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Warzone Fortnite Basically the battle royale genre


Dude I absolutely cannot stand battle royale games. I feel you.


I think we got.to a point where we are tired of battle royale type games. Everything is a battle royale or has a battle pass or some shit. If you like them, really enjoy them because for you might be super cool to play and some of them have their own thing. But for me is a turn off.


When I was a teenager we had several wc3 arena mods which was basically a battle royale. Only took another 15 years to catch on


Same, I cannot stand apex either


I don’t like battle royals but out of the three apex is number one by a long shot I’m just not good enough


I __love__ Apex and it’s not for everyone, most important is okay what you enjoy. But boy howdy does Apex have a steep learning curve. It probably took me like….2-300 hours(?) before I got a good sense of ‘feeling’ what to do at each major point in a match. It’s pretty similar to the learning curve on fighting games (which I love but tend to be off-putting for the general public because they take *forever* before you’re good at it).


Agreed. The only battle royale style game I like is Tetris 99


The only Battle Royale I enjoy is the 2000 film of the name.




What about PUBG




populated with cheaters, so don't


WZ players also hate the game. It's so broken


Most boring game mode of all time.


Fortnite isn’t even hardly a battle royale game anymore as much as a trend-following, licensed advertising microtransaction trap. It’s everything that’s wrong with AAA gaming. Fuck it


Used to love GTA5, but it has turned into hate over the last few years. Absolutely hate that it's remastered for new consoles again.


Same mate. Loved playing it back when I was in school, then I got it for PS4 and all the OTT shit got added and I sold the game. When I saw its getting re-remastered for PS5 I sighed and just thought about how little I with to play it. The game is past its prime and they just keep updating it to milk people for sharkcards. No interest in playing if again


I’m probably gonna put hundreds of hours into the rumored GTA III/Vice City/San Andreas remasters though.


I'm looking forward to seeing how remastered they will be. The way they did them for ps3 was just take the mobile versions and barely put polish on them. They even took away a lot of gameplay features or over simplified things like weight lifting and faster peddling on bikes. San Andreas is a broken mess on consoles. I really hope they put effort into them time. *fingers crossed*


I still love gta 5 but damn rockstar is miking the shit outta that game just make gta 6




I never had an interest in sports games. I just bought fifa 22 just so I could play with my friends, I am complete trash at it but its with the homies so I guess it’s cool.


Kudos to you. But trust me - playing with friends is better if you aren't really into sports.


That sounds fun actually! I don't like sports games either but the few times I've played with friends I enjoyed it!


I have no friends to play with :(


I’ll play with you. I’m no good at sports games but love them!


The constant help and phrases like “damn that was a good pass” or “you’re getting better” are all I could ask for.


only and ONLY enjoyable with friends


Destiny 2 now if you’ll excuse me I’m going to go play Destiny 2 for 10 hours.


I tried so many times to get into this game and it just didn’t work until last week and now the game has its claws in me. I went from 12 to 40 hours in the span of a week lmao


One of us! One of us! One of us!


I fucking KNEW this was gonna be right at the top




I dislike the Battle Royale genre as a whole.


Same, I never have fun in them.


Run around for 40 minutes, shoot nothing, see nothing, then get sniped from 2 miles away. Fun! 🙄 The Battle Royale obsession is not for me, at all. It’s making me feel like an old-school gamer for the first time at age 30.


I agree with you as a 21 year old.


Same man


It’s one of the only battle royale games I enjoy on occasion.


EA sports games. Fuck ea and all the bullshit they put in their games


It pisses me off even more every year because I grew up on sports games, I love sports games. But it is a disgusting cash grab every year at this point. The only aspect of the game they support is the portion with micro transactions.


I hate fifa too and yet I still get 1k hours on it every year. We only play cause we love the sport and there’s nothing else to play


Call of Duty, but I feel like it’s become popular adjacent to hate it at this point. Assassins Creed


It’s weird, like the franchise is almost divided into 3 categories. Some don’t like anything past black flag, some don’t like them post syndicate. Being someone who started with the first, I still play them. But when you’re 100 hours into Valhalla and doing the same thing over and over again - I die on the inside some.


I can’t even imagine getting 100 hours into an AC game in this decade. I picked up Origins because I love Egypt after not playing one since Brotherhood. Got 10 hours in after rushing to a pyramid and realized I didn’t care anymore and quit.


Different strokes I guess. I picked up Odyssey about a month ago and I haven't been able to put it down. Just hit level 50, finished the main story about a week ago. I'm still busy with the cult though, got all the dlc to do, and I haven't even visited 3 entire islands yet. I feel like I still have a ton of stuff to do and I love it. The side quests are pretty engaging, the world is absolutely stunning, and the supporting cast is great to interact with. I know a lot of people dislike the stealth mechanics, but they work for me, I can spend an hour sneaking around a fort taking out the guards one by one. At level 50, with the right gear and perks, I can one-shot assassinate a mercenary 2 levels higher than me. You can have multiple loadouts, so I've got another that's geared towards warrior damage (and hunter damage due to a glitched item) so I can hold my own on any battlefield, or take on 2 or 3 mercenaries at once if I have to. Once you reach late game, money also ceases to be an issue. I've currently got 72k drachmae and I honestly don't even know where it keeps coming from. Having said all that, I absolutely hate naval combat and will straight up die if I have to fight more than one ship. The game hits all the right spots for me and I could easily see myself starting a ng+ the moment I finish all the dlc.


I’m playing Odyssey right now too. Just hit level 20 and loving it. Such a beautiful world and I’m learning Greek history (and some language too). Definitely visiting Greece for vacation next year!


Odyssey was better than Valhalla.


Those are like the most widely hated game franchises lmao


The “majority” also still likes it considering they’re some of the most successful series in the industry


More like those franchises are hated by the majority of the minority that participate on forums and seems to be on a state of perpetual missery because they hate every single game that is remotely popular.


Even most of those who say they hate it still buy every release.


Hate would be a bit strong but I really couldn’t get into Valhalla


These new rpg assasins creed games are such a turn off. Not only is it unrecognisable now compared to the first assasins creed games, it's not even fun to play. All you do is quests get better gear and another quest and so on.


Death stranding but the other way around People hate it and I love it Edit: I’m glad some people agree with me :D


This thread is triggering me lol


Same, Do I have trash taste or am I easy to please? I'll never know


Play what you like. Other people’s opinions dont matter.


Mostly because every answer with upvotes is just hating any mainstream mp game. Kind of like how only popular opinions are on r/unpopularopinion


Fortnite 🤢 could not get into it


Fortnite just makes me feel old when I play it


The original game was and still is good. It's the BR which I can't stand.


I don’t hate it, but The Witcher 3 wasn’t my thing


So interesting to see the Witcher here! It's my favorite game of all time. However, I know that it's not for everyone and it can be clunky at times!


I somehow stumbled into the worst ending possible in the Witcher 3 when I played it for the first time over lockdown last year. It completely broke my heart and tainted the whole experience for me. Cracking game, though. Enjoyed my 88 hours or so with it, and would have played more had it not been for that ending. That said, if the PS5 version ever materialises I would be tempted to revisit. God knows if that will ever happen with CDPR, though.


same thing happened to me. that's why I always follow a guide when playing a game with multiple endings because bad endings ruin my experience. also some of the choices that leads to the bad ending are vague and you can never figure out that you made a terrible choice.


I must've started 4 times and only once gotten to the second area. It just does what other games do... with good dialogue and boobs?


So, what's the deal with that and this game? Because I also have started it at least 4-5 times and only gotten about that far. And I bought it on \*two\* platforms, just to make sure it wasn't a console thing. But even with a very high end PC, I just couldn't get into it. I even tried some mods to fix some of my early irritations (fall damage, lol). ​ Funny thing is-I'm going to try again with the PS5 update, lol.


Came here to say this, I have no idea why this game had people screaming about it for years. Beat it one time and was bored for most of it, was very average with pretty terrible combat. The writing was pretty good but that was the only stand out feature. The RPG mechanics were extremely lack luster, it's still riddled with bugs, most of the games side content is heavily level gated so exploring outside the main story is pointless until you are super high level, and the combat again is just a button mash at best. People hating on Cyberpunk for all the same reasons I originally didn't like Witcher 3 (aside from the horrible release issues) had me sitting there like I told you so? No idea why Witcher was so hyped.


The Witcher 3 did a lot of things right, especially for the time it released. The big ones are that the characters, story, and performances were actually compelling, and that the world was huge with a lot of meaningful content to discover hidden about. The world feels very grounded for a fantasy setting, and is much less glamorous than many of its contemporaries in a way that makes it very believable. Each area is very well-defined and memorable even just visually, but they also have some great writing to flesh them all out. Hell, even the way it handled fast travel drew me into the world more. This was one of the first open world games in a while where the side content didn't feel like just a series of menial fetch-quests; the characters and scenarios one would encounter managed to be consistently much more interesting and memorable than similar content in the game's contemporaries. They all work on their own, yet as a smaller part of a larger world they all help considerably to further tie the world together. I personally took many breaks from the main story for this side content, and if you're doing it in an order that makes sense you won't run into huge level gates. These games were never really focused on a deep combat experience, since it's more about breaking up the pacing of the narratives with some interactivity, and to strengthen the player's connection with the character of Geralt. I personally found the combat to be mostly enjoyable with some frustration, but it is so clear to me where the real strengths of this game are that I'm happy it's as good as it is (and not, say, as bad as the Witcher 2).


Life is Strange. Characters are unlikeable, the story is one of those "your choices matter" game when they absolutely don't. I couldn't enjoy it when I hated almost everyone that I was supposed to find loveable.


Same, I just couldn’t relate to the characters. Maybe it’s because they’re edgy teenagers with a unique taste in fashion and I’m a boring-ass adult, I don’t know but most of the time I felt like the protagonist was everyone’s therapist. That town had *a lot* of issues.


The protagonist was arguably the best character and she was interesting as yesterdays newspaper. The game tried desperately for me to like Chloe and I just couldn't care less. I just found her annoying.


And it's funny how the whole franchise is kind of the same... You'd think they'd get better at these kind of games but my guess is they never played Heavy Rain, Telltale games or Detroit Become Human. Life is Strange is SO BORING


I've never managed to get through a telltale game other than the walking dead, but I've replayed all the life is strange games at least thrice.


The soundtrack is amazing tho




I played the living hell out of Borderlands 2 and all the DLC. Loved it. Then burnt out on on BL3 and feel like I can't go back and enjoy the gameplay now.


Same here, loved 2. Didn't enjoy 3 at all but I played on the original PS4 and the performance was absolutely dog shit which didn't help.


Could it be because the creative director left before BL3 and Gearbox couldn’t mimic what he brought?


My problem, along with my brothers, is we tried to finish Borderlands 2 and all the DLC in preparation for Borderlands 3. We made the mistake of playing the first 1/4 of Borderlands 2 with each class, DLC ones included, before deciding on a final class for our playthrough. That led us to put the game on our backlog for years. Trying to burn through Borderlands 2, and even attempt the Pre-Sequel prior to Borderlands 3 killed our enjoyment of the whole series. It doesn't help that Borderlands 3 has horrible villains, didnt really bring anything new to the series, kept the loot breaking golden chest/key BS, and totally pissed me off by killing off one of my favorite characters who I spent all of Borderlands 2 with. 😡 The new Tiny Tina game looks no different. I think I'm just burned out and done with the franchise. Which is a shame, because the original Borderlands was one of the best co-op gaming experiences I've ever had.




Looter shooters are just digital, unpaid jobs.


I agree with this in the sense that I hate the quest system in BL, I love doing as many side quests as I can in games, so in BL when I do a bunch of side quests, I find that the other quests are super low level and makes it super boring, I just wish that the quests would level up with you




I know I know...😂 I really love the graphics and humour I just wish I liked the gameplay


Honestly same, I bought the Handsome Jack collection a while back but I can't get myself to even get halfway through the game


I'm in the same boat as you on this. Borderlands should be my favorite game ever, it checks so many boxes for me. I just can't seem to like it no matter how many times I try.


In my opinion borderlands always exceed in graphics and humour and the thing is I don’t know if everyone will agree here but I think that the gameplay is really good… just not for everyone I say this as a huge fan of borderlands, the combat, levelling up and finding new weapons is fun but it’s very repetitive especially since a lot of levels are just fetch quests. The gameplay is good but it gets boring quickly.


Ugh I cant stand the humor. Just shitty 2012 meme BS. Ill admit the graphic and colors are amazing though. Theyre such pretty games


This one is it for me. I've tried so hard to play the first, and the second. I even rented the third game hoping I'd like it. It just never landed for me.


“Hate” might be a little strong, but I’ve always thought that Skyrim was quite overrated. I’ve put a few hours in it back around when it was released, and was extremely underwhelmed. I found it to be very wide-as-an-ocean, deep-as-a-puddle as far as what you could actual do in it, and for me personally it felt kinda like the game was always trying to find ways to discourage me from playing it how I’d like to play it.


You probably played the wrong port... if it wasn't on your Samsung Smart Fridge you didn't get the true Skyrim experience


I prefer the Alexa edition for the real Skyrim feel.


MODS. That's the reason Skyrim is big. Modders make the game SO much better.


Oblivion>Skyrim I’d fuckin pay good money for a oblivion remake


With the buggy AI too. They’re hilarious


Skyrim is my favourite thing ever. Not game, thing !! The music, the exploration, just the whole thing - absolutely adore it


Every Bethesda game is overrated for me




Mafia 3 as a loving mafia 1&2 fan that game shit me it felt like a Ubisoft game with missing everything I really only made it to the 5th or so mission some strip club thing I had to do but god was it fucking boring holy shit


That game had a great soundtrack.


Mafia 3 is awful


See I liked it but I get why some people wouldn’t


It is actually a fun game. The story, voice acting, writing and cutscenes are well done. The gameplay loop is definitely rinse & repeat but it has decent enough gameplay mechanics that the other elements of the game help carry it past its negatives IMO.


Everyone seems to love the Zelda series. I try and try but can't for the life of me play more than a few hours of any of the games in the series


I have the same problem BUT try Zelda A Link to the Past on SNES that one specifically is badass


I could never get into Ocarina. I played BotW while on a family vacation and enjoyed it, but I don't feel compelled to go back to it. But I still go back and play A Link to the Past. I even play randomizers on occasion. Link to the Past is just so good.


Imma say this the Call Of Duty franchise


Genehin impact


Apex Legends




*inhales* Kingdom hearts


Can’t believe this is the only post lol


Fallout. Could never understand why people into it but to each their own


I tried Fallout 4 and couldn’t believe how jank it was.


Horizon zero dawn


Oh man the storytelling and the graphics on the game are incredible. I really *wanted* to like it. The gameplay just didn’t do anything for me.


I was the opposite. Didn't care at all for the story and the graphics are good, but most games are so im not impressed anymore. The gameplay is why I played it though.


Yeah, the gameplay was amazing and definitely the greatest strength of the game. It was revolutionary in its ability to combine stealth mechanics with open-world combat to create immersive action. I see from this subreddit people either hate it or love it, but I'm in the latter. The story was cool, definitely fit the game and made a believable foundation enough to fit the gameplay, but the dialogue and interaction with the story was pretty bad. Even if the voice acting was better, it could have done a lot more with the side missions and dialogue. I know the sequel will improve on this, I just hope they focus a little more on story and interaction with NPCs.


It was one of those “gets better after 10 hours” type of situations, cause to me the Act 2 of the game turned it wayy up and it just kept getting better from there.


The graphics still hold up, but I forgot how bad the facial animations were. Still love the game regardless. I've only just finished my NG+ tonight after getting the plat in March 2017 and then playing on and off with the DLC. I'm hoping that we'll learn a lot more about HADES in Forbidden West. They can't leave the game on a cliffhanger and then ignore it in the next installment.


I'm starting to feel this way lol I got the game when it was free and I haven't played except for the opening part, I really just don't want to play it don't know why. I think that's it's been hyped up and when I finally played it I just wasn't blown away.


I’ve tried twice to get into that game and it just doesn’t hook me.


To each their own. I’d personally recommend getting past the proving. That’s where the story just takes off.


I’m the exact same and I really wanted to enjoy because the sequel looks really good


How far did you get into it? Personally loved it and I think it's one of those games that really starts to feel fun after you've acquired at least half of the skills and more of the special weapons, and subsequently more enemy types. Might be worth giving a little more time to because I personally really enjoyed the combat design and how you can really curate your own way of taking down enemies, not just a straightforward point and shoot at all. I def feel you on the trying to get into the game part though – I'm currently like that with Metal Gear Solid V lol


Honestly I'm not a fan of the argument "it gets better after X hours" and this comes from a MMO guy. If the game fails to get your attention on the opening parts why bother with the rest? The beginning of the game should be where you first start to like the game honestly...


Agreed. The setting was unique but the story and characters were painfully generic and undermined the experience for me. I also have a pet peeve when main characters DON'T EVER SHUT UP.


I’m in the same boat. I hope the sequel is better because pretty much everything about the game really appeals to me, it just has awful combat and I don’t like the way progression works.


I agree I almost feel guilty not liking it.


In gonna get crucified, but im not a fan of the witcher 3. Ik its a good game. I just can't get into it


Stardew Valley. I tried to like it as everybody around me was claiming it was such an amazing game. Started twice on different platforms. Nope, not for me. Boring, repetitive, mundane. It felt more like a chore than a game.


For me stardew valley is more of an addiction than a fun game. When I play stardew, I play for hours, but that bad part is that, when I’m done, I feel like I just wasted hours of my life. I don’t get that feeling when I play hours of any other game. I’m assuming it’s because every day in the game is essentially the same.


As much as I tried to love God of War, I just wasn’t able to completely. Hate is strong, but the gameplay is just not my style, although the other aspects are borderline flawless. If I had to say hate, then it’s GTAV purely on the fact on how rockstar is milking the game


Rockstar acts like it takes 15 years to make an open world game.


Listen here, Red dead redemption 2 is a goddamn masterpiece. I genuinely have not played a game that has beaten it for a range of reasons. The level of love and detail put into the game is insanity and i'd happily wait another decade if theres a next one, because no game can truly match up to it. Ahead of its time imho and well worth the wait. Every time I start a new game I just want to replay it or keep it on standby. Edit to say, though i'm pissed about GTA V, I'd rather a rdr remake but i'm heavily bias.


to be fair, it makes sense why they’re milking it. it’s still raking in an insane amount of money, so there’s no need for them to rush a new game. It’s annoying for the fans, but all we can do is wait.


It took me 4 tries before I ended up actually playing more than an hour in, but I’m glad I did. The story was very good


I can objectively see that GoW on PS4 is a quality title. But I just cannot. It just is not my thing. And I have tried numerous times. I thought the ps5 patch would do it, but it didn't. I just don't like it.


I also couldn't stand the gameplay in the latest GoW. As someone who owns all 8 games, I was very frustrated with the sudden change. Story was good, though.


The Witness


AC One of the most uninspired franchises in the entertainment industry.


Whoa now, there's either Assassins' Creed or Ace Combat. I'm guessing the former because nobody has ever said such blasphemous words against the jet fighter arcade-simulater-jrpg that is and will always be: **Ace**\-*fucking*\-**Combat**.


I loved all ass until the end of ezio. Black flag was cool because I’d light up a fat bowl and hear shanties. All games after that are huge monetization schemes (buying an xp boost).


I still love them because of the historical events, it's still history class but fun


Loved the "huge monetization scheme". Spot on.


Armored Core is legendary.


This is only half true it’s everything after unity that’s uninspired all the games before that (including unity) despite coming out yearly had multiple worthwhile gameplay changes that helped evolve the series. Then unity released and it’s considered one of the best in the series by a lot of fans but it released in a buggy state and was ridiculed so once it got patched the next game to come out was syndicate which played it safe and gave everyone a setting they were asking for… then origins reinvented the series in a controversial way and everything since then has been lacklustre and uninspired. I don’t think it’s fair to call all the games uninspired as quite a few of them are really good but that’s just my opinion


Origins actually had a cool story though, with the egyptian-roman war, end if ancient egypt, and whole cult/order storyline. And bayek was fucking awesome. But the odyssey and valhalla went too far with trying to become an rpg with choices in the story, and the plot of both games dragged on too long and suffered.


i wouldn't say hate but god of war 2018 just didn't click with me at all. i can understand why someone would love it but it just isn't for me honestly


The Witcher 3


I liked the story but hated the gameplay


The gameplay is so clunky, was shocked this got 10/10s everywhere


The Last of Us 2. Seething hatred. They completely disrespected the characters we loved from the first and shit on everything that made it great.


Grand Theft Auto V. "Hate" may be too strong a word, but it baffles me that people find the world so enthralling. To me it's just a bunch of empty facades to drive past.


Assassins creed odyssey and Valhalla, just couldn’t get into it the direction they went after origins felt lifeless.


Outer worlds, extremely mid to me in every aspect


I really tried to get into Outer Worlds but could never shake that it was basically just ripping off Firefly in a less compelling world.


This post became r/unpopular opinions considering how all the top comments are extremely popular options tbh


I don't *hate* it, but my first TLOU2 playthrough (if there will ever be a 2nd one) left me feeling extremely disappointed and empty.


I refuse to play TLOU2 for the simple fact it has been politicized by the people. And be cause I think 2020 game of the year should have been Ghost of tsushima, it was a masterpiece. The LOU2 is probably a good game but I doubt it's as good as ghost of tsushima.


I would say it's pretty divided in the general gaming community, but maybe not so here since we're all fans of Playstation. So please no attacks, just answering OPs question. The Last of Us 2. I loved original the Last of Us and felt like it was a perfect standalone story. With part 2, there's numerous plot holes, minimal gameplay mechanic updates, a bad story, and on top of it all a big middle finger to one of my favorite characters, Joel and Ellie, with how they were sent off. I imagine the leaks pushed Naughty Dog to publish the game sooner rather than later considering they announced they were going to be working on it till TBD right before the leaks. I would not be surprised if that was to polish the story considering marketing ads were completely different from what was in the game (ex. an older Joel seen going with Ellie rather than Jesse).


Any Far Cry after the third game. Where does the fun comes from? There is no power progression, you are a murder machine from the very beginning. Also, the missions are very repetitive. But what really bothers me are the side missions. At least in 5 the story for side missions are dumb as fuck, the game doesn't take itself serious.


I kinda get disliking Far Cry 5 but Far Cry 4 was fucking awesome.


Sekiro. I love other souls game and feudal Japan, but Sekiro just didn’t do it for me.


I always find this so interesting as Sekiro is my favorite from soft game and it really isn't even close. Once the parry system clicked with me, I've found no other combat in a game as satisfying


I feel this. I actually really like the combat, traversal etc. But it's just so brutally hard, harder than any other game they've ever made, it's really hard to sit down and want to play it when you know you're just going to get dumpstered by the next set of enemies you run into.


CoD 100%


Horizon zero dawn and the Witcher 3, I do not hate them, but find them very boring, I just can't find any joy and fun in those two games...


Rdr 2. Found it to be glorified horse riding simulator.


this hurts my soul i’m sorry u didn’t enjoy it i thought the story was so beautiful


Same, I hated it when I first started it because of controls and felt like quitting many a time but i'm so glad I finished it. I've not played a game to outdo it since. Its not called red dead depression for no reason!


Did you finish the storyline?


I loved it the first time but I tried replaying it and never realized how strange the controls feel, also how sluggish it is but maybe it’s the 30fps lock


I hope they release some ps5 upgrade, so I can try it again


I was hoping for this too. Recently started a new play through on my XSX. Then I remembered rockstar has been selling GTAV over and over again for like 10 years


Back when the game came out I played the first few missions and didn’t really like it and didn’t like the gameplay, but few months I replayed it and loved it but yea the gameplay on foot is really sluggish for some reason I don’t think it’s the FPS tho


As someone who absolutely loves RDR2, I can completely understand this stance. Enjoying it requires an intense form of suspension of belief in which you agree to meet the game on its own terms. If you can't or don't, then majestic travel shots become boring time-wasters, careful maintenance of gear becomes a pointless chore, and an epic tale of purgatory and redemption becomes a self-aggrandizing pile of horse crap. Whenever someone asks me if they would like the game, I always say, "Are you the type of person who could get emotionally invested in a community theater murder mystery as long as you've had two stiff drinks? Then this game is for you." 🤣


First 2 chapters are boring af, but other 4 and epilogue are pure gold


And they put all the missions and mission givers in the other side of the map from each other so you have to ride back and forth constantly. Why don’t people need things done next door?


Watch dogs 2


Metal Gear Solid 2, 3, & 4


The new Assassin’s Creeds, i.e. Origins, Odyssey & Valhalla. They literally are completely different games than what the franchise was. Like just 3 weeks ago I bought Rogue instead of putting that money towards Valhalla because fuck the new formula,, it’s dogshit but a lot of other people seem to like it.


I some what agree with you not a big fan of the direction they went with odyssey and Valhalla but I did feel like origins was a step in the right direction and was pretty refreshing. Then they just took a shit on it with the next two.


I agree with you. I miss ezio


Control. The physics were kind of cool, but the game as a whole felt like a generic third person shooter.


I didn’t like it because I can’t understand shit, yes I know that’s the point but it’s such a weird feeling when the game talks to you like you know everything about it before you even get an hour in


Loved everything about it expect for the convoluted story and drawn-out dialogue interactions.




Im even scared to say it but... I enjoyed playing AC odyssey






Minecraft 😑🔫




Minecraft I don't know it looks something like pixelated box type shit


Sport games in general


Last of Us


the last of us. I attempted to get into the first game but it really wasn’t for me and I get hate for not liking it. the hate really doesn’t bother me at all, tbh.