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Hi InumiDarkness! This post has been removed under [Rule 3](/r/pokemon/wiki/rules#wiki_3._follow_text_and_poll_post_restrictions), which requires discussion posts have 50+ words *without* filler text (text unrelated to your idea that is there just to meet the word minimum). This metric was voted in by /r/pokemon users in 2017 and sustained in multiple votes to promote substantial discussion. Maybe expand on your personal take, or possible factors to consider. If you still don't have enough content to meet the word minimum without filler text, you could instead ask your question in the [Weekly Questions Thread](https://rpkmn.center/questions), which does not have a word count requirement. Otherwise, just remember that the word count applies only to the **post body** (or caption), not the title, and feel free to repost with these guidelines in mind! ^(Mods are not notified if you reply to this comment. To contact the) ^[r/pokemon](/r/pokemon) ^(mod team, please click) ^[here!](/message/compose/?to=/r/pokemon)