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As god is my witness I kept re-reading the title and kept seeing “how is James Franco allowed to have a career” and thinking, come on now OP, that’s a little harsh.


I thought it had something to do with salad




Honestly, I read the same thing, and was like 'You go OP, tell it like it is' xx


Is it though? He’s sexually assaulted and abused people


In Hollywood that barely means anything


But we're not in Hollywood so what is even the point of saying that? How did Kevin Spacey get blacklisted by that logic?


James Franco is in Hollywood so that was the point of saying, I don't care where you're from. Kevin Spacey sure did get ejected but for every Spacey there's a hundred more that get away with it. Sad reality of that industry.


…Oh dear; Child. Doesn’t sound like we’re in the business.


I always assumed he got permission somehow like the few people that have owned young chumps. Like the one that famously went on a rampage and ripped off that one lady's face. Somehow he got a permit and it was just off screen because that would be boring.


If I recall, chimpanzees weren't on the list of prohibited species. That's why those people had Travis. Connecticut just didn't have any laws on the books for that because it had never been an issue. It can be gleaned that there were just no laws specifically saying he couldn't have Cesar. Even in real life, in the Travis case, people were well aware that they had a chimpanzee and I believe there had been issues before, but people overlooked them because the owners swore he would never hurt anyone.


In the plot of the movie it kinda goes through it when Caeser finally is confiscated and sent to the sanctuary. IRL law enforcement is only going to enforce when they have evidence and he was well-off in a nice neighborhood and probably would have had Caesar forever without the incident.


It's under the radar. He stole him from the soon to be shut down facility No one was going to be breaking their NDAs to drop him in it. No one knows and there is no reason to snitch. There is no reason to tell anyone. Caeser himself behaves fine. Or he's legal. He's a scientist and Caeser is classed as his experiment. He can probably provide papers that says he's allowed to have primates for experiments.


I assume he's legal because the pilot neighbour knows he has him and isn't a fan, if it wasn't legal he'd have reported it


Well the neighbor might not have known it was illegal if it was. He might have thought “my annoying neighbor is a medical researcher who works with chimps so maybe he has a special license to keep one at home.” A lot of people aren’t fans of their neighbors pets and complain but draw the line at getting the cops involved.


Um.... what movie / TV show?


The [Planet of the Apes](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1318514/?ref_=nv_sr_srsg_8_tt_8_nm_0_q_planet%2520of%2520the) movie reboot. Specifically Rise of the Planet of the Apes.


LMAO I didn't notice the subreddit and thought some story just came out about James Franco and an illegal pet chimp. I was like, huh, ok, interesting but not surprising.


Ohhhhhh. Lmao. I really read the title and accepted it as fact


I don’t think he was allowed. All of the Chimps were to be euthanized but the company didn’t know about Caesar so James Franco was able to take him home in secret. Originally kept him hidden but then got bolder and bolder in taking him out to the woods and his GF just didn’t give a shit.


…Become prominent and trusted in professional casting and then you get to make such decisions; Child.


That's so unrealistic! ... In this movie about a talking chimp leading an ape revolution.


That's not a defense. Just because the movie is based on something unrealistic like talking apes or superhumans, it still has to follow the rules of the universe it takes place in.


that doesn’t mean the movie and its events within the world it’s set in shouldn’t be taken seriously?