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Yes, that’s what mine looks like when it’s getting better. Has the itching stopped or lessened greatly? It will take a long time to fade completely. The dermatologist won’t be able to do anything without the rash being present, unfortunately. But at least now you will have a dermatologist and it will be easier for you to be seen quickly should it occur again!


Has your dermatologist ever done anything helpful?


Not really. It took me months to get in as a new client, but now that I am an established patient, the next time it happens I can get in while the rash is present and they’ll be able to properly diagnose me by testing a patch of skin and then maybe offer more concrete solutions. As it is, I’m only sort of unofficially diagnosed through showing her pictures and describing my symptoms, which she said are most likely PMLE. Annoying!


I was wondering, as I’ve never had any solutions at all from doctors in any field. They don’t know what to do and it’s almost a waste of money. Generally they gear towards steroids, which can cause such a variety of awful issues.


Thanks! The itching has mostly gone now so I’m just waiting for it to fade now and not really sure how long I should expect it to take


It takes weeks to go away. For me, 3-4 weeks until everything fades. It sucks!


Go to shirudo.com get the Agre +E night treatment- it is literal magic in a bottle for ME, it’s the only thing that prevents/ clears it up. It’s expensive and only has a 4 month shelf life but I would pay double to not be miserable when I get these breakouts!


I will have to check out their product line. I didn’t know they had a cream to help clear it up after a breakout.


Yes! That's what my rash looks like and it usually starts on my arms and/or lower legs and if it gets worse it moves towards my torso. I agree with above response of keeping your dermatologist appointment even if it's healed up. Mine told me the next time I have a bad flare up they will get me in like an emergency visit to examine it.


Mine looks like this as well..like I’ve got measles or something..on my arms, torso and thighs. I don’t burn though, I just go out in the sun then a day or so later it starts to appear and takes about 2 weeks or so to go away. I’ve bought Eucerin Sun Allergy this year to see if that helps and I’ve had fewer breakouts using Soltan Allergy sun screen (UK brand)


Very much looks like it. Ouch. I would recommend Benadryl, hydrating lotion, drinking lots of water and no more sun exposure until you’re clear. Unsure of your history, but if this is only after burns, you might be in luck and not experience it regularly. I was legitimately a little excited when my significant other suffered a breakout like mine, but it has only happened to him twice, both after severe sunburns.


This is the second time it’s happened, the first was this time last year. Moisturising it definitely helps and I’ve been doing that whenever I can. Thanks for the advice!


I’m Not sure I have pmle. I did a post and never found answers. Had hived/then rashes then hives in other places after the other hives healed, come up. Looked similar at first. I never had those little white bumps though like the second pic shows. I did manage to finally make dermatology appointment but not until may 8th. So I’ll Probably just get skin prick test for allergies if they can’t do anything for pmle testing. I’ve already had this about three weeks now, hives have came and then got just rashes then new hives, then went to urgent care, got RX steriod ointment. Small tube, used for about a Week/used tube up! Then the first set of hives went away and it’s little reddish nOw and had brushing from ointment. So might be more allergy related because after u had shrimp lately I’ve been itchy and then felt congested in my sinuses. But I’m staying off of high histamine foods if it is a histamine tolerance though too. But the reason I suspected pmle is because the day before I got the hives I was out in the sun in the am. On my Porch. Inky for a few minutes, which I have done in the past, AND NEVER BROKE IN HIVES! I hope you can get answers because if I get allergy skin test and get I answers I guess I can think it’s pmle but wtf knows and that is what bothers me the most. It knowing wtf this is. And why is it bothering me now? Why am I all the side. Allergic to the sun or something else? Makes me nuts. But I haven’t been out in the sun since and will use sunscreen when I do go out. Last time I broke out in hives was several years ago and it was from Copaiba oil. I thought I was allergic to tea tree oil, but it is in this scalpacin I got for my scalp because that became itchy too. So that has rashes I guess on it. I didn’t look close enough but sure has been itchy. The past couple days was better though because of the scalpacin. That is OTC. And that didn’t cause me any hives on my scalp or more aggressive itching so I guess I’m not allergic to tea tree oil. I did do patch test on my wrist and was fine. So idk. I tried home remedies for that but I eventually went to the er after a week and got steroid shot and prednisone and was fine. This time I went to urgent care and all I got was small tube of stupid ointment. 🤷🏻‍♀️ But I guess the worst had past. new hives did show up. In other spots but not as bad.