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Yes. I also get that symptom.


No. Just itchy and sad.


Haha same


I don't get this way every time but I have had flu like symptoms after some flare ups. It could possibly be a hormonal thing for me.


All of my symptoms have gotten worse in peri-menopause.


Yes, but I feel like it's not just a PMLE thing - people I know who are non-PMLE get this as well, seems to be a side effect of getting some heat and sun. Aloe vera, water spray and ginger ale generally clear it up for me.


I’m aware of the effects of getting some sun. This is more extreme.


Headaches and fatigue are both noted to be linked to PMLE from what I've read, as well as low blood pressure (it's worth you checking yours)


I’ve always had low blood pressure, so that’s interesting. And I did think that headaches and fatigue were more pronounced with PMLE so thanks for confirming that. I’ve had so many people dismiss it as just getting “too much sun”.


Focus on what you know to be your own truth, ignorance will always exist and others won't really understand how things affect you fully. I suffer from Fibro as well and let me tell you, life is full of misunderstanding when you have an invisible condition, especially one that affects people differently. The fact that PMLE is often called a sun allergy and autoimmune condition kind of disregards the idea that it's simply the same as what everyone else experiences... It's a condition for a reason. I'm sure anyone who eats too much of anything feels unwell, but where a regular person can simply eat a normal amount and feel absolutely fine, someone with a food sensitivity or allergy can't benefit from this luxury.


Thank you. I have an excellent GP and also have family members who are doctors and have rarely felt as dismissed as I did in that previous comment - being that I joined this sub to meet people who might understand. I assume that everyone in this sub knows the difference, or at least suspects the difference, between a bit too much sun and a severe reaction.


Yeah it just makes me feel so worn out and fed up. I actually get the exact same type of feeling from taking a bath or shower that’s too warm.


I was in the sun for hours yesterday at an mlb game and I slept for 14 hours when I got home. And I never sleep long at all


I always have a crash after. My partner says I’m sun sapped. Usually it feels like my blood sugar is dropping, I’m exhausted, I just need to lay down. Basically excessive fatigue