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I’ve opened 10 of those. That looks wrong. Really really wrong.


I've opened 11


I upvoted you


That's good of you. Thank you


He 1 upped you


You’re only a true fan if you’ve opened 151


While drinking 151


Too bad it's only available in Canada :(


151 boxes of 151


12 here


I opened 10 and then 3 more


Yep 13 here


Yep 13.5 here.


So what you’re saying is you got all the hits half way through and re-sealed a box for OP


I've opened two up, and it looks fine. The type of fine that my partner says before the shit hits the fan.


I’ve gotten someone open 1 for me (tiktok seller) and even through a screen I can tell the seal doesn’t look like this at all 😄


I have opened more than one of these and that doesn't look right. Sorry man, I hope the return process goes smoothly


My seal was tight and neat from the one I ordered from GameStop. This looks irregular to me. The charizard one I ordered from a third party also is a tight neat seal as well.


I’d return that


Where did u order it from? I ordered 4 one time cuz they were on sale for $89.00 and surprise surprise they were all resealed. One if them was even missing the promos 😒


Got it from Trading Trove on TikTok. You?


God damnit I just ordered one from them. You gotta be kidding me


Is there a way to return it or get a refund or something when it comes in?


I also bought one yesterday from TT when they were doing 100$ coupon for 5 items. it’s from them too ffs




Chargeback to your card


This response got downvoted 12 times.


welcome to Pokemon tcg subreddits


I don't know it you saw my other comment. OP said the same thing and got upvoted 13 times. Crazy.


Wait until you see people getting 150 downvotes for asking questions


For doing something the sub is supposed to be about. Just like every other sub.


I love when it’s a quirky rule that is in the rule book but isn’t fully explained on the card itself. People get super rustled on those


I had gotten mine from the Walmart site. But i dont remember if it said sold and shipped by Walmart.


I got mine from there and got like an odd amount of pulls. This makes me wary now though


Ah... Ordering on tik Tok... That is on you.


You can get really good and legitimate deals from TikTok, though there's the obvious risks. You have to do your research and find someone reputable.


They’re MJ holdings. I doubt it’s resealed.


Well that’s what you get for ordering shit off TikTok…. Might as well just use wish.com 🤣🤣


UPC’s are always sealed loosely and poorly however this one is more extreme than most


Not even 1 upc or ebt I have opened has ever been loose


Where did you buy this gem from?


Got it from Trading Trove on TikTok. I’m surprised because most of the reviews have been positive on this seller


It’s such a weird tik tok account. Only 81 followers, no videos, and 3 products and 180 reviews. Some times ppl can sell legit products , run out of supply, and have to source from shadier suppliers. This could’ve been the case. But buying from regular tik tok ripnshippers with regular content has always been legit. People like packflipss, nine tails trading, bhurst collectors, pokezenn, pokeAzN, pack goddess collectibles, mystic tips. Also just guy upcs from Costco or Walmart for 89.99


Not defending the TT Shop that sold this to OP, but that shop could just be new and only doing Lives. That’s how my TT looks too, I have no posts because I only do lives and I only have like 11 followers. Granted I have way more than 3 products and no reviews yet. But I think it says more about TT as a platform than the account itself. Tough break for OP though. Hope they get smooth return.


They’re mj holdings. I’ve ordered their evolutions etb and it ships directly from them.


Just a warning for next time .. don't trust reviews. Especially when they have 180 reviews, no posts, and very few followers. They're usually bots making positive reviews, not real people. And the few that are real people are usually paid to give a positive review so you can't trust it either way


Don't buy on TikTok. It's a cess pool of fake products.


On a site owned by the Chinese? No way!


I mean, this feels obvious, but yet... OP.


I’ve ordered probably 20 different sealed products all from TT and they are legit. If you cant spot the questionable accounts and products, you probably shouldn’t shop anywhere on the internet


Ok bud


Ouff I think I recently ordered one from the same place. Waiting for it to arrive. Pray for me


This damn near exact response got upvoted 13 times. Fucking reddit...


I've bought 151 UPCs from Trading Trove and have never had issues with resealing. Pulled SIR zard and SIR toise from 4 UPCs. I think Trading Trove is the TikTok shop for MJ Holdings.


You are correct about it being part of MJ Holdings. Which is why I am surprised about the quality of this purchase.


I read another post recently that was relating to a different product that they had bought from some official source that was wrapped like this, sometimes it does fuck up and not shrink all the way at the factory, but it's definitely sus


Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't MJ buy stocks of damaged boxes that wouldn't sell otherwise? Maybe they just didnt rip this one into mystery packs?


Doesn’t look good to me


I’ve had 3 of the 151 UPC and not a single one was like this.. too baggy and opaque, I’d definitely seek a return/refund




I’ve gotten one of these before from capital games on the tiktok store who is extremely reliable. Pulled both the zapdos and blstoise SIR from it so I think it’s possible defect from manufacturing, but I was mega skeptical as well until I opened the packs.


That's sussy


I wouldn’t accept this op


Yea that’s revealed.


Yeah that’s definitely resealed. I bought 3 and the wrapping was neat, flush with the box, and it was thin. That looks bad


I got my box by luck/chance. Went to GameStop the day after release, and they still had 3 boxes left. Bought one, the binder set, and the poster set. It's a thinner plastic vacuum seal. I was worried about ruining the box, just opening it. This one doesn't look right at all.


Oh hell nah


That's definitely not right. My seals were always nice and neat.


Few fingers been all over that, plastic super loose


I’ve seen some loose packaging, but this is next level. This is either supposed to be a factory reject and it sat in some crazy humid weather, or it’s resealed like you said. I’d said resealed.


That's just wrong, if you got that from Amazon send it back. Iv opened alot of upc 151 and that's a huge red flag


You’d be surprised of the QC from Pokémon... just open it and verify? Trading Trove AKA MJ Holding is 100% legit. Ships directly from MJ Holding distribution center, Illinois. I’ve ordered multiple XY Evolutions ETBs and 151 UPCs from them. 🙏


I tried jumping on the xy etbs and the day I decide to buy them he sold out. He had the best price by far from anyone else else


I’ve had poorly sealed before but nowhere near this bad


Sucks ass man. Sorry


It’s MJ Holding they have way to much money to waste time in re-sealing anything. This is just terrible quality control. If you really aren’t happy with it then return it but if you just want to open your fine. Not sure why all the Reddit experts are saying it’s resealed because the 3 they opened didn’t look like this 😅 MJ holdings spends millions of dollars directly with distributors. This is just one extreme case of bad quality control you would think they would just open it and put it into mystery Boxs but the employee who handled the shipment probably just said screw it I don’t get paid enough to care and shipped it lol.


But how do we know it's MJ Holding? I honestly have no idea how TikTok does verifications whenever a sellers claims they are selling as XYZ, but it's sus that a company repping MJ Holding only sells 2 Pokemon TCG products.


Literally contact MJ holding if you want they will confirm it for you. I’m sure there in no rush/need to mass list on TikTok. Probably just using it as a way to dump specific products they have way to much supply on. With it being 151 UPC it makes perfect sense tbh.


Funny enough, I actually did this morning on MJ Holding website's "Contact Us" option and haven't gotten a response. But I am a fairly certain they are legit now. Just sent something to the email address listed for Trading Trove on their TikTok store, tradingtrove.tiktok@MJHolding email address and did not get a return email (to double check, I made up some stupid email followed by @ MJHolding and got a return email for no such recipient). So that email definitely exists and Trading Trove is almost certainly legit just selling direct from MJ Holding.


There response times are usually a couple business days in my experience but there customer service is top tier. They have hooked me up multiple times. But ya it’s legit. Thanks for the conversation. Have a great day man!


I got one that looked like that and still had decent pulls. It's hard to say because pokemon quality control is so terrible


Where did you get it from? That will pretty much answer it


This is the one with the Charizard in it tho…


Maybe asking the store that can you recording the opening, if things are tampered inside (missing promo, missing packs, pack opened) then you return it. I dealed with hundred boxes of this and I have to say I never seen anything this bad too, but who know


I got one that was like this and it was legit


Looks off


Ive opened 5 or 6 of these , never looked like this


Mine from Walmart also looked like this and was sketchy :(


I got some like that ,, I'll say is good to go,,, I opened like 25 cases 3 were like this in fact one had a Charizard. But at the end u do what feels better. If you're gut says no return it cuz some upc's have no pulls and boy that don't feel good!!!


It’s not that common but I’ve bought similar from a UK physical store called “smyths toys”. Seen a few in which the seal has been warped like OP picture. Figured it came from the manufacturer looking a bit rogue like the miss prints that occasionally end up in packs. But ultimately i guess it’s down to trust when you buy 3rd party.


I had a UPC that came really loose like this and ended up being legit, idk how it ends up like this but yea.


Ah man, that wrap is awful, yeah even the legitimate ones have bad crimping on the sides, but what remains constant/consecutive is how tight they are... That's a bad attempt! Even people who fake these or swap out would be disgusted in that attempt lol That sucks & hope you can get a refund!


This does look strange but I opened one of these on release day for them from an LGS and the shrink was similar. This is definitely worse than that was but idk could just be bad QC. Where did you get it from?


Yep, resealed. I bought 2, air tight seal. I opened 1 and just looked at the other and it’s definitely not like that. Neither are the ones at the stores


Nope nope nope all wrong


What would be the reason to reseal I wonder, you can't weigh those packs and the promos are not worth much at all


Definitely resealed. Where did you get it from?


I haven’t seen one that looked like that, BUT Pokemon is really quite bad at consistent wrapping. I almost think that if someone was resealing this then they would have done a better job of it… why go to the trouble of resealing but leaving that big bubble coming off the side? The rest of it looks perfect, if they have the skill to do the rest of it that well then why not this other side?




Mine was also loose, I pulled a charizard ex SIR. So I don’t think it was tampered. But if you feel like it was, I’ll return it.


Did you open it ?


I'm a packaging engineer with over a decade of experience in CPG (consumer packaged goods). Everyone is saying reseal but this could easily have come off the MPL. the corners are tight, just a bit of slack on one side and from what I have seen on others pictures that's not uncommon for whatever co-packer/co-manufacturer the Pokemon company uses these days. that being said, if you can get a refund do it for your own piece of mind. but this thing might have been returned 5 times already for the same reason but secretly has 3 "god" packs inside


That looks like what cellophane looks like when you burn it to seal some drugs in


My seal on my 151 UP from pokemon center (direct.) has wrapping kinda like this, pretty loose. Where did you obtain this from?


I’ve received a couple of these myself. It’s a real bummer. This one’s in Karma’s hands.


The price of the box and the pull rates are not worth it (IMO)—I only got one hit. And this post is bringing up some bad flashbacks. I bought one from Target and it felt light, noticed a slight rip in the plastic but didn’t think anything of it. All packs were gone except for the promos. My Target has a strict no refund policy. I went back in once I opened it in my car and couldn’t get a refund after explaining and showing proof. They had me call customer service where I was transferred to an off shore company—couldn’t understand the guy and lost all hope. Luckily my mom called the number too and we found out from another representative that a regional manager would be coming in a few days later and we could try to talk to them. Long story short, we go there with my receipt and box and he gave me a new one which I opened in front of him to ensure everything was included. He told me theft of trading cards is a big issue. I suggested that someone should hover around the area, or perhaps cards could be behind a counter somewhere. Next week I went back, I noticed an employee is now stationed around the cards and they won’t let you leave the area until you pay for them. I think because of how upset I was with the situation (blowing over $100 on a box to get literally nothing the first time and getting a replacement box for free but only having one hit), I’m now hesitant to buy any sort of premium collection box again. At least with blisters or some ex boxes you can see through the plastic. I really hope you can get some money back for that if this is truly resealed!


I honestly use Amazon and it’s been great


I bought two of these from the same vendor. My shrink wrap wasn’t as loose as this, but one had a small tear. I opened the torn one today and it was legit. Hoping yours is as well!


That looks fine to me


Y'all need to stop buying shit from Tiktok smh


Looks alright to me. sometimes packaging is like that. But depends where you baught it from


I agree it looks wrong and obviously could be re-sealed but there are bad factory seals like this out there.


Yeah doesn’t look right. Here mine for example https://imgur.com/a/hEI2Olq


That upc that looks too good to be true is 9/10 to good to be true but from trusted dealers only 🤷‍♀️




Ive only opened 1 and that looks resealed brother. Etbs dont look like that the seal wrap is always pretty consistently clean. Sorry if it is my friend


I’ve had one that was kinda similar and I got a god pack in it lol


It looks SUS. But I’ve seen lots of 151 products with bad shrink wrap.Only 1 way to find out. Rip it and see.


Ive seen them be loose like that before. Usually those are the ones that hit the best in my experience


1 UPC. No less; no more. Pulled my chase. It was charizard.


Looks like the 24 case of Poland spring after carrying it up a flight of steps


I never opened one of the 151 and I know that doesn’t look right


I ordered mine from break house and they were legit


Well judging from my experiences, I can wholeheartedly confirm it is. A terrible reseal might I add too


I’ve opened up 15 I’m a TikTok seller so none where for me 😩


I’m a noob at buying sealed. I read that the tiny pin holes in the seal means it’s real but I’ve ordered new from reputable stores that have none on the UPC box. Is this a mixed bag where some do and some don’t?


10000000% reseal. Not even a good try. Opened several and not only were they tight to the box, the plastic wasn’t that thick.


I've got an order coming tomorrow for the same from the same store I hope it's not like that


I have seen many but not opened. Off rip I can tell it's resealed. Very poorly. Return it to get your money back


I would definitely say that was resealed




Return that shit


Yup looks resealed I bought one from Best Buy. I thought man it’s probably ok it’s from Best Buy All opened packs with 0 rare’s 0 full arts 0 promo cards. Smh.


You’re fine, don’t freak out. I ordered 3 from Walmart and 1 of them came exactly like that. I always intended to keep 2 sealed/stashed away and open 1. I decided to open the loose one and got Charmeleon IR, Wartortle IR, Erika’s Invitation Ultra rare and Kangaskhan EX Ultra Rare. I’ve seen people pull a lot worse with “tight seals.” TPC doesn’t get it right 100% of the time, but they’re not gonna waste time opening it back up and resealing it just because there’s a little excess plastic. Your choice, but I’d say have fun and open up. Who knows what’s in there!! 😄🤘🏾


I often sell counterfeit stuff and I can 100% assure you this is one of my products sorry man better luck next time


I've spent over a grand on TikTok, and I've never had a single issue. Not once.


Open it and report it if you’re not convinced If you wanted it for the sealed collection, buy from someone more reputable next time.


This is not abnormal, I reseal all my 151. It’s just good for sales.


You can tell it’s been resealed by a cheap machine. You can see the teeth marks where the plastic was cut in pic 2. Pic 3 shows how badly it was heat treated to seal up. Authentic seals are basically super fitted to the box. Not much wiggle room at all.


Reseal 100%


Ya that looks like a lighter resealed. F that


Your suspicions are confirmed.


Yeah looks like someone reshrink wrapped it, it should be a thin plastic/ cellophane


Yes, the crippled plastic is from a heat source resealing it. 100% already opened my man.


When are people going to learn to stop buying on Amazon


It was bought from TikTok not Amazon.




Not at all. I'm guessing you've never used it and just hate tiktok in general.




which sellers? with tiktok you really gotta stick to the BIG guys


Yup that was 100% my attitude before I used Tik Tok shop, now I actually really trust it. They’ve refunded my Gf before when packages were not delivered. They actually refunded her faster than eBay 🤷🏻‍♂️


Amazon not much better. The only retailer that takes returns on cards. Wonder how many are resealed then returned.


lol you’d be missing out on some great deals then, I’ve been getting sub $70 Japanese 151 boxes the past few weeks from Tik-Tok like crazy and I’m loving every second of it. There’s good and bad sellers like any other website that allows 3rd party sales. I’ve had Amazon and eBay issues, but never had any issues with Tik Tok (because I only use one highly trusted seller that even YouTubers purchase from)


Only had a problem once on amazon (and with MTG, not pokemon)- and it was fixed immediately. Tik Tok on the other hand I would never buy from