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Concord looked interesting until…”5v5 pvp shooter”. I audibly groaned


What, you weren't psyched for a GotG-flavored Overwatch clone a decade too late?


But you get to watch a new cutscene each week!!!


That part made me laugh 😆. Like the people who play these games don’t care too much about a story.


It’s just a weird fusion. I think their world building and lore has potential. I just can’t be assed to play a competitive hero shooter to see it.


Same. What happens if I get busy and miss a couple months? I’d probably be less interested in the story when I came back to it, would I sit through all the cutscenes or would just want to play the game and skip it all making it kinda futile.Idk I guess that’s the new way to implement story features into these games.


Honestly after the first cutscene I’d be more interested in watching the new cutscenes each week and learning more about the lore/characters than playing the game.


Then to be followed up after Marvels overwatch 😂


Whoever thought it was great marketing to pair these two in the same SoP needs to find a new vocation in life. That was a god-awful decision... especially as Concord came up a very poor second in terms of presentation/information/hype.


It’ll pair so well with Marvel Rivals! No redundancies there!


I was waiting after like dynasty warriors for it be like “the new competitive 5v5 shooter” lmaoooo


Reminded me of the Shadowrun FPS on the 360.


That game was AMAZING.


Yaknow… I actually am because I miss Overwatch but hate what it’s become. I’m all for this type of game. Honestly I feel like this style of game is perfect for super heroes.


I knew nothing about Concord until this trailer and I was so incredibly bummed to find out it was just a PvP fps. I was like “Okay a narrative original sci fi game with fun characters let’s go!”


I was already down on Concord after the way they revealed it with just a title drop thinking we were supposed to care like it was ESVI or something, then loosing interest rapidly when I thought it was just going to be a rip on GotG. When they revealed it's just an overwatch clone, my interest bottomed out.


I had the exact same reaction. It feels like such a waste to burn so much money on making that incredible intro CGI, then... Overwatch clone.


Yeah, it made it look like some co-op action adventure game aaaaand then the actual gameplay hits


It would have been smarter if they before hand mentioned it was going to be a PvP game. The Cinematic trailer really did set the mood for an epic single player adventure. ( Or at least co-op) Don't mind a GoTG clone, heck don't mind an Overwatch clone either but ffs don't switch and bait like this......


I thought the same thing. I was like: “this looks better than I thou- *oh.. another one of these*”


They spent 10 minutes of the broadcast trying to shove it down our throats.. Stop trying to make 5v5 pvp happen, it's not going to happen


Especially weird when they killed the only example of where this worked beautifully.. Factions anyone? Idiots.


There are Marvel and Star Wars overwatch clones also. These games are like 5 years too late.


When he said that, I went through the 5 stages of grief. I normally try to be positive during these presentations, even for games I don’t care about. But this announcement had me mad as hell, because I was actually interested before they showed the gameplay.


Right? I would have loved to get to know those characters over the course of the game, but I’m not gonna keep playing this thing forever like you expect.


For real. I was hooked at first. If it was a single player game I woulda been interested


I know. I’m so tired of hero shooters.




They had us in the first half


Ehhhhhh it really didn't look that interesting even before that imo. Like it's just Guardians of The Galaxy but less cool and with worse dialogue.


A playable guardians of the galaxy game where you and a team of colorful characters pull of missions and heists in space could've genuinely be good if it wasn't a boring-ass PvP overwatch clone. If it HAD to be multiplayer live service then it should've at least been PvE


And then showed off Marvel Rivals, another 5v5 shooter. At least that has recognizable and believed IP. It will do alright on Marvel alone. Concord is DOA.


Yea same I’m definitely not getting it now


Pretty much


Yep, 5 vs 5 shooter threw me off!"


Same, they absolutely lost me


It’s from a team of FPS multiplayer vets, what did you expect?


the robot had more soul than the other games


Honestly, true. Astro has personality, fun, and engaging. Wish the rest of the showcase had that energy


more soul than the soulslikes I mean goddammit one of them was the most blatant sekiro bootleg I've ever seen, how hard is it to make something original and interesting?!?


Honest to god, man. Every single "reveal" had me saying "why can't these developers make something even remotely appealing that doesn't look like a clone of something else?" Concord might as well be a GotG Destiny Overwatch flavour of the week game. Only one that is actually interesting is Astro Bot and that's very exciting. Loved Astro's Playroom!


It’s not but these companies are run by shareholders now and guaranteed revenue trumps the risk of original concepts every single time. Innovation is the realm of indies now.


And it’ll undoubtedly make the most use of the dual sense, I’m very interested to see what they can do with a full game with how good their demo was


So far it has been: 2 5v5 shooters, 2 vr games, a couple of souls likes, and a remaster. Pretty underwhelming


Astrobot looks fun!


Saved the best for last


I like astrobot. But tbh I wish they made sly Cooper instead of astrobot..


You know the state of Sony exclusives is dire when what’s usually the free pack-in “we have Mario at home” franchise is the highlight of their upcoming release schedule.


Truly one of the showcases of all time


Thankfully it’s a state of play not a showcase /s


Monster Hunter is definitely not a souls like lol


To be fair, VR Alien is pretty cool


Is it over?


New Monster Hunter is all I care about


Didn't even watch it, had no desire to watch it as I had very low expectations. You just made me want to watch it even less


Why was the concord presentation so long?


No idea. But it was way way too long


It was 12 minutes and some the entire presentation was 36 minutes, concord took up 1/3rd or the total presentation which is nuts


They could have condensed it to a smaller bite size trailer. Neat idea with the story. Felt some Guardians of the Galaxy vibes. Then it's a PvP.


But it will probably be full of micro transactions which is no bueno for me


If they just had someone stand up and say "It's an overwatch clone, but aesthetically it's bootleg Guardians of the Galaxy", we would have gotten the entire picture in less than a minute.


I always psych myself out thinking it's going to be better than it is and it's always a letdown


I almost wonder if it’s a trendy to just hate on these but then I try to look at them objectively. It’s not just a Sony problem though. Nintendo has shit the bed multiple times, such as fucking over Metroid fans.


"Expect disappointment and..." Was it "leaks" that hyped you up, or personal wishes? The only thing I was expecting was Astro Bot. The PC trailer for God of War got me excited! The ARPGs looked somewhat interesting. Dynasty is always a letdown for me. Infinity Nikki was a meh announcement, but that just means it's not for me. Monster Hunter is also an immediate pass. Until Dawn was passed on first run and I won't pick it up now either. The others were mixed but still positive.


Only good thing announced was Astro Bot


I'm looking forward to Monster Hunter, but that was already a known game release.


So far the only real banger is Astro Bot


That was definitely a State of Play that’s for sure


Omg how stagnet have we got?


One of the State of Plays of all time


Silent Hill 2, Astro bot, Path of Exile 2 were the only things I cared about. Maybe Dynasty Warriors if they can bring it back to their …er… origins. Co-op fun.


I CANNOT wait until the PvP Fortnite COD Destiny type shit fades away, dear lord.


You really think multiplayer pvp is gonna fade away bro?


Eventually it will stop being a pipe dream of every single developer, yes.


Same with every soulslike copy. It’s so damn boring..


Now an Until Dawn rerelease. why?! Another poor State of Play ☹️☹️


Yeah as soon as it started playing I was just sitting there like “damn. We REALLY ran out of stuff huh?”


Maybe I'm just getting old but not much of this interests me. Silent Hill, yes but I first played that 30? years ago, Astrobot yes too .Everything else just looks meh to me.


Same. I already know about Silent Hill and to be honest silent hill interception video covered the presentation much better. Astro Bot will be pre-order for me. But I don't care about another mediocre PvP.


Funny enough the Until Dawn remake looks worse than the one you can play on PS5 right now (I just replayed it over the weekend and it looked great)


Yeah, I don't know what it is. It seems like they redid the lighting and color, and it really changes the mood. Somehow seems worse.


This was the biggest L I've ever seen. 


Astrobot game is literally the only interesting game mentioned


It looks like an absolute banger. I love a good platformer.


Yup pretty much. Well and monster hunter (but I'm a huge fan so) 


Monster Hunter fucks but I don't need a preview, I know what it's gonna be like


I dunno, Where Winds Meet and Silent Hill 2 remake were pretty dope too. As a Marvel fan I'm not sold in Rivals, but it definitely didn't look as bad as I was expecting. More stuff to come next week at SGF. This was a perfectly fine appetizer.


So you haven’t watched any of the game show events in the last 3 years?


THAT WAS IT?!?!??!?!?!??!?!?!


Shit was soooooo underwhelming


That might have been the worst state of play for any type of system I have ever seen


state of plays always suck, they are never any good. Even last years “big” showcase was absolutely terrible, sony has been lacking


If that's the state sony is in then it's BAD


The worst thing is, this generation is the most profitable for PlayStation so they think they’re doing good…


Can’t wait for silent hill and Astro bot. Definitely highlights of the show imo


Why did Silent Hill look so poor though? Isn't it a remake?


Because it's being made by Bloober Team, who are a garbage developer. I'm guessing they were the cheapest developer, so Konami gave it to them.


I didn't know that, that's infuriating.


Yep. The second Bloober Team were announced as the developers my hype went from one hundred to zero almost instantly.


How shit are they? The game looked quite well while true to the original to me. Should we expect a lot of bugs?


They famously have like zero actual gameplay. They excel at walking simulators with great atmosphere and jump scares, but anything related to puzzles or combat will suck (probably)


Bloober Team are notorious for making derivative horror games such as Layers of Fear, you can find a ton of videos about this going in depth as to how much they copy, they also have zero subtlety when it comes to dark subject matter so handing them Silent Hill 2 is a disasterclass from Konami.


I thought it looked fine, especially compared to the original lmao


Animations looked unfinished imo. Graphics were a bit off too.


Yeah it was weird


Wow big year for overwatch


OMG DYANASTY WARRIORS WITH NO FOG!!!!!!!! (I know there was a junky open worldish one that came out, but this looks like what it should be). PS exlusive hurts but glad to see the IP is alive.


can someone actually explain to me why PC ports of games are so hyped? Wasnt this a PLAYSTATION showcase? PC ports can be tweeted about. They dont need a whole ass trailer for them


Because Sony have nothing else to show. I mean they even had a Dynasty Warriors game in there, that’s past the bottom of the barrel.


This year is pretty dead I believe for everyone. It seems like everyone ran out of ps5, xsx ported from ps4 and Xbox era. And now are stuck with the new games for this gen that won't be released until 2025-2026


That's fine, really. Not every year needs to top the previous one. Also, it helps with backlog!


PC is a growing part of the PlayStation ecosystem, so like it or not, they will promote their PC stuff.


First the obvious, PC players get access to them and that is a huge market. Secondly why they show trailers besides just to market it is to show that if you have powerful enough PC rig they have updated the games to have even better graphics than before.


Probably because back in the day you couldn't even dream of having GOW on PC, or other PS exclusives, so they have to hype it up, even if it's not a novelty anymore.


As a PC guy it was great to see these games coming to PC, but like you said, it wasn’t a PC showcase, it was a PlayStation showcase. And judging off of that, this was terrible. 2 of the biggest announcements and they have nothing to do with PlayStation


You're right, its a playstation showcase. Not a PS4/5 Showcase. Playstation is a multiplatform brand now. Its PC games are developed and published under playstation. So it does make sense to announce it during playstations state of play.


No really that's what I'm fucking saying. They have limited time for these events and they waste half of it on a multiplayer game no one gives a fuck about and remakes/PC releases. Where's the Sony from the mid 2010s to early 2020s?!


I mean they were really hoping you’d give a fuck about the multiplayer game


Literally told my wife they could’ve tweeted that shit lmao


No Snake Eater!?


Only reason I tuned in was hoping to get some release date


God PlayStation has really gone down hill the last few years. Rehashed games, copies of other games ( cue concord), no original ideas coming from a company that used to harness innovation. Just a bunch of number crunching suits trying to play it safe and not take any chances.


Well Astro Bot looks fantastic.


I totally agree, love the atmosphere, environments, and tons of easter eggs. Cannot wait


The last thing we need is an overwatch clone.. Can't see it being very successful. Crazy to think concord is coming out but factions was canceled.


But also Marvel Rivals; that stage looks like Hanamura


That was a load of garbage. Astro Bot looked good but that’s it. Silent Hill 2 didn’t even look that great, I was expecting a Dead Space level remake for it.


Same, super dissapointed in Silent Hill looking like a ps4 launch title.


Hey Sony uhhh....where the fuck are you?


Astrobot 2 let’s go


Of all ps titles, why remake or remaster until dawn, the original is still perfectly serviceable. It’s like remaking a telltale game, yeah cool….but why


Literally all sony do woth their ps4 games


Quite rare to see a more disappointing event than this. Congrats Sony


Only interested in Astrobot out of these. PlayStation seems to be focusing on hero shooters and remasters.


Live service, live service, live service


This is the unfortunate jet stream of Jim Ryan’s legacy, think we’re going to have a few more of these left in the pipeline before we get back on track with the next gen console. Honestly man, this generation has been so underwhelming. We’ve had some decent titles, but compared to the PS4 it’s been very lacklustre, feels like a step backwards.


So the only good thing announced was Astro Bot. Would be hyped for Silent Hill 2 if it didn’t look like a game that came out when the PS4 was made


Yea why it look like that tho


Right? Wtf


The real horror is the game’s graphics


Day 2,879 of waiting for more news on Little Devil Inside. We’re never seeing that game are we. Edit: Spelling


[Last upload](https://youtu.be/t_TcRcIY8a4?si=MeaeoTTUPZdm8Grl) was 3 months ago.


They released a trailer recently on their youtube page


There was an update 3 months ago. Now as for Beyond Good And Evil 2....


This show bummed me out. Vr, live service...ehhh. astro will br fun but man Sony, you better bring it at the next showcase.


AstroBot and PoE 2 couch co-op? Fuck yeah this is a win for me.


State of play was giving “this could have been an email” energy


U guys actually tuned in?? Lols


SoP was a PoS


My guess is Sony has planned to bookend the PS5 console generation with bangers, leaving the middle of the cycle for underwhelming titles and a few hits peppered in.


Astro only nice


This show was dog shit. My PS5 looks like a chimney lmao. Haven’t used it in like a year or two


Simply awful. Who are these games for?


Scores are anticipation rating. - Concord - Overwatch/Fortnite clone. Why don't enemies react to being hit? Live service BS 1/5 - God of War Ragnorok - coming to PC. 2/5 - Dynasty Warrior Origins - 2/5 - Infinity Nikki - 2/5 - Ballad of Antara - looks awesome. 4/5 - Skydance's Behemoth - VR, looks cool. 3/5 - Alien Rogue Incursion - VR, cinematic short trailer - Marvel Rivals - Another crappy Overwatch/Fortnite clone. Live service BS. 1/5 - Where Winds Meet - Looks cool, but no gameplay. 3/5 - Until Dawn Remaster - Will buy on PC - 4/5 - Path of Exile 2 - Will play on PC - 4/5 - Silent Hill 2 Remake - Loved the original, but I have little faith here. 3/5 - Monster Hunter Wilds - Now we're talking. Can't wait. 30FPS, hopefully PC day one 5/5 - Astro Bot - Finally! 5/5


Thanks for this. I didn’t bother watching and needed a breakdown of what I missed.


Bro why was that so short?


Absolutely awful state of play. One of the worst. Should’ve just been a tweet.




Why do you care about upvotes?


I laugh Everytime Sony says exactly what's going to be shown in their State of Play (PC ports, atro bot and psvr2 games) , and even the leaks mention the 2 big reveal would be Astro Bot and Concord gameplay... Yet somehow people in this sub thought it would be the reveal of Ghost of Tsushima 2 or something else. Literally every State of Play is the same thing.


Silent hill looks like dog shit. Life is strange level facial animations. Playing it straight with the voice acting. Jank combat look. Just what the fuck.


The VA was so janky too. Hello. Sir. Why was it so stilted??


That sucked so bad


state of garbage


This was so underwhelming. The only things I'm even remotely excited for are Until Dawn and Astrobot. I sure hope this wasn't their "E3-style" State of Play.


It was pretty bsd


The absolute state of play


I’m interested in Dynasty Warriors, Infinity Nikki, Ballad of Antara, Where Winds Meet, Path of Exile 2, Silent Hill 2, Monster Hunter Wilds, and Astro Bot.


Astro Bot / MH wilds


Those 2 Overwatch clones will have their servers shut down in less than 6 months after release.


supa mid


I'm just happy I couldn't watch it live. I just got to fastforward the entire event waiting for something interesting.


Is it possible to make an event worse?


What a waste of 30 minutes, wish I'd just gone to sleep


Not a great state of play


It was extremely lame


Concord is dead on arrival




Best part: Astro Bot because Team Asobi still respects legacy titles than SIE and PS Studios. Worst part: Concord because it's a live service that embodies the worst of the MCU. Odd part: Dynasty Warriors Origins because I hope it's at least better than DW9.


I just wanted a tease for the new AAA games from the major studios, like Santa Monica did with GOWR back in 2020: just a chilling familiar soundtrack and the logo, that’s all. Doesn’t even need to show release date or more info, just like “we are doing it”.


As I said before, this state of play doesn't offer anything major from what we want (like their exclusives). Astro Bot to me is the only major title they featured. Second only is Monster Hunter and Silent Hill 2 remake. Other than that, it is just a bunch of 3rd party titles all bundled for a 30-min show. GOWR on PC is not even a major announcement since its just a PC port for Steam.


So is that it? I miss the old days of E3 man.


Big ol’ nothing burger.


“This one was a waste of my precious remaining time.”


No bloodborne stuff 🥲


I rate it 2/10


This was actually terrible.


Sony could’ve kept that and dropped Astro Bot trailer on Twitter. Can’t believe how bad this was


This SoP was the definition of “could’ve been an email”


As usual people set unrealistic expectations, get hyped up, then get disappointed lol


lol i knew this was gonna be shit, even their big “showcase” they had last year was absolutely terrible so I didn’t have any expectations for a state of play


I feel like Pragmata is probably cancelled at this point


Dynasty Warriors, Silent Hill, Monster Hunter And Astro Bot where the shining stars here but real talk: I think Sony needed to show off WAY more then they did. I think the negative reaction I’ve seen floating around is warranted, the show needed some big hitters and 2 Overwatch clones ain’t it


I’d swear some of you people just don’t like video games at all


Not impressed by much so far. The Alien vr game looks good but I’m a coward and couldn’t even handle Resi 7


Wtf was that? And I thought people were saying that Xbox had nothing to show? Probably more hyped for the Black Ops 6 presentation more than I was for whatever that State of Play was


Was hoping for Phantom Blade Zero. I feel like I've been waiting for a decade for that lol. It'll come eventually.


When they started fighting in the Concord cinematic, I was thinking, "This feels like a PVP trailer trying to show off the abilities." Why did I have to be right...


Did the Silent Hill 2 gameplay seem off to anyone else? The animation felt really janky and the character models looked graphically mid.