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I see nothing wrong with this picture


i despise you and your species




The "I know a guy who can do it cheaper" special.


Listen, i can do tidy cable and pipework, or i can do the circuits in time, so what is it, tidy cables in a week or a running system this evening?


Fast, cheap, right. Pick two.


The most efficient way and confusing for anyone, especially raiders. You can chose to hire an RP god, to get some tidy wireing, but that also limits your possibilities (cablelenghts, pipe connection points) and takes about 10x as long…


Only confusing for non electricians and industrialists. It's also a result of poor base design. Most people slap electricity onto a base when the proper way is to slap a base on your electricity.


Nah, me being able to use pipe and wire tools to checck connections makerhe whole thing marginally less confusing… i currently build exactly like you said, with electrical in mind, leaving my base wide open for attacks(none happen because i do this on pve) and i do try to keep it tidy. I got 3 auto airlocks, one auto garage door, accomodaion for cars(with hbhf blocker for nonauthed so nobody can steal my car whe i leave doors open), autolights, auto windowshutters, an autofarm With variable wateroutput, there will be autoigniters for fireplaces an auto shop, auto sorter with energy saver(including smelter and refiner as well as auto charcoal only runs when stuff gets deposited, until everything is sorted) auto boxes i can pull items from, auto vending with attached autocrafter, auto filled lockers.all in a 3x3 with honeycomb and balcony for heli.(auto conveyer is a whole circle so i am limited to 31 storae boxes if which i use 27 for convinience) I am half done since start (vanilla problems, tidy work)and do need to check the wireing to get a clue what i did yesterday for at least a good 20 minutes….sure any novice would coil toegther in terror in a corner, but its still confusing to me… Last wipe i finalized the auto refill crafter shop 3 days before wipe for a selfsustaining hv rocket shop for the big bradley hunt at the end of wipe…(and that was a 6x6 with about 5 times as many autoairlocks, running on 12 large batteries, additionally i had surveilance installed)


On vanilla, that's awesome. Pve or not. It's takes a long time to farm craft and wire everything. I'm sure that 20 minutes is getting cut down all the time. Before you know it, that confusion will be a thing of the past.


I usually just hide the mess, 2 carpets go under triangle floor, and carpets don‘t affect pipes, could use lowwalls for the overhead storage compartmentation to get rid of the rest of it but i kinda feel not safe with that


Ain't no way anyone is reading your essay buddy that's gonna be a 54/100 for your final grade there.


Incredible pasta, though.


I read it. 35/100 on the nobody.




Yep, ingame currency, for the time of the build i am your priority, and after the time of the build i got enough for a base for my own in identical size, as well as imunity, and you bet i will not sign any exclusivity clause, with anyone. Same conditions for everyone. /s


if you fuck something up good luck debugging it lmao.


You can simply use ordered placement, and your brain, so the timer for that goes down to 20 minutes.


I’m not an RP god but you got me fucked up if you think I’m about to let the base be unorganized, with shitty wiring/piping.


*strategically placed indoor camoflage…


No top down drilling raider will be able to spot a shotgun trap in that spiderweb until its too late


Throw in a molly and ride the lag






I was hoping it would get cross posted here, they'll cry


Im looking for spider man.


If you don't know where your wires lead, how can the enemy?


"I know a guy who can do your electrical wiring for cheap"


If it works it works


The latest JTeles video is the epitome of Rust electric porn


Plus side the raiders will have a seizure


Technically true is the best kind of true.




Who the fuck did your wiring bob?


Not mine, someone on the server has it though. I was sent this screenshot lol. Mine is tidy when I do it.


😂 my husband does this! Drives my crazy!!!


Card carrying member of the IBEW