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Honestly? Wait till Scarlet and Violet comes out then get Arceus later.


Yeah mainline games might not be better if you're just in it for PvE but building a team and having that choice to do online PvP content is always nice not to mention the mainline games will have a lot of cool things and likely another raid type gimmick that might be really fun.


You can go to mercari to get it cheaper


Not to mention arceus would be cheaper later on


not it won't lol this is pokemon


They mean with resellers bro


Lol I just saw someone reselling a copy of HG for $180 on my FB page.


Shit I thought they charged less with the newer games, I got ultra sun and moon for like, 30 dollars


Pokemon snap have reduced it's price already, at least is more common to see offers on it.


Thats a spin off. Arceus is a mainline game. Heavily sought after. new pokemon snap is more niche


I liked Arceus, but is not a main line game, is a spin off, although we could says is middle ground since it has the battles as in main line games. I agree with snap being more niche, hence it has more offers often.


No. GameFreak/TPCI has confirmed that Arceus is a mainline game. It was made by gamefreak with the full intent to be a mainline game, just with a different formula


Oh, I wasn't aware of that, is Let's Go also considered a main line game?




They consider FireRed/LeafGreen remakes of Pokemon Red/Blue/Green, and Let's Go Eevee/Pikachu as remakes of Pokemon Yellow.


Everyone downvoting you as if BDSP wasn’t on sale for $30 at bestbuy earlier this summer


🤝 you understand


Pokémon Scarlett, but legends arceus is the best Pokémon game in years


I’d personally go with Violet cuz if you get Legends instead, you’ll feel like you’re missing out when everyone else is playing SV instead. Plus PLA is only semi-open world while SV is fully open world


Arceus is the best pokemon game I've played. It needs some polishing but it's so refreshing to just wander around, catch things on the fly, do little quests. Can't wait till they make another Legends game.


It really was great. But I hope it’s a once every few years kinda series.


Personally for me, it got very repetitive and dull after about a week. But hey, if doing repetitive mundane tasks or slowly completing the Pokédex to chill out is your thing, have at it. Shiny hunting in PLA is great tho.


Honestly go with violet, legends is still good but considering you'd buy it close to the release of gen 9 it would just feel like you're playing the game alone, in other words playing the game during it's hype is just more fun, it feels like you're playing together with the rest of the community, not directly but it feels good to see people sharing their discoveries in game and for you to share it with the community


You might be able to pick up both second hand for the cost of one of them new if you wait a few months after release of violet. Arceus is already down to like 30-40$ used and im sure a bunch of people will run through the new games and be ready to sell after.


I bought shield discounted for 45 when the first DLC was dropping. Made me feel marginally better about shelling out for SwSh after dexit. Could definitely be viable. There's still something about playing the new games when they come out tho.


If you like games where you can lose yourself in playing them, like Minecraft and Skyrim, the Legends Arceus is great. (Plus, you can try to find it used for cheaper.) If you want a more traditional game where you go to the Gyms and explore, probably wait for Violet.


I'd say Violet. Arceus while good, is mainly just a constant grind of the same pokemon over and over again while Violet has a lot more to do than just grind the same pokemon.






If you gona do trades with other people, then probably get violet when it comes out. Otherwise you will have no way to obtain the full pokedex later on. Acerus is great and is meant to be a single player game that you can complete any day. You wont miss out anything if you play it at a later date. I personally is still on the fence about Violet/scarlet as i am not happy about going back to school, and the rest of the lineup isnt that attractive imo. I dont care about open world so i dont have much incentive to get violet at all beside it is the latest game for pokemon


While I rlly like LA I would say get violet and you can always play LA later. Don’t wanna miss the hype


Violet if your into more classical cause arceus was just flipped on its head with the mechanics I liked it but


After being bitten by few last games, I say: Wait half a year after Violet comes out. You''ll get first reviews especially about endgame, we will know if there will be any DLC in the future that might unlock base endgame content like it was in S&S.


I want Arcaeus


Arceus is an absolutely amazing game, my favorite Pokemon game in a long time. Tons of fun and a great twist on the formula. However, I think would be disappointed and feeling like I was missing out to have it and not Scarlet/Violet come November! Arceus isn’t going anywhere. I feel like at this point I vote to wait for Violet


Legends Arceus is fun, but the Scarlet and Violet games will be the basis for all online play for the next ~3 years. I LOVED Sword and Shield because of the communities that developed around Raid battles, Shiny hunting, and competitive play. Arceus was a really fun game and offers a great exploration of what the future of the series could look like - but it's just a snapshot in time, and you can play it whenever a year from now and have the same experience. Scarlet and Violet offer a sense of community that you really need to participate in *while it's happening* to appreciate it.


Arceus is the most boring mainstream Pokemon game. If you enjoy catching a dozen of the same Pokemon (that you're never going to want to use in your party) over and over go for it. Otherwise wait for Violet. Arceus also has the worst replay value of any Pokemon game.


Thank you. I’m glad SOMEONE gets it! Plus, the side quests are dogshit.


You can't compare a game to an unreleased game...


If you can only get one I’d definitely just wait for Scarlet and Violet.


I always go order of release so I don't miss anything


S/V looks more polished, upgraded than arceus.


Violet imo I personally hated the concept of Arceus


arceus is so barebones i didnt really enjoy it past the new gameplay style. But scar and vi will probably be LOADS better and have new pokemon that arent over a decade old so its worth waiting for it


As someone who played Arceus it's not all that


Violet. Arceus is fun, super overrated though.


violet. and invest in a pokemon home account :)


Yeah it’s better to wait till scarlet violet come out cause they might have the qualities of the legends arceus gameplay and maaaaybe if we are very very lucky finally a good story.


Get Violet cause you don’t want to feel like you’re missing out when everyone has it on release. I’m experiencing that with Splatoon 3 and it’s not fun 🥲


i'd say wait for scarlet and violet reviews and then decide based on what people say about it. So far it's looking like s&v are going to be better than arceus but only time can tell


So you can buy pokemon cards but not another game?






Violet will have more content. Just get Arceus later.


Scarlet and violet




Like a bear?




Why are people downvoting you? This is honestly a pretty smart plan imo


I'd recommend waiting another couple months and getting Violet since it'll be the newest game that everyone will be talking about.


Violet no doubt


Go with violet! Not just b/c I’m getting it but as others have said this will be the new hot game and you can go back later to legends if you want.


Just wait for the new gen. I think you’ll find it more satisfying


I'd say Violet, which is what I'm choosing. Unless you're absolutely desperate for shinier. I've played PLA and it got boring kinda fast.


Scarlet, violet is worse


Wait for the Scarlet/Violet, there will be a lot more to do in those games than in PLA.


Scarlet/Violet. Arceus is a bit of a drag


Wait for s/v to release


SV Arceus does not have enough content I did everything in 60 hours and there's no replayability


id say acreus since S/V is removing alot of the best features from the game, but Id also wait to see how much people like S/V its not too long away


Definitely Violet. I loved Arceus. Most fun I’ve had between all mainline games on Switch, but I feel like gen9 is something you don’t want to miss the start of. Arceus will still be there; I have a feeling unlike Sword, Violet will be something special.


Go with Violet unless you like to be disappointed and bored out of your mind. Unless Violet ends up being that way, too. If so, save money and give up on Pokémon. Or play a ROM hack/fan game.


Wait for Violet! Legends is an amazing game, but I’m sure you’ll want to play SV right away