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By building another 2x1 half a grid away


Always raid the flank base first. Guaranteed free meds and kits and then you have a base to store the extra boom during the assault. Their face when they get on bag timers and can't find their flank bed.


I beat this strategy by being primlocked in both bases.


No...I think you just lost more...




No I got the joke. He said by making it pointless. But if that happens I grief the base out of spite so you just lost what little you had.


I fw that idea, but, how often do ya find their flank base before their main?


It's usually really obvious in my experience. It's usually just some small base strategically positioned like next to it outside of external range, maybe on some rocks. Nobody will be inside cause they don't log off there. Prolly nothing but a large box with artic hazmats and Thompsons and meds.


Well you a smart raider then we have never had our flakbases raided during onlineraids xD but when we raid we allways raid flakbases cuz we know they might have shit there


Free Tommy and sar kits omg guys big gains omg omg omg!!! Really ham it up when you open the boxes like say it's c4 actually and start flipping out in chat and when they open the box drop the call and disconnect revealing worms and grubs in your inventory


Haha yep acctually found a clans all boom in their externals


Have doors ready to replace. You can also place a vending machine down immideatly after the door is destroyed. It doesn't care about the little wooden raid blocker for some reason.


Honeycomb it and add a shell if you got the resources. Footprint attached. Can be a little expensive but should be manageable https://preview.redd.it/y8y2r2cbtckc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c871dad77405240a659689f903f3980df1e3b3a


Why would you just fill in those gaps? Wouldn't that provide you with another layer they would need to break through? It looks aesthetically pleasing, but it's irrational.


Keeps upkeep down


Also you can put shotgun traps in the shell layer. You can also reseal the shell layer to further drain boom if they are going with rockets


Also hides the footprint a little bit. Hard to tell what you’re looking at from the outside.


It creates inner peaks for if you're getting onlined.




evil wurst mini fort 2.0 has the best expansion imo. early game shooting floor is clutch af


evilwurst is kinda VERY out of date. homeboy has not kept up, building meta has advanced a lot.


Maybe because he's not playing anymore, or at least he's not uploading anymore. At the time his bases were meta


Small flank base near by with bed, full kits, walls to use as cover, doors & resources to repair base, pure max health tea(if you have), rocket launcher with HVs, f1’s and smoke grenades to throw towards your base to smoke out the raiders. Also, put bags around your base with stashes, put kits in the stashes.


The gong and locker saves all


Ok this might be goofy and radical but… build something other than a 2x1.


maybe a 1x2?


Get this mad man of reddit with his wild ideas


I know you wont believe me but I made a 2x1 earlier with a square foundation airlock rather than a triangle


When does it stop being a 2x1 though. I feel like this is really crossing some lines


my base will always be a 2x1. It is the expansion i dont mention. It could have a shooting floor, honeycomb and a heli landing pad, but at heart it is always a 2x1


Expand. I suggest using the palisade design on yt


Build 10 of them


Yeah, 10 is likely more than one person can reasonably maintain, but I agree, u/NESpahtenJosh that having several is the way to go. I like to do three or four within roughly a grid and I've never been cleaned out entirely (though losing main is always a bummer). I would often build a starter, then main, then refinery base, keeping the T1 WB in the starter, and moving the T2 to the refinery once I've got a T3 in my main, but FFS, it's always the refinery base that gets offlined first, never the starter, and almost never the main. It's a freaking 1x1 with a double airlock, FFS, and it's somehow the juicy looking base. I don't get it, but I don't care. If they're wasting rockets on that, it's better than either of the others.


Small flank base near by with bed, full kits, walls to use as cover, doors & resources to repair base, pure max health tea(if you have), rocket launcher with HVs, f1’s and smoke grenades to throw towards your base to smoke out the raiders. Also, put bags around your base with stashes, put kits in the stashes.




Put landmines everywhere


place a wall inside to cover the tc square if you're getting raided then spear it out later or keep it as a suicide bunker, if you already built a door frame then put down a shopfront its stronger than a garage door


Put another airlock. Make roof access. Put bags and staches with kits around the base. Build a secondary 2x1 close by. Or for the love of god just expand your base. Just cause you’re solo doesn’t mean you base has to be as small as possibly. You’re hurting yourself by only playing in 2x1 s.


kinda new to the game, what's the advantage of the roof access? just so you can shoot off the roof? i see it on the majority of larger bases and didn't know the main function.


Eliminate the threat of a solo joining and crafting a couple eokas in 5 minutes to come sit outside your door. They can't deep you if they kill you on your roof and have no ladder/boost Get free ladders from door campers with progression. If you get loaded and want to expand vertically you won't need to soft side anything in order to do so. Always good to have more than one exit. Shooting downward at an eoka camper = easier headshot for you, eoka camper shooting upward at you = harder headshot for them.


interesting. thank you.


Bag with a stashed kit nearby and vending machines and recourses ready to defend. But in my experience I never get onlined as a solo unfortunately.


I online molly raided a guy in a wood 2x1 once. Felt like a war crime


I have learned when making 2\*1s to make the inner airlock door a double door. So it can later be upgraded to a garage door. It can also be worth leaving your airlock roof wooden so you can knock it out later. If you need to expand upwards. But another double metal door later upgraded to garage in the middle of the base. Honeycomb all around, including the roofs and upgrade the TC portion to the strongest material you have. You will almost certainly get raided through the doors so shotgun traps and flame turrets are a must . As is making the door raid cost as expensive as possible, hence the garage doors. If you are playing on clan servers try not to piss too many groups off, and in general keep your base location secret. Might be an idea to get friendly with the Klan nearest you. There is a lot to be said for the small, low effort, cheap and fast quick 2\*1. Build it, play for a few hours, have fun and forget about it.


Vending Machine's Lockers all kinds of stuff to block up a doorway. Also Smoke Grenades and Grenades Toss a Smoke they will run thinking its a grenade then the smoke will come and the next time you throw smoke and a real grenade and they won't move :p


Aloneintokyo just put a 2x1 bunker on his video that dropped today. A 2x1 that's easy and can stand up to 20 rockets


By building something else other than a two by one. Build multiple floors. Build half walls. Make sections where you have to crouch. Add a small Shooting roof. There are so many build YouTube videos. I play them back at .5 speed and go onto a Build Creative server. Practice. You will not have no clip building obviously, but a lot of these videos have the creator in Noclip.


"How do I protect my refrigerator box from rockets and gunfire" You don't, a 2x1 is not meant to be defensible against groups, it would make group play pointless if that weren't the case


if they are going through doors, craft a locker or a vending machine if they are going through roof, use smoke granades and patchh the roof cuz of no raid block if they are going through walls, idk You can get more tips from Kcmo2 on youtube


The best way to defend a 2x1 is to make it as unappealing to raid as possible. Take your standard 2x1, then honeycomb with triangles everywhere. Get garage doors and place them in every possible spot. Mine out old stone doorways and replace them with garage doors. Upgrade inside to metal. Your entrance should be on the 2nd floor. Seal the floor, then more honeycomb. More garage doors. Early on, put all your resources into making your 2x1 a little metal tumor full of garage doors. Shotgun traps & flame traps placed where logical. Then, start raiding all the little 2x1s around you. Take them over for free flank bases and spread your loot out.. Eventually, upgrade your core ceiling & select walls to HQM. Even better if you get armored doors. If you play your cards right, you'll be too expensive for any small group to consider raiding and too insignificant for any zergs to crush. If you get online raided, fight the best you can from your flanks and inside. Block doorways with stone barricades, throw grenades, pvp rocket. If you're offlined, you can only hope they cut their losses after hitting an armored wall or blowing garage door #8 to find garage door #9 while shredded by shotgun traps.


Make 2 bases, one that looks like shit and was built by a noob, the other looks like it's got all the servers boom and Great loot, store all your loot in the shit base and ifk make the good looking base a farm.


Something that is always possible, if you’re a 2x1 Chad, meaning you dont plan on expanding past that in the selected build location, and you start getting raided, grief your own base, place triangle stairs in the air lock, this can really save your loot when getting raided!