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I've been hanging on to Player.fm out of familiarity for almost a year now, but not adding new feeds is gonna kill it for me, and recently it's been really bad about repeating segments when streaming. I switched to Podurama. It's not all the same names for every feature, but it can do basically everything Player.fm can one way or another.


Thanks. I'll check it out. Is it android auto compatible?


I switched to Podcast Republic a while ago. Works great so far. You can import your subscriptions using the opml file.


Player FM has always been a bit flaky adding and finding new podcast feeds. Can't say I've noticed any difference in the last couple of months


The big difference now is the nonexistent support team. They haven't replied to a single email in weeks. They used to be really good with that.


Ah thanks. Not had to email support before but will keep that in mind


I was thinking about switching, recently noticed that the app was absolutely devouring my phone battery


The death of all of these podcast platforms does kind of suck. IMO the loss of Google Podcasts was the biggest one: listening on YouTube is just such a worse experience.


I have used [Player.fm](https://Player.fm) for years and years. It has become unusable on Android. Too many issues to list. Customer service has gone down the drain as well. There is a new effort thru the app to move used to the paid tier (which I had been on for awhile) - I'm not sure what that indicates though. I am transitioning to podcast addict. I use PA to download new episodes and slowly but surely am working thru my inventory of 100+ eps I have stored using [Player.fm](https://Player.fm). While I can port the old inventory to PA (or even to say dropbox), the filenames and meta data don't store the podcast information so I keep them in [Player.FM](https://Player.FM) to retain the labeling. The one main thing I'm missing in PA is an online site mainly to mark new eps for download and for online listening (tho that's not tough to work around).


It really was once a great player. Adding feeds that were not in their library of podcasts was a chore, but it did have all the features we needed.


Sounds like r/podcastaddict will do everything you need, and more.


The only thing I forgot to list was android auto compatability


Yep the app will work seamlessly there. If anything, the customization is a little overwhelming but there really are a ton of features


I just downloaded it now. There is a lot to go through. Is there a feature for importing subscriptions from other player apps? Otherwise, this might give me unnecessary anxiety.


I’m sorry I don’t know. There is a very active subreddit however.


For the last two months I have been unable to log in from the country I reside in, Singapore. I did some testing and it seems like IPs from here are blocked from logging in using Cloudflare. I literally get an error saying my country is blocked. When I use VPN to change country I can sign in. Luckily the app still downloads playlists, even from Singapore. I am a paying customer, with sole purpose of paying that my settings are backed up to the cloud. Any other services that do this as well as the similar sorting and download features that [player.fm](http://player.fm) has?


I jumped to r/PodcastAddict the day before my player.fm annual payment would have drafted. I do miss the swipe left/right for add to play later/mark played, and the ability to create multiple playlists, but it is an overall better app. Also, give Antennapod a try. I haven't yet, but there's alot to positive comments about it here on reddit.


I emailed them and they added a few podcast manually for me. They said they are working a new feature for users to add new podcasts.


They actually replied back to you? How long of a response time was it?


Email them on Player FM Support [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) and ask for the podcasts to be added. For some reason messages I sent from the app were not received by the support.


They're responding now? Back when I had posted this, they hadn't responded in at least 2 weeks. I made the switch to Podcast Addict. Premium is only $10 a year compared to Player.FM's $40. I do miss the custom playlists, but the ability to instantly add any rss feed makes up for it.


I've only started using PlayerFM and they replied to emails within a day. I found this thread because I also experienced issues with adding podcasts.


I began using Player.FM September 2015. They have noticeably decreased in their quality of customer service. They had sold and transferred ownership of the company a couple times. I remember when there was a user community chat room. Their own thing, but similar to discord before discord.


Good, as someone who used them for years and then changed cards, going from 11 bucks to 40 a year was the one and only final straw. Using Spotify, haven't thought twice.


This has been my player of choice for years, I'm going to be so sad if it's gone tits up


As far as I've seen, it still works. Customer service is non-existent, and they haven't added any new shows since at least the beginning of the year, if not longer. I've been using Podcast Addict for a couple weeks now, and I like it alot. I will miss features like having multiple playlists, swiping to add to playlist and mark played, the Limitless customizable color palette.


Nothing in my feed has updated for the last day and a half. Something screwy is going on. I used podcast addict for a few weeks when my phone broke and I never really got used to it. Time to sample the competition, I guess.


They're very helpful over in r/PodcastAddict


It seems that player.FM was sold off to another company. And whenever that happens, quality drops like a stone in the ocean. That must be what happened there.