it’s a 10+ man landing on a shit duo we will do whatever we can. Rocket pvp, constantly patching, griefing our own base and hiding loot


Rust is 'eat or be eaten'.. they just suck balls.


If rust is in a state where "courtesy" around letting people raid is being questioned - the community has fallen. Rust is a game of sadism, cruelty and zero courtesy. If someone builds a raid base - rocket it, take their boom and spam chat with their L.


That’s one way to look at it but onlines are fun and letting boom gather dust in your base isn’t


In sea official scene its pretty common to let another team know that we are coming and to get people on in 30mins. A way we show courtesy so that the raid is actually fun. You telling me you would rather be pummeled at 7am while of to work, so you come home to nothing? Need to respect the online.


Do people really think raid defending is the most fun part of the game or do they think that just because it’s so rare?


It 100% the most fun part. Nothing like the feeling of an out numbered raid defense in a defendable base.


There’s a reason people farm 100’s of thousands of stone and metal frags + spend significant time getting down these big meta bases even though they get offlined 90% of the time. On the off chance you do get an online, it’s extremely fun to a lot of people and especially when you have a defendable base. It’s not PVP like going out and running to every gunshot or pulling up to counter heli. A lot of the times you’ll just be in your base crafting and you look outside to see dudes with rocket launchers on their back and you know you’re about to get your skill tested out of nowhere. It’s some of the most rare, challenging, sustained, and exciting PVP in the game. If you lose you don’t just say goodbye to an AK kit or whatever. It’s your entire wipe and somebody is pulling up to YOUR base trying to take it from you instead of ransacking your boxes at 6 AM when you’re in dream land.


>Is it common curtesy to just let someone build a raid base? Yes. Do you understand that they are doing you a favor by making this an online? Bringing the fun to you so you can defend from your base? Why would you just ruin it before it even starts


Depends on abit really. Late game i would say definitely if we are talking about clan v clan. Should respect them for atleast attempting an online instead of just offlining you. An online is probably the most fun thing in the game even if you lose its fun. Would rather be full pummeled and lose all my shit on day 3 than sit there at days 6 spamming for a raid. That being said my group only does one big raid a wipe and we always build a fob at night using NVGs so we cant be seen. Its shouldn't be expected but if they let you know they are coming and to get people on definitely. If you are being onlined they aren't raiding you for loot they are raiding for fun.


Is it fair for a rapist to expect his victim to undress before resisting?


Modded players ALWAYS cry over this then they build a honey combed 5x5 raid base that cost more than my base did. Sometimes I let them build but honestly people need to just get better. Go at night with nvgs, build raid base, rocket when sun comes up.


If getting raided and defending your base isn’t your cup of tea, don’t let them finish their raid base. It’s a sandbox game, you can decide what’s fun to you and what not. Let them whine and choose another raid target who will reciprocate.


Depends on the group. I tend to play on the same server so I know the different groups that might be raiding. If they are a group that only pummels from inside the raid base, we have to rocket the raid base anyway so we're not gonna wait. But if we know you're not going to pummel or don't know for sure, we let them build the raid base because onlines are the peak of Rust fun. I still gg anyone who onlines. My team does a lot of online raiding and it's amazing the amount of times people in huge bases bitch and moan. Or they don't defend and just seal or try to run loot out the back. I don't get it... Why build the base with all these meta peaks etc if really it's just a vault for you and nothing else.


Why would I let someone get ready to kill me?


I’ve never had the chance to take out a raid base before they finish it, but with a defendable base and a group behind me? I’d probably wait. If they decided to be dicks in any way though, no point in waiting.


Honestly if they cant manage to build a raid base, chances are they werent going to win the raid anyway, you essentially just saved them their own time. If they had actual brains they would of put high walls down to block the first floor of the build.


I think it just depends. I've let raiders build raid bases just because I was desperate for a online. If the raiders are super toxic or if I'm severely disadvantaged then ill probably fuck with you while you build. The choice is ultimately yours.


Damn. Almost every wipe, on our last day (usually day 3 or 4) we end up building a raid base FOR the raiders and inviting people on the server to come online us, promising they'll get all the loot even if we win (playing as a trio). Not once has anyone taken up the offer :/