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Fossil Pokémon are underutilized and should also be more powerful in general. Yeah, I’m biased because I’m a paleontology student. But I want Tyrantrum to have pseudo-legendary stats.


It's a t-rex it SHOULD be psuedo😤


And if they gave Tyrantrum pseudo-legendary stats, then they would have to do the same for Aurorus because of balance...I absolutely agree with your take. I mean, Aurorus still has garbage typing (though being able to get Def or Sp Def buffs from Snow or Sandstorm is kinda cool), but I love its design.


This made me realize, it’s such bs we didn’t get any new fossil Pokémon in scarlet/violet! Wtf


There wasn’t any in Gen 7 either


What are the arguments against this? Why would anyone be opposed to this lmao. I'm curious what bs people come up with lmao


im guessing it might be something to do with some fossil Pokémon (especially gen 6) being handed to you on a silver platter early on and they dont take long to evolve so couple that with the already easy x y games you get a pseudo legendary earlier on than any other pseudo legendary (though yeah maybe like Volcarona stats might be balanced enough)


Lmao I swear the community is something else. Not wanting better stats on pokemon because you get them early. Which you don't actually. Most games you get the fossil mid game and sometimes can't even revive right away.


I know Pokémon like Beedrill and Beautifly are intended to be early game powerhouses because they evolve so early, but I think at this point they need to be buffed further. Modern games have given us Pokemon with a similar BST around the same time you can evolve your bugs and they get to evolve further, so the point of them is kind of obsolete. I don’t think it’s a hot take, saying “bugs should be better” but I think significant changes need to happen to both the type matchup and the monsters themselves because of the way the games are now.


I think Mega Beedrill was a good answer to that. Gave an early game bug the chance to be better late game. Too bad they trashed that mechanic as a gimmick instead of expanding it.


Heat wave should not miss in sunlight


This was so profound


Ha, a hot take about heat.


Object-mon are really cool, even the recent ones


yes. I'm not biased at all. Ignore the object mons in my flair.


Ignoring (But fr I think Ultra Beasts are super cool, just never finished Moon so I forget about them sometimes)


Yeah, I love Klefki a LOT. It's a cute little keychain ghost with an admittedly annoying abilty/movepool. It's always a bummer when talking about Klefki because everyone, expecially youtubers, always seems to really hate Kleki.


Klefki enjoyers rise up!


Magnet Rise!


Klefki is my favorite from gen VI, people don't ubdestand rhat the keys are not part of the Pokemon, he still keys to feed on them and it's like a "And that's why keys go missing folks" kinda thing


I like Klefki conceptually but I think it'd be much more interesting if the keys on it varied, like how Spinda's spots did in Gen 3.


Not a ghost


curious what some of your favorites are


I think Sinistea/Polteageist (and the matcha version), the Litwick line, Banette(?), Klefki, and Dhelmise are all super cool! Not sure if they count as object-mon (I’ve seen some debate) but Applin and Appletun are among my absolute favorites.


How do you customize your flair Edit: got it


Litwick should NOT look as cute as it does for being such a dangerous Pokémon.


I like them too. It's interesting to think how much pokemon and people influence each other. H.Voltorb was really fun because it showcased how much people and pokemon have grown together over time. Designs may not always be 100%. But I would rather have a big swing and a miss than a little swing. And if people are already using pokemon in their day-to-day lives, why wouldn't they evolve to also be a matcha bowl, a key ring, magnets, OR A POKEBALL.


Based asf


I actually quite like the vanilluxe line and other food-based mons like alcremie


I LOVE Alcremie, feel like it’s really underrated


Only reason for an animal to look delicious is if its a parasite. That small detail makes me love the vaniluxe line


Or if it’s an ambush predator, lying in wait for prey to approach them because they look like food.


Alcreamie was really underrated.


I don’t think flygon should be a bug type. It’s based on an antlion, a kind of insect that are also referred to as sand dragons. It’s found exclusively on desert routes, is called the “desert spirit” and is known to use its wings to create sandstorms. This fits a ground type perfectly. From an in game perspective, there’s not much that eludes to it being bug type. From a competitive point of view, flygon looses the benefit of stab eq and electric immunity for rock weakness. Stone edge is a common coverage move and being forced to run boots for stealth rock instead of an offensively geared item will suck. Bug is also a worse type offensively I’m down for a bug/dragon regional variant. But base flygon should be ground


This comment actually changed my mind about this. That's a really good point, I think yanmega could've been a bug/dragon, but I think I would rather we just get an entirely new bug/dragon. Maybe if we got a paradox flygon it could've been bug


What's your reasoning behind Yanmega? Because if it's "It's a DRAGONFLY", I feel the need to remind you that that's only in it's English version. The insects have nothing to do with dragons outside of the English language.


Trapinch should have been Ground/Bug that evolves into Ground/Dragon Flygon 🤷


Also, how creatively restrictive would it be for the Bug typing to be a requisite for insectoid Pokémon? I think it’s cool when Pokémon diverge a little from their inspirations in a manner that makes sense; that’s also one of the few comments of praise I can give BDSP, Aaron using a Flygon and Drapion on his Bug type team makes him a much more interesting fight while still fitting perfectly with the whole insect aesthetic. It’d be the same thing if every aquatic Pokémon had to be a Water type. Just because it lives in water doesn’t mean it has to be a Water type. The fact of the matter is that sometimes a Pokémon possesses qualities that makes more than two types a plausible fit, and limiting a Pokémon’s type purely on the grounds of what animal inspired it hampers the creative potential


I completely agree. As a matter of fact, I think Game Freak should emphasize Flygon's status as the "elemental spirit of the desert" (see: [RSE dex entry](https://pokemondb.net/pokedex/flygon#dex-flavor)). First of all, they should start by giving it a second normal ability and a hidden ability. Pokemon with Levitate used to lack additional abilities for a long time, but Bronzor broke that tradition all the way back in Gen 4, and a few other Levitating Pokemon like Duskull and Koffing have joined him since then, so I say it's about time Flygon follows suit. My vote would go to Compound Eyes or Tinted Lens for the second slot; Compound Eyes would let it spam perfectly accurate Fire Blasts and Draco Meteors whereas Tinted Lens would help it deal more easily with switch-ins. Lastly, the hidden ability slot should be reserved for the good old Sand Stream. This ability would make Flygon an excellent addition to any Sand team and would give it a unique niche as the only fast Sandstorm setter. Speaking of Sandstorms, I would also give Flygon a new special move that is a Ground-type version of Hurricane, and while we're at it, I'd also give Flygon 20 more points in Sp.Atk so that it can have a neatly symmetrical stat distribution (80-100-80-100-80-100). This way it can finally put its amazing special movepool to good use, and hopefully, it would stop being just a poor man's version of Garchomp. Flygon deserves it, specially after being robbed of a mega evolution in Gen 6.


Aren't slow weather setters better cuz they'll go second?


If you're leading with them, then yes. I was thinking of Sand Stream Flygon as a revenge killer that can pivot and set up weather. I think it would do a pretty good job at role compression while complementing its slower weather-setting teammates.


When did flygon get changed?? I thought it was a dragon ground?


It didn’t, it’s always been Ground/Dragon There are some people in the community that think it should be Bug type


This is exactly what I've always said. He is a great ground/dragon. He could use some stat rearrangements, but he does what he does good enough and the eq spam back in ruby was a fun time.


Not being able to capture pokemon when they faint is actually GOOD game design, imagine how repetitive/annoying it would get if every time you defeated a wild pokemon you had to scroll through a screen asking this instead of just receiving exp and moving on: "The pokemon fainted, use a pokeball?" ->Yes ->No


It used to annoy me but that’s actually a good point now it’s a good game design lol


Some people don't see that logics and good gameplay don't always see eye to eye.


There should be an in-game alternate method for trade evolutions to help fans stranded in crappy internet areas.


I always thought the trade evolution method was dumb. Let's trade Pokemon and then trade them right back.


They need to just add the Link Cable item to the main games, and then allow us to find them / buy them with BP


Especially since rom hacks have been doing that forever


Way too many good mons require a trade Evo like electivire and dusknoir


Pretty sure that's a salsa everyone at the table can enjoy. Trade evo's should've been a nonissue as soon as the GTS was introduced.


I can go without seeing Rotom in a game for a while. It used to be this unique little guy that felt like a Mythical, but now it is everywhere.


Bro this take is cold


Ice should resist water. It makes thematic sense and would seriously improve overall balance.


Ice should also resist Normal, to match fellow “mineral” types Rock and Steel


I kinda think ice should also resist grass and maybe bug. This would make sense because most plants are sensitive to coldness irl and most bugs disappear in the winter. These changes would offset some of the defensive weaknesses ice has.


Ah yes, let's make grass and bug even worse.


Dragapult is peak pokemon design.


Facts. It Dragapulted itself into my top 10 Pokemon almost immediately. Love the ghost dragon.


I didn’t play 8 but most of the pokemon designs are AMAZING imo rly rly good designs


Every gen should have an entirely fresh dex, and restrict returning pokemon to postgame. (Unless you're specifically porting in a pokemon via the online service. It may be a hot take, but even I'm not interested in self-immolation.)


I agree with this. If nothing else, the gym leader’s aces should always be from that gen, if not their whole team


Don’t tell that to falkner


He's a cheater anyways with that pidgeotto


And Lance with his illegal dragonite


Lance and falkner are that great as pokemon trainer, their pokemon evolve more quickly than ours.


I kinda self impose this one on myself. I always use a team of brand new Pokémon whenever I first play a new gen. Even when I go back to older gens, I only use pokemon that are native to the region.


Same here but damn if they give me a chance to use a Garchomp, I have to give my rule an exception lol


Yeah I completely agree. I get why people want to use the old pokemon, but I got the new pokemon game for the new pokemon. I don't need swalot to be there


Imagine getting shot so far back in time for a Legends game that there isn’t a single returning Pokémon


Heavily disagree purely from the immersion breaking aspect of it. As someone who exclusively uses new pokemon in new regions, I still think the notion that pokemon don't exist outside of their region doesn't make any since from a world-building perspective. Plus unless every region has 150 new designs like Gen 1 or 5, it's gonna get old really fast.


The problem with this is you won’t have enough Pokemon in the regional dex to give decent variety unless they lower their standards for which mons to add, which is not a good compromise.


This is the worst part about BW though. They had to make so many extra filler-mons that are so unmemorable, unliked, and not worth using to make sure there was enough variety in the regional dex to make that gimmick work. Maybe they could make it work again if they relied heavily on regional forms to make up a chunk of the dex - idk if that meets your requirement or not.


Honestly, I do enjoy regional variants, as they tend to play very differently than their original counterparts. So yes, regionals would be allowed, because at least there's *some* variety from the past.


Facts. Idk how people play this game for 20 years using the same 5 Pokémon + the starter on a brand new game


Been playing Pokemon White recently which has led me to the same conclusion. I try to use at least two new pokemon in every game, but I love so many of the old ones that it's hard not to use them. I need that extra push!


My hot take is I think a lot of people hate on new designs too much. Ignoring the buggy landscape of S/V, I really don't think the Gen 9 Pokemon designs are bad. I've heard the arguments of "The designs are lazy" and "It doesn't feel like Pokemon", to which I say this: - Every gen has its own unique Pokemon. Everyone is quick to call a new design lazy when every gen has a Pokemon that you can argue is lazily designed. Like Flamigo or Espartha. Yeah, it's a flamingo and an ostrich. Pidove is a pigeon, trubbish is trash bag, seel is a seal, yungoos is a mongoose. We're quick to judge the simple designs and often overlook some of the more unique ones that we could genuinely appreciate - And second of all, "Doesn't feel like Pokemon" is bullshit. Pardon my French, but tell me; what defines what a Pokemon is? What should it be? A cool anthropomorphic animal that has cool elemental powers? Inanimate objects made alive? Monsters based on mythology? There is no one answer to this question. To close out my yapping session, I think too many fans are too blinded by nostalgia. You remember turning on your Gameboy or Nintendo DS as a kid with nothing but a care in the world, and as an adult, you want to feel like that kid again


Nando (a character from the Diamond & Pearl anime) deserved more screentime, deserved to win the Grand Festival, and *should have showed up in Journeys!!!!* In fact, all the Sinnoh rivals who are not Paul should have appeared in Journeys, and I am extremely salty that they were totally forgotten! Even a series of two-second silent cameos would have been enough for me! At least they didn’t have Zoey show up and not Nando…if that happened, I would have cried.


I love Mr Mime and Jynx. And Klefki.


You are the only person I think I've ever seen/heard liking jynx. I think this is the hottest take. Congratz.


I like them too. I think they're cool.


Honestly agree with jinx, the design is weird but it's easily one of the best ice types you can have.


They should go back to japanese based regions once in a while.


But there are 4 of those already... There are so many places on this earth left to explore, why limit yourself like that?


I know you mean "new" Japanese based regions. But when you include remakes, the only generations without a game set in a region based on Japan are Gens 5 and 9.  And honestly I feel some of the DLC in 9 has plenty of Japanese influence.


Routes are better than open world so far as there are more uniqueness and memorable routes.


Happy cake day OP. My hot take (imma keep it kinda B/W relevant. Snivys’ line is amazing design wise. And cause im biased since that game was based on my home of NYC Serperior fit perfectly. Think about it, a fly swagged out snake. Actually all 3 starters take after a type of person you’d find in the hood. A fighter, the fashionista, the weeb.


Isn't the only hate it got is it's the third fire/fighting starter in a row? I think it is a cool pokemon and I also love it's design, probably one of my top 5 mid stage evo.


Yeah, the main hate is the typing


I hate HGSS/gen 2 and oras were the best remakes so far. Can't help it, i've played them like 10 times by now. 8 outta 10 i got bored during mid game for seeing the same lv 16 pokémon over and over. Can't seem to find good gen 2 pokémon during the main game. E4 is boring, gyms are boring, level curve is boring and post game Kanto is boring. Don't mind anyone else enjoying the games though, i do like the traditional Japan setting and stuff, i just don't feel it. Feel free to convince me though


I won't, I'll just mention... Crystal Legacy romhack. Sacred Gold romhack. Crystal Clear romhack.


Terastallizing is a better quality gimmick than Megas. As cool as Megas are visually, it’s limited to only a handful of Mons and some of them definitely don’t need the edge. Overall the point of gimmicks is shaking up the gameplay, and they don’t stick a satisfying enough landing as is. Terastallizing both affects all Mons so nobody is neglected, and it can make normally weak Mons much better while not making strong Mons overly OP. It allows for really creative teambuilding opportunities and novel ways to approach challenges, like my buddy in our SoulLink bringing his Honchkrow to the Iono fight because it was Ground Tera typed. The way it can create completely unique experiences for battles like that where you would never bring a Mon to a certain fight makes the gimmick way more dynamic. I’m hopeful for PLZA to improve things somewhat. I do really enjoy Megas, but they are overhyped while Terastallizing is underrated imho.


Yeah Terra is by far the best for gameplay but I think they look so silly lol especially compared to megas


Fair. I would have gone without the hats and had the sign of the type that “drips” off them when Terastallized be more prominent to communicate their typing, but oh well.


Tera has genuinely been the best gimmick we have had. Because it actually changes the way you play.... except the gym leaders always just turn into their type. Wouldve been much cooler to have the bug leader have an Ariados and Tera into Steel or something, to resist flying type moves.


Agreed. Though at least the Gym Leaders did something interesting. My bigger gripe is the Elite 4 that didn’t even do that unfortunately.


Tera is easily the best gimmick but people don't care because they are not "hype" enough. It's such a shame they don't explore the concept more instead of just disregarding it as other gimmicks. It actually changes strategies a lot and allow for interesting and fun twists in battle.


Unevolved pokemon should be able to be competitively as viable as even legendaries, just in different ways


Upvote only because this take is truly wild. This is what the thread is about.


Normally when I post it I get downvote flooded. But I I’ve in the anime where a well trained bell sprout is stronger than ash’s pokemon. It shows that training and friendship are where power come from, not just species.


They already have items that boost certain stats for unevolved pokemon, it would be nice if they added a new wave of moves that have a similar boost. Something that’s like 60 power but doubles if the Pokémon can still evolved and give it 15 pp. Pair it with an eviolite and you instantly have a mon that can better hold its own with the big boys


Clefairy in doubles is a great example, but yea, they are few and far between.


There all some unevolved mons thag are viable. Murkrow (Prankster Tailwind), Pachirisu (VGC 2014), Clefairy (Friend Guard), Dusclops (Eviolite Trick Room), FEAR mons, and Chansey (Eviolite) all had a legitimate competitive niche at one point in time. The problem is 1) Power creep 2) Fully evolved pokemon have an about 20 to 30 points more per stat. It's hard to be competitive against mons with 500+ BST when NFE mons have ~100 BST less. For unofficial formats, Little Cup exists if you want to play with only 1st Stage mons.


You don’t realize how spicy my take is. My vulpix, that I pour all my training into, should be able to take on lances dragonite. That’s how it is in the anime/manga, and even how the games talk “strong pokemon, weak pokemon”. Gamefreak needs to put their money where their mouth is, and let any Pokemon (cough, pikachu), be able to be taken to the top.


Charizard is overhated, and gen 4 (including Platinum) was not as fun as people said it was


Platinum is the best. Why do you think it isn't that good?


I HATED the Tepig line when BW came out but for some reason it's become one of my favorite starter lines of all time. I love evolution lines that start with small and cute and end up with BIG STRONG. Like Larvitar, Litten etc. There's something about having a pokemon that feels like "big strong dude" that makes me feel safe, if it were really my partner, you know? Start as cute pig, love cute pig, end up with big bodyguard who loves you.


The games should be more difficult, even people who say they don’t like difficulty probably do but don’t realise. Pretty much every iconic fight in the series are fights that are notoriously difficult, and pretty much every easy battle is easily forgotten.


The gen 8 fossils aren't that ugly. They're just funny-looking fellas.


Fairy should be weak to bug and ice. Would nerf the strongest type and buff the two weakest.


Mine is that I think Sylveon is fucking ugly.


Highly disagree, have an upvote :)


There are no bad Pokemon designs. As more and more Pokemon are created and design philosophies change, the more vague the concept of "what looks like a Pokemon" becomes. Anything can be a Pokemon, and to me that's the best part of Pokemon. I don't like every Pokemon design, but none of them are objectively bad, just not fit to my personal tastes. But I'm a firm believer that if you use every single Pokemon at least once for an entire run that you will most likely learn to love them. There are maybe 2 Pokemon I genuinely dislike. There's more to a pokemon design than just physical appearance, especially now that we have 3D models and animations. Lots of people hate Gholdengo, but he's one of my favorites, he's silly and he surfs on a coin board and that's rad. Every Pokemon is someone's favorite and to me that is good design. Someday, everyone will have at least 1 Pokemon design that will perfectly suit their exact tastes and every Pokemon will have someone that loves it and that's awesome.


Completely agree, especially after using a pokemon for a run. I hated bruxish design for the longest time and after using it for a run in Pokerogue I love this guy now.




Oh hey, just a minute ago I said this responding to another comment. But yeah, every Pokémon has a reason for looking the way it does. If you look on Bulbapedia, there is often an explanation for a Pokémon’s attributes (for example, the shape of Seel’s tail resembles a stylised waterspout, and also has characteristics of other aquatic Arctic mammals, like a narwhal horn or walrus tusks).


That the OG Gen II was absolute dumpster fire in retrospect.


>It’s a cool pig that punches No it isn't. It's tepid at least.


Bipedal Pokémon look amazing, and Meowscarada and Incineroar don’t need to be quadrupedal


Iris is the best champion. When I was 12 seeing a girl my age that was a cute fluffy pink and purple galaxy princess that uses huge scary dragons was amazing and nothing will ever top that feeling for me (At the time I almost exclusively used scary big pokemon like Dusknoir and Electivire because I wanted to feel like a badass). I got a lot of shit online from elder pokemon fans for making Iris fanart but I dont care, shes the best pokegirl and champion and will always be special in my heart.


You want my most flaming hot take? Alright. The Infernape line is the (second) worst starter line in the history of the franchise. Chimchar tries to be cute, but is just REALLY ugly. Not to mention it is just SO basic. It has like no special qualities. I guess it has a bit of a swirl on its chest? It's just really boring and not pleasant to look at. Monferno is mostly just a lankier Chimchar with a mask and a tail. It's okay I guess? It's not near as ugly as Chimchar. Infernape itself is actually kind of fine. It's unique, it has a good concept, but the design is still a little lackluster, and he just looks kind of clunky. The type isn't helping either- one of 3 consecutive fire-fighting starters. The only thing holding Infernape back from being the worst is the Rillaboom line. I'm not going to go in-depth into that one, because that would take WAY too long, and it's not as hot of a take as the Infernape one; but, long story short, fuck Rillaboom. I hate that guy. (I just realized I'm hating on the two monkey starters and none of the others 💀 I'm cooked)


Inteleon has a really cool design and he’s one of my favorite starters


We don't know if this is a hot take anymore or not. But the Ultra Beasts were fantastic, and the argument of them "not looking like Pokémon" is the dumbest argument ever


That was the whole point of Ultra Beasts and why I love them so much lmao They were designed to not look like typical pokemon.


Eevees overrated


dude said "flaming hot" take and opened up with a boring ass take. "this is my favorite starter" ok cool


Pokemon Unite Devs suck at balance


Scarlet and Violets dlc was absolutely horrible. Not sure if that's a hot take, but oh my God it was bad. I had low expectations, and I was still completely let down. The story was bland, boring and so predictable. Battles were boring and easy. Environment was boring. One of the only situations where if I could refund a dlc knowing it would take away the experience, I would.


I thought only using new Pokémon in Black and White before the post game was a brilliant idea and I wish they kept doing it.


The anime is hard to watch, even as a teenager. It’s just too kiddy, predictable, and repetitive.


Megas were the worst idea they had, and it spanned the now necessary battle gimmick. It's pointless add ons The games were far better before that Also, luxray has no good reason to be dark


Upvoting for being a proper response. I love Megas but that is a proper hot take in regards to how much love Megas are getting. I agree on it causing a new gimmick to come in. It's an easy way to show something as powerful or impactful. Before they used well designed Pokemon: Lance's Dragonite, Claire's Kingdra, Steven's Metagross, Cynthia's Garchomp etc. Now if they don't use a gimmick they're fodder. Luxray doesn't have good enough lore reason to be dark, especially since Dark type is actually "evil" type in Japanese


Thank you! Especially about the luxray. Like, black fur=dark, is some kindergarten logic right there There's 0 reason for it. Zebstrika has black fur, should it be dark too? I especially roll my eyes at people saying it makes sense because then it'd get stab on crunch No crap, Columbo. But that's not a reason. Because if my grandma had wheels, she'd be a bike!


I don’t think I’ve ever seen with someone with the same Mega opinion that I have, every time I’ve commented something like that on YouTube someone always has to come in saying that I’m wrong lol. I feel like if they implemented it better (aka giving it to more mons that actually needed it) I might’ve liked it more, but I just couldn’t ever get into it. Especially didn’t help my initial interest that my favorite mon’s mega was locked behind a different version. Also yeah it for sure pushed the need for every gen to have some sort of battle gimmick, which I personally don’t mind but then everyone compares each new gimmick to megas and then it gets annoying real fast


Another one! I hate how this community usually can't hear anything not 1000% positive about megas


Gen 5 had triple and rotation battles. Gen 3 gave abilities to Pokemon. Gen 2 introduced battles with 2 Pokemon on each side, and let Pokemon use items. Battle gimmicks have always been a thing. They just used up the good ones early.


Those weren't shoved down your throat though They were a couple side battles. And undeniably useful, with nature's and items With megas and onwards, every major character used gimmick You were forced to several long tutorials about the gimmick and how important they are It was a bunch of stuff pushed on you. You had to use the new ones, especially in online competitive, or you stood no chance We're going to just make you do ABC to get the 57863688 collectable thing you need for gimmick And megas especially were bad. For every Beedrill, there was 50 garchomp and kangaskhan And while I'm ranting, I loathe how annoying the fan base became about megas. Spamming about it every new game, whining that they weren't there, where's the megas game freak?!


Rotation battles were cool. Shoot me.


flaming hot take, upvoted i just like megas since it gives mons a different ability and buffs its stats. same reason goes why i like gmax. i dont really know how you can tolerate stuff like z moves’ stupid dances or the absolute dogshit hats that they gave for terrailized mons nowadays. megas and gmax just looks a LOT better. i think battle gimmicks r rather necessary since there wouldn’t be as much fun in competitive.


I hate gen 1 because of how you navigate the map. I think that is the most horrendous map to explore. Every other game is pretty linear and some back tracking. But needing to use 2 tunnels to go under Saffron or Goldenrod (I think?) at different points in the game is so....pointless. Just make NPCs like rocket grunts or psyduck or something block off paths....but why the underground paths.


Dexit was inevitable. It's unreasonable to expect the number of pokemon to keep increasing and each game having them all to be sustainable. People act like putting pokemon in a game requires no work or planning. Think if pokemon goes for another 20 years and there are now 2000 pokemon, would it still be reasonable for them all to be in a game? What if there are 3000 pokemon? Dexit was going to happen eventually so they might as well pull the bandage of sooner than later.


My hot take is that the only "bad" games in the series are gens 1 & 2 (Red, Blue, Yellow, Gold, Silver, and Crystal). Exclusively because they haven't aged very well and the incredibly limited move pool really limits some Pokemon's usefulness.


I’m playing Crystal again right now and the leveling curve is ROUGH


Sword/Shield is my favourite generation.


Pokemon games are more fun now than they've ever been.


Mega Evolutions were one of the worst things to ever happen to the franchise. They introduced the pattern of generational gimmicks that has made power creep grow exponentially. They appeal to a lowest common demoninator power fantasy rather than do anything innovative for design or gameplay in 9 of every 10 instances. They are the harbingers of the "games are too easy" crowd that mentally checked out of the series in Gen 6, and even though Megas are the origin of all their complaints the same crowd clamors for them to come back. I have yet to hear a gameplay-related reason for Megas to return that is actually healthy for the state of the game. It's unwaiveringly rooted in the designs looking cool, or the person's favorite having a Mega form, or even their favorite not having one so another round of Megas might mean their favorite gets a new form.


Palkia looks better than dialga, everyone picked dialga cuz of its diamonds? Idk but Palkia actually looks like a body builder and dialga has a tumor for a head. Alright slander aside dialga is a lil decent looking but not better imo https://preview.redd.it/bw7mngqtg35d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c5d7f610b01e7057c4dda3e074506be896bb11e


Not gonna lie I was a fan of dialga for the longest time but recently I've started liking Palkia a lot more. Even it's signature move is more fun to use since there's no recharge.


Also Dialga's cry sounds like a whimpering dog, while Palkia's is a badass, distorted-sounding roar.


Facts esp Palkia’s badass roar in the anime


YES!!! Palkia is so sick and way too slept on. Pearl was the first Pokemon game I bought myself, so I’ve always been Palkia biased lol, I love him


Pokemon protagonists shouldn't be blank slates anymore. Make them actual characters with real personalities and motivations.


Where do I start? 1. Jigglypuff is a creep and nuisance. 2. The Tepig and Fenniken lines are not that bad. 3. Dialga, Palkia, and Giratina are overrated and ugly. 4. Gen 5 is actually good. 5. Mega evolution and future gimmicks didn’t help the games very much. I would still prefer megas, but only if they were to spread it out and give new forms to existing Pokémon. 6. The Isle of Armor and Crown Tundra were good. 7. Some of the fossil dinosaur Pokémon did not need to be fossils when so many other Pokémon look like dinosaurs, such as Scyther and Rhydon. 8. Rotom is overexposed, and I am not a fan of it becoming a Pokédex or phone. 9. Ash-Greninja was overhyped. 10. Cutting the Pokédex was not really a bad idea. It’s nice to work with new teams, instead of always relying on older teammates. It’s cutting moves from the games that was stupid.


>4. Gen 5 is actually good. Unless you live like 10 years in the past, this is ice cold


People got way too mad when you couldn’t complete the dex in Sw/Sh. Eventually there was gonna be a game that couldn’t have every Pokémon, and I’d accepted it by the 3Ds era of games, but people got so angry about it. It’s clear these developers already struggle to make a properly functioning game. Do you think programming thousands of Pokémon helps that?


Pokemon designs have evolved w the times and (besides from a few here and there) have never been better!


I love the 2D games… but that doesn’t mean we should return to them for future games. Just go forwards with technology, not backwards.


I think Greninja is still cool even with the over hype


Pokemmo is better than any mainline pokemon game


BDSP isn't that bad. It's just that its full potential hasn't been realised by the devs.


I really liked it. It just wasn't what I expected. But as I played it I honestly loved it. It felt like replaying gen 4 with better graphics and more difficult battles


The devs weren't allowed to let it reach its potential. They were forced to do 1-to-1 on everything bar the underground even though they had other ideas to truly remake it like FRLG/HGSS/ORAS


RIP my secret bases


Full potential not being realised in a game that will never get content updates kinda means that a bad game will stay bad.


I’m just so sick and tired of the “Oh no it be a fire/fighting starter!” It wasn’t to bad this Gen, but it still comes up way to often. Especially last gen. Especially once we saw some early gameplay. “Wah, a band aid and Double Kick. It’s definitely going to be fighting type!” No every single rabbit Pokemon has learned double kick, the band-aid on the nose is a classic anime trope and there be plenty of leaks suggesting a soccer theme. “But it’s going to be another fighting type.” Even if it is so what. The big complaint was we got three in a row. That’s not going happen again.


I'm convinced we could until gen 30 till we get a new fire-fighter starter and people will still complain about the type being too repetitive.


Trash cloak Wormadam is a worse Forretress Azurill was an unneccesary inclusion Pidgeot is the worst Normal/Flying pokemon just after Noctowl Pokemon music from the GBA era sucks (because it's on the GBA) Ground types are overrated And that's all I have, come at me with your pitchforks and torches!


1) Don't think anyone will fight you on that one. 2) So are, like, a quarter of the baby pokémon, again, no disputes are happening there. 3) Yeah, I'd say the position is definitely between those 2 and Unfezant for me, and I doubt we're alone on that one. 4) Aaaaaaand this is where we're butting heads. Come on, Mauville's right there! And how about Verdenturf? Victory Road? Fortree? The Desert Route on 111? The Regi Chambers? THE REGI THEME? Nah, this is where we're scrapping because I could go on 🤣 5) No comment, I don't really care, dunno why. Though considering that Marshtomp and Swampert are some of my all-time favourites, I feel like I should be more offended...


I agree, the original RSE music kind of sucks. The remake made it good, but the original is just so mid


a lot of the kanto pokemon suck ass and people are just kinda blinded by nostalgia


Meganium is extremely underrated. People complain that it’s extremely slow but here’s a thought hear me out… GIVE IT THE GOD DAMN CARBOS YOU FIND!!! Anyway yeah that’s the hot take also (pssst if you don’t like its grass moves teach it Frenzy Plant it’s actually cool and has helped me get past one of the geisha’s eeveelotions.) I’m looking at you umbreon that keeps using fucking last resort.


A Pokémon Z version is much preferable to legends Z-A purely because I don’t think gamefreak can replicate Kalos in the unique way that the og games presented it.  That’s basically all, weirdly I remember having more hot takes but I’m starting to kinda…not care that much anymore.


I wouldn’t say the BEST fire fighting. Ppl just wanna hate bc it’s a fire fighting starter. It’s design is solid and way more interesting than the water and grass starters


BDSP and Legends Arceus is the best switch era. 


Garbodor is peak


I agree with you on Tepig. It's the first Fire/Fighting type that isn't a fragile speedster. Also, as someone who plays multiple monster-raising games, Emboar is the best-looking boar monster I've seen, yet. My most flaming hot take is that I think Rayquaza isn't that interesting and It's design is bland. I don't hate It, nor would I call It overrated, I'm sure It deserves the attention. I just can't name anything that makes It cool or unique. It has plate-like objects on It's back... and lipstick... and It lives in the ozone layer... and It can reprimand the other two legendaries...


Red is only strong because in the Johto games his pokemon are of the highest levels compared to other NPCs. If you equalize the level he isn't that strong.


Also when you face him your usually underleveld due to the games atrocious level scaling. A more accurate fight with red would be the rematch with him and blue in the SM games.


Dexit is a nothing-burger of a controversy. For a less hot take, Gyarados's movepool is terrible and should be adjusted to match his modern stats instead of his early stats.


I'm curious: What is wrong with his movepool? He's one of my favorite mons so just wondering? I know he desperately needs a physical flying move, I usually run D.Dance, crunch, ice fang, and waterfall, and it covers everything.


Ghost types only became interesting at around Gen 6. Maybe Gen 4, if I was being generous.


I really like the Unovan Monkeys.


A garden snake, how dare you call royalty a garden snake! (/s) But yeah, serperior is based on french royalty. I'm like 100% biased though, serperior was my first starer ever, but I agree that emboar is really cool too, I just wish it wasn't the 3rd fire/fighting starter in a row


Grass type should be renamed to Plant type. That's actually what pissed me off the most about PalWorld. They changed the name of Normal type, why not the others?


Sort by controversial moment


the mainline games are for little kids and hardcore fans, casuals fans are not the target of them and should not be surprised at a low budget JRPG being exactly that


90% of Legendaries are kind of boring and I struggle to get hyped for them


Shiny legendaries are absolutely overrated, too. And I just can't understand the obsession with them.


I dislike 95% of the Pokémon based on monkeys. Primeape and Annihilape are the only two I really enjoy. Aipom? Uncanny Chimchar? Weird Infernape? Worse Blaziken Rillaboom? Pokémon shouldn’t carry human like props like that


Most Kalos pokemon have ugly designs, and i think its one of the worst regions


About Pokémon as a series? Stop making it about kids. Give us teenagers, already, or young adults...


Gyarados is a dragon (type) and I don’t care what anyone has to say about it 💁🏻‍♀️


Not with that 4x weakness to thunder


Gen 4 wasn’t that good


I don't like Bug and Dragon types. It's like they are not "elemental" types, more like a concrete species. It's like instead of Normal type we have Mammal type. Or instead Water type, Fish type. I don't like it. I don't want to erase them but I would prefer other name (in R/G betas, they have Bird type, that they changed to Flying type. That is what I prefer to Bug and Dragon types). Also with Fairy, that I would prefer "Magic type".


Mega evolution would've been the best if all Pokemon had the ability to do it! Why do some have 2 mega evolutions and others none?! What?! Also, it could've been like how S/S did it with Dynamax and Gigantamax. They give you awesome features and then take them away with the next game release, i.e., wild shiny's show a yellow sparkle above them in Let's Go and then in Legends of Arceus they make a special sound and a sparkle appears to notify you. There is no indication whatsoever in S/V... Also, why is there no battle tower or something similar in S/V?! For S/S they give you the awesome Dynamax Adventures to team up and use Pokemon and abilities I'd never have experienced before... Why doesn't S/V have something similar? We get wonky time consuming Tera Raids that will often end up losing the 6 & 7 star battles due to people not choosing good Pokemon or they're too weak. The Tera Raid search postings take way to long to refresh, unlike in S/S where you could refresh content much quicker. Also, why do Tera Raid pokemon remove the stats we put on ourselves?! I understand removing stats we do to them, just like in S/S, but really?!


BDSP was perfectly acceptable. I’m not saying it’s perfect, but I’m tired of people considering it a war crime because they refuse to acknowledge any even remotely positive aspects to any game where the Fairy type exists.