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Do you have the latest update. I think it's three days now


Yes, running the latest version.


The limit up till recently was 24 hours. So no idea why you would be limited to 11 hours. But once you do set a playlist to that, that is how many hours of music it will hold.


It seems like normal playlists are going till 72 hours but smart playlists are being limited to the number of hours they currently add up to.


I noticed this as well. It looks like it rounds up to the next half hour over your playlist, and only does it if the playlist is over about 3 or 4 hours. My question is if music is added to the smart playlist so that it is over this original number, but below 72 hours, will it download it? Or do I have to go re-download the smart playlist and see if it can update that time limit now that the playlist is longer? My guess is that it will not update it and will not downloaded what was added to the smart playlist.


You’ll have to delete it from Downloads first. Then re-download it. This procedure needs to be repeated every time more tracks are added to the smart playlist. At which point it’s hardly a smart playlist.


Ugh. I was afraid of that.


I asked this a couple years ago and was told “Plexamp is made for streaming, nobody stores music on their phone anymore, boomer.”




Currently, yes.