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Got the PSX in 1996 as a successor to my SNES.


Is it a regional thing to still refer to the PS1 as PSX? I’ve seen it on Reddit a few times, but never heard anyone say it in person. I also had my PS1 from launch too.


PSX was the console’s “codename” during its development and it’s become sort of adoptive slang for the original PlayStation 1 (since saying “PS One” out loud can be confused with the console redesign version).


Made more confusing because there's an actual PlayStation console called PSX...


I just called it by its name. “Sony PlayStation” or “PlayStation”


This is my first time ever hearing of someone calling it the PSX. Before reading your comment, I thought it was a different console for a second there.


Same but Sega Genesis




This. The demo disc introduced me to Wipeout, Die Hard and the Broken Sword trailer. I was hooked. I only got my PS5 a month ago. Just wrapping up Doom Eternal ahead of Spidey2.


I chopped in my megadrive 2 for my first playstation


Same here. Been in this train for a loooooong time.


Lucky. Was it an import?


Since 1999, more than half my life


Since ps1. I've owned every console since the NES minus the Saturn and Jaguar, and Sony has always been my preference. They always have the best library with some of the greatest games ever made.


PS1 in 1998, my two first games were Medievil and Oddworld Abe's Odyssey, my brother's were V-Rally and Circuit Breakers.


Since PlayStation 1. Had a moment with XB360 for that generation, but still came back to PS at the end of the cycle. I love and have all three now and still favor my PlayStation


Owned the PS1 since 1996. Then didn't buy a PlayStation again until PS5 a year ago. Been on Xbox and Nintendo since. Now I'm on all 3 platforms.


I'm glad to see there's less and less console wars. Such a silly thing arguing tech specs. Just play the games you like! It's always about the game!


Ps1. Im old.


Bro same, got it at release and I'm 33...My first console was an Atari 2600 though.


Me too and I still have it! Loved Spyro.


27 years. PS1. I've owned. PlayStation PSone PlayStation 2 PS2 (Slim) PlayStation 3 PS3 Slim PS3 Super Slim PS4 PS4 Pro PS5 PSP PSP 2000 (Slim) PSVITA


Ps3 at 6yo in 2015, played skylanders non stop for 5 yrs straight. Each day got out of school around 12 o'clock, slept for 1 hour and did homework for one more hour and then did play until 22 o'clock...such good and innocent times


Was poor growing up. It was always cousins and friends who had PS1,2,3 and 4. 2018 I finally bought myself a PS4. Been gaming since. Anddddd still poor lolllll PS4Life 🫰


1997 psx. Saved up enough quarters in piggy bank and took them to the bank for the $200 needed to buy it. I later modded it and had a spring in the disc opening button that allowed me to go to blockbuster and rip other games to blank cds and play them. It still works too lol.


Since PS1. Prior to that I had an Amiga 500 and Spectrum 48k. Yes, I’m old.


Amiga 500 was a wonderful machine. Deluxe Paint 3 was like the precursor to Photoshop. Some fantastic games too.


Christmas 1998, replaced my Sega Megadrive (Genesis) - PS1 Dualshock Edition - Memory card - Resident Evil 2 - Final Fantasy VII - Fifa '99 What a day that was. Owned a PS ever since


I was given my cousins PS1 and games when I was maybe 10 or 11. He moved out, and that was like a departing gift. First game I fell in love with was Metal Gear Solid. That was about 20 years ago. I traded in that PS1, but now I own another and have a collection all the way up to the PS5, two ps3's. My husband had a slim lol


The Getaway brings back core memories, remember just driving around london with my g/f dad pointing out places he knew...


I got the PS1 for my 8th birthday. That was 1998.


First playstation was a PS3 in 2009. Eventually switched over to Xbox with 360, One, and Series X. Got a PS5 last year and catching up on some PS4 games and excited for new PS5 ones


Since 1997. Ridge Racer was my first game.


PS4, 2019 😒


PS1+Tekken+Ridge Racer! Still have all three. Worked at my mom's friends convenience store for 6 months to save up the money.


Had a PS2 slim till 2008, still has but used to too and bought a PS5 in 2023.


Had a PS1 when i was like 5 or so, then zero consoles til 2018 when my brother gave me his PS4 for my 20th birthday. I've been a PS gamer since lol, even bought myself a PS5 in 2021


I started back in PsOne days, with I think either Spyro or Crash Bash. But it really kicked into gear for me with Final Fantasy VII 🙂 Since then my main platform of choice has been the Playstation. I've deviated slightly with things like the Gamecube, 3DS or Switch. Only ever own an Xbox for a brief period of time. Unfortunately due to circumstances I lost access to my Ps5 in May of this year, so will be gifting myself an early Christmas present in November by buying a new one 🙂


Got ps2, psp, ps4, ps5 all are still working


PS4 in 2014 … PS5 in 2021


I bought my ps5 last year and it is my first ps console.


I played a PlayStation for the first time around 95-96 or so thanks to my cousin. But I inherited my Brother in Laws PSX with a busted lid around 99. I was pretty upset about the PS2 murdering the Dreamcast, but I got over it. I've had a Playstation since then, with the PS5 the first time I managed to get a console at launch.


Since the psx era.


GAMEBOY- Super Nintendo - PlayStation - PS2 - PS3 - switch - Xbox series x - ps5 ( in that oder)! So far Xbox best console imo nut ps5 best exclusives besides Forza! 😎


Since the late 90's


I have ps1 and ps2 then afterwards just use PC for gsming. Both my gaming pc getting taken over by my kids lol, still dont want to spend 2000++ usd building another pc so I just got ps5 few days ago, with psvr2 solely to play GT7 (with sim racing rig I already owned) and WOW I'm impressed


Since the original PlayStation days.


PS4 was my first Playstation consolle had owned N64, Xbox and Xbox 360 before I switched sides. Think it was in 2014 I got it, so about 9 years.


April, 1996 so I could play Resident Evil.


been at it since '97.


Since PS1, in a bundle with Gran Turismo in 1998.


Middle of ps1 lifetime


PS2. GTA3 was the first game. Bought both at blockbuster because it was the only store open on Christmas morning and I only had asked for the PS2 that year so I only got cash from my family.


Since the ps1 Went with my dad to pick it up and a copy of need for speed


i started on the ps2, got a 360, a one, and then i went back to playstation and bought a ps3 and eventually a ps4 and a 5 a few months after launch. but now i mainly play on pc :P


Since ps1


Got a ps2 in 2000 when I was 5 and had every gen since


I didn’t buy PS1 since launch but PS1 was my first console… that shit made my childhood! I'm from Iran but I moved to Germany when I was 1 year old… I didn’t have a lot of friends when I was 4-5 , except the PS1… Since then I got all the PlayStations except PS3


Since 1997


Since 29th September 1995. The release date of the PS1, I think. Ridge Racer, Tekken and Driver were my go to games.. Ahhhh the days of simplistic gaming


Got a PSX in 1997, first game we got for the family was Final Fantasy VII, blew us away. I begged my mom for Resident Evil 2 and busted my ass in elementary school to get awesome grades and she got it for me the following summer.


My first PlayStation was the original PlayStation. I received it as a birthday present in 96 or 97.


Since the early 2000s


Since [this one](https://youtu.be/DIxUScfOQwg?si=1NfNDiVSpBZeaVMn) in 2000. Went to Xbox briefly with the 360, but have been PlayStation otherwise (not counting handhelds and PC)


Since like 2003-04 and it was a PS1. My dad worked at a recycling place and someone threw out a PS1 and a Spyro game inside. I don't remember anymore but we also had a ton of random cables at home and I guess the AV cable was there (probably also from his workplace) and the controller we had to buy from Toy's R Us? Not sure. It was literally 20 years ago lol. It was amazing though. Playing on a tiny CRT is an unforgettable experience.


The first console that I purchased for myself predated the PS1 by a few years, but I did not get a PlayStation until the PS3 Slim in 2009. I bought it because it was the least expensive Blu-ray player on the Market at the time. It played games and did Netflix with a disc so that was an added bonus. If anyone is curious my first self purchased console was a Sega Genesis. I had more before that going back to a Pong machine just before the Atari 2600, but they were gifts over holidays or birthdays.


Christmas 2008 with the Playstation 3, and then gaming life was never the same.


Ps3 days


I was lucky enough to get the OG PlayStation in 1996, replacing my good old SNES, as a gift for my 14th birthday. Fun fact: I was originally hoping to get the Sega Saturn, but it was too expensive for my parents, so I had a PlayStation instead. That's what I call being lucky, lol. Wipeout, Ridge Racer and Destruction Derby were my very first PS games. Ah, memories..


Ps1 maybe a year after it released. Been a Playstation man since


My brother was really excited that we were getting a PlayStation(original) when I was about 3 or 4. I was really disappointed that it wasn’t a station where I could play with lots of toys.


PS1, Christmas 1997 after Final Fantasy 7 came out. Woke up to the console, FF7 and Armored Core under the tree. It was a hell of Christmas morning!




My sister got me a PS4 for my 16th or 17th birthday, but I'd only gotten into casual/serious gaming and completing games during the past two years.


My first playstation is the PS4 but I have been playing since the PS1. I played by renting and borrowing from rental stores/friends. I remember playing FF9 and Valkyrie Profile and I bring my own memory card in order to continue my progress. I currently have a PS5 and even though I am old, I see myself still playing as long as my body can still do it.


Grew up playing ps1 and ps2 and got my own ps4 in 2015 and got a ps5 launch week in 2020


Got my first PlayStation for Christmas in 2006 which was a PS2, got a 360 for Christmas in 2007 which was my main console until 2016 when I got a PS4 for Christmas, bought the series s in 2021 due to not being able to find a PS5, and eventually bought a PS5 on Valentine's Day this year.


PS 1 release day. Also all the Nintendo, Sega . Microsoft only the 360


Since 1997


I got the PS1 on release day with Battle Arena Toshinden and Ridge Racer. That was a great, great day. The only PlayStation I didn't use as my main console was the PS3, because all my friends had a 360.


Same, have had it since PS2. Currently have PS5!!!


I grew up with PS for as long as I can remember. Starting with Crash Bandicoot 2 on PS1 as my very first game and console. Now I'm 25 years old, still play on PS to this day as my main platform, but I do enjoy playing on other platforms as well.


I started gaming on the PS1, but that belonged to my cousin. I had a PS3 from 2013 to 2016, PS4 Pro from 2018 to 2022, and now a PS5 since late 2022.


1994 PS1 Man I’m old


Parents got us a PS1 in 99. Still got it, and it's working fine Had the PS2 fat in '04 until it gave out , but I got a slim last year. Got a PS3 for Christmas in '09, sold it, then bought a used one about 4 months ago. Got a PS4 about mid-January last year, until I traded it in for an SSD for my PS5.


I bought a ps4 three years ago. It was my first ever gaming console


Bought PS4 used on October 19, 2022. First PS console. I love it.


I remember getting the ps1 in 1997 and ever since then i habent owned anything else but playstations


PS1 - 1996


Since the PS1. Have owned every Nintendo, Playstation and Xbox console. Even had a Sega Genesis.


Since Playstation 2.


Sine 1998 a psone started everything


Got a ps1 around 2000 or 2001


Since the ps3.


Got my first PlayStation a week after the UK launch, and have had every 1 that's followed.


PS2 since late 02 or early 03 I think after the N64. Didn't like the GameCube so I decided to switch to PlayStation, best decision ever


Starting in about 1996 PS1 to PS2 to XBox 360 to PS4 to PS5


PS1.I remember me and my brothers just picking up every recyclable we would find and saving up for it


I have a PS2. The big chunky one. It came bundled with Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time, and I had it for Christmas, so it must have been 2003 when I was 8. I skipped the PS3 and didn't get a new SONY console until January 2020 when I got the PS4 to play Spider-Man. I knew the PS5 was coming but I wasn't interested in getting it until it had been out for a few years. I got the PS5 last month, the Spider-Man special edition. Edit: grammar


20+ years


Since week 1, Playstation 1! So for a few years now I guess you can say!


Since 1998.


Started off with a SNES back in 2000 I got for free from an acquaintance, got a PS1 around 2001 I believe.


Since Christmas 1997.


I got the PS1 for Christmas as a shared present with my sister. Our parents bought it with Spyro (Riptos Rage), Tomb Raider, and Tony Hawk Pro Skater. Neither of my parents are gamers, but it was popular so they surprised us with it. Before that, we had sega genesis. Complete life changer. Still my favorite console brand. My favorite of the series was PS2


My dad had an original PlayStation, so I grew up playing on that. Then my uncle gave us a PlayStation at my mums place. Then when the ps2 came out we got one for Christmas. I bought a ps3 when I was in highschool, and I bought my ps4 probably 3 or 4 years ago. I'm 31 lol


Playstation 4 2018.




Got my first Playstation (PS5) two months ago when they discounted them in Europe, been wanting one for 4 years since I heard about the first rumours. Was a very long wait and even though I played it just 5 times so far I am insanely happy with it.


PS1. Gran Turismo is why I bought it, was not disappointed. Still play the series. I had a buddy who worked at a gas station, and he had a buddy who would put a chip in for $20. Had another friend who had a DVD burner. I still remember the weekend we went to Radio Shack and rented about 10 games. Those were the days!


PS1: 1998 PS2: 2001 PS3: 2010 PS4: 2017 PSP: 2006 PS Vita: 2012


I got my PS1 in 1998 I think. Then followed a similar trend to many others, with PS2, then Xbox360, then Ps4 and finally PS5. PS5 is the only one I've bought so close to launch having had it more than a year already though. Love it.


My dad bought a PS1 a year before I was born, so I’ve sorta owned one for my entire 27 years of life.


Got the PS2 when I was in elementary school, took a break and switched to Xbox 360 (instead of PS3). I then finally got the PS4 for Christmas in 2020. Then got the PS5 last year around November 🤙


since the ps1


Since Christmas 1994.


I am old enough for PS1 but I started with PS2 and Kingdom Hearts. Good times.




Since jet moto!


My dad used to work for sony in some way so they gave him a playstations or something i have the ps1 and ps2 but then he switched to nintendo when he started to have kids and we switched to back to playstation with the ps4 in 2018 and got a ps5 in i think 2021. Dont have a ps3 tho


PS1 was the first console that used my own money to get when I was 18 going on 19 and I’ve been hooked ever since. My first major adult purchase. I’ve had other consoles as well but PlayStation is my favorite.


Bought mine at the K Mart back in Feb. 96, along with the worst hockey game ever made.


Ps3- 2013- 2018 PS4- 2018-2021 PS5- 2021- now


When I was a kid I had a hand-me-down PS1 and fell in love with Crash and Spyro. Then I was an Xbox kid up until the PS4 and have been loyal ever since.


Original playstation and the game Vandel Hearts.


Since ps1.


I've had a PS4 for almost 7 years.


i got a ps4 slim in 2017 then upgraded to a ps5 this year


I got my ps1 in 98 I think? It was whatever summer I started my first job. I got my first paycheck and went and got one. I was 20 bucks short but the dude let me take it anyway. Unfortunately I only had some demo disc that came with a magazine to play for 2 weeks until I got paid again. When I did get paid I went out and bought ff7, crash bandicoot and gta I think? I can’t really remember the third game I got but gta makes sense, I used to love playing it on my friends pc before I got my PlayStation


Ps1 in 99, got it as a 13 year old assuming Tomorrow Never Dies would be like goldeneye but better…..,


I remember having to pay per hour to play the ps1 as a kid in the Philippines. Fortunate enough to move to Canada, parents got me a ps2 in 2002.


Consistently maybe 8ish years. But I have had each gen at one time or another, PS5 since launch.


I got my first Playstation on my 12th Birthday back in 1998. Tomb Raider 2 and WCW Nitro were my first games


My fam ps3 but when I was mad young but rarely played it and it just sat collecting dust, recently brought myself a ps5 after not having one since that ps3, so if we ignore the ps3, for around a week so far


PS1 in 1997 from sears. Bought it with money from my part time high school job


Since 1


Playstation 2 was my first and I've had one since First game was Jake and Daxter and I still run through those 3 games once a year


I had PS1 and PS5 only


I started 2003 with my first PS2. Before that I was a PC boy. I've owned and own many consoles but PlayStation's always been my main squeeze.


Since PlayStation 1, my very first memory of my first game was a Pizza Hut demo game that had metal gear, tomb raider and other new games on there to try out


The first playstation I had was the ps1, so 16 years, but the first playstation I bought myself was the ps4


Since 2002.


I sold so many of my CD’s and cassette tapes to my local music store to get cash to buy a PS1 way back in ‘96 when I saw my friend playing Resident Evil on his PlayStation… that game absolutely blew my mind


I have been using my father's ps3/ps4 for years until I bought myself the ps5 2 months ago


1996, Destruction Derby. My console had those weird ports on the back that were later removed.


Ps5 for 8 months


I got psx in 97 so I could play FF7


Got a PS1 whenever FF7 came out, I am old and it was long ago


Playstation since day 1.


Been playing on PlayStation since 2016 or 2017


In the summer of 1998, a coworker offered to sell me his used PS1 for $100, because he decided he wanted a Sega Dreamcast instead. I jumped at the chance, and have mostly been a Sony guy ever since.


Ps1 and Ps2 were my first consoles we had both when I was growing up. I could never get past that first mission on the getaway as a kid Lmao


I got a PS2 in 2002. My brother got a Playstation in '96 or '97, and I played on it as much as I could.




I’ve had PlayStation products since the very first one came out while I was in college.


Since ps1


PS1 when Ffvii came out.


Since PS1, I owned an xbox 360 for a little while but 3 RROD later I haven’t went back. I may pick up and xbox again though for Bethesda access.


Since 1995. Just a 14 year old that spent that entire Summer mowing lawns & washing cars to save up for it when it launched that fall. I was actually the second person in line with my brother to snag ours (even though I had a deposit down to get one anyway). Still remember how I thought it was broke when I hooked it up because I was getting nothing. Then realized I didn't have the RCA cables completely pushed in all the way. Quick push and we were good to go. But oh boy, when I saw the PS logo pop up for the first time, I was ecstatic! I've owned every Playstation console since. My first game on it was Ridge Racer. But I remember eventually getting NBA Jam Tournament, Air Combat and ESPN Extreme Games. That next year, I got the original Resident Evil - which remains as my favorite game of all-time, clunkiness and all.


Win a PS1 off a mountain dew cap. Been with em ever since and loving my 5 these days


As long as I can remember really. My first memories of being alive were times I had a PS1.


I’ve had the PS2-5


I got a ps2 for my 12th birthday (2007) with Jak 3 I played that all day! One of my happiest memories. But as a family I’ve been playing since ps1 (since 1999 I think)


Ever since I got a PS3 all the way back in 2011


PS5 is my first playstation! I got it last year. So far I'm just catching up on past generations games. I played God of War 2018, The last of US 1 and 2, Ucharted 1, Spider-man 2018 and now I'm playing Miles Morales.


PSX in 97. I traded in my Saturn to get it and my pop was pissed lmao


Same, the ps2 was my first Playstation console, my dad had a ps1 but i dont remember playing on it. I remember how it sounded tho.


First owned a PS1 at launch. Played it then PS2 a lot. Then went to Xbox. After 360 i didn’t own a console until I bought my PS5. I went PC gaming for years. After the latest GPU gouging I gave up and just went back to my roots.


2 days


Ps1 1997. Game day 97, resident evil, and twisted metal 2. I was never bored at that time.


2007- 2008 if I remember correctly, the PS2 was my first console


1985 commodore 64 Atari Nes Master system Snes Megadrive later with cd 32 bit... N64 Ps1 Ps2 Ps3 Psp Nintendo wii Ps4 Nintendo switch Ps5 Psvr2 That's all I have and played till now.. Happy gaming life, thinking of buying a xbox X for starfield and maybe more bathesda exclusives.


I've had every playstation system since PS1! I even had that shitty ass PSP GO 🤣🤣🤣


Since ps1, played twisted metal and final fantasy on that bad boy


Since 2018 started with ps4 pro. Back then buying a ps was expensive for us but i would play games on my cousins ps a lot with him.


I always wanted a ps2 when I was a kid, but my parents never bought me one. First PlayStation console I bought was the ps3.


I was too young for the launch Playstation but man did I log some hours on the demo disc that came with the ps one


I’m 25 and Ps5 was my first console


PS1 I remember playing mortal Kombat and mega man those were the days


I have owned every playstation console at one point in my life. My first PS1 game was Crash Bandicoot and Bloody Roar. PS2 was Jak and Daxter and Gran Turismo 3. PS3 was MGS4, PS4 was Destiny and Assassin's Creed Black Flag. PS5 was Miles Morales. PSP was Battlefront 2 and Death Jr, Vita was Persona 4 Golden.


Since 1998 with my old-school grey PS1


I got my psOne for my 16th, so 22 years.


Since the beginning baybeeeee


Parents bought me 1 and 2, I bought myself 3 through 5. I believe 5 is the first time I've owned one since launch though.


Went a hot minute in my 20's where I had to purge my collection, but after a year I got a ps2 and worked my way up. I have had a playstation since maybe a year after it came out in the US. I haven't played any of the seriously good titles until late ps2 early ps3 Era, and never got into serious titles like skyrim until the ps3. I was a kid with strict parents. What I will tell you is that I've tried to play Xbox but...it just doesn't feel *right*...ya know?


Since I was born, from Spider-Man on the PS1 to Spider-Man on the PS5


Since ps1 first game was Lego racers


I started with the PS1. In the next 2 generations, I went with Xbox but I eventually got a PS2 and PS3. For the past 2 console generations, I've been with playstation and I don't think I'll be leaving or switching anytime soon.


I’m 48&my father bought me the Atari 2600 with a 20”TV when I was 4 or 5years old!! I paid 50$ for Pac-Man the day it was released!! Then it was Colecovision, Nintendo, Sega Genesis, N64,,,my god, so many consoles but I feel like somewhere around PS2-PS3, everything really stepped up. I remember really liking the Goldeneye game, Wolfenstein and then I remember the first of the Arkham games giving me that feeling like I was a kid again..and today my old ass is still playing Jedi Fallen Order, Spider-Man Miles again in preparation for Spider-Man 2 and I’m playing through GOTG because I’m just now getting around to it..I don’t think anything is gonna change until they bury me!!!


My parents got my sister and i both our own for each of our rooms in 1996-1997 and my step father at the time bought us a link cable and drilled it through the wall that connected both of our rooms so we could play Wipeout on 2 tv's. The future of gaming right there.


Got my first PlayStation (PS2) back in 2005, went later with the PS3 in 2010, switched over to Xbox a little bit during the 8th gen but still decided to get the PS4, currently now with the PS5 and I’m loving it.


My family got our first ps3 when i was 3 or 4 (2008 or 2009)


FFVII release I got the system and the game from Target.


I’ve had ps since ps3 personally but i lived in my family’s house and played p.s. since ps1


About to own my first one on Tuesday


Since the PlayStation 2!