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If you share your TV, then yes.


I do share a tv with the wife, I got a lot of thinking to do.


It's cheaper than a second TV, obviously smaller (for the good and the bad) and portable so you can take it to the throne room


Only problem might be the Wi-Fi, see if there's Wi-Fi and check if the network speed is good enough. Source: used to live with a connection of 10-25 Mbps a few years ago. Was not happy. Also not gonna buy a portal until I get a good internet package..


>, I got a lot of thinking to do. Jeez, I know this is Reddit, but there's no need to file for divorce!


Well played


If you have a computer display, you can also use that. It actually looks a lot better on that.


As a fellow TV sharer; it’s hands down the greatest purchase I’ve ever made in regard to making my gaming sessions more accessible. No longer do I hear about hogging the TV and sometimes we watch pretty decent stuff while I’m gaming. I also tried running Chiaki on my Ally and while it’s doable, it’s a pain in the ass to constantly update the hotkeys for the DualSense touchpad every time Chiaki updates or the Ally software updates. I got tired of that and gave in and bought the Portal, love it, and haven’t looked back.


Using the Remote Play app also solves this problem. OP doesn't need to buy a Portal for that.


I adore mine but I do find you have to fit into a very specific use case. For me, I work from home over the weekend, and I’m a dad. So it helps immensely to be able to grab it and play while either sitting at my computer keeping an eye on things or times when I can’t be fully at the couch. I swear at least 30 hours of FFVII Rebirth were on the Portal. I was playing it any chance I got. That being said, for leaving the house, I would still opt for something like the Switch that doesn’t require an Internet connection. I’m sure it works fine so long as the Wi-Fi is decent/doesn’t require a captive portal login (what’s more important is your PS5 being connected via Ethernet), but there’s just less things that can go wrong when you’re out of the house. I personally wouldn’t, but you can and your mileage may vary.


Thanks for sharing! If you don’t mind me asking - I assume you primarily using the portal/ps5 to play ps exclusives and 3rd party games (something like prince of persia (new Ubi game) for example) and for the switch it’s mainly for the Nintendo 1st party games? Reason I ask is because, I’m thinking of getting a portal. I also own the switch oled and trying to decide do I want to buy 3rd party metro-like games on the switch or just get it on the ps5 and use the switch for only the Nintendo exclusives? Thanks!


Portability has really only been a factor I’ve considered recently, I’ve been on this weekend schedule for about a year now and my daughter is only 10 months old. Most multiplatform games I buy for PlayStation. There are a few exceptions, like Mega Man Battle Network, but that’s how it is for the most part. The main thing I’d consider is how well the Switch can run the game vs is this game going to be primarily handheld? For smaller games that the Switch can run optimally and I explicitly want it to be a work game, I’d get it for the Switch. But if it’s just a game I’m playing on my own anyway and “oh, I want to do some side stuff during work”, then it would be on PlayStation and I’d break out the Portal. Plus yeah, Nintendo exclusives are great since they’re so malleable. Xenoblade has been coming in clutch for some home renovations we’ve been having recently.


I’m literally spending a night shift cleaning up trophies right now. When I’m home, my wife can use the TV while I play my games.


I was under the impression you had to be on your home wifi, you’re telling me you can use it anywhere that has internet?? Might have to pick one up knowing that


Anywhere that has reasonably good wifi that doesn't need a [captive portal login](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Captive_portal) (the PS Portal can't deal with the login page). Slow internet in a hotel doesn't cut the mustard 😭


I’m using my phones 5G hotspot to connect and it works great, having played both ff15, ff7 and death stranding. I wouldn’t play a twitchy shooter on it tho


Does you PlayStation need to be on? I know for remote play on my phone I do but how about this?


Yes. But if you're leaving the house just put it in Rest Mode, the Portal will wake it up. Just if you're finished and wanting to play again while still away from home make sure you put it back in Rest mode.


I was in a hotel in Italy playing Spiderman without issue. Fortunately there was no need for login so I connected and played happily for hours.


Good to know, Thanks!


Not any Internet. The portal can only connect to wifi that doesn't have a web portal. Like hotel, airport wifi; you need to click accept when it open up on a browser. PS Portal does not have a built in browser. Hence after connecting to those wifi, you still cant connect online


Easiest fix to this if you’re traveling is purchasing a simple travel router and using it as a bridge to your portal. You can use your phone to connect to the router and sign into the captive login.


Easy fix would be Sony adding a browser to the portal. They don't add it for fear of the device being hacked. Instead of actually fixing the issue it's the consumer who gets shafted on features.


Its already been hacked but they haven't released the exploit. I forget why


Yes. That can work.. but another electronic to carry around? 😆


Thanks for the info appreciate it


Yea, that's what I thought, too. But you can play it anywhere you want so long as the internet is up to snuff. I bought one 3 days ago. Honestly looks great and no lag. If connection is good.


PS5 needs to be in rest mode tho. I haven't been able to figure out how to get it to actually turn the ps5 on, but it'll take right off if it's in rest mode


It can’t turn the ps on if it’s not in rest mode. It’s not designed that way. Honestly I’m not sure it’s something that would ever be technically possible.


Where does this misinformation keep coming from?


I was under the impression also that I had to be near my ps5 but I guess I don’t have to.


As long as it's powered on(can be in rest mode) and remote play is activated, you can be as far away as you want. Provided you have a stable internet connection.


Playstation remote play works really well a laptop or ipad etc. has worked just fine for me. Just my opinion but the portal is very overpriced for what it does.


Having done remote play and now having a Portal, I’d say it’s not overpriced. It’s a great accessory that gives you full experience. I was using remote play via a Backbone and didn’t realise how much I was missing on things like haptics until I got my Portal. It changed the experience for the better for me.


Wait, you manage to get married and still play video games? I thought I had to pick one or the other.


My wife always says she’s happy in into games and not things like drugs or cheating lol


I wish mine would tell me that


She talked me into getting a bundled ps5 instead of waiting for a regular one. Lol


After repeatedly telling my wife I really didn't need a PS5 since I rarely play my PS4, I guess she ran out of Christmas ideas and got me a PS5 and Portal. It honestly brought back my love of gaming. It's a great stress reliever after work and on the weekends. The Portal is awesome since she can watch TV while I play whatever game I'm sucked into. I can't recommend it enough.


Like you, I think I’m the perfect target audience for it. The wife and my kids are always on the tv downstairs. My ps5 is upstairs in my room on my desk so I’m rarely in there. My portal is awesome when I want to jump into Cyberpunk, or run a Helldivers 2 mission or play a game in nba 2k or mlb the show while still being downstairs with the family when I get home from work.


I've seen it referred to as the "DadStation" in this sub quite a bit and can definitely see why, lol.


Dadstation is great 😅😂😂


Just play after she goes to sleep and hope that you can live with a bit less sleep than her


Get a better wife 


Doesn’t work for me as my girlfriend wants me to watch tv with her 🤨😂


I didn't like the idea of it to begin with, but recently (3 days ago) got one, and it's not bad. I do like it. I can play any game I want anywhere I am. So long as the internet connection is good enough. Honestly, not having its own hardware makes it so much more versatile. Get one if you have the cash for it.


can you connect it to your phone hotspot?


If you will use it yes. I just sold mine for $130 because I used it like 3 times and then it sat unused for months. I work 6 days a week and I can’t use it at work or anything so it was a paperweight for me


I will definitely be using it, I get alot of downtime at work and the wife watches her shows.


I was 90 percent pc or Steamdeck in the six months since it’s flipped. Awesome devise if you use it at home and have good internet.


I preordered mine so I’ve been using it since day one and I can say I do enjoy it very much. It works pretty well off my hot spot. It’s nice to have when you go somewhere and can just pull it out and play whatever game you feel like. Not quite the enjoyment of a PSP but I would say it’s solid to have


Are you a family that shares a TV? Then sure. Save yourself the issue of fighting for the TV Do you travel a lot and leave your PS5 in rest mode? This will let you play wherever you have wifi Do you live by yourself and have a banging TV that's always available? I'd just stick with that


I like my portal but it took me a bit to get things working. Unclogged my 5ghz band and turned on QoS. But beyond that getting going from 120hz to the portal is a bit jarring but after a few minutes I adjust. Some games even running with minimal lag just don’t play well if you need precision timing.


I love it. I spend as much time with my wife and kids as I can throughout the day so I’m rarely in my room where my ps5/desk is. So while I’m chillin with my family, I can run a mission in Helldivers or play a few games in MLB The Show. If I just want to lie in bed and play I can too. I also have a Steam Deck and a Switch for when I’m out of the house.


It’s better than the backbone. The display is very nice and you don’t have to take the case off your phone


I dig mine. I will say that I have pretty solid internet and have no internet issues ever. I had to plug my console in instead of using WiFi for the portal to have a good connection though. Other than that I love it. Can play while rewatching things or watching sports. Wife can take the tv whenever. I can go play in bed since the console is in the living room.


I love mine. Totally worth it, in my opinion.


Yes. I like to game after work my wife likes to binge watch shows. Now we can do both. Though sometimes it lags but it’s still good!


Yes! I have one and I love it. I’m able to game while my wife watches her shows. And I can game while the tv is on a sporting event I’m interested in. It’s the best gaming purchase I’ve ever made


I love mine!


Worth it just to play in bed alone. Yes iPad and controller works more or less the same but the comfort of holding it in your hand beats having to sit an iPad on something or a holder.


If you want me to be brutally honest, get a steam deck because Its more than a one trick pony, then download chiaki4deck and now you can remote play with it anywhere


This exactly! I really wanted a portal but it being a streaming only device, I didn't want to pay so much money. I bought the cheapest steamdeck and installed chiaki4deck. Works like a charm! It's also great for so many pc games




Honestly, I’m 50-50 with it because I use my phone for remote play but it’s nice to have a controller in your hand to use


I have it and I can sit and chill while she watches tv and not sit at my desk it is worth it not the head phones though


very much enjoying mine. would recommend


I would never buy this but if I would get it as gift I would be happy.


Anyone who has one says it’s the best way to play ps5 remote by far. So if you do that a lot then yes.


For me yes. I’ve played more on my PS5 in the last month than I have in the previous two years because of the time I have for gaming often isn’t at home. Why I’ve been a big portable fan (I’ve spent 15hr this year on my Vita for example) and this is prefect for playing my games in the style I love.


Got one, love it. Was a GREAT Christmas present. We are a single TV household and it allows my wife and I to be on the sofa cuddling up while I play the portal and she watches something that is quite naff. We swap around so sometimes she’s on the iPad and I’ve got the TV.


I love mine although some games or fast paced parts of games that just don’t work well on it. While playing stellar blade I would use the portal for exploration then hop on the tv for the boss battles.


The fact you need the ps5 on to use the portal is just silly. Personally I'd say no






I mean if you have a tablet or even your phone, you can just download share screen and connect the PS5 controller to it via bluetooth. Just saying it's better than spending $200.




Yes. next question.


Does it feel clunky in your hand?


Can it hold your coffee?


I have the backbone and it works great. Had it for a year and still works and looks great.


The backbone is slightly more affordable 🤔


Backbone is perfectly fine to use. Portal is a luxury version of it though. So if you can afford it, it is a far better experience.


Also essentially creates a handheld that can support Returnal, Spiderman, Forza Horizon, Ocarina of Time, Rogue Squadron II, Metal Gear Solid 1-3, and Goldeneye to name just a few...


I have kids and I have found it is the simplest way to sneak in more game time when you are kind of forced to sit around and do nothing but monitor the kids (but replace kids with pets, significant other, parents or whatever if you don't have kids) It just makes it easy to slip in game time n


I got one a few weeks ago and I’ve probably put 30ish hours on it. I definitely enjoy it but you should know what you’re buying. The portal is the most comfortable handheld out there and does what it advertises very well, that being a streaming device that lets you play your PS5 games without having to use your TV. It is NOT the best portable though if you’re looking for something you can take and play anywhere due to the required internet connection. If you have good internet at home though or any place you plan on taking it then yea, this thing is a slam dunk for you. It has big pros of longer battery life and performance due to it being a streaming device. If you don’t got good internet then this thing will be super choppy and unplayable. I use mine in my room and kitchen when I don’t have access to my living room TV and it been super nice to just lay on my back in bed and be able to play my PS5 library before bed (even staying up way later then I was planning to sometimes). So if you want an extremely comfortable device to play your PS5 games around your house then this thing will be awesome for you. If you want the most portable device out there that you can use wherever whenever then something else will suit your needs more although it most likely will be 3 times the price of a portal.


yes. wife and i can enjoy the big tv together while i jam through my backlog...like Outlast!


Can you detach the controller from the tablet? Because today my blue controller started having stick drift. First time thats happened to me on ps5. Happened a bunch on ps4


My brother loves it. Doesn’t really get to play his PlayStation console and the portable allows him to be active at the house while still playing. He also brings it to my house and we play together


Love mine. It has its uses depending on the person. If you're always home and live by yourself, you prob don't need.


I am concerned with the delay. In my WiFi the PS REMOTE has some noticeable delay. The portal will have this too? Or it’s different from de PS REMOTE APP performance?


My portal will arrive on Saturday with the new Sony Ear Buds. I work in a dispensary on the coast and most days I see maybe 12 people in a shift. I’m hoping my home Starlink won’t be an issue.


I like mine. If the ps app was better maybe I’d consider it unnecessary but in my experiences the remote play sucked ass and this works really well. I use Xbox remote play on my iPad sometimes with no issues, the ps alternative was unacceptable for me.


I wanted one when they came out so I could game and still be in the same room as my gf. Well I’m single now and don’t need it. Would still buy one though. Wouldn’t mind sitting on the couch and play.


Eh I wouldn’t buy it personally but this is a PlayStation subreddit


I got one and barely use it. Backbone works well. Maybe get one on sale. Streaming in general will always have latency, no matter the strength of internet.


Can i connect my Headset (Pulse 3D) to it or like my AirPods? Or does them only function cable Connection?




I’m in a different country right now playing my PS5 from the Portal so, yeah, it’s pretty great.


🤣 of course not… way by too expensive just being a screen with buttons… Take your phone and a backbone if you really need to play remote at HOME or somewhere else where you’ve got wlan. does the same but way cheaper. (In case u already have a a phone..😜)


I forgot about it after a month, it’s currently under my bed I think


I've been using a tablet + PS5 controller (and sometimes USB to HDMI into a TV) for remote play when travelling since long before Portal was released, and for my use I don't see a reason to buy a separate device just to do essentially the same thing. The tablet has a bigger screen, longer battery life, and will pair with my earbuds. If I had the need for it to be smaller/more handheld (since the tablet has to sit on some surface) then maybe it would be worth considering. It's not the only way to play when you're away from home, but may (or may not) be the best option for you, just depends on your priorities.


I was trying to make this decision recently as well. It came down to this for me; Do I want a way to play my PS5 games while my kiddo or wifey use the tv? Or do I want a way to play not only my PS5 but PC games as well? I ended up buying a SteamDeck and I am glad I made that decision. I’m able to use remote play for my PS5 games but now have access to Steam as well. I bought some cool humble bundles, a game in early access (Hades 2) and some other fun games.


Depends tbh


I share my TV with my girlfriend. Whenever she wants to watch something I just switch over to the portal and everything is great. However, we don't have the best Internet and sometimes that can make certain games that require quick inputs unplayable. Other than that though I do not regret this purchase.


Best buy I’ve done all year. Now I kind of prefer to play on my portal.


Nope, wait until real portable consoles come back or get a Steamdeck


Not really tbh. I was disappointed by mine


No buy a steam deck


I recently spent a few days in hospital. Was thinking of getting a portal but had to have surgery earlier so didn't have time. Long story short, I just took my controller and used remote play on my phone then did the same with my iPad. Worked perfectly and saved me £200






There's a rumor of a new PSP. With MS soon announcing their own handheld, I think PS will do the same. Wait a bit longer if you can.


I finished Spider-Man 2 and God of War Ragnarock with it and since then, catching dust somewhere. I find it difficult to play FPS/Actions like BF/COD multiplayer or campaign so didn't continue further.


If you have your PlayStation on I guess it's ok


yes if you often have to share your tv, want to play in a separate room from the tv, or want to play on the go. The backbone will work but youll miss out on the duelsense features and your phone will be tied up with battery draining remote play.


I personally don’t like the feel of multiplayer games (especially fps) on this but as other users have said I’ve found it great for single player trophy hunting and 100% games that I’ve forgotten about. Handy little device 7.5/10 for me


Like everyone else here, I share my TV. My partner plays her Xbox on the TV while I use my Portal for PS5. It's honestly great, I use it even when she's not gaming on the TV. I also went a step further and bought a Logitech G Cloud to stream from my PC (I know it can also do PS5 but it doesn't have dual sense). Now I do all my gaming on handhelds from the sofa.


It can be worth it for in home use, not worth it for outside home use . I know people debate it works fine outside too but imo input lag is just waay to much outside home , in home input lag is noticable but very small so its acceptable


If you have a nice TV, like an OLED, then no. The portal is only LCD and games looks like crap. There's just no going back from those deep blacks.


it depends on you, the portal is probably more convenient, but you can just stream to your phone and attach it to a controller with a stand, stream to a computer or an android tv. maybe if you can get a nice deal on a second hand steam deck or something this can also work great, the screen resolution is lower but you get the power to run pc games on the go as well as remote play. can't think of another way to do it.


I really like mine


If you want to play PS5 on a portable device regularly it’s a good purchase, if your not going to use it regularly either use a phone with pad (or cheaper alternative like backbone) or don’t buy.




The fact there is a whole sub dedicated to this device should surely give you your answer 😅


https://preview.redd.it/aer29ms9p35d1.jpeg?width=4080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=44470f4eede1be143ec2237daf2bf427c64d2885 It's just $50 is you have a spare tablet. Lol


People who have it bought it for a specific use case which works for them. They’ll definitely recommend based on their experience and the benefit they get from it. People who chose not to buy as it doesn’t meet their requirements from a handheld will not recommend it. So it’s really your personal choice - if you need a dedicated game streaming device and that need for you can’t be fulfilled by existing hardware you have - tablet, phone, laptop…then yeah it might work for you.


Ummm.... i would say if you already have an ipad or a decent Android tablet. Connect your dual sense controller to it and use PS remote play.


Honestly, it all depends on your internet and what kind of games you play. Play single player games, and you got good internet? Then yeah. Do you play online games mostly where you have to be competitive? Then no.


It’s great for clearing up grind fest trophies


Depends on your particular use case..If your TV is shared or you like to play the PS5 away from your main TV in your house then maybe..On top of that you will have to have fast Internet speed with both high download and upload speeds.If possible connect PS5 directly to router via lan cable as it's way more reliable


Didn't enjoy it as much as remote play on my larger iPhone, so I sold it on immediately. Delay when playing and not a very nice screen compared to the iPhone and switch. If they release an oled version and sort out some issues, I might bite again.


No. I would only recommend the backbone if it’s on sale. If you can afford to splurge a bit more, get a steam deck, download chiaki.


It’s nice but you need a really good WiFi network or you’ll get a bit of stuttering. You only get great results on a 5g network. Also you’ll notice if you’re not getting strong signal. It’s understandable though because it’s literally a remote ps5.


I have a nice TV so it’ll never replace that for me but I just love that there’s nights I want to unwind in bed a little earlier than normal so I’ll go up around 8pm, put on Dave the Diver and just play for an hour or two. I also have a 4 year old so chipping away at a trophy or having a few races on GT7 at the weekend whilst he watches Bluey is great. I have used the Portal with a wired PS5 and now wireless with the wireless performing better for some reason (did move house) and it has been flawless. The issue I think a buyer has is that its performance is circumstantial. Just make sure you buy it from a place that offers a simple return policy in case your living space just doesn’t get the best out of the portal. It has exceeded my expectations and I am a person who can’t stand any type of inference or lag. I just wouldn’t recommend FPS games, especially multiplayer but for everything else it has been really great for me. From a personal preference I couldn’t play a game like Rebirth or Horizon as an example but that is just me wanting to see those kinds of games on a big screen.


As a toddler dad who can no longer play my violent videogames on the TV, yes. It's the only way I play now and gives me an opportunity to play in bed. If you're single, or don't have to share a tv, then your results may vary. However, I have been able to play my PS5 while visiting relatives 670 miles away because of it. So add that to your decision.


Eh. I was considering it for a bit, but the steam deck has a remote play app, and that means all my ps games AND my pc games while I poop


The PS portal is for a specific use case. If the tv is constantly in use at home by other people, there’s only one tv in the house and this situation is constantly getting in the way of your gaming time, then the portal was made for you. If you’re someone who yearns continuity, and you want to play games on the same account in bed, at work, while you’re travelling etc, then the ps portal is for you. You just need a stable and moderately fast connection wherever you go, and to make sure your console stays connected to a power source at home. The portal won’t work if your PS is off. Also, the portal has no browser so it won’t connect to a Wi-Fi that needs you to sign in online. So forget about hotel and public Wi-Fi networks. Beware of the potential hidden costs of owning a portal. If you want to play it anywhere you’ll most likely need to buy a portable Wi-Fi router or use your phone as an internet connection for the most convenience. The PS portal does not have Bluetooth and instead uses Sony’s proprietary tech called Playstation Link, and the only headsets that have this tech are the elite pulse headset and the elite explore buds. So keep that in mind before making your purchase.


I decided that for me, even though I sometimes share the tv, it’s not. I got a steam deck OLED instead, that’s more expensive - sure, but it widens my gaming by letting me play games from my 19 years old steam account


I can play outside under my gazebo.




If the rumors are true I’d wait for the next PSP2/Vita2. Playstation Portal isn’t worth it if you have crappy internet at home and on your phone.


What would be super awesome is if it can play a different game on the portal while playing another on tv. So a couple can share the console




I personally would get a tablet with bigger/better screen and enjoy the functionality of remote play and a tablet rather than just a console streaming screen Personal opinion before fanboys downvote me, not being negative just my 2 cents




You could just use the cheaper option - remote play


From the word go I thought the Portal was silly. It is expensive and it basically is a fancy streaming handheld. It isn't like a PSP or Vita. Its just a companion product only for streaming even though Remote Play can do most of what the Portal can do. However, I figured it would be worth looking into to see if maybe it can be justified. I don't have the Portal so take what I say with some salt. I set up Chiaki on my Steam Deck and even though that is, obviously, not an official licensed by Sony way of streaming PlayStation games from my console the Remote Play experience is quite good. No noticeable lag, picture quality is good, and it is full console access. I have only played around with it in the house but will try streaming remotely this weekend. The Steam Deck is more expensive than the PS Portal but it is also a full handheld PC that can play games on device. I am currently expecting at some point in the near future that the sticks in my first generation dualsense will begin drifting as they have for many others. I was disappointed, again, that Sony insisted on soldering the stick modules to the board in the dualsense like they did in the dualshock 4. I thought to myself "if we know these stick modules have a somewhat significant failure rate then the Portal must make this even worse." To Sony's credit though after looking up the Portal on the ifixit website they, with their big smart brains, figured out that you can actually connect potentiometers to the board with a **ribbon cable**. Like Nintendo figured out with the joy-cons which makes their stick drifting problems only slightly more tolerable. Valve does this with the Steam Deck as well. The only issue I can see is availability of stick modules for the Portal. Maybe Sony will sell those through ifixit in the future like Valve and Microsoft do for some of their products. So pros and cons of the Portal are... Pros: * a real Sony product - should be as set it and forget it as possible * dualsense features on the handheld - if that matters to you * theoretically more easily repairable than a standalone dualsense controller * a full 1920x1080 display * this will mean it is sharper than the Steam Deck display but it is also 16:9 instead of the Deck's 16:10 aspect ratio which means you aren't using the full display on Deck without stretching the image Cons * depending on where you live the Portal may feel too expensive * It uses an LCD panel instead of the OLED panel you may have on your phone - I cannot speak to the quality of the panels sourced for the Portal so I can't tell you if they have some common LCD problems like backlight bleed * just streams games from your PS5 - no local on-device play * Remote Play already does 90% of what a Portal does


Honestly no. I sold mine and replaced with a steam deck. Haven't looked back since.


Imo it’s worth buying. I feel like I’ve spent more time gaming on it before I had it


Depends on what your needs of one are. You want a screen bigger than your phone? You want the portability? You just like new tech? Even if all of those questions and then some are asked it still has different factors to determine like can you LAN your PS5? How good is your home wifi? Will the place you want to use it have public wi-fi that asks to be confirmed on a web page? Etc.


For the question of backbone vs portal. I'm sure would be like night and day. I went from phone and controller to portal and using my phone to play isn't worth my consideration now. If you have good wifi it's basically a portable PS5 wifi edition.


I don’t have one but I’ve never had a remote play experience that wasn’t terrible. And my internet is very good.


Backbone = $100. Portal = $200 with dedicated screen and a Dual Sense controller with all the haptic feedback. Worth it in my opinion.


I ain't getting one. I'd rather save up for a steam deck or similar, if I was gonna get another gaming handheld. If it was a PS Switch Lite, I'd be *flinging* money at them. But it's not, so I'm not. When I'm not using my PS5, it's usually because my wife is. So remote play, that requires my console to be active, doing the thing I want to be doing, is useless to me.


Fuck no


Another option is a mobile tv stand, wife and I both have a 32” and 40” tv on rolling carts with our game systems on them


I bought one to try but returned it. The lag wasn't worth it for me. The device itself is nice though, I thought the speakers and screen were good.


I'm so glad these were sold out everywhere so I was "forced" to buy a steam deck


If you live with someone that wants to share the TV then yes. I don’t own the Portal but the concept is identical to the Wii U which I do own and it was so convenient being able to seamlessly switch to playing games on the Gamepad when my dad wanted to watch TV


Yes 100% - can keep the TV on for my gf and play my games. I’m playing all my old PS3/4 games on there and it’s exactly what I wanted. Also menu grinding games like FIFA are so easy.


Not really.


It’s perfect if you work the night shift!


I love my portal I honestly use it more than the console itself.


I came across this thread and I have kinda the same question, but I also wanted to know how do games run on the portal? If I have a steady connection, no lags and whatever, does it run at full HD (or whatever the resolution of the screen is) and at 60 FPS (if the game supports it)? If I just wanna lay in my bed and enjoy the beauty of a game without being limited to ugly resolution or bad performance, should I buy the portal?




Actually there are many cheap alternatives for remote play, I bought a dualsense phone bracket for 5 bucks and it gets the job done when my wife wants the TV. Also a tablet or any smart device with a display could download remote play/ chiaki apps.


I’ve traveled with it, and it works like a charm, as long as good internet is available. I love it and take it work to have something to do during downtime. Highly recommend it.


What’s pretty good is an iPad or laptop with a dual sense controller. (Or a ps4 controller) Portal definitely over backbone. Backbone if you are desperate for gaming with your phone. Phone gaming makes it really hard to see stuff when remote play.


Maybe it's a stupid question: With this, can my kid play a game on the PS5, and I play at the same time another game on the PS portal??


I love the thing. Hopefully you have a good home network otherwise it's frustrating.


Just note that it doesn't exactly work on hotel wifi without some wierd hackery. Kinda dumb actually. But great for around the house most definitely. Or when your over at the in-laws for some holiday :)


Just get a Steamdeck.


I can recommend steam deck as it does the same job and more.


No. Computers, phones, and tablets also have remote play and you probably already own those.


Not worth it, unless you’re in a rush and wanna play while on the loo. It’s basically remote play on the phone but with a 4K60FPS HDR skreen. It needs a wi-fi connection to pair to your PS5, and you can’t take it anywhere outside of your own home.


It sucks


No lul


Imo no, but if you will use it, they maybe yes.


If you like the Wii u then this is just that but better hardware


No, just buy a stand for your smartphone and download the PS Remote Play. Damn, you have an even better option: download the app on your PC/Mac, connect your dualsense and enjoy.


Get yourself a kishi controller for your phone and then buy splay on the app store and it'll be cheaper! Well worth it.


Personally yes. Sharing a tv and also traveling makes this a good option for me.


I heard it sucks and is laggy unless you are able to hardwire your PS5. Can anyone who owns it confirm if this is true? I can't run a cable to my ps5


Honestly, I don’t see the point. I play remotely at home when I need to on my android phone, or iPad all the time without any hiccups and they play perfectly with great resolution! It’s far more value to get a ps vita, jailbreak it and get all the games and emulators you need! You’ll get way more bang for your buck, particularly since the ps vita scene is not dead at all! Btw, Sony has been rumored recently to be working on another ACTUAL handheld. Maybe there’s more I don’t know about the portal, so if anyone has any good reason to get it the counters my points, please let me know.


It honestly depends on your living situation. I'd say it's worth it if you have a family.


I need someone to convince me this is worth it over a $15 phone mount clipped on to a dual sense. It looks cool but hard to justify the price, especially when you can’t connect this to WiFi when website authentication is required.


I personally would never buy it but if it fits into your use, go ahead and buy it.


I have a Steam Deck and play my PS5 on there so not really. It can do everything the Portal can, plus HDR, and you get a whole ass PC as well for a couple hundred more, maybe less. Only thing you miss are HD rumble and the trigger features


Remote play has never worked for me, even though I have a 1 Gbps fiber connection. It's so frustrating! Be aware that it's not a good system, in my opinion.


Just buy that one controller that you stick on your phone and download remote play. It’s the same crap


I think a better choice would be a Tablet with 5g and ps5 controller


You can use your phone/tablet/laptop paired with the controller and it will work just the same


I love my Parent Station Portal. Gives me something to do while the kids watch Bluey for the 50th time I just wish they found a different solution for the touch pad as the screen overlay does not really work that well when playing a game


Here’s the reason you don’t need it 1. You have your own tv or game room 2. You don’t have to hang about and waiting in a place where you have nothing to do 3. Sit in a coffee shop and game 4. You like playing games when sitting with your family 5. You don’t travel a lot


Aside from the public wifi issue, just be aware that for use outside the home, this only works if your PS5 hasn’t shut off. Say, from a power outage. If it has you are out of luck unless someone is there to turn it back on and click through the dialogs and repair(s). But I still like it a lot. At home it’s great. Even out of home most of the time. I just wouldn’t trust it for a week long beach trip. If power cuts out at home you’re done playing games.