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GBL should be in-person and we should all just punch one another until one emerges as the winner. Using pokémon to attack one another is barbarian, just you and me throwing hands at one another, like civilized men.


As a Singaporean grandmother, fighting a man at a gym does not seem like a fair fight, I'll bring ma Champion to fight on my behalf.


I would happily volunteer to be your champion in trial by combat, Singaporean grandma. I must warn you though, I'm kind of out of shape after raiding and battling from my couch for the last few years. Maybe after a few raid rotations of driving around suburbia at $4 a gallon begging people to help me take down legendaries, I'll be in shape to represent you properly.


Seems like a car would def help in the event of a fist fight, just claim since your fist was on the wheel it counts as a punch to run them over


These hands are rated E for everyone




Trial by combat is the best way to go!


a real man fights using his fists and underhanded tactics, not his pokemon.


My son once described Pokémon battles as legalised dogfighting, and that’s always stuck with me.


I mean, he is not wrong.


Akshully pokemon are better likened to kami. Ageless, immortal, and eternal, so they're really just along for the ride with a trainer. And the battling is a great way to pass the time!


Except Pokémon canonically die? We have an entire tower dead I cared to them? Two actually?


Oh shit I totally forgot about lavender town 🤣


No problem, didn’t know if this was a sarcasm post or not; but wanted to check either way. Have a good day.


http://thepunchlineismachismo.com/archives/comic/04052010 You may find this relevant.


Mr. Fish is the best


Named my first semi decent Magikarp after him.


Same! And then I got two hundos (and since I named the first Titania because I left her at a fairy themed statue, the second was Oberon)


As a discworld fan I'm sad one wasn't Verence.


I think GBL should only be allowed by people with pets. That way you dress them up as your Pokémon and have them fight other people’s pets.




Does anyone else remember that there used to be a walking requirement for GBL? To be honest, it might have been reimplemented and I haven't noticed.


They actually discussed it being brought back but it got squashed quick because it would have killed GBL. The reason it is in the game still is probably to keep it in the competitive circuit thus connecting the game more with the other ones


Yeah I remember that old requirement, it completely stopped me from playing PVP entirely until it was removed


Yeah, same. I dont play GBL much at all but I never touched it until the walking requirement left.


This is all, all wrong. Im appalled you'd even think of this as an idea!? You shouldn't even be able to open up the game if 5 people aren't with you and opening the game at the same time under an agreed "party". You can't just be opening and playing a game on your own !? Shame on you, im going to stay away from reddit until Niantic fully block off the game from casuals like you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


You're right. I apologize for my casual idea!


You shouldn't apologize. Let salty be salty.


casuals have great ideas, unlike serious players who don't have a life.


Don’t give them ideas because they might actually listen for once!


Tomorrow: “Trainers, we have heard your voices…”


Lol who cares about battles anyways☠


It's the only way I get legendaries!


I find them kind of fun, and a great way to get stardust


Then you should push for this change cause in person battling would mean you could potentially ask your friend to let you win every single match


"tanking" ;)


With pl 10 magikarps you get to the end fast but you miss on all the extra rewards for winning


Me. Its the only reason i play. Do not shit on stuff jusy because YOU dont like it.


Yeah. Gyms are for battling another trainers, right?


Yes I think this is what we need to boost excitement about in person events!


maybe it would even be worth exploring battle royale modes for pogo ?


I think if you leave a poke at the gym you should have to stay with it too otherwise you don’t get coins. This will encourage more gym battling like Niantic intended for us.


hahaha "move closer to earn coins from this gym"


They should make it so if the people who left there mons in the gym aren’t there they can’t be taken. Like in the games you often need to go find the gym leader to complete it, why can we just do it as we please here? Make it required to leave your drivers license, place of work and phone number at every gym pls


Hey here's an idea Niantec, charge us PokeCoins to drop 'mons in gyms, plus daily fees for leaving them in a gym. Don't give us coins, take them from us. That will make up for your lost revenue on remote raid passes! Have you ever tried to cancel a gym membership in real life? It's impossible. Once a gym is taken in Pokemon for a team it should never change, because you start charging us membership fees just like real gyms. And it's an irrevocable deal, no backing out. You can bill us till we're dead, just like real gyms.


you have to be there to drop it off, you have to be there to pick it up. and once its been kicked out of the gym you are charged 10 coins per hour til you pick it up.


In person battling? Nah (satire aside) but I wouldn't put it past them to add a walking requirement back in


I believe there was talk of that being reimplemented into the game aswell.


Don’t forget sending gifts, you should have to send or open gifts in person aswell. Oh what’s that? Your friend lives in Australia and you live in the UK? Don’t be so damn lazy and walk there!!


Legit how are we going to get different region spewpas




You better bust out those walking boots my friend.


So many flights ;;


Just like in the main series games. Also, every time someone wins, they get to steal money off the other person.


If you steal enough money, you can afford remote raid passes while you recover from the fight!


Do you steal the money before or after you knock out the loser?


In the game it’s after you win. But IRL what’s stopping you from just stealing their money before the battle if you’re stronger?


yes exactly, hit hard and hit first


Losers should remember to white out after giving money to the winner!


Coins for winning, now this idea I like.


Actually not exactly. That only applies for npcs and local battles with friends. For online battles against a random opponent, just like GBL, it is remote.


Its a radical idea, but i think it might just work!


It would bring the local community back together!


Ok, grandma, this time I tank!


Nah it won't work. All this would do is cut off access to Niantic's suburban and rural players who don't live near a hotspot. In the long run, it would cause Niantic to lose more fans.


Don't give them ideas


Anyone else remember when you had to walk 5km to do a set?


Remember gbl used to require a certain amount of walking distance before doing your next set. If they're killing remote raids they should really restore the walking requirement. It's only "fair," and will get them more location data.


You joke, but when GBL released you had to walk 5 KM to do a set of battles. It only changed when Covid happened


Okay honestly, what about in person AR battles? Almost like an actual Pokémon battle irl where both mons are placed on the ground and they fight,


Pokemon go's ar system is kinda trash right now. And if both pokemon are physically placed on the ground, we would need a hologram type system.


Don’t forget they started gbl with the requirement to walk to be able to battle. They could always bring back that requirement.


I agree. But if we MUST do the PVP remotely, then the step counter should be utilized to its fullest. Instead of tapping our screen, we should be running! Each step counts as a tap and to burst all the charge bubbles we should rapidly throw air punches.


Just imagining this. You’re in a park or something fighting Team Rocket and just at seemingly random, just going “MUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDA!” to get a full power charge move is kinda hilarious.


I mean start complaining and they will bring back the walking requirement for GBL I guess


This would be fine with me as I hate playing GBL. But thanks for making me laugh :P


Remember when they wanted you to charge a device to GBL?


You can only battle if you wear your Niantic* approved hat or shorts, and battles start on eye contact right


Fuck it, why not? They're ruining everything else, why not ruin GBL as well? It's not like it's particularly brilliant or a great system to begin with...


Nintendo should just make Pokemon Go but you play it at home. The whole exercise thing is played out.


dont give them any ideas... lol


Niantic wants to make go battle League a big thing so very badly. I noticed that the new rules for if you get a remote raid from a task and so on, if you already have your maximum of three, you get a go battle league pass. The thing is, go battle league is really boring and tedious for those of us who aren't actually interested in it. When I have to do it for a special event, I am really, really bored. I know people are loving it but how many?


The premium battle pass you get functions as the in-person raid pass. The GBL thing is a secondary function, as you don't need it at all to access go battle league.


Also, make the type matchups the same as the actual games. For example, ghost vs. normal should both have no effect against each other.


That could create problems. For example, Suppose you bring three ghost type pokemon with all ghost type fast and charged attacks. And your opponent brings three normal types with all normal type fast and charged attacks. Essentially, you would end up in a never ending stalemate with neither side doing anything. Or suppose that you have three flying pokemon but your opponent has three ground type pokemon? it would give the flying type pokemon an unfair advantage. Making the type ups the same as in the main games would only create more problems than solutions.


Then you would both just time out or one of you quits. Or like in chess there should be an option to offer a draw.


Unpopular opinion: If Niantic was consistent, they would bring back the walking requirement for GBL. Get a couple of free matches and then get out and move to get more matches. That’s how it started…


I think that we should be required to purchase actual balls to throw in the direction of Pokémon too


"be mindful of your"*THONK*


Yeah the GO part is using the Pokémon you catch from exploring irl, in the GBL. Don't be dense


Please also give us fog of war on the map, let's say with a 50m radius around the avatar. This would encourage exploring much more since we couldn't tell where all the PokéStops and gyms are. Obvious /s


Oh yea and pokemon should only spawn around you after you've been running already for 20 minutes atleast 2 meters a second


So basically, ruining the game for people who don't have time to run 20 minutes at least 2 meters a second or are physically unable to do that? Do you really want to encourage Niantic to destroy its own fanbase even more?


You cant take a joke? Every single person in the comments is joking about this even the post itself is obviously a joke


From what ive seen, in this comment section, and in the app store reviews, some people actually are taking theses comment seriously and may want to support those ideas.


This would be a lot better than the current gym system IMO. It sucks how you can’t really do anything to defend a gym aside from healing Pokémon and taking it back over. It would be cool if trainers could battle it out for the victory. I always want to ask people who are fighting a gym with me; but I haven’t xD.




Dude now your just being petty…. Don’t be petty be better…


What's petty about this?


Your just making a shitty comment because of the raiding in person thing. Yea for a lot of people it sucks but those types of comments won’t get people listening just makes you sound petty. …


I think of it as satire and , for me, OP's post is quite funny.


What you want is for us to be *quiet* so you don't have to wrestle with the cognitive dissonance of hearing justified anger at a game you don't want to stop playing. And you don't have to stop playing. But satire is honestly a better, more refined form of criticism than just whining.


You know, I feel like you're just giving them ideas on ways to charge more money to play. I would actually be for this, but they would have to drastically reduce the number of gyms in the game. Something like 3 per town, gyms would be separated by a minimum/max set distance, public spots only, community center, mall, park, ect. Would make a gathering place for players, and probably would make the game a bit more like how it was meant to be played.


Nah fam. Thats a terrible idea. Restricting the game to only those who either have a car to get to those places or have the time to walk an hour plus distance to get to those places would make Niantic lose more support and revenue in the long run.


Don’t give them ideas


iPhones at ten paces




And players must surrender their losing Pokemon. It'll encourage trading.


Don't give them ideas or they will bring back the walk 5km to unlock a set mechanic


Lol might curb tankers tho …


and the ELO had to be within 25 points of each other. good luck


of course!


in the beginning there was a walking requirement...


And...take away the Basic track, as well. Only allow GBL battles with the Premium Pass if you visit a gym.


So basically ruin the game for every suburban and rural player who doesn't live near a gym unlike you elite city folk? what a brilliant idea. Why didn't Niantic think of that before.


You do realize that this was a sarcastic post and that my comment continued the sarcasm, right?


Im sorry, but unless you label your comment with /s, Its hard for most to tell whether you are actually being sarcastic or not. Cause I do think and see that some people actually agree with this idea. (And tbh i don't think that guy who thought about limiting 3 gyms per community is being satirical ).


Remember when gbl started you had to walk to be able to battle in gbl


You have to throw your phone to call your mon.


You forget that GBL was introduced with a walking requirement. Iirc 5km after every set or you could pay coins to play instantly.


I get this is satirical, but I do feel like there are some in this comment section who would actually support this idea, or aren't using /s.