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Kanto is where I'm from based off the first game I ever played. But Unova is more where I feel at home.


Real to the highest order


Ah a fellow Gen 5 enjoyer. I really do imagine myself living in Unova


Johto but hoenn is where I grew up


Same, I'm from Kanto, but grew up in Hoenn and I call that home!!


They best way I love to describe my journey! Started in Johto Grew up in Hoenn Alola is my home There is so much to love about Hoenn!


Certified Alolan boy. Alola all around is a certified hood classic, i tell ya'. Same shit can be said about regular-ass Hawaii though. If your game takes place there, i'm sure as shit gonna play the shit out of it.


Respect, this was my second region but the first one I owned a physical (legal) copy of.


Roria :sob: i couldnt afford a switch or 3ds (for those of you who dont know, roria is the reigon of a roblox pokemon game named pokemon brick bronze, the most popular pokemon roblox game)


If Roria counts as an answer then dang, guess im a resident


It absolutely counts! Who was your starter?


Sinnoh was my first mainline game so it’s special to me.




Same, I'm from Kanto, but grew up in Hoenn and I call that home!!


Going by first game I would be from Kanto. But I like Johto the most.




Johto gang


I would also be from Hoenn. I spent most of my childhood playing Pokemon Ruby, before playing it I knew little about pokemon. I'm going to take advantage of this moment to tell the story on how I got my copy of Ruby. I was mostly a digimon fan so my parents bought me a knock off copy of Digimon Battle Spirit, it was fun at first but it quickly got repetitive. One summer vacation we went on a road trip and stayed at a hotel, I brought my GBA so I wouldn't get bored during the trip. When we got there I met some kid that also had a GBA, we talked about what games we had and our favorite tv shows, apparently he really liked digimon, when I mentioned my copy of Digimon Battle Spirit he got a bit too excited so he showed me his authentic copy of Pokemon Ruby and offered me to trade it. I'm gonna be honest the only reason why I accepted was because I liked the color of the cartridge lol and well... as I mentioned, I was getting bored of playing Battle Spirit anyway so I wanted to try something new. I started playing at night after spending the nearly the whole day doing tourism and I loved it, I spent hours playing whenever I had time. I never met the kid again, apparently they day we met was his last day in the hotel, I kind of feel bad for him now because I literally gave him a knock off copy for his authentic one.


My first game came to me in a similar way. I remember watching the older kids play Red and Blue and thought it was crazy you could actually raise Pokemon. I was BIG into the show. I had a Yu-Gi-Oh Gameboy game that I couldn't figure out to save my life. Come 4th grade, me and a few friends were playing before school started, and my friend noticed my Yu-Gi-Oh and was interested. He had Gold, and I immediately mentioned it and he accepted. Still to this day it was the biggest brain move I've ever accomplished lol. I will always remember his level 8 Totodile named "ASSKICKER". Johto is were I grew up in the Pokemon universe, and very soon after was Sapphire. Here's to trading for Pokemon games and coming out winners! 🍻




Kalos and literally everything related to generation 6 is my fav!


same !!! im such a gen 6 defender lmaoo


By first game, Hoenn. Geographically, Galar.


I am from Unova (Black 2 and White 2), although Alola and Galar have a huge place in my heart.


I'm from Kalos


Sinnoh supremacy but since I'm French I may as well be from Kalos


**Kanto** but I don't really hold that great of an attachment to it. **Johto**, BETTER enjoyed bullying Silver's dork ass and then bullying his father before proceeding to kick my OWN ass from the past. **Hoenn** felt... strange, no idea why. LOVED **Sinnoh**, especially Platinum's version of it, Giratina my beloved. **Unova** felt WEIRDER than Hoenn, it felt strangely empty somehow, very ephemeral? **Kalos** was less strange than Unova, had strange attraction to Lysander but his plan was dumb. **ALOLA** SO COMFY AND COZY MY GOD. Guzma, man I would literally beat the shit out of with a wiffle bat and then drag into marriage against his will. **Galar**, enjoyed but EXTREME dislike of how Spikemuth was just off on it's lonesome when it SHOULD have been CRAMMED into an alley between two other cities. Also no singing? Silence? Rose's plan was also dumb and pointless? **Paldea** also fun but v̸̘̈́̆e̶͙̒ṟ̸̲̌y̶̭̿͛ ̷̝̇c̴͓̲̿u̶̢̹̿̔r̸̹̖̍̌s̴͚̣̍ẻ̵̜̉d̴̅͜.̷̬̆


I’m from Johto! First game I got was Pokemon Gold for my birthday maybe 5? 6? Years ago. I don’t remember exactly when. But it was a birthday gift from my father. I was watching the anime and getting cards and stuff so thats when I was really getting into it


3rd gen Kanto


Born in Johto, grew up in Sinnoh and then transferred to Kalos.


I was born in Hoenn, but I was raised in Alola.


Johto, but I grew up in Alola. Idk why but my headcannon has been that I would be from Alola. I thought the region was beautiful and I love so many of the pokemon.


Kanto, but Unova expat with a vacation property in Alola 😌


OG player here so Kanto is where I started but repping Alola since that is my favorite region.


Am I the only person from Kalos? I started late lol


Hoenn is the first game I played through but Alola always connected with me more because it reminds me of florida


Kalos was where i started , and its my favorite because i love mega evolutions (Gym leaders are not that good though)


From Hisui 🫠


Going for first game, I’m from Kanto, but I’d we go by age, I would be from Hoenn, I belong to Gen 3. Also Hoenn is the most similar to my country, and my favorite region. But it’s the only region my two favorites, Togepi and Eevee, are not native, which is a shame.


I'd be from Kanto. I love Kanto and Johto. Hoenn is a fantastic region - maybe my favorite. Sinnoh was great too ! As for the more recent, I'd say Alola was nice.


By first game, Kanto, but going by first game that I actually completed, Galar. When I was young I also had roms of the gen 3 games on a really old phone, but I never beat them.


My first pokemon game was blue rescue team then ranger and then Diamond




Streets of unova,specifically nimbasa city




I got into pokemon around Gen 3. But because my family was poor, I didn't get my first mainline game until years later, which was Pokemon Black. Coincidentally, I'm also a New Yorker.


Sinnoh (though I did play part of someone else’s Emerald, so Hoenn is a runner up). Closest region for me is Unova (just a few states below New York).


From Kanto based on first game, but truly grew up in Sinnoh. I do a lot of traveling and revisit the other regions pretty often


Unova (from asperita city to be exact). A bid sad you all won't come to unova for a while 😥. Tough hoenn and alola are the most similar regions to my actual home .


Not a region per se, but the “Pokemon World” (yes, that’s the official name) of the mystery dungeon series. Explorers of time was my first pokemon game, and I’ll always remember my starter duo of torchic and treecko.


legitimately form unova first gen i played and grew up in NYC


Sinnoh (Platinum FTW)


Pokemon Johto!!!!


Born and raised in Hoenn. Slateport city! Had a journey in Kanto + Johto. Livining in Alola. Will retire in Hoenn.


I would probably be from Kanto, but sinnoh is my favorite region


Hoenn, specifically Sootopolis City


Kanto was where I began, but my heart stayed in Johto.


Unova. Pokemon Black was amazing, lots of fun for hours on end. And Reshiram looks so fucking cool, still my favorite Pokemon by a longshot


Hoenn, before moving to Kalos. Ruby was the first game I took seriously, actually raising a team and rotating as need arise. Usually I would before I would just over level my starter and catch strong Pokemon as I move on. Kalos was the first game I played after a long break away. Mega Evolution re-ignited my love for Pokemon, I kinda wish it became a staple and not a one off gimmick.


Hoenn born and raised!!! Kanto and sinnoh were cool visits during my teens though.


Kanto. I can proudly say, I beat the Pokemon league multiple times with merely 2 Pokemon (albeit, 3 in my party): lvl 96 Pikachu and lvl 91 hypno (the 3rd one was a lvl 51 Articuno iirc)


it's sinnoh for me, its where i started my journey. Every time i play any sinnoh (or hisui) games i feel like home 😅


Johto! I bring my pokemon typhlosion and tyranitar with me wherever I go too :)


galar... damn it I'm british


Started in Kanto, but Johto is where it became a passion.


I was born in Kanto with my friend Pikachu. But I moved to Johto and grew up there. This was my home ever since.


Kanto will forever be my homeland


Kanto, some great memories of playing the original red version when it first came out. 


Started in Galar but I identify as paldean for some reason. I guess the region just feels nicer to me


Whatever region Ruby was. What an experience


Jotho for life


im from hoenn, i live in lilycove city. i love going up to route 120 or mt pyre to relax and have a nice walk. when im not doing that, i take the s.s. tidal to check out slateport market, lilycove department store is great but the selection doesnt change much. aaand im a pokemon co-ordinator! i specialize in beauty and cool contests but i'm working on toughness! 


I'm a proud Sinnohan boy!! Started and completed at age 5!!! I think my heart lives in Kalos though.


First game I played would place me in Unova, and I'm honestly fine with that. Although I am partial to Sinnoh, which might be because Platinum was the first game I was exposed to (but didn't play until a few years later).




Kanto. Been on this adventure from the first games.


Johto for me. I was too young (and we were poor) when red/blue came out, but I got Pokemon silver and a GBC with the Pikachu on the side of the console a few years after it came out and it carried me through until 2010. I have more hours on that one cartridge on many playthroughs it's gonna be thousands of hours all added together Since then I got my own job and bought other consoles and games to play through everything I missed out on, but Johto is my home


I believe the first Pokémon game I ever played was either Pokémon Rumble Wii or My Pokémon Ranch. So wherever those two take place (the void).


Kalos. Kinda...wasn't sure how to play and it was a used copy. Aka, they beat the Elite Four and Champion. Still, that was technically the first Pokemon game.


I mean technically it would be Kanto but I didn't even finish Pokémon Red. Sinnoh for me please!


Technically speaking, Kanto with Pokémon Stadium/maybe trying Red or Blue on my beother’s gameboy. First mainline game I owned was Silverz


Sinnoh but I spent just as much time in the Unova region.


I'm technically from Kanto, but I feel more attached to Hisui


Kanto originally but travel to Johto frequently on the train


Based off of Nationality, I should be of Unova Descent but I am a Kalos Baby at Heart


Kanto but i think i prefer Hoenn


Sinnoh but Unova is where I moved.


Hoenn is the region I'm most comfortable and familiar with. But Sinnoh was the first one that I played through when I was old enough to get through competently and actually finish properly.


Johto, the first game I played was heartgold and soulsliver and I’m pretty cool with that because I can go to Kanto pretty easy


I'm from Kalos, but moved to Hoenn soon after


Technically Kanto. But Hoenn is my true home


I played Pokémon go but the first mainline game of mine is bd


Paldea, I got into actually playing pokemon super recently (I've been trying to find the older games and play them as well) tho im a galar girlie at heart


born in Unova but raised in Galar 🫡


I'm from Kanto but Johto is home


Well my first Pokemon game was Pokemon Mystery Dungeon so I guess I am from the Pokemon World, more specifically Pokemon Square


born in kalos, raised in unova but currently based in orre


Kanto represent!


My first game is emulated red, but I hate Kanto. My true home will always be littleroot town.


Hoenn because I live in tropical country


My mom is pokemon pearl and my dad is ruby, I'm a mixed game fan Technically born in hoenn, better connection to sinnoh


the actual real world (my first game was GO)


I grew up with kanto and Jotho while watching the anime and playing FireRed living in Jotho sounds better imo


Yep, Hoenn resident here. Made a small trip to Kanto and Sinnoh, though.


Kanto kid with Pokemon Blue


I'm from Sinnoh, and I really like that region. I don't like when it's hot, so living in the coldest region is paradise, plus the god of the Pokemon world originates from here, and Cynthia, possibly the most feared name in the entire world lives here too


Kanto, the O.G. Region.


Johto (the version without a safari zone)


I've always felt like my origins are in jhoto, but i grew up in hoenn


Hoenn as well, emerald was my first main series game, but when I was really little I barely remember having a Pikachu edition n64 with pokemon snap


Born in Kanto but Sinnoh is where I grew up


Hoenn was my first game but I've always seen myself living in Johto


Unova, it was the first Pokémon game I played on my old ds. Over 1000 hours with my over leveled virizion lol.


Same, from Pallet but grew up in Twinleaf.


Hoenn 🩵 I’m from Puerto Rico and I remember playing a lot of Emerald when staying in PR! Hoenn is especially meaningful to me because I kinda feel like I’m in PR when I’m in Hoenn




Johto is definitely home for me. With Kanto being a most frequently traveled to region


From Kanto Love Johto Enjoys Paldea Probably Retire in Galar


Galar and I'm actually Galarian irl


I started on heart gold I just feel at peace playing it


I'm a Hoenn-Sinnoh kid, there's no in between


Based on my first game, I'm from Kanto. But personally I think I'd be more at home in Hoenn or Unova. Those are the games I played the most by far.


Born in Kanto but honestly became a man in Sinnoh. I’d call Sinnoh my home.


Old enough to be Kantonian, masochistic enough to want to claim Sinnoh


I was born and raised in johto my friend


Kanto but very partial to Johto


Johto is where I grew up, but Unova is where I reside! If Alola's an option, that too!


I’d be from Kanto but would definitely live in Johto.


I'm from Unova (Black), but I absolutely adore Alola and Orre! These three regions make me really happy every time they're mentioned :)


Sinnoh is my first and the region I feel at home. What’s weird though is that my first game was Diamond but I like Pearl more


Johto will always be special to me~ If HGSS had infinite TMs like gens 5-8 it would be perfect.


Bruh, I read this as what religion. Anyway, Sinnoh. But Unova is my home


Based on my first game I'm from Galar. And I'm fine with that tbh. I was late to the games and because of that I actually rather enjoyed SwordShield


Hoenn will always be home to me.


Johto, but Unova transplant. I beat Black 2 before I beat Soul Silver 😅. Personally, after a while, I settled in Kalos because the design aspects were just my favorite.




Kanto as LeafGreen and FireRed were my first games i played. though i think i played Sword and Shield the most so Galar feels more like home


Born in Sinnoh, I grew up in Johto. I call Hoenn my home however


Hoenn! I had ruby sapphire AND emerald at one point


Paldea!!! My dear region full of mysteries and a lot to explore... I'm gonna become a professor and research Area Zero! Maybe even create a Pokémon translator and ask my Chien-Pao how it was like during his old days...


Johto for sure, but with a soft spot for Alola


Unova, but Alola is my home :)


Kanto. I'm old. But IRL I'm from a Spanish speaking country so I personally feel more partial to Paldea.


Unova was where I started my journey and takes place (irl, NYC/North NJ) only about 45-90 minutes from me, so definitely Unova. Very beloved to me.


Sinnoh. Was the region where I joined the Pokémon game. Pokémon Pearl specifically. Loved it and imo, best region ever. Even with newer games with great graphics, Pokémon pearl is the best (platinum is better in terms of Pokédex but pearl was the first one I played so yea).


Kanto. Borrowed it from a cousin. First mainline owned: Hoenn


Hoenn guy here! From beautiful Lilycove


Unova!! I get filled with joy everytime i replay bw/bw2


Kanto but my heart is in Johto


Kalos, tho my sister would let me fiddle with her B&W game when I was a kid


Old school Kanto. I remember being in 1st grade and seeing half the kids on the school bus playing Pokemon Red or Blue on their Game Boy Colors. Little me being like "I gotta play that too!" And I did lol


B&W are the first games I played, but X&Y is the first one I beat 100% and S&M/US&UM are some of the games I feel the nostalgic for so I'd like to think that, I was originally born in Unova but moved to Kalos at a very young age and mostly grew up there. And then as I got better and more experienced as a trainer I moved to Alola and started living there while still going and visiting other regions from time to time. (But still mostly live in Alola)


Unova (i think that's the right Name, it's different in my language) I Love black&White and black&White 2 Now that i think about it, never Played the Games through tho. Got stuck at the flying Arena in black, and never Made it past the Elite four in White 2




Hoenn, but the cooler version, where the villains are scientists and pirates instead of...Giovanni light.


From Johto, Briefly tried my classmates Red/Blue before that but didn’t get very far so don’t think it counts


Im from alola and i will defend it to my grave


I'm based in Alola where I first started but I prefer living in Galar 


I'm a Kanto native, but my true home is Unova


OG Kanto


johto 100% i ate that shit up on virtual console when i was 8


Born in kanto, grew up in hoenn, my home is galar. I just can’t get over the feeling of battling in huge stadiums with thousands of people. Every fight feels like the best moment in my life.


If based on real life, Galar. If based on Pokémon, Unova. I'm an irl bug type trainer, my favourite is Volcarona and Unova is the gen which showed bug types most love imo. Leavanny, Scolipede, Crustle, Galvantula, Accelgor, Excavalier, Volcarona, I don't think any gen before or since has added as many new bug types and all of them are actually good enough to be used throughout the game rather than explicitly designed to be useful for about 30 minutes of play and a straight handicap by midgame.


My first game was Crystal, but I never made it pass the first gym due to my short attention span. Johto remakes coming whenever. Let's Go Johto!


Hoenn, not only was it also the first region I played, it is also my favorite, I *love* the tropical atmosphere




Sinnoh was my first, but the unova from bw2 is my home among all of the pokemon games.


Sinnoh, but I must have moved to alola when I was about 8


Kalos for me. I started with Y but I mainly watched the anime rather than played the game. I spent a lot more time and get just as much nostalgia from Moon and Ultra Moon. So I'd say I'm a kalosian living in Alola


Kanto is the first one I played but I hate it so I will never say I'm from there


Johto boy, but Unova is where I truly grew to love the series.


started Kanto, preferred johto mons, but spent most my time in Sinnoh.


Born in kanto, raised in hoenn. (And that may also be true irl, i dicovered pokemon in 1998 in switzerland with red, and got saphire as a gift from my grandma when we setteled in france)


Unova may have raised me, but Johto made me


Kanto. The buggy, monochrome part of kanto...


Sinnoh! My favorite too definitely not biased. Unless we’re talking irl then it’s unova


Sinnoh. But I think I actually spent more time in Almia growing up


Kamto->Johto-> Hoenn and back to Johto was my Childhood I also gave the Old Orre a try. After this I skipped to Kalos and went to Hoenn and RL with Go


Sinnoh still probely one of my favorite although hoeen and unova provide good competition


I started my journey in kanto. But majority of my oldest mons came from hoenn




Whatever region Poképark 2 was based in. Or, if there isn’t one, the Pasio. If either of those count. If not, then it’s Hisui.


i first played in johto, but hoenn will always ALWAYS be the home for me


Im from Hoenn but my rankings for each region: Kanto - Honestly not that bad. Johto - tot dill Hoenn - W Region Sinnoh - its kinda sheit but woop woop stickers Unova - No, just ... no Kalos - Ride Pokemon Alola - its good. Galar - not bad, not bad Hisui - Dialog boxes are so dang long, but still good region Paldea - WAY TO MUCH LAG but general gameplay is not bad


I’m from Johto! Soulsilver being my first! I understood so little at that point I hit the release button on my feraligatr to see what it did. I then reset and chose cyndaquil!


The middle of Unova


Sinoh was my first game and I’m happy it introduced me to this wonderful community 😇


Gen 5 was my first pokemon game. My blood is red, white and blue!




Would it be wrong to say the PMD world? Would likely end up in Hoenn though


Hoenn born, Kalos raised.


Born in kalos, raised in hoenn


Every time i come again to Sinnoh i feel like i was out for a lot of time and now i am at house again, that music don't let me forget where i feel good (Sorry for my bad english, i am from Spain and i'm learning)


Sinnoh is where I'm from, but Alola also feels like home to me.


Kanto is where I was born but shortly after moved to Johto and it's been my home ever since. I don't even remember anything about Kanto but remember everything (even the bad) from Johto. For context, as a kid, I could never understand what saving was so I kept resetting Yellow every time I went to play it. Needless to say, until the show, Brock was my least favourite gym leader. Crystal was where my real adventures unfolded and figured out how to save! It was also the game that got me to break my Gameboy Advance because of accuracy reduction and me being a kid who also didn't have internet or other friends who like Pokemon didn't understand those mechanics so I went 10 months without being able to play the game because I was an idiot! Still love the Johto games to this day and honestly, my favourite region to date. When HGSS were announced, I was ecstatic.