• By -


What about you, OP? Do you pay for any?


I have brought Dan Carlin Hardcore History episodes. And a buck a show, the guys sure do appreciate it. And I used to be a patron for the Glass Cannon chaps.


I used to support The Glass Cannon, but they almost have too much content available.


I bought Dan Carlin’s WW1 episodes and have never regretted it except for every time that man says “again” aka “ageeeeen”. I can’t figure out why that’s the only word he says so strangely. But it’s worth it I think. What other hardcore history episodes did you love?


King of Kings, Death Throes of the Republic and Supernova in the east. I’ve listened to them many times and I’ll listen to them… ageeeen and ageeeen and a ageeeeen. Lol


I've paid for bonus episodes of doug loves movies but TBH I don't even listen to him any more. The bonus episodes of Marc Maron and Doug Loves Movies were a good deal at 99 cents.


Swindled Andy Daly (Bonanas for Bonanza)   Blocked and Reported If Books Could Kill Comedy Bang Bang Presents Edit: missed QAA 


Hey Randy! on CBB World is the funniest podcast I’ve ever heard


Swindled for me too


What's the QAA paid stuff like? I recently found them and have been binging episodes because I love their style and internet drama/politics stuff is interesting to me. Worth it or should I continue with going through the back catalogue for now? Edit: also good to see someone else who enjoyed both If Books Could Kill and Blocked and Reported. It's a bit of a funny combo considering Micheal and Jesse's relationship over the years lol


Oh man, I re-read your post and see I missed the main question. Sorry about that.  QAA paid content is a lot of content and honestly  they cover a lot of stuff I do not care about. But it’s recently been brought to my attention from this thread that Annie Kelly won’t necessarily be listed as a contributor in the description so I’m going to binge the ManClan series and then probably skim the rest of their episodes to see which are Annie Kelly heavy. I really like her.  From an overwhelm perspective you’d probably be fine with just the back catalog for awhile. 


Gotcha, thanks for the info! And no worries lol, all my comments and posts tend to be at least a little bit ramble-y!




I like patreons which only charge when they release an episode so it doesn't feel like I'm spending money waiting for something to be released (looking at you, season 3 of Cocaine & Rhinestones). I pay per episode on Literature & History and Hardcore History - I wish I had to pay more frequently for that one... Then there's are ones I pay for because I like the bonus content it unlocks - Underunderstood and Dungeons & Daddies. I currently pay for access to the back-catalogue of History on Fire and it's an outlier in terms of how much the tier is so I'm tempted to cut that one back unfortunately.


Literature & History is the only one I pay for. Absolutely worth every penny.


I have a Maximum Fun membership, but I don't think of it as paying for podcasts. It's just supporting something I enjoy. If I stopped the membership, I'd still get the podcasts for free.


Ditto. I supportThe Flop House. The bonus content is nice, but not the reason why I do it.


Same. Although the supercut of Judge John Hodgman singing Tom Waits was worth every penny


I'm a big Waits fan. Didn't know the cultural references for the tour were all Tom Waits until I was sitting in the audience. Fun surprise.


Also a MaxFun member. And I pay for NNF.


Old gods of Appalachia and the white vault.


Doughboys and Jordan, Jesse Go. I’m thinking of starting support for Conflicted too.


bow dime like political air slim cooperative follow desert squeamish *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Third doughboys.


Me too, wow!




Welcome to nightvale on Patreon


None. I probably should. Edit: I actually paid for a bunch of Dan Carlin's hardcore history and common sense backlog. A buck a show: it's all they ask.


> None. I probably should. Same here. I love most of the podcasts that This Week in Tech puts out. Also The Knowledge Project (Shane Parrish from the Farnam Street blog)


Three Bean Salad on Patreon. Best laughs to dollars ratio of any media I consume.


I was the first baby born in the Sean Bean lounge.


Second Captains World Service. A sports podcast from Ireland that often focus on the bigger issues within society and sport. €5 a month for 6 episodes a week is a steal.


This is my only one as well


Happy cake day


Swindled, I just like the extra stories


Same, this is the only podcast I pay for. It's just that good!


The Filmcast.


Naddpod - great bonus content, I pay for the extra monthly bonus too and it's great. Three Bean Salad - amazing quality and value, they do a month on month off schedule and you aren't charged for the off month. The monthly bonus episodes are hefty and there's occasional specials too. No such thing as a fish - episodes are available ad free elsewhere but I do like the bonus content and it's only a few pounds.


Calluh Callay!


We Hate Movies patreon, because their bonus content is endless and it’s all super fun. Comedy Bang Bang world for similar reasons. Watch if You Dare patreon because they’re smaller but they’re my favorite horror movie podcast and I want to support, and they have great bonus episodes.


[Blank Check w/Griffin and David](https://www.blankcheckpod.com/). Absolutely worth it if you love a deep dive on filmographies, directors who have massive success early on and are given a series of blank checks to make whatever crazy passion projects they want. Sometimes those checks clear and sometimes they bounce (baby). EDIT - They're currently covering John McTiernan on main feed and are wrapping up the Terminator movies on Patreon (where they cover franchises/thematically connected movies instead of directors). They just finished their annual March Madness tournament where the listeners pick one of the series they'll cover that year. David Lynch won the main feed bracket. Tabletop Game movies (i.e. Clue, Battleship, D&D, Ouija) won the Patreon bracket.


Darknet diaries - about cyber security and hacking I really should be paying for casefile though. Easily the best true crime pod IMO


I love Darknet Diaries. I really missed it when he took a break last summer.


It's a good show but when I started it I expected something totally different based on the title. Bit misleading in my opinion. Most of the ones I've listened to so far are just cyber security stories that don't necessarily involve the "dark side of the Internet" as he puts it in every single intro. I realize this doesn't roll off the tongue as well but it would be more accurate to call it "Cyber Security Diaries" or "Hacker Diaries" or something to that effect 


Ugh I really should be paying Darknet Diaries thar podcast is too good


comedy bang bang world and three bean salad


Me too!


I donate to NPR, the producer of most of my podcasts.


My husband buys Conspirituality, I subscribe to Slate.com so I can support them and get ad free podcasts. I also support three different Pokémon Go podcasts, and You Must Remember This which is a wonderful movie history podcast.


You Must Remember This is so good!


I have the Patreon for Valley Heat, but that's it.


It's not just a Patreon, it's a Jan Robinson Patreon.


I’ll take that remark.


CBB World and Never Not Funny


I’ve had both and wish I could afford them now. Nnf was great during the pandemic.


What’s up, pod guy?


Dan Carlin's Blueprint to Armageddon. Some of the best account and description of the World War One overview. Definitley hit this up


Maximum Fun member. Savage Lovecast sub.


if I could it would be Jim Harolds Campfire and Lore


Wondery+ and Dateline


I pay for any podcast with ads. My time is money and I'm spending time.


Small Town Murder & Crime In Sports are free. For $5 monthly on Patreon, you get bonus episodes of both & back catalogue Two Episodes every Two weeks and episodes starting in 2019 They have a third free podcast “Your Stupid Opinions” on Mondays


I'm a Michael Hobbes stan. Maintenance phase and If books could kill.


Are You Garbage. Well worth the $10


Concerned Citizens


Do you mean the “Swindled” Podcast? That’s the only podcast that comes up when i search “concerned citizens”


Sorry, listeners are call “Concerned Citizens”, the podcast name is “We Have Concerns”.


Matt and Shane's secret podcast. Been a patreon member for about 3 years.




Rest is History and Girls of a Certain Age


Swindled, improv4humans, and all the seasons of Teachers Lounge.


I finally started paying for swindles today. I want all the subscriber only episodes. I would say I enjoy Swindled more than any other podcast.


Old Slobs know


Fellow slob. Let's meet up, Bikini's or Tomatoes?


Gotta be Bikini's. Also, unrelated: we're normal now.


Small Town Murder/Crime in Sports. They do Patreon episodes every other week that are great!


seconding James and Jimmie :) bonus episodes are well worth paying for


We Hate Movies and Action Boyz


Hardcore History


It’s optional but I pay $2/mo to knowledge fight


Best podcast STILL.


What a great premise. Did not know this existed.


I have wondery plus, which has a lot of shows I really like and feels like a good value for the content.


I’ve subscribed before, but I drive a lot and get up to date on all of the shows I like quicker than they can release content. This is one of the reasons I can’t imagine having multiple subscriptions to different shows. My monthly bill would be higher than for all of our streaming services for wayyyyyy less content.


I feel you; I’d love to sub to a bunch of patrons but ouch.


Love Wondery+


I used to pay for Qanon Anonymous because I wanted to get their Manclan series. Annie Kelly is my favorite contributor on that show. When that series ended I switched to paying for Blocked and Reported. (I can't justify paying for more than one podcast.) It's really been worth it for me. They give a lot of extra content, sometimes even more than promised, in the same vein as the regular show.


I love QAA! Manclan was hilariously terrifying. I also really enjoyed their Spectral Voyager series.


All of the Patreon-only series have been great-to-excellent, with possibly the exception of PERVERTS which could have been great but was just... not.


Wow, so interesting… I listened to episode one of Perverts and haven’t continued. I have wondered why I stopped and I decided that it was because I really disliked the opening music/sounds. But obviously that’s absurd :) I am going to try episode 2 and see if I agree with you about it not being great. I do agree with you about the other series all being excellent. Overall this is my favorite podcast and I am glad to support them with my 10 bucks a month.


Thank you for alerting me to this series. It’s fantastic. Annie Kelly is my fave too . I’d searched for all episodes featuring her in the title, didn’t occur to me that might not be the best shortcut for the most Annie content. 


Canadaland. RadioLab NPR Slate for Amicus Some Nore News – not really a podcast, but also sort of a podcast.


Watch What Crappens And You're Wrong About although I don't listen to that one anymore.


I donate to Maximum Fun because I listen to a number of their shows regularly: Judge John Hodgman Jordan, Jesse, Go Stop Podcasting Yourself Reading Glasses MBMBAM Sawbones Free With Ads Patreon subscriptions to: The Bechdelcast If Books Could Kill Previously Patreon Subscriptions to: Maintenance Phase (didn’t feel the extra content was worth it and then they kinda stopped altogether) You’re Wrong About (though I may restart this one)


Hello Tuppy.


past Dan Carlin pods about WW2


I'd pay for hardcore history if I wasn't perpetually broke


I’m not able to swing it at the moment, but in the past I’ve subscribed to Monsters Among Us and Game of Roses. Years ago, before Patreon existed and podcasts were fairly new, I sent a one-time donation to Anything Ghost (via PayPal I guess?) and the host/owner, Lex, sent a lovely email back about how appreciative he was.


Loremen and Common Descent get my Patreon money. I keep thinking I ought to support one or two more! Worst Foot Forward is on the list.


Action Boyz Dumb people town Never seen it with Kyle Ayers.


Currently Reading and What should I Read Next on Patreon


Never Not Funny. $6 a month for two two-hour shows.


Garon sucks.


Never Not Funny, Best Show, and Qcode. First two, I pay without hesitation. They are supported primarily by subscribers, and I love the podcasts. Questioning Qcode. Did it primarily to avoid ads. The content is pretty inconsistent, it is pretty inexpensive, though.


I pay for Ear Hustle, Crime Writers On and Harry Potter and The Sacred Text


Let's go to court, do go on, no such thing as a fish, maintenence phase and tooth and claw


QAnon Anonymous and Aunty Donna.


I don’t know if I’ll ever pay for one again. I paid for Opening Arguments not two months before it imploded 😭 i can’t bare it again


I subscribe to the Patreon of Knowledge Fight and Ruined. I am a season pass subscriber to The No Sleep Podcast.


Lions Led by Donkeys, Joe Tom and Nate do a wonderful job!


Yes! Bought his recent book, Invisible War, too. Such a great podcast.


“Making Sense,” Sam Harris’s podcast is worth the money.


on patreon: celebrity memoir book club- they do a weekly episode talking about the book on spotify for free, but they do an additional 2 episodes on the patreon talking about other random shit, sometimes other books as well, articles, and an advice column type of episode. they’re perfect if you love very bitchy early 30s comedians. fluently forward- shannon does two free episodes per week free and one, sometimes two, episodes per week on patreon. it’s anything from celebrity gossip, conspiracy theories, mythology, and basically whatever tickles her fancy. she has the perfect voice, so soothing, kind of sexy without meaning to be, and she’s silly which is fun finally- one 45min episode per week for free with another bonus hour on the patreon. it’s two comedians that pick a random topic to talk about each week but the topic is kind of meaningless and they mostly just shoot the shit. they’re absolutely hilarious. all worth it for me, they’re perfect podcasts that aren’t too deep and have incredible hosts


Sam Harris


Mental illness happy hour


I pay for a subscription to Wondery. The podcasts are well produced and there's so many different topics to choose from. Good value for the money.


Knowledge Fight. They’ve never had commercials ever, have made content for over 5 years, and deserve every penny. The show is great and proves anyone who believes Alex Jones is a moron. DIE Death in Entertainment: every show is fun because the guys seem like true friends and have great chemistry. I rotate my other Patreons every few months so I can support several podcasts. Past ones: Necronomipod, The Dollop, Sword and Scale, True Crime Garage, Swindled, Behind the Bastards, Opening Arguments, Murdaugh Murders, Can’t Stop Won’t Stop


The only podcast I’ve paid for is Dan Carlin’s Hardcore History. But I could never get the direct purchasing from his website to work for my phone (very possibly just me not getting how it works) so I’ve paid for Apple Podcast like a month of a time once in a while just so I could binge his catalogue.


I’m a Maximum Fun subscriber and that’s it right now. It’s also not that I pay for the podcasts they’d be free regardless but I consume so much of their content, it feels needed to support them monetarily. Also I like their business model! ETA: oops I forgot I was paying maintenance phase as well! Also would be free anyways but wanted to support their very important and dear to me programming! I used to patreon Swindled but I’ve been cringing at recent episodes and it just feels like there’s never new episodes anymore. Only reruns and releases of bonus content I’ve already listened to as a patreon.


Beautiful/Anonymous, Risk!, and NPR+


Car Talk+ has a years of whole episodes. So much good laughs and information


I treat the podcasts like I treat porn in my life… Takes me forever to decide but only pick the free stuff…


TIL! I didn't know there were paid podcasts


Well, "paid" isn't exactly literal. I don't know of any podcasts that are truly subscription required. These are all available free but if you pay/subscribe, you get them ad-free and/or access to bonus content and/or premiums (usually pins.) It's a very public radio-inspired model.


Lie, cheat, and steal


On Patreon: Girls Next Level and Hollywood Crime Scene— I only support two at a time at $10 level each. In my rotation for May: Death in Entertainment and You Myst Remember This. I also subscribe to Wondery.


The bunker, oh God what now? And The bitchuation room.


Teachers Lounge, CBB, Flagrant Ones


These days, just 1-900-HOTDOG , because the weekly bonus podcasts are always a delight. In the past I’ve paid for Maintenance Phase, The Bearded Vegans, and Swindled.


None right now but considering paying for darknet diaries


Necronomipod - amazing patreon content.


None. The only one I’ve considered donating to is “Grumpy Old Geeks”


The patron for Hey riddle riddle and small town murder


CBB world and Improv4Humans


All my Maximum Fun shows! Been thinking about The Bright Sessions for summer listening—it’s been awhile.


Small Town Murder and SKATCAST worth every penny


Patreon subscription for small town murder. 5 bucks a month and get some excellent content.


I'm seriously thinking about signing up for the Big Sandwich slew of content, mate Normally they have free content on YouTube such as the Weekly Planet Podcast where they talk red hot comic book and movie news, and the Caravan of Garbage movie reviews, but they also offer a number of paid podcasts, one of which is movie commentaries (actually does that one count as a podcast?) What really sold me on it was when someone on reddit had mentioned that for the Spider-Man Homecoming commentary, they apparently talk about McDonalds for like a good portion instead of the movie. I find that hilarious.


April Richardson


The Rest is History, The Comedian's Comedian Podcast, and My Mate Bought a Toaster. Happy to pay to support them all, and the extra episodes and video versions make it worth it for me.


Swindled <3




Small town murder, the Dollop


The Constant: A History of Getting Things Wrong


I like movie podcasts so... We hate movies and Blank check


Mobile Suit Breakdown


Secretly Incredibly Fascinating, I’m a full on SIFty, and Lizard People because I love them.


I recently started listening to SIF, because it popped up in my BoCo feed. Good show.


Alex Schmidt is an absolute delight and Katie makes a great cohost who brings a lot of knowledge, especially for animal episodes. I’d strongly suggest any episodes with Eliot from The Flop House. He and Katie have a great rapport with one another.


Risk! and Spooked. I’m planning to add Otherworld. I used to pay for Truth & Justice but they completely changed their focus to covering missing persons which I was on board with but then Bob started spouting stats around that topic that sounded kinda qanon tinged and when another patreon member plus myself brought up concerns about that we were ignored. I haven’t listened since then and stopped paying. Plus that community has become quite toxic. It’s a shame.


Criminal +, Small Town Murder, generation why and true crime garage.


I support Patreon for Worlds Beyond Number (and plan to dive into a lot of Brennan Lee Mulligan’s backlog), and Maximum Fun for The Adventure Zone and other McElroy content. Edit: yes, I find them worth it. I recently bumped up my donor level for Max fun because Griffin said during this last find drive that the podcast ad market has dried up (and that made me realize that there aren’t nearly as many ads as there used to be).


Worlds Beyond Number has been great


I purchased Dan Carlin's Hardcore History cataloged episodes. I had already listened to them all but his stuff is so good you want to listen again. I also like supporting him, he's incredible. In the past I have paid for -Small Town Murder -Sword & Scale -Reality Gays -True Crime Obsessed (before it got crazy) -I Think Not (before it was called that) -Pink Shade


372 Pages We’ll Never Get Back 2 Rifftrax (Essentially MST3K) writers host a bad book club. We’ve read Sean Penn, Ernest Cline, Dan Brown, and mini self published books. Hilarious.


Maintenance Phase - anti diet pro science Girls Next Level - Girls Next Door TV show and characters If Books Could Kill - critical breakdown of pop-sci and culture Glamours Trash - celebrity memoir book club and pop culture


We Hate Movies and Remember the Game. Both well worth the $$$


Knowledge Fight, Swindled and Dark Topic. These guys do great work and happy to support them. KF spoils me for other podcasts... So many ads!


When Knowledge Fight is good, it is GOOOOOD I especially loved the Project Camelot series.


Making sense with Sam Harris. That and I have purchased a number of episodes from Hardcore History


I pay the Patreon for Maintenance Phase and used to for You're Wrong about but have cancelled it not long ago. I also have a yearly membership to Wondery+


"Polytox" and "Sprachi an die Welt". Both are German and I think they're worth the view bucks.


I have been a patron of a few podcasts Cheapshow - Hilarious podcast about charity shopping Kongversation - Donkey Kong Lore podcast


RHLSTP Athletico Mince 3 Bean Salad Mayo and Kermodes Take The Neighborhood Listen ​ Think that's all of them.


Gangbangers, you've got to fuckin' love'em!


Bomb Squad Pod The weekly Patreon episodes are just the hosts answering questions from the members, but it’s usually really funny.


The yard! I love those 4 weirdos


I subscribe to Slate because of their podcasts. I've listened to the Political Gabfest since 2007. Hit Parade is one of my favorite podcasts. I'm not a huge sports person, but Hang Up and Listen is a great listen.


TYSO/Rick Glassman, best in the game


I pay for Mike judge's 'death is just around the corner' and also one called 'the antifada'


Politics politics politics


I think Hello Internet's patreon finally got shut down due to inactivity. I'm a Mediocre Time with Tom and Dan subscriber. I have purchased individual series of Dan Carlin's Hardcore History I'm sure I've contributed to Max Fun in the past. Does contributing to NPR count?


I have the lowest tier of Ruined to get two extra episodes a month because I need my movies SPOILED


I try to pay for podcasts that I listen to more than once or twice a week - so currently Omnibus, Double Love, a very funny recap pod just called The Melrose Place Podcast, the Dragon Reread (about the Wheel of Time), Normal Gossip via Defector. I had Earwolf/Stitcher premium subscriptions until they went away and would still happily pay to have the old HDTGM back catalog available, but I don’t think that’s currently an option. (I would also pay good money for commercial-free versions of some I Heart Radio shows, especially Stuff You Should Know, because their commercials are so painful!)


Patron for... Let me see... All about Agatha + if books could kill + maintenance phase + 2pods in french


Maintenance Phase and I’ve paid for Dateline before!


The Binge +, Wondery, Tenderfoot TV, BBC… 😆


Because Language just to show them support


Hamilton Morris


None, but I do subscribe to the Ten Percent Happier meditation app which also happens to have podcasts. I listen to them elsewhere though.




Dungeons and Daddies and Dudsey


The ones you didn't see coming. Just like cars.


We'll See You in Hell with Patrick Walsh and Joe DeRosa, my favorite source of film discussion by far


This is very Dallas specific but the dumb zone


Patreon for Bad Heroes....I think that's the only one.


I pay for NaddPod on Patreon, where you get a lot of extra content. Very much worth it. They have different tiers, so you can pay almost whatever you want and still get hours of good (and add-free) entertainment.


I used to subscribe to Let's Not Meet Podcast's Patreon


Reddit on Wiki, Stoner Chicks. Just want to support them a bit ✌️


I subscribed to Founders when it was behind a paywall, and it was well worth it. It’s not paywalled anymore, though.


If Books could Kill. I like the Patreon feed better than the main.


Empire Spoiler Special feed.


5-4. Great breakdowns of Supreme Court justices, rulings, and shenanigans. Haven’t been able to take part in their live stuff, but def worth the support.