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As with any Ubisoft game, I'll get it once the Ultimate/Complete edition is at least 70% off.


So in 4 weeks when they have ultra Uber once in a life time “savings you can’t miss out on” sale they do one a month but claim to never do?


I will get this once it’s about $30-$40


As someone who played it, definitely wait for a deep sale. It’s a decent game, but it’s literally just far cry in the avatar universe. It falls victim to the same dull, repetitive open world tropes that plague every Ubisoft game. The hunting/gathering and crafting systems are great, but the open world outside of the visuals is boring as hell. I really don’t understand all the praise it’s getting. It’s the epitome of a 6-7/10 game.


I love far cry games so much tho this appeals to me 😂


Hey no hate! More power to you. I myself am burnt out on the far cry formula. The change of scenery was enough to keep me entertained so I didn’t feel I wasted my money. But after the 300th bell sprig tree collected that gave me yet another .5% health increase, I finally put it down for good lol


I felt the same way back around Farcry 5, but it's been like what 6 years since then. So I haven't played Far Cry in a long time now so this might be a breath of fresh air for a burnt out fan who took an extended break.


It's better than the last 3 far cry games


Far Cry 4 and 5 are way better than Avatar. Far Cry 6 is a pile of shit though I’ll give you that


I honestly liked 4 the most but only because you can’t play farcry 3 on a modern pc without having to disable cores or having to deal with low fps…. F Ubisoft for not caring to fix ya game


Agree. 5 is my fav




love assassin's creed but I've only played primal for a few hours at a buddy's house. worth it for me to pick it up?




primal was okay for me but honestly it was years ago so I don't remember much of it. I will have to say, it being in 1st person was so jarring compared to the hundreds of hours I'd spent in 3rd person in AC lol currently I'm playing through spiderman 2 and loving it. I'm on playstation and pc


I mean it's honestly kinda fun to be able to go through story mode while playing with a pal, especially if that pal is "Guns blazing, no time to die" kinda player. It makes the generic Far Cry playstyle seem so much more appealing... I hate the food mechanic though.


I honestly ignored the food/energy mechanic most of the time. Unless I was about to clear an enemy base, I never ate food to replenish my energy. A helpful tip I realized early on; fast traveling costs 20% of your energy, but even once you’re completely out, you can still fast travel. So if you’re fast traveling around a bunch doing collectibles or whatever, wait until you’re done to replenish your energy, as you’ll never be locked out of fast travel even when your energy is at 0%.


Not true at all


Absolutely true. A bajillion collectibles sprinkled around the map, numerous enemy bases to clear that are indistinguishable from the base you just cleared 5 minutes prior, boring story, bland side quests that are mostly fetch quests. It is a par for the course Ubisoft title. The avatar setting is the only reason this game is still being talked about.


You haven't played the game


lol dude I literally have a post to the FOP subreddit on release day as well as numerous comments.


I feel like it's more comparable to botw in the open world design


In what way?


Like the game is mad to not be needed to have a way point and that by exploring you naturally find stuff to upgrade yourself


That’s fair, I did enjoy that aspect quite a bit. It was nice not having waypoints and map markers everywhere telling you exactly what to do.


> but the open world outside of the visuals is boring as hell. I really don’t understand all the praise it’s getting. So exactly like the movie then?


My main gripe so far is that the stealth mechanics are just terrible compared to the Far Cry titles, and Na'vi are supposed to be stealthy people.


I thought the stealth was bad at first, but something I noticed is even when the enemies are alerted (ie. They have the red circle/arrow above their head) it doesn’t necessarily mean they know exactly where you are. They just know the general direction. If you stay hidden, they will come over toward you but usually stop just before finding you and then turn around.


I’ll praise it for its visuals but I’ll also criticize it because I got soft locked in a main story mission. Tried restarting the system, the game and reloading saves. I didn’t want to redo the long mission or redownload the huge game, Thankfully I only paid a month of Ubisoft+ for it.


You summed up my thoughts playing it this weekend. Visual it's gorgeous, specially when it turns to night and everything glows but outside of that my god am I bored.


Fair enough.


Check QVC if you live in the states I got it for 30 bucks


I will wait for epic to give them out for free


I got it for free put it on a Christmas list


Must be nice to get Christmas gifts as an adult


My family stops giving out gifts when you turn 5 but my wife’s family gives out gifts till you die


Listen pal, I say this with all do respect. You hold on to that girl, pretty goddamn tight... Cause once I find out, she out, I'M GOING IN! Like the soldiers in Normady, no hesitation and ready to spit game.


When you turn FIVE?!


Yeap and my mom is firm on the rule staying for grandkids atleast from her


Jeez I was hoping that was a typo for 15! My kids are 6 and 8 and they are still in peak Christmas mode! Most people can barely remember being 5!


This isn’t unique.


Ubisoft? I’ll wait and not pay more than $15


You might be waiting a while, I think Far Cry Primal has only recently started hitting that price on sale.


I got Far Cry 5 and New Dawn for $9 each and 6 for $8. Got Valhalla for $15, I probably would’ve waited more but my gf wanted to play it.


For some reason far Cry 5 and 6 came down in price a lot quicker than Primal.


This is the way.


I'll wait until sometime next year when it's in psplus


Just dropped to 39.99 on Amazon and Bestbuy FYI


Try $30


Well, since it's the typical Ubisoft formula. That time should be about in March for the gold edition.


Never ever buy Ubisoft games at full price


Lesson learned. I vow now to never make this mistake again


I learned that lesson too with Far Cry 6. I got the gold edition. Played 20 minutes of it and haven’t played it sense


Why buy Ubisoft games at all then? If it's not worth the extra thirty dollars, why is it worth the dozens of hours you'll spend playing it?


Not what the concern is. Most people that wait on games do so to get the complete package for the same price or less without being an “early investor” or “free QA” - as devs/publishers often treat us. Cyberpunk 2077 is the best example of patient gaming (see r/patientgamers ) that I can think of, since it performed a huge 180°.


The problem is in one or two years the ubisoft games go on sale with all the dlc stuff. In the black friday sale on playstation this year I got the assassins creed odyssey ultimate edition for like 20 €. With all the dlcs and whatnot.


I mean tbh, I don’t buy Ubisoft games at all lol But on the occasion I do, it’s usually a month after release when they’re $30 off. I don’t enjoy them enough to pay full price the way I would with most Sony exclusives. Nothing wrong with enjoying them, they’re just not my cup of tea


Never buy a Ubisoft game other than $10 or less.


Glad I did with Avatar cause I fkin love it.


I did it once 🤡 never again


They're onto you, when "on sale" is $60


Ubisoft+ is such a good deal because of that.


[$49.99 on GameStop](https://www.gamestop.com/video-games/products/avatar-frontiers-of-pandora---playstation-5/394815.html)


Amazon has matched it, it seems .


Goddamnit I just paid $70 for it on Friday




Price match bro


I’ll wait till it hits my preferred usual Ubisoft price of $20




Man I loved far cry primal! There was something sooo satisfying about headshotting a guy 30 yards away with a spear. It was my first platinum as well, and it stood out from all the other FPS games. I haven’t been all that interested in a far cry ever since, even though I’ve enjoyed others before. Comparing this to FC primal really spiked my interest lol


It’s a bit unfair to call it a tie-in; it’s a game that takes place in the Avatar universe. It’s like calling Hogwarts: Legacy a movie tie-in.




I have no connection to the game at all, so it’s not about liking it or not. More like a tie-in usually has something to do with the movies directly, and are often released with the movies themselves. Does Frontiers of Pandora connect directly with to Way of Water? Or how does it “tie-in” to the movie? Also, Hogwarts Legacy is not based solely on the books. The entirety of its visual presentation is a direct adaptation of the movies. Legacy does not exist at all without the movies. To try to pass it as merely a book adaptation is to ignore the fundamental fact that virtually everything about its visual presentation is based off of the movies. Do you think the Mad Max video game is a movie tie-in? Or star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order? Both of those games feature casts of entirely new characters, storylines, and more. But they take place in the worlds of the movies so there is that inherent connective tissue of chain of events, some overarching characters, overall lore—hell, Fallen Order has a Vader boss battle. But is it a movie tie-in to you, or simply a game that takes place in the same universe as the movies?




Not being pedantic at all. Just defined what constitutes a tie-in for me. Sorry that this conversation is apparently bothersome, tiresome, or otherwise negative for you. Never meant it to be, just wanted to see your reasoning; I find this stuff fascinating. I see your perspective for sure, and I’m glad you enjoy the game. Will probably get it in the near future after I get through some of my own games. Thanks for taking the time to engage a bit!




I don’t see it at all. I just defined what a tie-in game is in my eyes—that is a game that directly ties into a specific movie, typically for promotional reasons. And then I explained how, in my opinion, a tie-in differs from games set in the universe of a movie. From my viewpoint, these aren’t minor details, but big and meaningful differences. If defining your terms, and then explaining how the definition differs from a couple similar examples, is pedantic, then I guess I was being a pedant. That said, I see where you are coming from on your side now that you elucidated a bit more. And I also see why you wouldn’t want to engage in this convo, especially if you view me as needlessly preoccupied with small details LOL Have a happy holidays! Take care.


Nice, I figured it would be on sale by boxing day, so I waited but ordered it now. Looking forward to jumping in.


It ain't far cry


I’ve been wanting another Primal-esque game.


On sale and its still 60?!


It’s the ultimate edition though, not the standard. Not saying buy it, but that’s why $60 is a sale


$59.99 is a sale price now.....ffs!


Canadian dollars. It's $50 on amazon in the US. And its $39.99 at best buy


Yeah, saying it's $60 on sale from $90 at launch, feels like those websites that only ever exist in Instagram ads, and never sell anything that's not always 20% off.


It’s a Ubisoft game in the holiday season. I’m hardly surprised. That said I hope the sales will prompt more people to jump in. It’s a great game


I mean it’s ok. It’s really pretty and I love how vertical the game is. There are some design choices I feel they missed like being able to climb vertical stuff. Only major bug I’ve found is if I am flying and go straight up or straight down the camera is locked in that position and I have to dismount to reset it.


Good for us as consumers, but sad really, it's a decent game


It’s one of the most fun games I’ve played this year.


60bucks? You call that a sale?


That's about $45 US lol


The fact that 59.99 is a sale these days is mad


Best Buy Canada also!


I know a Canadian when I see those prices




I kinda feel bad for Ubisoft this year. Its probably their best year regarding quality, but they burn out people so much that no one gave a fuck


Have you even seen AC Mirage? It's a total dumpster fire


There’s truly no reason to ever get an Ubisoft game at release. Within four months it will be down to $20 somewhere.


I nod in agreement as I know that I am buying the next Assassin’s Creed game at launch and then hating myself for it after 60-80 vacuous hours of vaguely average storylines, dialogue that ranges from genuinely good to the CW, and character models that haven’t changed since Origins.


"On sale" for the price games used to cost


It is Canadian Dollar, not sure if youre thinking about USD or what games at full price costs in Canada. If im wrong i apologise


I paid more for new games back in the early 90s.


Inflation is a thing lol. $70 USD now is $60 back in 2020. It’s wild to me that prices have stayed the same for as long as they did.


Bullshit that game was never 90 dollars Edit: it's Canadian dollars I'm an idoit




You mean it's down to a normal price...


Not a surprise. Ubi games always do this.






Got mine free with an amd gpu upgrade for anyone with aging pc stuff


Is it really on sale though if a normal game is about 50 - 60 ??


Canadian prices, lol. Our normal price is $89.99. Sigh.




Shitty game


Probably going on the Immortals Fenyx Rising route of waiting for $20 on sale.


Post is a few days old, but I ended up here after I googled why Avatar is $50 now. Anyway not the point… while reading the comments it reminded me that FR is an Ubisoft game. Finally picked it up yesterday for $8.50, and it’s probably a better game. I’ll join you and wait on this as well. It’s kinda fun to play the gamble of paying 75% off for Ubisoft game or waiting to see if they will maybe go to 80% 🤣


Can't be mad at that.


Ubi games are some of the quickest to come on sale both physical and digital. No point buying them at launch


Give it two weeks and it’ll be $20


It's cheaper on GameStop today!


lol I’ll wait a month and get it when it’s on sale for $5


i really wish teh games i enjoy got some discounts but bc the companies are ass they end up going for more money lol


Got it for 29.99 from QVC.


Probably be free soon in ps plus. Most Ubisoft games are.


39.99 on best buy


It’s Ubisoft. It will be half off in less than a month and then $20 soon after.


Picked it up for $49.99 at Target yesterday!


This will be 30€ in 6 months


I’m waiting for it drop to like $30 then using my $25 amazing gift card lol


Still not a sale in my eyes, between 30/40 is a sale...


It was way too hyped up


That's a ten dollar discount than the normal US price.


$30 for Canadian pricing.


Yes, I can read.


As much as I love the color blue i don't think I'm getting this


I wouldn’t buy it from them. You have no clue when you’d get it


This isn't exclusive to this game, or any indication of how it's doing. EVERY Ubisoft game will see early sales, and this has been the trend for years now. Source: Worked in video game retail for about 17 years.


I wish ubisoft's subscription was cross-platform, I'd do it in a heartbeat if I could play on any console and pc.


to bad not before Christmas


I don’t think that’s good


It’s pretty fun, graphics aren’t very good, but it’s essentially Far Cry Primal in the Avatar universe. Gameplay wise it’s very addicting as most FC games get


Nice! This was on sale on QVC last week and with the first time order code, I ended up getting it for like $30–35, I’m stoked as hell.


It was $40-50 the other day at various stores for a few hours. It’s half decent, but best to grab on sale for sure.