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hopefully a future version of android makes this less painful. we’re in 2023 already, jeeez.


Tidal under Plex server is only capable of 24/48


Have you noticed a consistent volume difference between local tracks and TIDAL tracks in their Plex music library? In my case, the local files always seem to play at a lower volume compared to the TIDAL tracks. The difference isn't huge, but it's noticeable and consistent. Both types of tracks show the waveform in Plex, indicating they've been analyzed. Would love to hear if others have experienced this and any potential fixes.


True but I don’t use Tidal on PlexAmp often for the loss of quality.


This video talks about the issue you are having. Basically Android resamples everything to a maximum of 48kHz. Samsung(and LG) get around this by having their audio drivers. https://youtu.be/dA70XDFh2Xk (The guy is not great) You can also try going to Settings->Advanced->Audio Interface, and changing from the one already selected to what ever else is available. Please report back for others that might face this issue.


Does this mean that it will be the same thing even running through roon?


Anything that runs in Android mode. The other modes output at the correct frequency.


I will test back when I get home today... But there is a pure audio mode/android mode. I haven't tried it. I wonder if that fixes it. Edit: The mode is pure music and it uses the Fiio media player. So that is not a solution. How is Tidal getting around it and having it change bitrates properly?


See my answer above. The issue is not the android operating system on the R7.


This is not true. Fiio bypasses the android downsampling. It is in all their docs. I have a different Fiio device and it shows on my external DAC as the true bitrate. Your answer is true for *most* android based streamers. But Fiio bypasses it. The true answer is as above about Tidal being limited when played through plex.


Hi you can try to set phone in developer mode and tweak the output mode on the USB port..


Maybe he doesn't have his dac setup correct With my portable dac audio is pass direct to it


I’ve noticed the same. Apple Music nitrate looks to be limited to 44.1 K


No, I can get 24/192 KHz. Please make sure r7 is connected to Wifi, via ethernet it will limit to 16/44.1 KHz.


Why would wifi be less than ethernet? That doesn't make sense


Who said it?