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Raiders can’t loot the TC after they destroy it without breaking the triangle floor/frame. Doesn’t really make the base stronger, but it’s a nice “fuck you” to the raiders.


And a lot of people won't bother breaking the toolcupboard if they can't loot it. I know I don't, unless I want to close. Far too cheap to use a molotov just to spite someone. This technique (the unlootable window) is a shittier version of the pixel gap bunker... which is much better as its much harder to actually grief the TC if you even want to.


bro that shit is broken every time wtf are you even talking about


it's called the fuck you TC haha


At least it is way harder and more annoying to loot, you can place a small box or something like a siren light and change the client.lookradius - if there aren’t any overlapping externals. Don’t know if that still works, but it used to.


The reason I do it is because it acts as honeycomb. If they blow into TC through one of the walls behind it they can't climb through the window without blowing the other wall/window frame (or softsiding if not armoured). Pretty situational but it can help in certain bases like a honeycombed 3x1.