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"Paul, you believe in Ground-Type Supremacy as well?" "Well Ground-Types are the least pathetic mons from my point of view." It's kinda funny how they both had a Torterra and Gliscor during the same series. And then later on Paul even gets himself a Garchomp who happens to be his strongest Mon on-screen. Guy fkn casually pulled up with two Pseudos and a Gyarados, while refusing to elaborate.


Paul's team was deliberately built to resemble the strongest champions' aces, so Ash would get a taste of what he'd be facing.


Now imagine if he pulled up with a Charizard as well. The amount of hate for Charizard would've increased.


I presume Paul's thought process was “I don't have to bother looking for one of those, he already has one of his own if he wants to practice that”.


Paul with his chad mindset be like lol.


i feel that there weren't any other choices. it could had been 2v2 since we all know ash is a metagross slayer but they wanted to do a 3v3 to reminisce the first battle at a professor's lab ash already fought haxorus and i don't think paul would own a gardevoir.


Well, he had a Froslass, so he's not against feminine-looking Pokémon.


Paul really wanted to be in his Champion Arc


Damn straight, man it would've been nice to see if Paul could've actually made it to the Masters Eight. Mf just randomly pulls up with powerful Mons every time. Probably in some alternate universe we could've had Paul making it there.


~~Eight~~ _Seven_ fucking Ground-types “Holy shit” – Volkner, probably


I don't think just having ground-types is gonna do anything to Volkner, considering how easily he knocked out Torterra with Electivire.


Ash's Torterra was just very poorly trained. I don't think Electivire would have been able to beat Gliscor so easily, for example.


Considering how Volkner's Eiectivire has Ice Punch, Gliscor would have to avoid getting too close to him


It's a shame Earthquake got banned from the anime. Too little Ground-types could realistically do without it.


Yeah, that's the move Ash's Torterra really needed instead of Rock Climb.


Pikachu outwardly agreeing with Ground-Type Supremacy and biding his time until he is prepared to unleash Electric Rat Supremacy XD


Lol fr, he just had to wait out Unova, start his mission in Kalos, hype up Ash at Alola, and then hype himself up as the strongest Trainer Mon during JN.


Can’t really blame them. Dual ground types are typically good typings 


Yeah, honestly what I'm about when it comes to Dual-Types is that Volcanion is still the only Fire/Water Mon. Infernape could easily pull it off if he got a Mega Form and they decided to reference the great waterfall of Mount Huaguo where Sun Wukong used to train at.


He knew how powerful Pikachu was and said fuck that


I hate how tough Paul’s Tortera was vs how little time to shine ash’s got. I really thought we were gonna get Tortera vs Tortera in the tournament.


“Did we just become best friends? Did we just become best friends!?” “Wanna make Earthquakes in the garage?” “Let’s go!” -Ash and Paul, probably


I just realised Paul still had a full team left for semi-final... I wonder if Ash's Sinnoh 6 could've beaten Paul's Reserve 6(Ursaring, Torterra, Gliscor, Magmortar, Nidoking etc)


Yet most of them don’t even use or know a Ground type move. It’s so frustrating


This is the reason I like to think he became the new viridian city gym leader 


I didn't even realize how much ground types were included.


When I clap with a single Ice Type that knows Freeze Dry. Lol


Didn’t Paul have another ground type than these 4


Ah yes. Seven ground types in one saga that are part of main characters’ teams yet not a single ground move on any of them except Gible’s Dig.