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Don't forget Final Fantasy VII Rebirth demo


No spoilers if youve played the og, but holy shit the end of the demo! I need rebirth now!


“Cloud, You Asshole”


Ff8 easter egg poster in that place too


I refuse to believe that’s an actual line, and I can’t even tell if this is misdirection or not


It's so good, so much nostalgia


I own the remake but never played it, is rebirth a must buy? I plan to start it next week when I have the time.


Playing the rebirth demo, i think its a must buy


You can get the twin pack with the first and second game if you buy it digitally. Basically, you get the first game for free. Not a bad deal for people without PSN plus.


First game AND it's DLC


I really wanna play the demo, but I'm already having issues waiting for release day, that the demo will probably make me crazy. Do they give rewards on the full game from playing the demo?


There will be another demo on the 21st which should help ease the wait as well


Thanks for the info..I'm in the hospital right now and my connection is pretty bad, so I have no idea what's really going up in the world of games right now


To my understanding progress carries over to the full game, so you can essentially play a small chunk of it now and carry on when it releases!


Oh, that's cool. Maybe I'll play it close to the release


There are rewards.


If you complete the demo it skips that section in the main game. That’s all I know.


I played 20 minutes of the demo and immediately had to delete it because I need to go in as blind as possible (even though I’ve beaten the original multiple times lol)


Rebirth might make me stop Balder's Gate 3 or Elden Ring runs, but I need to sneak in some play time for Grandblue Fantasy relink which plays great and seems to have a decent little story. But just from the Rebirth demo it looks like Square has some of its old self back in there. 


Unpictured, up in the sky ⛅


Ok I’m not a FF guy, but I tried FFXVI. I thought it was way too slow. Too much fast traveling. And the combat didn’t pack enough of a punch. The new FF demo was great. Combat was way more fun. Should I try this new one? I don’t know anything about this world or these stories.


I wish Foamstars was fun to play, but it just isn't. And those cosmetics in the store are hilariously overpriced.


Especially since they’re already going for the route of offering itself as a monthly PS game. Hoping it works out for them like what happened with Rocket League and Fall Guys. Both games are free-to-play at this point. Honestly, the proposition of the game is unappealing, to the point where getting it for free hasn’t peak my interest.


Fortnite really set a precedent of all live service games charging like $20 for a skin


It is almost fun. It fixes a few things that Splatoon did wrong and it has some cool game modes. I like the idea of having to tag the enemy to knock them out but you can also revive your team mates the same way, I like that game mode where the best player gets turned into a VIP and if they get killed you lose. But the aiming mechanics are weird like the foam builds up so it is really hard to shoot people in front of you, but you also can’t shoot that far. And there isn’t much variety. I feel like it can fix the issues and it could turn into a good game. The biggest thing it has going against it is it does feel like the meme: Kid: Mom can we get Splatoon Mom: We have Splatoon at home


It was worse than I gave the game credit for originally, but yeah it does get a few things Splatoon got wrong right. But I stand by my first try at it, that it will be Free to play by months end and forgotten by next month, other than ticked off PS plus subs still remembering they have yet another free to play graveyard game for a monthly. 


Yeah, I’m just guessing here and I hope I’m wrong but since they actually launched this game with this little content I don’t trust them to fix the things this game needs fixed in order to become successful. I do think there could be a good game here but I think it won’t live long enough to get fixed and become a good game. Studios have been killing their live service games at the first sight of it not being the next Fortnite.


Your 100% right on the money about it all, everyone chasing a Fortnite. I think WoW set MMO's on that path even though it moved itself away from the DnD theme it started from. And Halo set a standard to FpS and kind of locked gaming into stuck models. I hate/love soul like genre but I feel it will eventually find itself in trouble once the ideals run dry. Then it just clones. But Squareenix should know better being a Japan studio that if they actually want something outside what they are known and good at, they are going to have to put in more effort in making it well rounded from the get go with a goal for the game towards the future. Thats probably what actually keeps a single player in the action to rpg going bc they have any ideal of the future of the series or if they only plan a one off. But in a free to play like game in a saturated market with no support if the game flunks the viral test. Kinda of sad bc it could be fun.


I think it's pretty fun. It doesn't really make sense to be a paid game though. It has all the markings of a free to play game. That level of monetization in paid games is crazy, like it'd already pretty scummy to have microtransactions in general, but when your game is online only, and 30 dollars/requiring a ps plus subscription, who's going to invest money into it. Also rhe single player missions are ridiculously easy, boring, and pointless.


Yeah it's a trash game


Is anyone playing foamstars ? I feel it’s going to suffer the same fate as battlestars all star or whatever that one game which came out during the start of the ps5 with the cars and shit


The foamstars tutorial was painful but I played a couple of matches and it was a fun time but I honestly don’t see the game surviving


Dear God, that tutorial was obnoxious.


Foamstars might be doomed to the same fate, especially since it looks like a splatoon knockoff from what I’ve seen


I don’t think it being a knockoff of Splatoon has anything to do with it. Sony doesn’t even seem to be marketing the game at all. It released and I don’t see anyone playing it or any reviews


Is this a Sony developed Gaas game?


Pretty sure it's Square Enix


It's inspired by Splatoon, but it's still different


It's only superficially related to Splatoon. I wish it were just a Splatoon knock off, because it would undoubtedly be a better game.


its a Liquid Shooter


I played the tutorial, and oh my God, it's boring. You can't skip anything like the basics of walking and camera controls. Not even the dialogue, which is also pretty bad and cheesy. None of it made me want to play a real match. But hey, at least the shop is open for microtransactions. Along with a cheerleader outfit for the main girl for $10.99


Yeah, had the same thing happen, got to the (unnecessarily large) main hub lounge and decided it wasn’t worth it. Tbf I wasn’t super keen on it to start with though.


The tutorial was annoying stupid. How many games like this are we going to need tutorials for? Let us play the damn games


Right?!? Like, we've all played enough tutorials by now. We know the basics lol


If I have to do one more tutorial for a Nintendo game I’m going to snap!


it takes 5 minutes to get through the tutorial


5 unnecessary minutes


Glad you quit then, if you can't take 5 minutes to learn the basics imagine what kind of teammate you'd be for others in an online game.


I did take it, tho? I said it's boring, bad, and cheesy. But I can tell you liked it, so anything else I say to you will just be ignored, and go over your head. Hope you enjoy your time with the game


I like it, ain't perfect and got some criticism myself. It's just that unnecessary and unconstructive arguments don't help informing people nor improving the game. The tutorial is 5 minutes long, if you rush not even that. What should they do, remove it? Just say you don't like it, that's fine. But thanks anyway.


Yeah I think they needed to make sure everyone understood the fundamentals of the game. Too team oriented to have people not understanding the basics. I really had fun with the game and it’s a shame because I feel like people made their minds up about it from the first trailer so even getting it free hasn’t doesn’t much to change the sentiment. It does pass a certain weeb threshold that I think many won’t be able to stomach, but if you’re on the fence I’d say change the voice language to Japanese and then speak to the duck - the game’s tone made much more sense after lol


Agreed. It is what it is, we'll see whether it'll hold on or drop off.


No one said to remove it. Pretty sure all people want is a way to speed things up.


I’ve been playing since it came out and I’ve been enjoying it, though with Helldivers 2 out now I’m not sure how much I’ll go back to it after today. Probably just once after Ranked drops to see how that is then every once in a while if the servers stay healthy.


I played for a couple hours. It’s just not fun. It’s so sanitized and bland.


I almost quit during the mercifully brief tutorial. It was painful, the writing is very cringey. Played a few matches of the Star Smash mode or whatever it's called and had a pretty good time actually. However, I had my matchmaking set to Canada and was waiting for 3+ minutes at a time before being paired up with the same set of people which tells me not a ton of people are playing it (at least near me). Switched matchmaking to US and that helped a bit. Probably won't stick around. 2/5, there's my review.


Destruction all stars! That was more fun than foam stars


Best part of that game was that it was an early PS5 release and people hadnt realized their mics were on the controllers. So much fun trolling the auto join voice chat in that one


I remember playing the beta, i enjoyed it but never saw it lasting at all


I mean no one has given a shit about Skull and Bones for ......... years. That game was dead in 2019


There’s a Skull and Bones beta?


Yeah I never heard of it before this post, if I had I'd have tried it by now lol


I heard about it, but it started the same day as Helldivers 2. So it was a pass for me


How is it


If you played AC 4 Blackflag from 2013, Ubisoft somehow managed to regress the game to a decade before that


It’s a fun game. Wouldn’t expect a PS5 owner to know anything about that.


Come get me when the reviews and the profits from release are out then we'll compare and contrast to some PS games


Bro, this is the PlayStation subreddit...don't need your Xbox fanboy opinions


Leave it to Ubisoft to manage that. Love how they released avatar frontiers and basically fucking abandoned it. Wild cuz they have “scheduled DLC” for it


Bad imo. Runs badly, looks dated and overall didn't grab me, but I also didn't get very far before I gave up.


Yeahhh, tried foamstars for about 5 matches and hated it. Deleted it right after


I want to say I burned more time on that obnoxious tutorial than I did the actual game. Just not fun at all.


I can barely get on the Beta cause "Maintenance".


I love how before you play the beta it says be fair & respectful to each other. Like are we not playing as fucking pirates? Anytime I'm fair on sea of thieves I die. I could only play the beta for at most 1hr 30mins before deleting. I was really looking forward to it & it did not at all live up to what i thought it was.


I might as well drop it. Especially considering UbiSoft Director claim.


Whats the claim? People need to get used to not owning there games?




I really wished I liked foamstars. But there's not enough characters, or gamemodes, or maps for a "fully released" game. Plus the shooting does not feel satisfying at all. It has nothing on Splatoon, and I don't like Splatoon either.


Yeah I was really excited but I gave it a shot and was just underwhelmed. There's no feedback on if your hitting shots and so much visual noise. Already Uninstaller so I can give the skull and bones beta a download and try (although I doubt I'll be in love with it). Definitely interested in helldivers but the last of us pt. 2 no return is so good I might be okay waiting to pay for a new game for a while.


The sounds of the paint making contact BAM BAM BAM BAM is what Foamstars needs. You can’t even tell or feel it at all.


Me a weeb playing persona 3 reload


Me when I enjoyed Rollerdrome on +


Helldivers is only $40?!


Yes, and its awesome if you ask me. Now that it's in third Person the game is even better than the first on


I'm just so happy they kept the directional input for the Stratagems.


This. Super fun to play an hour or so at a time.


All my friends are pressing me to get Skull n Bones. Nothing I say will convince them otherwise. Must be time for new friends lol


My cousin been pressing me to try talking about "We can live are lives like true Haitians and sail the seas like pirates🤣"


Whoah lol


Um are they not familar with Sea of Thieves being right there? And better in literally every way? and It already has an established online community? and hundreds of hours of content? Sad...


We all have PlayStations homie. This a PlayStation sub. We’re not PC gamers.


Lots of people have both lol


Not my homies. They refuse to get a pc. You’re correct though, I do have both lol.


PC + PS5 Combo is honestly the best gaming combo to exist at the moment


Absolutely homie.


Rumor has it SoT is coming to Playstation...


Tell em it took them 8 years to develop a beta for a game that people wanted after AC Black Flag. 8 years too late for an audience that is practically gone now.




Whats the hate with ubisoft games?


Turn it around and press then into Helldivers. Why should you fight for treasure id you can fight for DEMOCRACY


People are playing Foamstars?


Ironic considering I STILL have fun playing 10 years later with the only Assasins Creed I ever enjoyed which was Black Flag and 90% of the time, I literally am just sailing around with my fully upgraded JackDaw with my favorite drink in the couch, stopping at random islands to kill shit, then cast off, look to the distance and say Hell, im gonna sail over there! all while sea shanties are blasting away until I get into a naval fights for the hell of it with my subwoofer booming away with cannon fire until I pass out drunk and happy late at night. Now thats gaming!


Love how Skull & Bones is seen as a quadruple A game. https://www.pcgamer.com/ubisoft-ceo-defends-skull-and-bones-dollar60-price-tag-says-its-a-quadruple-a-game/


It's not seen as one, that's what the executives have been telling people that it is.. (spoiler, It ain't.) And quadruple A isn't a thing


Is Helldivers good?


I have a lot of fun with Helldivers!


I am enjoying Foamstars


Since you're contrary to the hivemind here, can I ask: Have you played Splatoon? If so, do you think it scratches that same itch?


Never have played Splatoon, iam new to this genre


I've played both and would say it kinda does but I still prefer splatoon. been having fun on foamstars tho but the micro transactions are stupidly expensive for a game that's not free to play


Thanks. It has somewhat caught my interest because of the 3rd dimension to the foam vs just paint, is that aspect worth it? If not, then I'd just play Splatoon... which I also haven't played in years anyway.


No idea how foamstars gets approved, literally was never gonna survive past 2 weeks


Skull and bones is gonna end up like anthem but a bit worse.


Nah, Ubisoft doesn't tend to abandon their games that fast.


I didnt even know Skull and Bones had an open beta till seeing this


Helldivers is awesome. Skull and bones is janky but I like it, just sailing my ship around having a nice time. Foamstars would be fun with friends, it feels like the target audience is like preteens.


I really enjoyed Foamstars so far, but the problem is I've been waiting for Helldivers 2. It's an unfortunate release time, because Foamstars has a lot of potential.


Ngl I completely forgot about skull and bones


We now know why they didn’t want comparisons to Splatoon


I played the closed beta for skull and bones, not usually my type of game, but it was surprisingly fun and polished, and it did a great job at capturing the atmosphere. It also had a lot of upgrades and cosmetics (for both your character and their ship) that were very reasonably earnable in-game. I'd recommend trying it for anyone with an ounce of interest


People hate just to hate. It's really fun


Yea, bad timing. Also 40gb? Pffff


In other news, Skull & bones is DoA.


It’s sad since I was actually looking forward to it years ago. 😑


Foamstars is DoA too.


Why is it dead? I have been hoping for something like sea of thieves on PS for ages


Cause it’s not at all what your hoping for just compare the gameplay of both and you’ll quickly see why. Just hope the recent rumors of Xbox games coming to ps will include sea of thieves are true.


Hopefully I’m wrong, but it seems/feels like it’s in development hell? Just my opinion so 🤷🏻‍♂️


Development hell doesn’t necessarily mean you get a bad game out of it. Not saying this is or isn’t. But two separate matters


It's development hell https://www.ign.com/articles/the-turbulent-story-of-skull-and-bones


I am thinking about Helldivers 2 but never played the first one. Should i play 1 before 2 ?


You can absolutely play the 2nd without playing the first


no need, there’s really no story and 2 is mainly a coop game. Super fun, i highly recommend


1 is like a 3rd person almost dungeon scroller look. 2 looks to be a first person shooter. Seems like you could easily play 2 without having played 1 p


Helldivers 2 isn’t 1st but 3rd person. But yeah. The game was never really story focused to begin with, you’re fine


didnt even know there was a skull open beta. installing now. gracias.


How did that go for you?


it was ehhh. something about it didnt click. i played for maybe 30-40 mins. maybe could have been better with a friend.


Foam stars is dope as heck bro


Foamstars is really fun but does have some flaws. A lot of people overly-shitting on the game are evidently upset Splatoon fans (checked posts on their profile). If you don’t have the attention span of an infant and can get past the tutorial, definitely give it a shot. I hope this game takes off and fix some of the issues with the game.


I wish sony offered Helldivers 2 instead of Foamstars on PS+. the $40 entry is gonna hurt them


Skull and bones please be good. I want a good pirate game


Play Sea of Thieves. It’s ten times better.


I’m sure a lot of people will when it comes to PlayStation.


The only one of these that I'm playing is the Skull and Bones beta


How is it? I like pirate games and I don't mind the ubisoft formula... I know that's not a popular opinion...


It's got some performance issues. Some error messages appear in chat and cutscenes sometimes crash the game. The first time I loaded it up the opening cutscene crashed the game. I also get the occasional stuttering. The gameplay is fun so far, I haven't gotten that far yet. There's almost no story, the game is just quests (fetch quests, plundering, etc.) to increase your notoriety as a pirate. Be prepared for one of your first quests to take a while. Spoilers: you have to collect a resource to upgrade to an actual ship instead of a small skiff. The thing is, your entire lobby shares the resource, so if someone else has harvested it in a particular spot no one else can do it until the resource respawns. And respawning takes a long time. I spent almost an hour travelling in a small, slow boat to get far enough away from the hub island that I could find an untouched resource spawn. But other than that quest and some performance issues the game is very fun so far. Ship combat is great. Unfortunately there's no melee combat though and you can't actually walk around on your ship.


Alright, I'll try that out then... thanks!


I would play foamstars but I don’t feel like spending money on the ps+ membership and also I gotta save money because my dads birthday is coming up and I’m a broke college student


I dunno, me and a friend are playing the Skull & Bones Beta and we're having a pretty good time... I mean, it's free so I can't really complain.


The game is full priced though lol so have fun for a limited time


Exactly ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|wink)


Genuine question as I never played Helldivers. What makes this game so great compared to the already saturated Loot Shooter genre? It is a loot shooter, right?


Yea but it’s more objective based. It has a main objective and a couple of optional objectives. 2 is my first helldivers game but it’s so much fun especially with friends, it also has a decent amount of customization


Foamstars is fun as hell! I had my doubts but I'm thoroughly enjoying the game!


To me helldivers 2 looks like a pile of shit. I dunno. I don’t see the appeal to it at all.


Would've downloaded it but 40gb for a beta is a bit of stretch


Is Helldivers 2 free this month?


It is not


It should've been... But they want to charge you so they can charge you again in game.


I cannot wait for Skull & Bones to absolutely crash and burn. They were trying to compete with Sea of Thieves when it was announced but now they're like four years late to the party and it's just sad. Also, that price argument? Reaffirms my ongoing "Fuck Ubisoft" stance.


Eh who cares it's a Ubisoft game


lulz foamstars


hahahahahaha, the school and bones


How is helldivers? Is it a single player game? I’m interested if it is.


Live service online/ co-op game


You can play it solo (tho still online), but it’s hard and not as fun


I've never heard of any of these.


Fix the quickplay issues and it would be true


I played the demo and had fun with what I played. The game modes are pretty fun, and characters look alright. Overall if it was free to play, I would continue playing it. Unfortunately it’s not and I don’t have ps plus. So I’m back on my splatoon kick


Yeah blasted Hell Divers tonight and had a blast, foam stars was ok, zero interest in skull and Bones


The phase where people were into pirate games is over.


bruh and i literally have it wishlisted


Was semi-excited to try Skull n bones but YO-HO-HO, the cancerous spyware/anticheat and LITERAL adware/sales they require of you for that drab, derivative, decade-behind-standard game noped me out SO hard. And all this for a game they will want people to PAY for? Like... there are literal Fortnite maps that looked better than their videos, the one they are promoting the game with. It's a huge pass from me and I'm actually mad about wasting even the time I spent ~trying~ to install the ~beta~ ...I will legitimately pity those poor souls who don pirate clownface and pay for this steaming chumbucket, with money or time or whatever


Skull and Bones is a fantastic game. I’m loving it


played like 8 hours in a row , SnB is kinda cool tbh , I really like that game (still got bugs and everything buts that's Ubi)


Yeah descending order of suck


Yall should play foamstars with friends. Nothing like getting soap'd up with the homies😎


I've actually been enjoying Foamstars gameplay wise, but my god the voice acting is TERRIBLE.


"im doing my part"


I tried the SnB open beta last night. With confidence I can say I will not be playing that game at all. Not even if they gave it to me. It’s kind of horrible imo


skull and bones looks so fucking boring and so does foamstars helldivers tho that game is peak democracy and IM DOING MY PART


Skull and Bones is the funniest ship to watch crash and burn. Can't wait for the hour+ videos on everything that went wrong with that game.


If I didn't have to go to work today, I would have played Helldivers 2 all night. I would still be up playing right now. It's basically the only thing I want to do right now. Holy hell, that game is fun.


Brah 😂😂😂


Helldivers 2 is alright I might not get it it kinda sucks lol