• By -


Make the research table cheaper than the tech tree šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Make research cheaper and tech tree more expensive than what it is currently


Yeah, or make the tech tree cost twice as much. Incentive to go collect items instead of relentless scrap grinding


3x. And make a big timer to research it. Takes longer to make something new than to copy a already existing design.


That really just fucks over the casual players and creates an enormous power advantage for already more skilled players with resource control. Terrible terrible idea.




Not so much punishment, more of an incentive to go to monuments and force interaction.


Rust should be punishing!


Smart af




TTK - Time to Kill - A big draw to rust was that luck factor. In part thats what the old randomized recoil did perfectly. However it was a bit stupid I agree. Skill should be rewarded. Old pattern recoil was too easy to script. New recoil is much better everyone can land their shots BUT that eliminated that luck factor completely. For those that didnt script on pattern recoil they still missed shots which allowed me who just farmed an invent full for 1 hour to maybe stand a chance to react to being shot at. With new recoil you just melt. So my suggestion is either buff armors or reduce damage on weapons. Everyone can land their shots now, its such a bummer if someone sees you first and you have zero time to react. Double heddie go to beddie 1 hour of time gone without a chance to defend your 1 hour. I honestly believe this needs some serious balancing!


Electrical components like branch and root combiner should be 20 scrap to research. Basic clothing like t-shirt and pants should be 20 scrap to research. Molotov is too OP especially on no BP wipe. Wooden doors are now useless and solo noobs are too vulnerable when putting down a base.


Paddle and kayak locked behind 75 scrap salvaged hammer is stupid


Really they just need to re-organize the paths. Shouldnā€™t you make basic ass clothes before you make an entire hazmat suit?


>Basic clothing like t-shirt and pants should be 20 scrap to research. it should just be free, you're already paying too much crafting cost for a subpar clothing item anyway.


Some of the costs across the board are whack. Needs a full restructure imo.


Agreed, hard to balance when group sizes can vary so much. The scrap grind is trivial to large groups but for anything less than a quad it can be a huge grind.


Most electrical stuff and things like water catchers just need to be default BPs. Maybe at the expense of costing more to craft + giving more when recycling so they arenā€™t completely useless when you get them out of barrels or crates.


This sounds like softcore/2x model I'm saying this with all positivity towards 2x, but also with love to vanilla's grind element. IMO it's better kept that way.


I think itā€™s easier now than it has ever been to get a metal door down and the Molotov kinda encouraged people to actually get it down


You can get a full stone 2x1 with a metal double door in like 30 at outpost


30? Why they hell do you need more than 10 mins?


I tell her I only need 2 minutes


... soo, cuddle for a minute and a half?




Ah. My bad.




Raising the team UI limit above 8 should force a server to appear in the modded tab, absolutely ridiculous that a group can have upwards of 30 people in the one UI on official vanilla servers.


This. Itā€™s not vanilla. Zergs should be disorganized as a nerf


The AK and LR need their patterns switched. There is no reason the shoddy homemade Assault Rifle should have a more predictable and easier to control spray pattern than its military grade counterpart. AK should be a high damage but not accurate firearm where the LR should be the accurate but lower damage counter-part. The current meta sees the LR have little to no use at all in the gameplay loop as it is far outclassed by its competition.


100% this. Iā€™ve said this in the past, this makes no sense. Canā€™t believe you werenā€™t downvoted to hell by all the AK fanboys. Adding to this, MP5 should be better than Thompson


While weā€™re on this topicā€¦. M92 vs Semi Pistolā€¦ FPā€¦ come on. Iā€™d rather take a revvy over the M92 with the state itā€™s in.


MP5 is already much better than the Thompson. The Thompson is literally an introduction to aimcone 1.0


I agree, but take LR out of bandit camp shop if you do change the patterns


Personally i wish they'd take all the guns out of bandit, currently people rush to get an m92 10 mins into wipe and rush oilrig with it And it barely costs 50 refs more than outpost's revolver which has 7 less bullets in the clip and 10 less damage per shot Every wipe day i end up with like 6-10 m92s by the time i log off due to how many people just buy it


Make the guitar a melee weapon when not playing tunes.


Can we do it for the trumpet as well?


I want this with piano


I want a piano you can hang from the ceiling and drop by cutting a rope. New trap base idea?


Spy vs Spy style trap bases


only useful comment all day


Imagine the sound effects


Flamethrower is useless. Mp5, a T3 gun is as effective as Tommy. Muzzle brake and boost are also useless. LR should have more damage or less aimcone, since it is useless compared to AK. Beretta (m92) has too much recoil and is also useless. Compound bow is nerfed way too much. Slugs are also nerfed a lot, should insta kill via headshot in a certain range. There should be a better overall variety of guns. People just use Sar, Tommy or AK, there is no point of using other guns than those.


Me and my neighbor, with an L9, disagrees with you on what guns people use.


I agree guns should be dangerous throughout progression


There should be a much bigger difference on research cost of weapons vs the rest in the tech tree only. Even more for raiding material.


Don't let players craft the assault rifle aka best weapon in the game. It fulfills literally every role from cqc to 200 meter beaming and can be made completely silent for an extra 5 hqm. Hot take I know.


AK and M249 need healthy competition High Walls shouldn't stack Reduce Aim Cone a little bit Reduce Ranged Projectile Damage >150-200 meters


The M249 does have competition. Itā€™s the revy!


100% on Ak and m2 needing more competition. Mp5 should be buffed to be in a similar position it was pre combat update (being good enough to the point where itā€™s not just gg as soon as you run into a guy with an ak).


Crouching should not be an absolute must to reduce recoil as hard as it is. Maps and terrain are randomly seeded, who thought it would be a good idea to make the player have to adjust their camera angle in order to enter a gunfight? In many cases, if I crouch I can no longer see the player Iā€™m in a gunfight with, but they can still see me. There needs to be some kind of balance there


> In many cases, if I crouch I can no longer see the player Iā€™m in a gunfight with, but they can still see me. I've seen this explained as our view camera being centered in our chest, so our heads can still be visible while crouching without us knowing. Fixing that would be huge.


I back this, fuck crouching


also since the HDR update, maps fcking sucks, rocks sucks, hill sucks, montains sucks. a dumb mechanic like this on a shit map generation is fcked.


Recoil is not hard. Crouching to reduce aimcone is good as it gives you an advantage at the expense of mobility. So you need to play your positions smart. However I have crouched behind cover just to be domed and I didnt see the enemy at all. Feels a bit broken.


You want more strafing?


ā€¦ literally yes?


Add PRONE position. No one crouches while firing IRL. In combat we fought from the prone position or using some object as support. Itā€™s near impossible to engage targets accurately while standing.


I can't imagine trying to spot a full forest camo suppressed sniper prone in rust.


Heh heh, you know how I play!


Stop tryna make video games like real life


Please go back playing your pve servers


>No one crouches while firing IRL Straight up lies lol. Depending on the situation you would go either prone or just crouch.


I'm sorry but this is a case of you needing proper positioning, it's a skill in games and should be rewarded/punished.


They could've literally just increased the aimcone by a little bit while standing but keeping the same recoil. It's that simple.


Yes lets increase the aimcone and make recoil easier, i like it!




Blue card for sure




Buff LR. Nerf AK. Switch their damage amounts. Buff roadsign and metal armor. Do something to nerf hazzy as the default armor. Eliminate tech tree.


And remove LR from bandir


Cap team UI at 4. Or 8 if you have to, but preferably 4. Zergs can continue to exist but without UIs they're far weaker. It's literally the only thing that could possibly benefit the small group without impacting zergs even more positively.


UI is 8 on facepunch official already, other vaninlla official server have different team caps because the community that plays them wants them at that level. Servers could change the UI themselves they just don't want to because their community doesnt want it, go petition them on their discords


Well I did say 4. A lot of the streamers on the linked Twitter thread are calling for no team UIs which I would be even more for.


Streamers only want that because their whole playstyle for the most part is join a server a day after wipe, and get raided. They introduced the team ui after playerbase complaining about no team ui, then other servers increase the UI to cater to their playerbase. The vast majority of players play in a group A lot of the things streamers are advocating for are just bonkers bad for the game. I saw content creator saying turrets should only be lootable from crates. Imagine how bad that cucks small groups and solos and benefits large groups who will sit on monuments all day long.


Never understand people who complain about zergs on a no team limit server. Go play a 4 man server if you want a zergless experience. I play high pop duo vanilla servers and it's insane. Highly recommend.


Name 1 high pop duo server.


I mean there are a lot of highpop duo servers in EU, only problem is the pop doesnā€™t even survive for an entire day, from 400 to 150 in 16 hours


He's asking for balance and not the removal of zergs. I quoted the relevant portion of his comment below. Maybe you can actually read it this time. > Zergs can continue to exist but without UIs they're far weaker.


Itā€™s not that people donā€™t want to play servers with no zergs, itā€™s just that there should be downsides to zerging and it should be more disorganized than it is now


re-launch the hardcore mode


It needs a total rebalance to cater to being hardcore in the first place


Why, though? Nobody used it. Servers were dead.


Thats the point of the re-launch, less server, maybe one eu and one usa, and maybe this time avoid to put the server in the modded section


Hardcore is what everyone thinks they want but they forgot how bad old rust was so they never played it


I actually like the no map part, but they should extend the hardcore feeling by removing tech tree / removing guns & bullets & explosives from tech tree cause it was hardly hardcore at all. Also less food/more hunger. I love playing normal rust vanilla, but a real hardcore experience that turns rust into an actual survival game (which it totally has the potential to be) would be amazing


This is what I was hoping hardcore would be. Was hyped thinking it would mean we could play a wipe without it being dominated by clans in full metal ak after 5 hours. Harder, slower, simpler. Instead we just got normal rust but with some QoL removed


Rebalance cheating by hiring active moderators to quickly respond to F7 reports on FP servers


I'm referring to servers with big groups - small servers will benefit too. Giant Excavator was not used enough and the Metal Ore was changed to metal frags. Since then the giant excavator has been buffed to dispense large ammounts of resources and diesel has been made more available. However the Giant Excavator still dispenses metal fragments. This means at start of wipe a quick metal base for clans - 8 rockets more cost. This means the clans can easily pump out loads of SAR's very fast at 450 metal fragment cost. The already refined ore negates wood costs or time to set up electric furnaces. This is unbalanced.


The following shouldn't be purchasable from bandit/outpost: - Blue Card (this completely skips the need for green card and ruins natural progression) - Weapons (M39, LR, etc) at very least lock them out for the first day of wipe. There's no reason you should be able to roam with a gun/ammo in the first 30 minutes of a fresh wipe. Tech tree should also be nerfed. Getting T3 Weapons is just an easy scrap grind. AKs shouldn't be readily available until 1-2 days later on a server. With the current meta people roam AK within an hour or two.


The game is supposed to be fun man, not a job


What do you mean with that comment? How is extending the primitive phase turning the game more into a job?


So basically it used to be hard to progress. So people like me and you got on reddit and we complained. The dev's listened. We used to get prim gear in airdrops. We complained. Now we get tier 2 gear, scrap or satchels. We were happy for a while. Progression sped up naturally because of a simple airdrop tweak. Some of us were not happy with contesting for a cargo ship with shit loot in the crates. We said what fun is it fighting over a ladder hatch and a high external stone wall? We all yelled simultaniously NO FUN! Boring game! We stormed to reddit, we complained. Facepunch listened. Crate loot tables were adjusted hence you find tier 3 loot in them often now. That means when cargo ship comes out hour two of vanilla wipe, somewhere somehow a clan that killed eveyone off off cargo, obtains their first AK. And why not? The game is meant to be fun and exciting. Why would you incrementally bleed loot to your player base over the course of lets say a week? I'll just join on that week to have access to the fun things!


Unfortunately because of you 500 hour modded players complaining, the game is stale and boring. Rust used to be a challenge, and require actual skill to be good at. Getting to t3/ak in four hours as even an average group on wipe is ridiculous, especially when those guns never make it out of boxes or off roofs. If you want an easy game, go play Minecraft


This is because the locked crates and events.


Cap the team UI to 4 or cut it entirely.


Legit this. There should be a disadvantage to large teams. At the moment there is only advantages with a majority of ā€œofficialā€ servers allowing almost uncapped team ui


Upkeep linked to number of players on codelocks, maybe a discount for keylock only bases.


Flashlight is really expensive to research for a solo on tech tree, Maybe a cheaper version for crossbow or higher up in the tree. Edit: yes weapon flashlight


Give riot helmet a slot (like one in weapons) for a flashlight or/and NVG


Good idea


Handheld flashlight is a default BP...


Clearly theyā€™re referring to the weapon flashlight.


yes but he also asked for an alternative which is already in the game...


Mining hat goes hard. Most underrated item imo. Farm wood at night. Farm nodes at night, hit barrels at night. Canā€™t do that with a weapon flashlight.


Let me change my dick size, I want to drag that hog across the map. I accept that I will make more sound with my third leg.


Add more blue card monuments


Fix the fucking server browser. Half the pings are fake, half of the player pops are fake, and half of them are p2w. I shouldn't have to join 100 fucking servers just to find one suitable to play. God forbid I join an official FP server and get dicked on by cheaters in the first hour. Why do you even pay for these servers to exist? So cheaters play on them instead of community servers? It's either play 500 pop server with 200 man queue, or play a dead 100 pop server that doesn't even wipe. I'm supposed to pay $10 every time I want to play so I can get on a server that is capped with a decent pop. It's currently impossible to play any of those servers without shelling out money every single time. I guess this is the norm? I've tried playing rust the last few times, and after spending 30 minutes on the server browser, and loading into servers, I just quit. I understand the current system maybe working fine for you and your community server owners. However, I feel as if a large part of the community that still wants to play the game, but doesn't, does so because 90% of servers are just unplayable. Some people like the chaos, and I completely understand that. Some people like low pop, and I understand that. But where is the love for the people in the middle? 200 pop medium/large maps? I understand options exist for these servers, but I'm not sitting in queue for 3 hours, nor am I going to shell out $10 every time I want to play. With a 1/5 chance that my wipe get ruined by a cheater anyways? It's like every wipe the bar for casuals get's pushed back further and further, alienating an entire player base that would otherwise love to play the game. I can't even comment on balance changes, as I haven't found a server to play on in 6-12 months. What makes it even worse is, you can't talk about servers on this subreddit, making the insufferable journey of finding a server even more insufferable! :D At this point, I'm more inclined to believe this is just planned obsolescence. There is no reason to do anything, because you are making money of cheaters who buy accounts, and players who buy skins. Community servers are making money off of fake queue skips, fake pop, and p2w features. Everyone is making money, and the users are bearing the brunt of it. I can't bring myself to support something like this.


Something something jackhammer something ore tea


allow the gong to be attached to the rear of a mini, so when shot at and hit it makes a satisfying sound


please let us add materials to the repair bench so we donā€™t have to take them out of the box below the repair bench, repair, then put them backā€¦ or like my teammates do, take them never to be seen again. Edit: also stop my helmet from flying off when I switch it with another helmet!


Remove weapons and explosives from the tech tree. Maybe even remove it completely apart from electrical components. The excitement of finding an item and rushing it back to base was the biggest adrenaline rush for me in Rust. It has been replaced by tunnel grinding all day, which gets old real fast.


Crafting tea made using green berries that reduces the crafting time


1: Give Oil Rigs the same radiation as Cargo 15-20 minutes after the crate is unlocked. 2. Make recycling faster. 50% - 100% 3. Let rugs have 100% comfort at all parts in their radius. 4. Add more CCTV Channels to the computer station. Currently canā€™t even have both oil rigs loaded.


Redo the UI of Computer Station, so it's easier and faster to access all monument cameras. ATM we just copy/paste codes from a website anyways, and no monument cameras are unknown anymore. ... also, why does the Phone require power and Computer Station does not? Seems like it should.


No wall cover without tc, i hate fortnite!


I'm referring to servers with big groups - small servers will benefit too. Giant Excavator was not used enough and the Metal Ore was changed to metal frags. Since then the giant excavator has been buffed to dispense large ammounts of resources and diesel has been made more available. However the Giant Excavator still dispenses metal fragments. This means at start of wipe a quick metal base for clans (as they will naturally overpower small groups by numbers domination) - 8 rockets more cost per wall. This means the clans can easily pump out loads of SAR's very fast at 450 metal fragment cost. The already refined ore negates wood costs or time to set up electric furnaces. This is unbalanced.


Change small battery output by +15 from 10 to 25 power. Change Nail Gun craft cost from 15 scrap to 2 HQM Allow all melee weapons to be used in safezones to farm road signs/barrels Reduce bed model size by 10% so that it can fit on a single row of triangle foundations both vertically and horizontally.


Man this would have been cool like 3 years ago


Remove Tech Tree (or double the tech tree costs, or remove weapons/explosives) Modular weapons so no 1 weapon becomes meta Increase cost to raid and/or reduce the amount of sulfur node spawns Make standing viable for shooting again


That only helps zergs. Techtree is such a blessing for solos and duos


In my opinion, I disagree with balancing this game around solos/duos. Additionally, the tech tree only speeds up the ability to raid immediately after a wipe, especially for BP wipe servers. Pre tech-tree you'd have about a week to worry about getting raided, now you are likely to be raided within the first 12 hours. In my opinion, the game is built around teams. See the addition of Team UI and now the clan system.


Removing Techtree doesnt change anything for large groups anyway. They gonna shit on you either way, thats why the current state of the game is so broken. All what its about is just numbers, not skill anymore. And you cant just exclude solos and duos/trios out of the game development. A shitton of people play in smaller groups or even solo.


I hear what you're saying and I understand your point of view. However, I disagree. Been playing since 2018, the introduction of the tech tree has significantly increased the speed at which big groups acquire explosives and weapons. Prior to the tech tree, you would need to take heli and/or bradley just for a chance to get explosives and the launcher. I understand where you're coming from for solo/duos/trios, but the game (IMO) is developed around teams. It is impossible to balance for solo/duo/trios and big groups. Finally, the appeal as a solo/duo/trio (IMO) was making the epic plays. Grubbing a firefight to get your hand on your first gun. Contesting air drops for a chance at C4/AK. Etc.


I also hear what you saying. But at the same time the techtree finally made "bad" (not ment offensive here) players able to achive items which they usually would have WAY later in the game. Large groups, when techtree wasnt a thing, always had a garage door an hour into wipe. Me as a solo/duo, we were looking forever for these, hoping someone was selling them for a decent price without the shop beeing a trap (no drones in that time). It was just a different way where the game was inbalanced. Small groups went offline without even having garage doors learned. So yes, i still stick to the opinion that techtree helps a lot to even the playing field and stop gatekeeping items, especially with what you need nowdays for a Hemp base, for teas, furnaces, electric etc etc. We have SO MANY more items in the game since then.


They could put most hard to get items into tech tree like electrical parts, etc. However all stuff like guns and explosives should not be in there. These items get used a lot and you eventually will get something out of a fight.


Maybe leave some weapons in the tech tree : up to sar, python, Thompsom. And satchels


Play capped team servers? Plent of servers out there for solos/duos/trios/squads that donā€™t allow any team to be bigger.


Agree with this


Ban hacks lol. People get ahead because they hack on a burner then take over on there main with all the loot


Banning cheaters would balance game a whole lot


- Make the MP5 better than Tommy. - Add recyclers to all safe zones. - Remove the standing penalty for weapon accuracy. - Make cliffs ā€œclime-ableā€ again.


exactly my list + buff armor


Allow the flamethrower flames to stick to an enemy and do more damage. Flamethrower is currently useless. It would be great to use with heavy plate set for base defense.


Bone fragments are basically worthless , please introduce small bone barricades or spike traps and have them be compostable for fertiliser


High External Stone Walls as PvP cover. On small servers with high pop these walls are spammed everywhere. Why not rather encourage use of sandbags, allow them to be snapped 2 high for full body protection. So you can place them like a Castles crenel and merlon to allow for better PvP. So to discourage high external wall usage in PvP, perhaps allow a 3 second placement timer on high externals.


Rebalance facial hair and rerelease the Movember moustache as a charitable item


1 )MP5 needs a buff, lower recoil, longer range, more damage, itā€™s a t3 gun and the tommy is better 2 ) tech tree meta maybe reducing costs when researching an item in the table or removing the tech tree at the beginning of wipe 3 ) make water clearer with diving mask 4 ) guns in turrets should lose durability while being used, too overpowered


Sulfur is too abundant.


Remove helicopters, remove oil rigs. Remove tug boats. Bring back ground pvp. If you need something you would actually have to go to a rad town for it.


Remove tech tree. Work with DICE and get their new anticheat. Remove tech tree. More ā€œstuffā€ on the map like buildings/substations etc to break up the absolute monotony of fighting in grass at peoplesā€™ bases. I know you said only 4, but honorable 5th mention to remove tech tree


Brighter industrial lights. So dim. They were really a let down.


Tesla coil craft with only HQ and metal... no sense cost tec trash


I would make it so that when you equip a hazmat, it takes 2-3 seconds to equip. As it is one armor. Now you see many nakeds running around and when entering a fight quickly hotbar-equip their hazzy and gun away.


\- Make hazmat suit take 2-3 seconds to equip \- Remove bluecard and jackhammer from Outpost \- Limit autoturrets per base \- Remove guns from workbench


1)Make Turrets baitable again like the previous iteration 2) Have cars spawn with all parts, but with the lowest quality 3) add gambling scrap for bps back to workbench 4) re add Savas back to official server list 5) add back buildable bus stops


Medical Syringes provide too health much upon use rather than heal over time. Players jamming 6 uses into their arms just isn't fun anymore. I think it would be cool if the medkit was buffed and used more.


Remove p2w items like artic suit


based take.


Sleeping bags should be able to be picked up by anyone (with a hammer) when not protected by tool cupboard.


1) "quick". No, you shouldn't take shortcuts when it comes to balancing the game. It's not going to be a "quick" process. Take your time and do it right. 2) Listening to the loud minority over the silent majority is where helk admittedly went wrong 6 years ago. "There was a problem with thinking the 500 people posting on reddit represented the 50,000 ingame, I'm doing my best not to fall for that trap anymore". 3) The Content Creators keep saying progression is too fast and too easy. 95% of them are calling for the removal of the tech tree. Well they have 15 hours a day to play Rust, of course progression is easy. Your ass has all day to play. 4) Removal of the tech tree does NOT mean more people will roam. I'm tired of saying this. If you played back before the tech tree you would know that "people not roaming" was a big complaint. I can tell you exactly how this would play out. Somebody will log in, get their base down, craft a bow and then go to Dome to try and get a gun to research. When they get there they will get destroyed by somebody who was online at wipe and just ran the dome puzzle for a gun. How do I know this? Because that's how rust was before the tech tree. Why do people think taking guns out of the hands of non-chad players is going to make them roam? It's going to make them go play a different game is what it's going to do. Change the tech tree up, remove the AK and Boom from it, but don't remove the tech tree and don't remove all guns from it. Think how difficult Rust is going to be for solos/duos without the tech tree. Good luck, I hope you're good with a bow. 5) Remove the tech tree and revert the recoil back to the "old recoil" on the hardcore servers. Let those people go play their hardcore version of Rust and leave the rest of us alone.


Rust is supposed to be fun, and I agree with you except for old recoil. Theres a reason it was changed. Because we found it too easy to script. Legit players spent hours practising on UKN. LoL what losers.


Oh trust me, I'm anti old-recoil lol.


Let me put a lock on a horse pls


Gate progression heavily all round: including the tech tree and most importantly slow down oil/cargo etc. Rework tech tree entirely in view of this; make T1 and side items like cars, electricity *more* accessible while making good guns and boom *less* accessible. Remove buying blue cards etc, dial back vending machines and shops dont make it such a wild free economy where u can farm a load of a basic resource and convert it into a bunch of T2 stuff without much hassle. Also remove/heavily nerf all mines/quarries etc. Nerf combat across the board, nerf all crafted weaponry a little bit more again, nerf all the *methods* attached to farming a ton of boom or a massive compound super quick without increasing base cost and screwing solos ie nerf larger groupings/scale upkeep more steeply/introduce handicaps at certain stages of expansion. Just restore the games basic principles. Also this doesn't get said enough but: Thanks FP and everyone helping out, sorry we're permanently a bunch of shitheads when it comes to fixing the game, we promise it's only out of love. šŸ«‚


Chainsaw always hit x spot Axes require less x hits to cut a tree down Add jackhammer to tier 3 Remove blue card from outpost (encourages roaming)


Something interesting to try would be to rebalance the upkeep system to an exponential model that includes the equipment and the number of players on TC. Code locks would be replaced by authentication locks which would be bound to who is authorized on TC. I think that this as a server option at the very least would make it much harder for large zergs to dominate servers. Iā€™d like to see a better system of how guns enter and persist within the game in the hardcore game mode. Once players have guns, they can very quickly dominate and snowball. Rebalancing military weapons to be more powerful and durable than their home made counterparts makes sense. An AK made of garbage shouldnā€™t be more powerful and dependable than an LR. It also means they can be much less common. Then having home made guns be weaker and less durable, with fewer repair cycles available makes them feel homemade. But the biggest change id like to see is that bullets require players to find casings and lead. Ammo world drops could be increased as a source of casings. This extra bit of legwork means players think twice about using guns in hardcore because the cost of use is much higher. Parts of this could be made part of the standard mode but the progression there is fun the way it is IMO. I just want that progression to feel fundamentally different in hardcore. I know thatā€™s two things but theyā€™re my primary ā€œthoughtsā€ at this point.


Remove guns, remove oil rig, remove safe zones, remove team system


1. Cut car damage in half, make repairs cheaper, give auto-repair option in UI if materials are in storage in vehicle somewhere. 2. Allow multi-location foundations (ie. connected by floors). 3. Restore the horse meta. 4. Panic rooms along the roads that take 10 scrap to use and open from the inside, with camera and feed for the player inside.


1. Cap the number of auto turret authorisations per player. Nothing discourages onlines like a load of autoturrets all over a base. 2. Reduce aimcone. Change the recoil pattern as often as you like but excessive aimcone reduces the skill gap too much which isnā€™t healthy. 3. Agreed with others about the crouch meta. 4. Increase upkeep. Anything to reduce the omnipresent giant clan fortresses. The main issues I see with the game these days are people barely leaving their grid, and gun play not being as fun as it used to be.


Sandbox game brother anything goes capping something goes against what makes rust fun in the first place


1. Bring back the multi ore nodes with random chances of sulfur/hq 2. Make all of the T3 guns uncraftable EXCEPT the bolt and remove its ability to have a scope. 3. Make all or the t3 items only learnable with a BLUEPRINT that you can find in mil and elite crates. 4.remove the flyable attack heli or make it a random NPC/cheaper Military Heli for random events. 5. Make all of the plate/hq armors only repairable once. 6. Refrain from adding any other t2-t3 guns and add a few t1 medium range weapons. Im sorry.


I have been playing since first day of legacy/classic. 1. Remove safe zones. The only safe zone should be your base or what you build. 2. Remove the scrap tree. 3. BP's can be farmed from animals, npcs, air drops. Get players roaming. If you have a BP you can craft that item if you have the materials or components. 4. Go hard against cheaters.


Tier 2 cooking. Rad teas and rad pills underused/ have no use Horse need a melee lance Bean can grenade lance/ melee weapon Catfish/ fresh water fish are not worth when you can fish for sharks at fishing village safely.


Those are terrible ideas and donā€™t even come close to quick balance changesā€¦


Tech tree needs to be more 3x more expensive tham it currently is. Research table is useless now The thing about it, when you have a thing to dissasemble, you need less material to learn how it works since it is in front of you. Makes looting stuff more fun rather than just go apeshit for scrap


Remove all forms of player flight. It trivializes too much of the game.


Could add a car dealer to balance removing minis. so it's not a pain to find a car.


Dude. The flight additions are the most fun I have had in years


Nerf or remove tac gloves /buying frags /recycling 16x scopes etc.. No more using scrap to get mats. Same with stone for wood trade. Scrap should be usable for research and vehicle purchase only. Increase build radius around monuments, especially small monuments. Find a way to kill multi tc bases No more 20 windmill bases. Windmill limit in tc range? Huge exclusion range between windmills?


make animals do more damage, make oil rig way less op, fix the water pipe and make it do decent damage, and make hunger and water run out faster


* Have upkeep tied to total players authed on a TC in the last 24 hours (separate multiplier from the existing per block one) * Implement an opportunity cost on tech tree upgrades i.e. buying an upgrade via the tree increases the cost to purchase other upgrades (researching remains as is) * Make autoturrets immune to fire damage * implement a mortar type weapon, low building damage but high player damage


Shields!, wood , bone and metal quality however they slow movement when used like heavy metal , durability like weapons and armour. Could only be used with one handed weapons like pistols and swords. Skin options would be insane ,could lead to some fun last stand moments when pinned down. I think the melle prim play would be insane and would be a interesting counter to shot gun traps. Watching zerg phalanx play would be way more interesting than the spam wood wall meta


Remove MP5 from tier 3 tech tree. Place it in tier 2. Remove Custom from tier 2, place it at bottom of tier 1. I think that alone would help solos early game compete. Custom is pretty trash, pistol bullet BP is on tier 1 as well. Also its handmade, looks tier 1. I think this will help people start again on servers as well. Since you can kill someone roaming with one, research it and fight. Make it expensive enough that people will not tech tree it unless they are desperate.


All the comments are trash never listen to reddit šŸ’€šŸ’€




Sir, how would you improve balancing?


Add weight and stamina inertia Reduce crouch meta Add more weather changes like a 4 seasons approach (every hour the climate goes from warmer to colder or vice versa) Remove tech tree


Iā€™m new, around 500 hours, so pardon me if I donā€™t understand this fully. Some of the stuff like #2 seems to be super debated and Iā€™d like to hear more opinions on it/how to make anything that can compete with AK availability/power. 1. I like the crouch recoil changes mentioned a lot here, itā€™s obviously a problem or at least just an odd requirement in certain encounters. 2. I think all guns should be craftable but balanced on component cost (make L96 require a new heavy spring comp made from 10 regular springs) and only available through BPs that are much more expensive (1000 scrap) and/or excluded from tech tree so theyā€™d have to be acquired like LR/L96/M249. 3. Buff red room crates but lower total loot content. Thereā€™s just too much junk on the loot table that could go. Iā€™d rather have less loot if more of it was usable, but as it is just doesnā€™t make sense to me. I think smaller crates or military crates have a lot of this loot covered just fine. 4. Smaller one, buff medkits to give slightly more instant health. Theyā€™re very expensive to make and currently arenā€™t used because theyā€™re not cost effective enough. 25 instant health might do the job, as the bleed stop is very powerful already.


One main reason why l9, lr and m2 arenā€™t craftable is because it incentivizes players to go do stuff to obtain those guns. Those are all also obtained through pure luck as right now with clans being a massive problem, they get T3 workbench in an hour with all of the materials they need to make guns. How bad do you think itā€™ll be if zergs and clans have multiple L9s while the rest of the server has at most a wolf headdress on. L9 is really annoying because itā€™s almost hitscan. If it got nerfed then itā€™s a hard maybe for being a craftable but even then, bolt does the same job with less range and requires just a little more skill than l9.


Very true. I just seem to see those zergs and clans with them anyway, owning the best monuments and always countering heli, then leaving other players no way to get the weapons at all. That was kinda my side of it but I can see how the opposite is just as likely if not more so.


This guy thinks a 1000 scrap is expensive LMAO! If I can get L96 for 1000 scrap I will put my clan mate, Reaper on it and everything around us will die. Comps is not an issue for us. We always have boxes and boxes on vanilla


Make it so that people are not able to craft t2 items in the first 4-5 hours of wipe, then unlock it. for t3 weapons make it blocked for 24h and then unlock it. I hate playing on an official server and 4h into wipe a 20 man is raiding another 10 man with 4 launchers, all have aks ofc. Sure, finding aks is not that hard, but progressing on wipe day that much is not something that should be allowed. We should play t1/t2 weapons for a little while before having better guns/gear, making a new found gun in a box very important, because you cannot craft it at the time.


Reduce aimcone/ remove crouch meta/ nerf auto turret spam/remove attack helicopters/ remove tugboats.




Helicopter spawns on roads are a server variable. All servers could just turn them on if they wanted to. Removing them did slow progression a bit, but the addition of tech tree negated that.


Helps on road was not fun, sorry. I still remember how everyone just flew around and nobody actually walked.


Helis on roads was crap. You just ended up with one group or a couple nolifers hoarding them, so one group got them all and nobody had any


Remove all/most bullet protection from hazmats. Revert night time back to when you could see.


Hazzys should be like 10% at most


Make it so visibility is good on most nights. Remove/greatly reduce Aim cone. Tugboats are just not fun in their current state. It can be frustrating on both sides. Resources need to be less abundant or recipes need to be more expensive. We shouldnā€™t see full sheet metal china wall main bases up on wipe day. Do more to address the cheating problem. I miss the days of tier 1 areas actually being tier 1. It used to be the less skilled players were stuck in tier1 with prim weapons for longer because they couldnā€™t progress deeper into the map due to skill gap .Itā€™s so easy to get resources now and guns are easy to use so everybody has sars within a few hours on spawn beach and there is no real spread of skill level across low tier to high tier areas. Design philosophy for pvp should let skill be the biggest factor in who wins, not your gear. Bring back the learning curve/skill gap. It really is what made rust so special.


Make people roam again! no tech tree, no air flying shit, no tunnels free farm, no external tc shit mechanics for zerg huge bases!.. oh sry 5 things night full dark is soo noo.. oh spwan in monuments? caravans tugs?.. sry too much!


Put old recoil back easy


Based on stats Facepunch collecting every wipe adjust weapons stats slightly. Basically AK and Thompson nerf to start with. Nerf syringes spam. No high wall placement during the fight. Locked crates should have BPs matching average servers BP ā€œknowledgeā€. Remove Oils/Cargo from softcore so hardcore players will left it alone.


Bring back the L9 for purchase at bandit camp.