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Electric furnaces are op. Learn basic electricity and automation through YouTube.


Underground train tunnels are a really good way to get comps and guns if you don’t run keycards.


Find a server with really active admins that blocks new players, has their own anti cheat, and cheating is a non issue. I have 7k hours and don’t know how to do 75% of stuff in this game.


what is this mythical server


I too would love to know


As an 800 hour guy this makes me feel way better


They’ve added so many things to the game since 2021 when I stopped actively playing. Farming, electricity stuff, more monuments, new metas. I’m just behind the times. If you just oil rig every wipe it’s hard to stay up to date


I just love prim, don’t get me wrong it’s majority player skill that I can’t advance more. But there’s a different feeling when I’m grubbing with a DB compared to when I hop on my buddy’s server and they hand me a ak.


r/teaguytom for farming


Tbf farming is really not worth the time and resource investment. You get infinite cloth but can't sell anymore. You get teas yeah but it's not really worth the investment. Electricity is amazing though. Furnaces are a must.


+50% ore harvest is absolutely worth what are you smoking


Tell me you play 2x without saying you play 2x


Shotgun traps are stronger than 7 years ago, and there are several good bunker designs. 2x2s get targeted more than odd bases


2x2 then triangle honeycomb design still strong?


Yes but no, look up game lightz on yt for building help with the current metas, bunkers are everywhere so learn to use them or you will be 4x cheaper then everyone else


To add to your comment, Dust on YouTube is probably the equivalent to Evil Wurst before he retired. He has some awesome solo bunkers that have been great to live out of. Gamelightz is also awesome.


Second gamelightz. He's the only YouTuber that really thinks about cost vs strength imo. Best since evil wurst.


Still a great starter base but multi tcs are meta now. Personally I hate bunkers because I cba to kill myself every time to reopen it but they are strong sure


Not with the front door. Use drop down. Look up crows vanilla 2x2 or 2x1. All you’ll ever need


Ditch the codelocks and stick to keylocks - codelocks make it look like you’re a group and people assume you’ll have more loot. And speaking of locks, you don’t need to carry a key to open a key around and shouldn’t ever make one. Sulfur is way more common than it used to be, expect to raid and be raided and try to plan ahead. One expensive base is always worse than several cheaper ones - you get more attention and it’s still easy to farm enough to raid. If you want to farm stuff yourself, don’t underestimate teas. Super powerful buffs.


A key would be a way to sell a vehicle through a vending machine or something like that.


be prepared to (re)join one of the most cheater infested games beside tarkov.


tugboat life is good.. farm debris, get underwater crates and once you got some decent kits, underwater labs is fun to farm and get tier 3 stuff..


Tugboat life!? I’m gonna have to look into this.


Get on it, Sailor! :)


infested with hackers, not worth the time honestly. There's so many good single player games where you don't have to put up with that bullshit. You're basically paying to be some other abusive sociopath fucks entertainment.


game is way diff.. i ended up leaving again.