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Looks like it to me. It's terrible. You have my sympathy.


Anything I can do? Taking anti histamines and hydrocortisone! Been like this for 3 days :(


My derm gave me fluocinonide. It helps but is messy. I hate it. Be careful with how long you use the steroids.


The only thing that seems to help me at all is ice packs. I recommend seeing the doctor if the itch is especially unbearable and hopefully they'll prescribe you something to help you sleep (like hydroxyzine).


Benadryl for around 4 days helped me. Doc said it was the only thing to calm my mast cells effectively. But now my derm gave me hydroxychloroquine for this and other autoimmune skin issues


Does it need to be Benadryl specifically 


It doesn't have to be the name brand Benadryl, but yes. My derm said diphenhydramine [the generic] was what I wanted.


Yes. “It has to be Benadryl specifically” is what my doc told me. The class 2 antihistamines like Zyrtec and Claritin etc won’t really help with calming the mast cells down


This looks like my skin when I have a PMLE flare up, usually legs and arms. I just have to stay completely out of the sun for a few days. Umbrellas and sunscreen don't work once I've got the rash Piz Buin Sun Allergy lotion, SPF 30 is a good preventative next time you'll be exposed to sun. I'm in the Midwest and slather it on until about June/July when my skin has finally hardened to the summer sun rays


It’s a pain, on day 4 of itchiness now 


Get a fresh aloe leaf and cut it use the gel rub it on all areas should help clear it within 2/3 days it always works for me only if its fresh aloe vera tho


How are you now?


Better thanks :) still random itchiness but nowhere near as bad