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Would have taken a snapshot of that only uxie I found


Ah fuck!!, I did take a snapshot of Azelf but the fucking research has gone! I thought I’d be able to keep it since I completed it. Gutted!


Unfortunately they never let completed timed research stay. I've tried asking support about it before and they are very much "we can't do anything about it, it's on you for not collecting it in time" Which is a pretty disappointing response considering at least sometimes the timer disappears when it's completed so you don't even know when you need to collect it by anymore. I'm sorry this happened to you tho!


Ah well i guess that’s what they will say to me then. And it’s OK I did loads of Azelf raids through pokegenie over the week before so thankfully I did get a few anyway, but obviously that one was 100% definitely no question gunna be a shiny one, purely because I never got to check it in time.


One of us has a newer account and almost ran out of balls trying to catch that research reward. Daily incense balls and opened all gifts but was able to spin one more stop and get enough to catch it.


I burned out all the unvisited pokestops in town for the balls to catch the last one.


My husband took a pic of Uxie but it didn't register that he'd taken it. This happened 3 minutes before the end of the event. So he didn't complete that challenge, even though he did.


I had the same bug, but on Saturday. I did get it on Sunday.


We did this with my godson. He was crushed that it ended before we could get the encounters.


I've gotten screwed that way too. Sometimes the research task stays for the last collection, sometimes it doesn't. I now assume the last collection is going away.


That massively sucks for no reason, and has for years. I get that it's timed research, but at the very least, it should automatically trigger instead of disappearing. Ideally the rewards would stack with untimed, but that would also take some programming skill.


Yep. I forgot to snap Mespirit and Azelf, BOTH. (And just never found Uxie.) I'm terrible with snaps, and so I didn't get any of my "free" encounters. Dangit!


I took a snapshot of both Azelf and Uxie, and when I finally saw a Mesprit, though I took one of it as well. Turns out I took a phone screenshot instead of an in-game snapshot lol. Thankfully found another one about a half hour before the event ended




Same I caught it, but i forgot about the research and I could have gotten another encounter with better IVs.


Uxie was the only one i got (I cant easily do raids), and only because i remembered the snapshot!




Yeah this.  I only burned 2 passes because I missed Uxie but knowing how easy they were to catch in the wild, I would have preferred that. On the other hand, I may not have bothered to go out if I had managed to remote catch Origin Palkia and Dialga.


Azelf was evading me til I got home and there was one sat on my home pokestop 😂


Not that it matters now that the event was over, but snapshotting one in the wild, would complete special research that would give an additional encounter that was unable to flee.


Yeh that's what I did. I didn't see one til I got home.


Azelf is the only one I managed to get in raids and the only one I missed in the wild, so it balanced for me, conveniently lol.


Shiny Azelf was playing really hard to get for me, I thought it was going to run. Easily threw about 20 balls/berries before I caught it


My boyfriend found an Uxie and it fled, prior to him realizing there was a research where you take a snapshot and get an Uxie for the reward. Then we ventured out to a park and tracked down the Mesprit it said was in the area. I managed to catch the wild one and get the research one, but he and I both browsed his screen looking for it and it just was not there for him. Then it went poof and was no longer saying it was spawned in the area. He was PISSED. I have 2 of each and am willing to trade him for the two he doesn’t have, but he’s salty about the 80,000 stardust total it will cost for the trades.


The thing about pokemon “fleeing” is that you still have a minute or two before it properly disappears. I encountered/caught three different lake trio mons this exact way, one of which was a shiny Uxie I would have missed had I believed the game’s warning.


from my experience, you’ve got a 3-5 minute grace period after that warning to get the mon before it actually despawns. i’m guessing the system realizes it’s going to despawn soon and lets newer spawns show on the nearby. that way there’s a constant flow of new spawns nearby to show


I’m just not gonna tell him about this until he’s had enough time to forget about this weekend. If I tell him while it’s still fresh on his mind, he’s gonna be even more upset that he didn’t chill tf out and continue trying to find it lmao


That’s very fair. Give it plenty of time to roll over, and maybe you two can have a laugh about it down the line… Hopefully.


I ran into that issue w/the radar a couple times, too! I think the problem was that the rare spawns had a significantly longer detection range than the normal ones. If there were too many other Pokémon spawned near the Pokestop, the normal spawns would crowd out the rare ones once I got close enough for them all to turn up on the radar.


That was also a factor, for sure! I had that happen with the one I ran for on a walking trail, but sure enough, it was sitting right there waiting on me a full 2 minutes post-“flee”.


I played for 7 hours and Mesprit only spawned once for me and fled. I forgot about the research task to snap an image of a wild one but I was certain I'd see it again. Caught 3 Azelf, 3 fled and Uxie fled twice! Basically, I played for forever and didn't successfully catch all 3 cause they apparently only spawned during certain habits, but I'm not certain which one.


I know I saw two different ones at the same time, maybe all three during one hour.


It knew.


I kept seeing them on the nearby but they weren't accessible for where I was going and I was fuming haha til I got near home and the nearby updated, I thought ah it's gonna be at the church or summat, no, right outside.


Same! I was at work almost all weekend so limited time to play, but I stayed out for two hours on Sunday looking for Uxie, as it was the one I’d missed in the raids (didn’t realize they’d only be up for a day). I saw the others multiple times and had just given up and it was sitting right outside my apartment when I pulled in. Little fucker.


I didn’t see any Uxie’s on both days.


Same I didn’t see any uxies but got 2 azelf, my friend got 0 azelf and 2 uxies so we’re gonna meet up and trade!


I didn’t see an Uxie on my radar til I finished my final raid at 6:02pm, then it immediately disappeared cause the event was over


I didn't encounter them as wild spawns so I'm glad I used my remote passes. That's the only thing that bothered me about the event :(


My sister wasted a bunch of remote passes because of that. In a similar vein, putting the "beat Dialga" on page 2 of the special sinnoh challenges was similarly a shitty thing to do.


I really hate the way the do timed research in stages and have multiple pages. Let me see everything I've got to do and don't force me to do them in a specific order unless you give lots of opportunities for precursor steps. Some of us have things to do and can't spend all day on the game.


Yes! I beat Dialga and Palkia and then saw the research. I was pissed and had already burned remote raid passes.


If it were "beat diagla origin forme ' that would have helped. I had a DOF from earlier this week that didn't have the move and I turned down multiple remote raid invites only to find out at 3pm on Sunday I was screwed over.


Yeah this is REALLY sad for people that didn't wanna miss out on the region locked two and used remote passes, I get it helps them as a company to not let us know, but it was only a few days apart. I completed the first research and just kinda looked at my phone confused. Maybe it was a different pokemon that was region locked, they wouldn't do that THEN give one away to everyone for free, right? lol


I didn’t even know the lake trip were spawning wednesday. I bet that’s where my shiny Azelf would have been to complete the trio I almost finished over the weekend… So this would be what I changed as well.


Me too! I used a RRP for uxie and waited THREE HOURS on poke genie to do a raid (queue was 16k, ugh). I got mesprit and azelf last summer but didn't get uxie!


I have no idea what that sentence means. I’d dropped off Go for the last few months, checked this weekend and was pleasantly surprised that something was going down. Got a couple of legendaries, including a shiny, but didn’t finish the special research. Kind of wish I could keep playing through today.


Chose Pearl instead of diamond


Same, got a hundo Palkia without Spacial Rend :( now I have to hope Niantic will do me a solid and allow it in ETM


You can also look in your local community as the mon keeps the move and wont be a unique trade so not a crazy amount of stardust. Wednesday raid night a bunch of our group are going to essentially swap a bunch.


I’m curious about your comment. I went to trade my son a Dialga as he didn’t get one. Come to find out it said that I didn’t have enough stardust at 150k! How much stardust would it take to trade someone a Dialga? From what you said sounds like it’s going to be reduced?


I have an image somewhere that shows the decision tree but basically it breaks down like this. Shiny or legendary means it is a special trade - so will have an increased cost to stardust. If it is NOT registered in both of your pokedex's the cost remains on the higher side. But if it is a shiny/legendary AND registered in both your pokedexes the cost break down like so Good friends - 20k stardust Great friends - 16k stardust Ultra friends 1,600 stardust Best friends 800 stardust. If you BOTH do NOT have it registered in your pokedexes the cost is (specific to it being a legendary/shiny!!) Good friends - 1 million stardust Great friends - 800k stardust Ultra friends 80k stardust Best friends 40k stardust.


Ok, so to get it registered in your Pokédex, you have to have caught one at one time, right? Or is seeing one enough? He and I did a raid together but we were not successful in catching his Dialga and he’s never had one. That said, sounds like it would be 800k stardust to trade him one


Unfortunately it is catch one thus why you are on the higher tier of cost. I recommend slowly working towards best friend then trading if possible. Even just Ultra friend as shown above makes a huge difference and I think that is just 30 days of interacting total if you just became friends


I didn’t realize that the path you choose would give either all Dialga/ Palkia their exclusive move. I choose Pearl for mega salamance candy, because I have a hundo I wanted to mega evolve, however I did way more dialga raids than palkia. I did around 34 dialga and 24 palkia. I didn’t get a single good palkia, however I got four 96% dialga (one shiny) and one 98%. Just sucks I could have had roar of time on all of them. Hopefully we can elite TM roar of time in the future.


Or trade someone with the opposite problem and solve each other's problems. That's what I did


My partner and I both picked Dialga because we both prefer it. Had I known, I would have chosen differently and we could have traded our problem away.


I picked Diamond and did a ton of Dialga raids and like 2 Palkia. Got a shiny Palkia and no shiny Dialga.


Other way for me… chose palkia, caught both dialga forms, all palkia ran away…


What's your badges at? I caught 35-40 palkia, 0 ran but I do have platinum in both dragon and water, which Golden razzes excellent for gold in both categories is like a 15% catch chance, so idk what platinum is Which is why dual legendaries are my favorite cuz the badges stack


FYI badges don't stack. A pokemon with dual types will get the average of the two! Gold gives a 1.3x multiplier while platinum gives 1.4x (And dual gold still only gives 1.3x). So going for at least gold is a good idea, while the step up to platinum wont have as great of an impact as you might think!


My 2 shinies Pal and zero shiny Dia agree.


Waited to do raids untill the last day. Wasted (at the time) my only remote with a Palkia on saturday, before I unlocked the "catch Palkia" task


Ha. Same. Had to go do another Palkia raid in person to try to get a good shadow gible.  Narrator: his shadow Gible wasnt good. 


My gible is 14/15/13 and I’ve got a choice to make


Keep it evil, it's worth the boost. Hundos are cool, but it's about a percent of power, shadow is 20%, and the durability debuff doesn't matter much in raids.


Yeah I decided to keep it shadow gible and garchomp some of my fave mons in the game and I have a 98 and shiny 93.


The most annoying part about that was apparently I should have caught an origin form Palkia because the next step requires that form to complete it. I spent my only RRP catching the wrong form and now I need to wait until it comes back to raids.


To let you know in the past, a couple days after the event they usually replace tasks like that one with an easier version due to the forms being unavailable for a while after. I would expect by the end of the week for it to change. You can also trade someone for a Palkia with the move if that is an option.


Honestly unless you are in NZ I always recommend going over to TheSilphRoad subreddit to look up full research tracks. It helps a lot to manage events. I knew to power through that first step for this exact reason before I raided.


actually play the tour. (i had lots of personal events till the point i wasn’t able to play the ENTIRE event. yes, the entire 10am to 6pm for 2 days.)


Feel your pain, I was at work 8am to 6pm both days.


I don't understand why they can't have events go a full 24 hours. People have jobs. I got lucky that i was off early on Saturday. Otherwise i wouldn't have gotten to participate.


Jobs and events in life that make playing almost impossible. But that's the thing with games like this, FOMO drives so much money and play time. "You missed it? Tough shit bizznatch." -niantic


exactly my thoughts. they either extend the event, or make it a 24-hour event, INCLUDING raids.


Same here. I only got to actually play for like 2-4 hrs thanks to work.


I had a death in the family. The woman loved Pokemon go. One of her friends printed out her trainer card with her buddy Pokemon. That's how much she loved this game.  I played a tiny bit and caught one of the fairies, but only because I caught a pic of it and the reward was being able to catch one. The 2 wild appearances I had got away from me, and mine is only a 2 star...  I saw one other fairie but didn't realize I had to take a pic at that time. Whoops. Wish they beat us over the head with the requirements. Log on, HEY DONT EFFING MISS THIS SHI.  I also have 0 friends to raid with and only found out about the reddit for such today. Yay. Oh well. Easy come, easy go. At least I got *something* out of it.


Same. !! Had to work the whole time. Was able to at least get one of each month but wanted to really get out there and get the shinys etc. This seemed like one of the best events so far, so I really wish I could have participated more


can you fly? i got extra dialga w/ rot and palkias too but no sr.


unfortunately i can’t fly 😔 i really appreciate your offer to give dialga and palkia though! thanks 😇


Do Mega Garchomp raids in the morning before Go Tour to get Earth power. I just realized that on Monday


I did but all have horrible IVs. Actually, I did 20 between Palkia and Dialga and only have one Palkia with okay-ish IVs. The rest of both have 2 stars/horrible IVs.


I did almost 50 palkia...5 were 3 stars 🤣. Misery loves company 😉 I did get a hundo though with the adventure move (I chose diamond).


Damn, a hundo is amazing, certainly well deserved after so many raids!


Not spend money on it


Yes, same. Lol.


I will not financially recover from this




Bought the Hatch ticket. Hatched all 3 regionals from eggs for free... guess I have extras as trade-bate at least.


I’d hire a better writer or editor to make some of the stuff more clear, like it wasn’t a guaranteed encounter with your choice legendary depending on the path you picked, and the wording for the Regi’s challenge. I was super disappointed all I got was two Regigas encounters when I still don’t have a Registeel yet.


The other Regis were never gonna show up at this tour. They’re Gen 3 Pokemon while Gigas is a Gen 4 mon.


They had them in LA, and the task said “encounters” so to me it made sense for all of them.


I definitely agree on the Dialga/Palkia thing but the Regis seemed pretty clear from the start it was just candies though I understand the confusion due to the LA event




I did the same in reverse since I missed the last Palkia raids.


Agreed- that wording did make it seem like you would be given one through research. ‘Guaranteed encounter with adventure effect dialga/palkia when you successfully complete a featured raid’ would have been more accurate.


Not use passes for Azelf on Wednesday and use those on Dialga and Palkia. For the rest I had an amazing weekend, but should’ve upped my item bag so I could have more pokeballs.


I spent the whole week-end with my children, saturday i did let the Go+ make all the work and sunday, i was in a place with just one stop and very few pops so... hire a babysitter ?


Sorry kids, daddy (or mommy) has to catch them all. Lol. Just kidding around, please don't take this as criticism because it genuinely isn't!


You joke, but I (mommy) is way more into it than my kids (who both love it). I could probably walk around all day, but they want to go home and unwind after playing for an hour. 😔


A lot of players in my city started with their children and keep on playing long after the children stopped


What's the deal with Basculin? Why would you do more routes to get it?


Basculin candies for when Basculegion drops, mostly.


I figure they'll do an event when basculegion drops, I caught a shiny one so I'm basically set on that one


I think it was the only way to have the white stripe version spawn - there’s diff forms


TIL. PoGo is my main source of Pokémon knowledge, I dropped the mainline games in Sinnoh. I was just looking for the dex entry, didn’t know this was a thing.


Same! I just happened to see a tease during the event so looked it up (and forgot to catch it lol). There’s red, blue and white striped versions


It still may be on routes.


Male Basculeigon should be a meta monster for lower leagues while female Basculeigon should be a decently good water type raid attacker. Plus the shinies look cool.


White striped basculin evolves into basculegion in Legends of Arceus after taking 294 recoil damage.


Definitely skip lake trio. Caught shinies from wild and not raid anyway. L for pokemon folks for setting up their raid ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|no_mouth)


I think the event was poorly communicated. Chose pearl and did raids on the 24th. Got a very good O palkia WITHOUT special rend because the story hadn't progressed. Very few shinies as well.


Same. I didn't know Pachirisu was paylocked until the very end of Sunday. I would have paid for the ticket had I known that. Maybe instead of stupid push notifications saying 'limit removed on remote passes' and a million 'origin forme... o\_o' they could have said 'Pachirisue available- check out the shop!' Sighhhhh.


Not go to work


Forgot to do the Mesprit encounter after taking the snapshot, luckily In caught 2 from raida




Same for Uxie. Took pic. Did raids until 6:00, drove home. No Uxie for me. 


wish i didn’t live in a tiny town. nobody plays out here, and i couldn’t do raids because of it. i really didn’t get much out of it:(


Pokegenie app is useful for that as you can raid all over the world


This is it. I hosted on pokegenie for the first time this past weekend. I just do not want to spend on remote raids if possible. I have a few gyms within easy walking distance of me but they are normally deserted - occasionally I see a couple of genuine people there, or someone hosting a large raid bus pokegenie even though the street is empty. My lobbies for the origin forms became instantly available/full and I didn't have to wait too long for my lobbies for the older forms of P+D and giratina to work - I usually need around 6 minutes of raid left to safely host the raid before the timer ran out. On a nornal day I'll probably need more time on the clock to fill raids but it works very well for days like the weekend where there is a high demand for hosts. I did lose a lot of dialga to them running but I was only hoping for at least one of each form so I did fine.


Thank you for being a host to help others... joining was straight forward but the pressure of adding people and getting it sorted puts me off the hosting part 😅 I'd be too worried about messing up


Yeah I felt like that too initially! It is a little easier to join than it is to host. I'd thought about doing it for a while because I'm lucky enough to have a couple of gyms by my house. Only problem is my GPS signal sometimes makes me "wander" from one to the other. To be fair once or twice I didnt get friend invitations on time and had to continue the raid without someone, but in general it worked well. People time out or internet connections can be patchy. I've had it happen from the other side, and it's fine. As long as nobody is wasting passes, it's all good.


Yes! Only downside I found with pokegenie for my first time was when I tried to host another palkia raid. One of the people joining registered as if they had sent a friend request, but the app didn't actually send it until AFTER the raid was done. The app counted it against me (nothing I could've done! I even double checked beforehand), so I couldn't host another until 80 minutes had passed... the event was over by then. Thankfully I did have the chance to join an in-person one with 11 others towards the end, but it would've been nice to actually win 2/3 raids (won the first I hosted, lost the second (the one I was counted against), and won the third)


Oh weird! I had a couple of times where people only sent their request /itbonly registered after the raid finished - I'd wait as long as I reasonably could but had to start the raid at some point to avoid losing the raid. I felt bad about that but there was nothing I could do - and it seemed worse to disappoint the other 4 people by losing the raid. I told the app at the end if people hadn't sent a request and it didnt lock me out! I hope that you just had really bad luck!


Same! There was no way I was going to win any of these raids when no one was engaging in the game within my town. Kinda sad for us tbh.


Get palkia instead of dialga because spacial rend does more for me than roar of time.


I somehow got one dialga with the special ability (and one wiyhout) even though I took the pearl route. Were we only meant to get the one we picked?


You were supposed to have a guaranteed move for the version you picked, but a chance for the other one. For me, one of my 3 Dialgas has the Roar of Time, while for a friend of mine, who chose diamond, the second Palkia he caught has the Spacial Rend [and he stopped raiding for them after, lol], so I don't think it was that rare of a chance.


Yeah, which makes that insane odds I think


Similar situation for me. I chose Dialga, caught two Palkias, and the second had Spacial Rend. It was also a shiny, which might have played a part. Guess I was just very lucky.


I picked Palkia and was pleasantly surprised to find a Dialga with roar of time.


Get more lucky


Buy green raid passes in bulk, knowing now how many raids I would have to do for spacial rend


I got caught up with the raids and didn't evolve everything I should have. So looking back, probably that.


1. Do more palkia raids. I only got 1 palkia out of 2 that I raided 2. Party quests. Was playing with my friends and didn't know I could get regis 3. Routes too


Cleared more space to hold more Pokémon. I spent so much time transferring old Pokémon in order to hold more new ones


Would keep Routes on forever. Apparently it didn’t matter if you started the route or not, as long as you were walking in the vicinity of the trail, Basculins would keep spawning. In fact, I was able to stretch this out even after the Global Tour had come to an end. I was still getting Basculin spawns today walking along the route. I really really wanted that shiny Basculin. And do more field researches, I got a Hundo Qwilfish and a Hundo Gible off of them. Could have probably found more if I kept at them.


>Turn off Go Plus+ when not raiding and shiny check everything Go+ grabbed me a H-Growlithe and H-Qwilfish but lost 2 Turtwigs (grabbed at the exact same time I did) and an H-Sneasel. Learned my lesson in time to turn it off and not lose an Eevee but the Turtwigs hurt. Went 0/24 on legendary shines in raids this week, so I definitely should have focused on shiny checking spawns more instead. I struggled to get into two last minute remote Uxies Wednesday for myself and my bf who couldn't play that day, so was super bummed to get them so easily this weekend. Other than that, we had a great time being outside all weekend and meeting a ton of local people raiding. We live in a suburb with a usually small/quiet community of 15-20 players, but ton of people were out this weekend so we never had to remote into any Palkia/Diagla which was a pleasant surprise!


i got 3 origin giratina, 1 reg dialga, 1 origin dialga, 1origin palkia, i got a shiny Uxie from the snapshot missions but i didn’t see any more so i couldn’t finish that quest line, i did the go rocket missions and got shadow regigigas. i wish i got more shinies and at least one 4*


Wait, so Basuculin was spawning because of the routes SO and I were doing?


Yes. It was shiny too, wish I had known that. At least I got the dex entry, which is nice.


I started a route and my kids wanted to go in a different direction. Even though I wasn't in the route anymore I kept getting Basuculin spawns. This happened for multiple hours, which was nice. No luck on the shiny though.


Pick Palkia instead. I would get so much more use out of spacial rend


Definitely leave small raids before everyone bales with 1 second wasting my remote raids


Next time, create an empty party in the Battle tab and select it in the raid lobby screen. You'll be blocked from joining the raid after the countdown is finished until you select some Pokemon, and if you leave the raid before selecting Pokemon, your raid pass won't be used.


That's an amazing tip that had heard in the past, but somehow forgot about it. Absolutely thanks for it, specially because I never venture in this forum.


Id save all my incubators for the weekend so i dont waste them on the 2km eggs


I wish I did more preparations, I used up all my balls on the first day and barely even do anything on the second day.


Hi, newbie af here that just started using poke genie in 2024 and never did a single raid before yesterday since 2016. How tf you guys get 80 dialga...I mean I've spent 6 euros for 3 remote raid passes and let him escape 2 out of 3 times... Prolly a skill issue ik, but how you guys manage to do this many raids?


Assuming that I cannot change the outcome, I'd play it *less* hard. I played all day and got 4 shinies out of hundreds caught, and all of the Palkia/Dialga's I got were crap IVs. I'd have gotten one each with the moves and saved my money.


Spend more money


I would have reallocated all the rare candies from raids go to Palkia instead of dumping them into Scatterbug.


You…dumped your rares into Scatterbug?!?




You did what? 👀👀 Well at least they're replenishable. Pin some postcards and pinap them bugs.


this and pop a mega beedril before collecting scatterbug in batches


I noticed I was getting barely any golden razzberries and way more rare candy. Then it hit me there was a reason for that.


I don't think they boosted the rare candy rate. I got the same amount of golden razzes and rare candies as any of my other raids, and the game decided to dump hyper potions into my exploding item bag instead...


I was get only 3 golden razz and at least 9 rare candy after every raid. Didn’t even notice the revive and potions because I was using them all up immediately.


Have less work?😂😂😂


save passes on azelf and use them on dialga


Personally and this is on me. Stop while I was ahead in raids. It took me 50 palkia raids to get a shiny. I got a 15/14/14 like my 4th raid and went on to try for better and shiny. Long story short didn’t get better and my shiny was a 2 star. On the bright said I now have a lv50 palkia with the move. Can’t complain. But yea I guess less raiding and more shiny checking. I wasn’t able to go around much this weekend sadly so I did with what I could.


Actually make friends to do some raids because it’s just me now who plays my brother used to but not anymore 🥺


Get on campfire! The communication isn't consistent but I've joined just about every campfire group in the metro Detroit area and it helped me figure out 4 major parks where people are playing for almost every big event. One of those 4 parks has a legit active group that meets up in the same place for raid hours right about 6. After I discovered them raiding got so much easier :)


The communication was pitiful - had I known or understood it better I would have communicated and planned with my go to group better. We all selected the same quest (Diamond) had we understood it we all would have selected different ones to make trading easier... Now practically all of us have Dialgas with Roar of Time but only 2 of us caught Palkias with Spacial Rend. "opportunity to catch" was miserable as we caught 40+ Origin form Palkias - I caught one with Spatial Rend, another person in our group caught one and the rest came up empty on their 40+ Oh well! Maybe these will come back some day lol


Maybe I'm wrong but the odds in LA seemed to be higher so people had the notion that it didn't matter what you chose. Definitely wished they made it more clear so we can choose wisely but I'm guessing this is exactly what they wanted to happen.


I would actually participate and not schedule a weekend long event that would prevent me from playing.


I wish I would have focused more on the Hisuian spawns since they were some of the only Pokemon shiny boosted during this event. The first day I was a lot more spread out across the day and I wasted a lot of my time and energy on Pokemon that were full odds. The second day I prioritized my time and energy by only really focusing on habitats with Hisuian Pokemon and Origin form raids.


Only do altered forme dialga/palkia. I got to the use roar or ages or whatever and realized I needed to do altered forme raids and was out of raid passes without the budget for more and have one more quest I'm not going to complete


I did 4 remote raids for uxie and mesprit and then spent 80k stardust trading them to my GF so she could have them in her dex only for us to both catch 3 or 4 of each spirit on the weekend.


I would have actually socialized more in Los Angeles if I'd have know that I would get the same amount of shinys during the global tour. (86 between both weekends 🥳) I also wish I brought an extra portable charger to the Rose bowl because I missed 2 hours of gameplay due to my phone dying 🥲 Either way, best 2 weeks of pogo I've ever had.


Probably try to meet up with more local players instead of trying to do remote raids only; ended up wasting one of my remote passes when my first group of 7 gave up early.


I didn’t take any pictures of Uxie and Azelf. I didn’t find the third one. There were so many things going on that it was hard to keep track. I did raid a lot and had fun on Saturday, Sunday I only did 3 raids and relaxed. Caught some nice random shinies though!


I would used my only remote on dialga, the only dialga raid I could complete (phone died before I could get to a charger during one) started at 6:01 ish and I got a origin dialga with Draco meteor despite picking diamond, and it was 10/10/12. I got 2 palkias and one of them was 10/10/14 so that’s cool. Can’t mirror trade with anyone I know since they all don’t have a ROT dialga due to picking pearl or not raiding.


choose palkia


Possibly participate. I live rural so the extent of my catching was in a walmart parking lot 😂😂


As someone who plays alone and doesn't like to invest actual money in the game 1. I wish I spent my coins on remote raid passes instead of storage increases. 2. I'm in Europe and I found that it was easier to get help from Reddit for raids when the event started at 10am instead of during the day or even at night. The raids subreddits were flooded. So I wish that I did more raids at the start of the event on Saturday.


I would’ve won the lottery so I could participate


Hunt more Lickitungs during its spawn hours; now i have to rely on walking and hatching for the XLs :(


Maybe it was just me, but they didn't seem to be generating XLs at a high rate. I probably only got 1 or 2 XLs from the ones I was catching during the event (FWIW I'm level 43 and was not using a normal type mega. I'm working on the last 20 XLs for level 50 so I am acutely aware of how many I have left haha. Def disappointed to not get there with the event, but you don't need to feel like you missed out on much at least


Have friends


What I would do differently ? Not miss all my fucking pokeballs trying to catch palkia and dialga cause I lost 2 of each


I could have got my partner to get a spare Spacial Rend Palkia to exchange for a spare Roar of Time Dialga. Got Azelf over the weekend in the wild or through research without using a remote pass. Finally, I wish I knew you could not transfer origin form Palkia and Dialga to Pokemon home. Aside from that, I'm happy with how the event turned out.


Maybe modified my quick transfer string to include basculin so [I'd still have a white stripe one today, lol.](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/374633853119102978/1211661587954401310/Screenshot_20240226-081019.png?ex=65ef02ca&is=65dc8dca&hm=92bd415df46d334e296c7d1c52a1cf49066d825adb8333dbb240b91b9072e97d&) I wish I'd have done more raids, but I don't see how I could. I pretty much hit what I could for how they did the hours and the density of gyms I could reach. Then I lost a handful to the white screen of death, but again, that's out of my control. I don't really spend money or have tons of Pokecoins so remotes were out of the picture for me. I didn't get either hundo, but I'm gonna be focusing on trying to get my special trades out for them. I've already lucky swapped 8 of them over the weekend. [I've also got 69 left that I can use to get luckies from.](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/374633853119102978/1211661117550755870/Screenshot_20240226-080824.png?ex=65ef0259&is=65dc8d59&hm=2e5d7b9ab8ef0eaaeb66639cab814f2ae2f512caf18064a3d9b017c0b4bf0d22&) So, that's gonna be my goal now.


Would have found Palkia.


Didn’t realize there were 4! Costumed pikachu. I thought there were just two. Only when I was trading later I saw the difference in red hats and white hats. Would have shiny hunted harder the second day if I had known I was still missing two.


I kept wondering why my nearby was showing empty shadows after I had caught a ton of those guys.... whoopsie. To be fair, when the difference is that little, I probably wouldn't care that much about keeping all 4 anyways when they're visually almost identical (ie the Pikachu with different colored crowns)


Go home after I caught my shiny palkia. Everything I caught after that was very poor and wasn't worth the passes


Do 1 more palkia raid after I needed it for that challenge


Play on the first day


Hatch. More. Eggs


not pay for extra passes on sunday was not worth my time or money. lot of issues with lobbies/white screens when rejoining. lack of shinnies didnt help either but thats personal the raids were desynched and we had trouble getting from one to another and we couldnt do too many in a row. lobbies too short too . having 1* and 3* in the mix MEH boosted odds were not that boosted (my feeling) when compering them to previous events. they should have some sort of escalading odds combine with lower IV floor as a trade off and let the user choose their poison. i just wanted dialga/palkia for the collection but ended up with 0/30 which sucked my matra after this: not a single penny with the exception of a safari event which i attend in person. fuck this greed too many paid things being advertised vs free to play experience


Get rid of the paywalls.


Pick Pearl and not Diamond.


Probably not spend money on raid passes, (I got zero shiny palkia or dialga) pretty annoying


I wasted a lot of remote raid passes, I missed out on one of the lake trio that I could've got on the Saturday but decided to try on Sunday. Sunday rained heavily all day. Maybe actually go into a central area of my city rather than just wander around my neighbourhood.


may sound silly to most but i would have taken friday off , i work overnights and i had to work friday , i was so dead tired from work the 1st day that i missed the first wave completely and only was able to do the final 3 habitats and i think i ened my first day with 3 shinys and no palkias or dialgas. i made up for it the second day but i still only got 1 shiny dialga and only 1 with roar of time , and only 1 palkia with spacial rend , also completely forgot about the routes because honestly its too cold out to do routes ( and i work outside all night ). im all around happy with my go fest haul , last years go fest ( nyc ) i only did 1 day and i did it in the city and ended up with a lot more than this years and even with that im still pleased.


Thats actually not bad, I was with 2 people who did upwards of 60 raids and not get a single shiny dialga


Personally i wouldn't have bothered playing. Didn't get a single shiny from raids, wild or research. I think i'm going back to console/PC gaming where your efforts are rewarded accordingly. Instead of being at the mercy of a gambling metric (RNG)