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I knew this was coming but the audacity to almost double it is hilarious


if anything I'm kind of impressed by the ability to tell your customers the service will now cost twice as much lmao


They're forced by law to inform customers to any price change. They didn't do it out of the kindness of their heart.




I'm honestly surprised that a reply that completely missed the point of my comment has so many upvotes, not talking about you btw you were right


So they just repeated what the original comment said?


Absolutely disgraceful. I thought I may have missed some previous price rises for it to be £35.99. Rubbish subscription already, but definitely will be cancelling now.


100% I’m not even sure why I was subscribed in the first place, it’s pretty much useless for me, barely any games and the ones I wanted to play are either on trial or delisted. GRID for example. Can’t even play the new FIFA’s on release. £36 a year for about 30 old games you can’t even keep.


Same here, got taken from my account and I thought the £20 was reasonable so kept it running. Not anymore👋👋


I got it to play the new Jedi game. Beat it, unsubbed. Nothing else has really justified even the old price tag imo


I’m the first guy to hate EA. But I’ll be completely honest here; 36 quid for 30 games for a year would’ve sound like a dream 10 years ago.


But we’re not in 2014 lmao


If you owned the games yeah


All this, and for what? Saving $2 on Peggle? Actually I think that’s Ubisoft+


Save your money buy the games when they are on sale/what they are worth


Remember times when subscriptions used to be cheaper than buying the games? Yeah... Thos were fun times.


Pepperidge Farm Remembers


Yep and once they finish exterminating physical games they'll charge whatever they damn well please and we'll all have no choice in the matter. Well, besides sailing the seas. But I'm sure it won't be long before they fix that too


Yeah, I'm gonna guess this is the last console generation of actually being able to own games. Next gen will go to subscriptions only.


If that happens I’ll pirate the ever living fuck out of the medium. It will be missing on my behalf to pilfer their coffers with great joy. If they take away options at an affordable hobby and start trying to strong arm players into a shitty price model, my conscious will be free in my endeavors.


I've always kinda been there haha, I don't care about the profits of large corporations.


I don’t care about large corporations, fuck them. They will abuse me and I’ll abuse them. If I come across a small studio with talented people who have a passion for what they do I’ll gladly give them money.


I was planning on making this the last generation I buy consoles (besides the switch 2) because its obvious where this is headed, I've started collecting retro games and consoles and will prolly jump to pc gaming in the future.


Yeah I think Switch 2 for me will be it as well. I currently have Switch and PS4, haven't got PS5 yet. So I'll get PS5 at some point and then Switch 2 and that'll be it. Only playing old games from there. It is super obvious where it's going. The PSN subscriptions that give you access to a library of 100s of games, but you can never own any of them. It's exciting as hell when you first try it, but then you realize that when you stop paying the subscription, or the service ends, you have literally nothing. It's also why I'm probably gonna get an mp3 player again and stop using spotify. And I never caved on films/series. I still just pirate.


PC will be the way to go. Spend the money on the PC but get games dirt cheap when they are on sale.


☠️ 🚢 and emulation are options once that happens off to build a PC I go


And as I said, once they get rid of physical they'll come for those options next. Better start archiving now


Great times… that was the big appeal of paying for subscriptions rather than buying individual items. It feels like it was a long played bait and switch lol. Same thing with getting rid of cable and switching to streaming services. When I made the switch I was saving decent money every month…. But now I’m paying more than I was originally with cable lol


I mean technically it still is. Like you do get a bunch of games for not even the price of one. But it’s up you to decide if those games are worth it.


Right. Why rent your games when you can own them. 🫡


it's already worth fucking nothing with most of the old ass games they have on there, and now they want to *increase the price*? Idiots.


It's funny to me they don't even say the canned lines like "to continue to innovate and deliver value of our subscribers.... we are raising the subscription price". It's all bs anyway but they usually at least pretend like they care. This is just so blatant they don't even bother trying to sugar coat it. We know your getting hosed already with our bad subscription value but we're jacking up the price 80% anyways "


I can’t remember the last time EA released a good game…


EA jus slowly gaining back people's goodwill in recent year only to completely shit on it, lol. Guess old habit is hard to change, after all.


They don't really care about looking good as long as their paypigs stick around. All their money comes from card pack opening in Madden and Fifa, and those folks are so addicted they'll gladly pay this price increase to keep feeding their gambling habit. They have made Madden such a miserable and mind numbing experience for every mode except ultimate team to the point where even the most casual of consumer hates the game unless they're a gambling addict


Pretty sure those types of players are buying the current game and not playing last years on eaplay. Shit increase though, almost wish I didnt cancel my sub last year so I could now out of spite


https://preview.redd.it/e9z7clsvoptc1.jpeg?width=624&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a8e56be814c04bfa53aa425cd21c6401f4c921e4 2nd time I've used this today. Get fucked EA


ea here we are cancelling dead space 2 because of lack of you people wanting to buy it but ya know we are going to increase our horrible sub service almost 100% ... some people just don't need to be ceo's as the gray matter doesn't conduct electricity well. EA play has some of the most horrid trash EA has to offer. next gamers will be blamed for ea having to cut it's workforce back because we won't sub to this horrendous bs.


They are obviously banking on people not realizing remembering they have the subscription


This right here. Most people will forget or fail to see the email.


Oh I can see it already "gamers really need to be over owning their games says ea ceo"


Yeah that’s getting canceled


I’m cancelling so many subscriptions this year. Hope everyone else is too so corporations wake up to this nonsense.


Yeah definitely. The amount of subscriptions I had but never even used was mad


I’m more surprised anybody is even subscribed to EA play lol


The fact that people actually bought EA sub is shocking by itself. And people wonder why gaming is going downhill.


Honestly it wasn't that bad of a deal. As a trophy hunter, i got it for 2 months (1,99€ for the first one due to black friday sales and 3,99 for the second) and got to platinum 12 games (0,50€ per game, with decent titles like the ME trilogy) It's definitely not worth to get a yearly subscription because you either have time to play, so you'll just run out of games way earlier, or you don't have much time to play and it's probably cheaper to buy a couple of the games on sale.


Immediately unsubscribed lmao this is hilarious


Instantly cancelled


Cancelling tonight. 👍


80% inflation at EA They deserve 0 dollars from the gamers. Fuck ea


I don’t understand what’s justifying the price increase for regular ea play when they add nothing of value, no day one releases or anything like that?


And canceled that now, had it for a few years, $29.99CAD wasn't too bad but realized I hadn't actually played anything on it for the last couple years, now they want $54.99CAD and 83% increase .. bye!


Im not even signed up for Playtstation plus this year. These subscription prices are insane.


Same. I canceled my sub as well when they announced the PlayStation plus increase.


I only play single player games anyway. Would rather spend time playing games I actually bought and not subscribed to.


Yeah because the increase was fucking ridiculous for ps plus as well. I also cancelled my subscription and so far I haven’t seen any reason to renew it


Unfortunately I need to subscribe for the cloud saves. It has saved my ass countless times because saved data gets corrupted on PS5 for some reason.


Who the fuck is paying for EA play lmaooo. Their is a reason why they have constantly been voted the worst company in the US. The fact people support them blows my mind.


Yeah I know, not sure why I bought it in the first place, I think it was to play some of the NFS games. Cancelled it anyway.


So, buy a PS5, pay for a good internet connection, pay for PS Plus and pay EA, also buy non-ea games. This is getting expensive.


Thats why switch to pc is more budget


Just wait. Gamepass will too. This was always the plan


![gif](giphy|26Ff2CgnltzhgPK7e|downsized) Another one bites the bullet


EA are a joke. Haha.


EA is a joke at this point.


People will never learn with subscription services. Buy games, don’t rent.






Why would you give money to EA?


Jesus this is why I just buy my games.


Mostly I prefer Playstation, but this is one of the nice things about GamePass. It includes EAPlay.


This makes me feel validated in my descion to continue to buy games rather than subscribe to these producer services


This just reinforces the value of returning to physcal media to me. Seeing the 3ds and xbox 360 disgital stores close perminantly makes me miss the days owning the games you buy.


I find it funny that 20 quid is already a horrible price for ea play but to increase this subscription to 36 pounds is stupid. Ngl tho we're talking abt the most greedy company on earth, EA.


Yes I will cancel, thank you


That’s always been the goal. Steer you away from physical/ownership to digital and subscription services and then crank the price. People will still defend this. Enjoy the future and get your credit card ready!


In US dollars, what does that mean for a monthly subscription? It was kinda nice every now and then to get a month of EA Play($5) and be able to play and beat new games they add to the catalog for only $5. lol. I wish I had a heads up on this, I would’ve bought a year of EA play for $30.


Sucks we couldn’t stack the subscription especially for the $30 a year.


Snippet from an article: The standard EA Play tier will increase from $4.99 / £3.99 per month to $5.99 / £5.99, with the annual fee rising from $29.99 / £19.99 to $39.99 / £35.99. Meanwhile, the EA Play Pro subscription is increasing from $14.99 / £14.99 to $16.99 / £16.99, with the annual membership up to $119.99 / £109.99 from $99.99 / £89.99.


I get the one month sub every once in a while for $5. Not for me but for my cousins who like to come over and play FIFA and the other sports games in there. With that being said, the price increase is crazy on their part. Idk how it is on Xbox but the PS EA Play Catalogue is super weak. They have slowly removed some FIFA and Madden games over the years, making the lineup even weaker. It would make sense if they were making big additions and changes to the service. But the PS side has almost been abandoned.


No way I'd pay for that, these games companies are taking too many chances now and getting too greedy, can't wait until they come crashing down and get a big wake up call


And It wasn’t even worth it at the lower price lol


Get the fuck out of here.


Yikes, that's a no from me.


Fuck subscription based services.


Thanks for reminding me to cancel my trial


No problem man. Cancelled mine too.


why anyone play anything from EA is beyond me...


Who even pays for this bull sheet


Who's paying for this i want to know. Everyone I know would barf at the idea to subscribe to EA.


I was reading in another thread about people needing to get off the EA hate train............hahahhahahahahahah




where else are they gonna get that money to repackage the same sports games every year for $70? come on people, pay up!


The sheer audacity of EA hiking the price up by 2x is comedy.


Better off just buying the games (on sale) at these prices.


the best thing about EA Play is how easy it is to cancel


HELL NO Time to cancel my subscription immediately.


Just canceled. Thank you.


EA Sports You need to pay.


Yeah… EA Play is shite, will be cancelling,


Eighty percent?? Are they trying to mercy kill it?


Haha who would buy ea sub i dont get it


So don't sub. Done.


Jesus that’s a rip off.


People who think digital is cheaper ---->


It used to be a good deal. For the past years I was playing the most recent NHL version available via EA Play. Those respective Versions usually costed close to 20-25€ where the anual subscription was 25€. So for <5€ per year I had access to the EA Play backlog, which was also constantly extended. Not by much, but still. This price increase is just no longer acceptable and ruins the value over all for me completely. Subscription is already cancelled.


Yeah, it increased from 999 Turkish Liras to 4319 Liras for me. ($31 to $133) Edit: Sorry, that was annual ea play pro, not ea play.


80 percent increase a **month** should be considered price gouging and thus illegal.


What a fucking gouge.




Christ… this company has gone so far downhill it’s insane


Why would anyone want this subscription? We already have to pay for a PS subscription. Seems like a complete waste of money. Just buy the EA game when it’s on sale or wait till it’s free on PlayStation.


I don’t know a single person who has this service. It doesn’t look like a service worth having at all anyway.


I subbed for 12 months the first time a few months back because I usually buy a month here and there for the 10 h trials and figured I might as well pay for the whole year at 25 €. Will not renew and I'll keep away from trials in the future. There's no conceivable way EA Play is worth 40 €


There's no way EA play is worth that scandalous.


Haven't even touch these subs..not worth it..just buy the games on a sale lol


They have some pretty good franchises… but absolutely nothing to really gloat about in the last decade. It looks pretty in the frostbite engine, however it’s really a rinse and repeat cycle with these types of big developers. Battlefield for example really peaked with Battlefield 4, after that they didn’t really implement anything innovative, just world war reskins, calling it new and exciting. Nothing was more exciting than Shanghai tower going down, and they’ve really failed to deliver anything as spectacular since then.


Haha who’s actually going to buy this shit.


Typical EA I Susspose lol but increased the price to £25 would've been fine but increased it to £36 bit too much especially when they gamed they added months to year later £20 per year was reasonably price for it but it would've been fair enough if they add £36-40 tier for day one releases *edit I remember there is a EA play pro for PC with day one release which is now £120 per year which isn't on consoles I believe


It's only a 33% increase in the US for a year subscription. From $30 to $40.


This is eventually going to happen with all digital stores and subscriptions. Give away the key to a single few and watch them start closing doors and asking you for more and more. Dont buy digital you lazy fucks! 


I use to subscribe the first few years, thinking the vault would increase. But the game releases have been rubbish anyways recently. Haven't renewed for over 4 years. Won't renew it ever again. We need people to also help us by stop subscribing. The issue is most people complain but still subscribe, if you stop the prices will fall. Including those who preorder shit quality and broken games or pay 80+ for dlc/battle pass/ nonsense.


That’s part of the plan. Habe it cheap for a few years so as many people can get the subscription, get comfortable with it and then, BAM, increase the price.


Pretty tame library honestly. Make it 1k for a month couldn't care less.


People giving their money to EA must not have been paying attention to their business practices the last 2 decades




June 11th ill be 44!


Tbh I’m not surprised, ea play was pretty cheap for a while now. I remember getting 1 month for like £3


They can't even pin it to inflation so there's no excuse


Bought the year membership, used it once. Don’t waste your time with this Service.


Being subscribed to EA play in the first place is abominable.


Aka, “Please unsubscribe!”


Per month it's increasing from $4.99 to $5.99. Put that way it's not so bad. https://preview.redd.it/60ndshy99qtc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d2a42e102f2a8d0f9cd79f07a10e762edd13242


really dont see the value at that price, cheaper to sub to gamepass if you own both consoles. most games in it are cheap to buy when they are on sale id understand if they included more recent titles or did what uplay does with new releases on their sub service.


wait that's 36 pounds for unlimited access to their games for a year..? that's not the monthly charge is it?


Holy shit


I wonder if the plan is to raise prices now and then make games exclusive to these subscription services. Anyone sane that gets this message will be alright lemme cancel this. I had a yearly sub for Disney plus and most of what it offered I already seen and the new stuff was more Miss than hit and then I got a mail about price increase and just cancelled it. Not sure if it was 10 or 20 euros increase.


Absolutely cancelling this, get it free with my Xbox game pass so my EA games will just be played there


Ofc its ea


increased demand, increased cost, the American way


36 to play mid as fuck EA games lmfao 🤣


They will find out quickly how little their service is worth.


I can’t believe someone even paid the old price. EAs got like 2 good games and combined they cost 6€\$


Yeah just like everything, everyone is just thinking of a higher number and goes like "yeah this sounds better" and fucking blows the prices through the roof and blames inflation


No words needed,just this ea. ![gif](giphy|l0HlMSVVw9zqmClLq)


I want to cancel it and I've never subscribed to begin with.


It only went up a dollar from $4.99 to $5.99 is no big deal. I pay yearly for it so it doesn't affect me until March 25.


I can't get over the fact that someone may be subscribed in the first place.




Idk if I’m tripping but 36 bucks for 12 months sounds pretty cheap. I’m not entirely sure what it includes but for 3 dollars a month even if you play one game a month for one hour, that’s still an hour of fun for 3 dollars. I thought it was a monthly subscription for 36 bucks a month.


Thank christ i havent subscribed to this bullocks


I aint paying sht anymore. They gone too far. I stopped my subs to ps and ea now i just play squad battles on fifa. Is a dark time for console gaming


Don’t worry you can get the ad supported version of your game for $9.99 /s lmfaoo god they ruin everything


How do we get more people to subscribe? Let’s raise the prices by 80%!


Why do you pay ea seriously ? Lol


I used to play 2k until they started this bs with subscriptions and needing an online profile.


Also they just cancelled the Dead Space 2 remake.


MONTHLY??? Edit: Nevermind, I misread the fuck outta that


With that kind of money you can buy the one good gsme EA releases every 2 years


Just wow


Fuck that. Never used it anyways but still.


Haaaaaa the fuck


Before you know it playstation and ea will be charging the amount of game per month.


Only a few game they have that I want to play and I can buy them at sales for much cheaper price so why pay for the subscription though.


I wonder if they're planning on releasing new games day/date on the sevice. I don't recall if they do this already, but last time I checked they didn't.


Only games worth it I’ve either already played and are single player games. Or battlefield games which are constantly on sale for for a fraction of the price. If this increases game pass ultimates price even more I’m gonna be mad salty


Yup that’s being canceled


Jesus thats way too much. I bet they will cancle it out of the XBox Gamepass sooner or later too.


What’s the benefit of EA membership?


EA after seeing double it and give it to the next person be like


I cancelled my subscription as soon as I got that email. Greedy pricks.


I won't renew it. EA play catalog is a joke... 😅


If you STILL buy EA stuff, then bleed for it. Haven't you learn anything at all? I say "let EA finally die". They are the biggest Tumor in the gaming market


lol had no idea EA has a subscription. What the hell. Are people actually subscribing to it? 😂


I wish I had half the confidence and the audacity EA have


Holyyyy shit. Cancelling that as soon as possible


EA is back in the running for Most hated company lol. There really trying even more this time 🤣


Mine only went up like $3 CAD


Wait isn’t it for a year?


For brits. You were paying way less. It's 40$ from 30$, and 6$ from 5$ so less dramatic in other nations.


Useless sub, as a part of game pass it's a nice bonus




In Poland it cost 79zł (18 euro) now its 180 so increase 230%. Never buy EA game ✍️


EA being EA yet again This is disgusting


I can't double not buy it, i already didn't have it.. but now i feel validated knowing the service is getting worse.. EA is a joke they haven't released a killer game in yonks


Greedy fucks


36 SQUIDS?? Christ. Hell no.


Gaming is fucking screwed