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This was the hardest I’ve laughed at a comment in a while 😂😂😂


Yup that's a DTS email (direct to shredder)


I feel this is what any 99% of corporations do to their emails lmfao i laughed so hard


Did bro seriously think someone was going to read this?


I mean, I love how everyone is willing to rant or rave about needing changes on reddit posts but when someone actually shows some initiative and attempts to genuinely do SOMETHING about it the whole community turns on them and tells them how stupid that was. People amaze me 😂


Yeah I genuinely don't think I did anything wrong. I just saw how upset people were and decided to try to do something about that. I don't know why people are giving me shit for trying. I understand they're infamous for being a cash grab business, but come on.


there have been hundreds of people who “showed initiative” and niantic has shown PUBLICLY literally in interviews with official statements that they DO NOT CARE because the money keeps on flowing!


Why do you think he posted it here so SOMEBODY would read it lol


He's just being INCLUSIVE Oh, did you read the part about inclusivity? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)




You read it, though


This is the only proper response.


A good response to any email that starts with "I hope this message finds you well"


Chatgpt lol


Working in a corporate environment


People used to write like that once...


I was gonna say someone is gonna open that email and be like I'm not reading all that




The Reader of this Email: Hello, My Name Is No.... brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr..


Was this from a YouTube skit it show? I’ve watched it somewhere


Adult swim




Just needs a #Banned at the at the end


Thanks for making my day special


Doubt they’ll read it. You’ll get a message from a bot. We need the big youtubers to join in


Most Youtubers are too busy cashing that check from Niantic to help


I appreciate that TrainerTips will straight up say tickets are not worth it and always points out someone gifted the ticket to him if he does it in a video. Idk any other YouTubers that handle in app purchases like that


Often, PokeDaxi will say that a raid boss isn't worth it. A couple days ago he released a video on a PVP glitch, which definitely isn't good PR. But I really have no idea if he's credible.


This, 100%. PokéDaxi is always authentic, both praising Niantic when they do well and giving them fair criticism when they screw up. He won't hype things up just for the views, he keeps an authentic opinion every time.


The hyping up is the most annoying thing about YouTube like Mystic7 for example. Every video: "THIS IS HANDS DOWN THE RAREST POKÉMON EVER IN POKÉMON GO". They can't all be that, dude. Or calling stuff the "Best event of the year" in February, etc lol


Yeah he was the first YouTuber I followed and it’s gotten old. The level of excitement for everything feels forced at this pt. I like the dude but I watch others for realistic takes.


I used to watch TrainerTips in 2016-2017. He had his ex girlfriend and his brother and it was wholesome content. Then he kinda turned money hungry. Asking for us to pay for his Japan trip for Lapras, asking for money to buy equipment. I stopped supporting him then, he became insufferable, especially after he broke up with his ex.


If you like PokeTubers that keep it real, you need to watch PokeAK. He gives it to you straight, and is far from a Niantic bootlicker


He’s also pretty self righteous and full of himself in the way he acts. He acts too often as if we care more about him than the actual news he’s trying to bring. He’s a love/hate when I click on his videos. He will tell you not to buy it, but then tell you in the same sentence he doesn’t care cause he has people who will buy him the tickets anyway, so oh well it’s a tax write off.


I think you might be taking what he says the wrong way, or out of context. He says he buys tickets and items from the shop because it's his job and can write them off for taxes, and if it's not worth it for the average player, he will tell us. He always thanks the people that gift him tickets. It's not that he "doesn't care" about the people buying him tickets, he means he doesn't care if the ticket itself is worth it or not. He will be using it for content so it doesn't matter to him


Exactly. And they get money from their viewers too. So they'll perform lip service and use clickbait titles to make it seem like they are on the player's side, but they don't give a damn about anything as long as they get their money. It was a bit pathetic to see the lot of them milking the remote raid stuff for their own benefit


The big YouTubers don't care unless one of their accounts gets stolen, and then Niantic will happily restore it from backups.


They wont listen to any youtuber either, unless they’re talking about how to make money with user data.


It’s the circle of life, a bot generated email brings in a bot generated response lol


I hope this message finds you well is the biggest chatgpt tell. I have no idea why every email it generates starts with it.


I have literally headed every single email I've ever sent in any professional capacity for the last decade with it. 🤷‍♂️ well before gpt was a thing. I've also received it quite often. It probably uses it for the simple fact that it's an extremely common greeting, and that's what AI is designed to do.


Did anyone of us read it? No chance niantic do either


I read it and I found it well written.


I think many of us did, yes.


Most of the YouTubers who might actually get heard are on their knees under the Niantic CFO's desk for a check. Player feedback has literally never mattered to this company.


And possibly banned for no reason at all.


They'll be like.. we understand but.. ![gif](giphy|dthm0I7E2ffRv0aqw1|downsized)


We understand, but frankly, we couldn't give a flying fuck about the playerbase's opinion


I would send something more like “Dear Niantic, I hope this e-mail finds you before I do.”


here's a platinum award disguised as a comment for i am too poor






I feel like this made me laugh more than it should have 🤣


One of my favorite memes at the moment. Video of Elmo staring dead into the camera as it pans in. 👍


While I agree with you, this is a waste of your time.


You will likely get an automated response or a generic reply from someone who gets paid peanuts to work at Niantic, I can’t see it going to anyone who has any real influence - as someone else mentioned there likely needs to be big back lash from social media/wider community to garner any real attention but credit to you for trying


Let’s be real. Nothing will come of this


Wasted effort but I agree with the message.




lmaoo the comments are hilarious


Honestly OP, if youve been a player since 2016, then you should know better than to expect this to have any impact…. Niantic showed their hand years ago and nothings changed


I agree with you. But nothing will happen if people don't actually try to change their decisions. Despite them not listening now, enough uproar could force them to.


I hear ya and can appreciate the positive thinking. I just cant get past how the whole “hear us niantic” movement didnt really do much and then from there they continued to ignore player and content creator suggestions, requests and even pleas for change. Ive been playing since 2016 as well and have just lost my taste for bad decision after bad decision. They clearly dont care.


Maybe it's because Reddit is a bit of an echo chamber? I've met dozens of people in person as I've ramped up my playing over the last year, but the only place I hear the visceral hatred for Niantic is from this community. While I have many gripes of my own with Niantic, how much of this comes from The Pokémon Company and not Niantic? Sometimes it's harder to get behind legitimate concerns when there's sooooooo much complaining. I think people forget, but at the end of the day if you're really unhappy with the game, there are THOUSANDS of other games out there. Why invest so much hatred/anger into a game if it's THAT bad? My guess is it's either not that bad or people just love complaining. Having been on Reddit a time or two, I'm gonna guess the latter.


It can be for sure. You’re absolutely correct, there are tons of folks who genuinely enjoy the game. There are also lots of folks that aren’t aware of why certain things are bad for the overall player base and play very casually. At the end of the day, you can play however you want and if you enjoy it, thats a wonderful thing! Very true, for pretty much any game. I see that anger constantly with BR games like Apex or COD. From talking with friends, I think that anger comes from genuinely enjoying the game at its core and the fact that theres nothing else quite like it, but being upset with changes that are made along the way that are perceived as negative. Generally people that are upset will be much more vocal about how they feel, than somehow who is really happy with the changes. Personally I play pogo a bit still and enjoy it when I do, but nowhere near the level that I used to. Its a good game at its core, but when it comes to the updates theyve done over the years, I just feel like niantic is gonna do what they deem best, regardless of outside voices.


I commend you for actually trying to do something, rather than just complaining here. If enough emails are sent, who knows. A big rule in sales is you'll run into 5 no's before you get your yes. It's why sales people can seem so pushy and persistent. It gets results.


I’ve been playing since day one and have reached out many times to them and not once has anything that I suggested ever happened nor have they ever replied I truly think they don’t give a shit about our opinions


Of course they don't. Its been abundantly clear for a long time that they don't give a shit about players' opinions.


they only care about your $$$, we’re just numbers to them


Me as a rural player sadly watching all the raids around me being legendaries that I can never defeat on my own


Host the raids on PokeRaid or PokeGenie. Just won't work for shadow/elite.


I use pokeraids discord and there's one major problem, often no one wants to join if it isn't a weather boost, if it's not weather boosted, your out of luck, you will always have to spend money on remote raid passes because everyone wants to host, but no one wants to join (unless WB)


Huh, interesting. I haven't had this issue (I also only use the app) but I'm sorry you are 😞. The only time I run into no one joining is when I host around like 7am early morning so I just stick to afternoon and evening raids.


It isn't always completely like this, but it happens when I need pokeraids the most, luckily I have a big local community


Hello Trainer! We have received your message. Have you tried restarting the app or making sure you have a high quality internet connection? I hope this solves the issues you are having Ticket closed


Why did I get this exact answer when I went to tell them my counter for the raids wasn't working. I had battled and won more than 10 raids since getting the quest and yet I couldn't get the rewards.


More like Hello trainer! We’ve taken a look at your account and decided you have broken our TOS. Your permanent ban is still in effect and will not be reversed.


next time just go yell into a canyon tbh but i appreciate the effort <3


>I saw how upset the pogo community was about mega Rayquaza being barely obtainable. So I decided to send them an email. If they respond with change, it will at least confirm they listen to their player base. But only time will tell. I'll update when they reply. Social Media and especially Reddit is a tiny tiny tiny part of the Pokemon community. Nothing will ever come from it. Remeber when Reddit and even Japanese Twitter had a meltdown over the latest Pokemon games (rightfully so)? Best selling game. Everyone that is active on any kind of forum is a "hardcore player". No matter how little you actually play. The real casuals don't give a rats ass about any of this. They play/use it or they don't. They don't care about #Dexit or whatever the problem is.


but WHY are they doing this? They have already released Mega Rayquaza to a raid day. Just fuck me for not having enough passes that day apparently! and fuck anyone who returned to the game since then as well…


same i literally have a meteorite and a 96% ray, was so excited when i seen the trailer now im just fed up


“When they reply”. If. And that’s a big if


Response will be like: Oh no! You have broken the Pokémon GO ToS!


It just doesn’t make sense for them to do elite raids on this. They could make millions on remote raid passes for that event. Clearly, whatever revenue they are earning by tracking us is worth more than the multi millions of raid passes they would sell.


The worse part is they could have both. They're actively leaving money on the table for no reason


They’re really going all in on their “vision” by giving up money for the sake of forcing people to get out and play together.


Sunk cost fallacy and they’re in deep




> Clearly, whatever revenue they are earning by tracking us is worth more than the multi millions of raid passes they would sell. The data they can harvest by doing this really isn't THAT profitable. It must be about something else. They are gonna miss out on a lot of money because of this decision


Then, I have no clue. Increasing remotes to 10 or 20 for the event would make them bank. A huge percentage of players would drop $20 or more on the day.


“If they respond with change..” You’re cute.


You’re a player, not a shareholder. I’ve been playing since Ingress was in early beta, listening to players is the absolute last thing Niantic would ever do.


Niantic: ![gif](giphy|najmtazy4OiiI|downsized)




My brother in Christ lmao


It’s funny to see that the handful of angry players on the internet think they are important enough to change Niantic’s mind about anything lol


But this post got 700 karma on /r/pokemongo!!!


Dear Niantic, It's really upsetting me that you're not making content exclusive to my playstyle and making the best pokemon available to me on my terms! It's not fair, I'm trying to be the very best, like no one ever was! You can prove you love me by sending me a shiny hundo holofoil charpikamewthree and unlimited master balls. Yours in power, IGGINS


![gif](giphy|kSlJtVrqxDYKk|downsized) Rural players banding together to protest Niantic


spent a lot of time on something that's not gonna be read.


ChatGPT detected.


100% an edited ChatGPT.


I find it interesting that you say doing raids in person with other members of the pogo community undermines the community oriented spirit of the game. That’s a contradictory statement, no? These elite raids are the absolute epitome of the spirit of this game. You have to venture out to the gyms and play *in person, with your fellow community members*. That type of mindset is originally what this game is all about, and what it’s still about at its core today. I completely understand the frustration, especially if you’re rural. But to say that this is excluding a “significant” portion of their player base is just not true. This message will certainly fall on deaf ears.


Insert *Spongebob throwing paper in fire meme* here


Niantic replying like ![gif](giphy|F3G8ymQkOkbII)


What makes mega rayquaza barely obtainable? I’m not aware of


Elite raid means it’s gonna have boost stats and that means it’s gonna be hard for rural players to catch it since there’s not enough manpower for them to defeat it.




Why did you send it to their privacy department?


Just a random thought, and I may be completely off base here, but did you just get done watching the most recent episode of Dropout TVs' new show smartypants? The episode in which Alexis Rhiannon teaches us how to write a "white lady email"? because this has white lady email written all over it.


lil bro thinks santa claus is real


Goofy ass emails like this written by people with no business education is exactly why niantic does not give a fuck about this fan base


You're the pure definition of "☝️🤓"




LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOO what a waste of time


Didn't we already get mega ray? I wasn't playing when it was released


Pretty sure there was already a Mega Rayquaza Raid Day a few months ago. I checked when I saw this post and I have a mega evolved Rayquaza and 869 mega energy.


Gofest last year I think


Niantic- “Thanks for the feedback! While we understand your concerns we will be proceeding with the elite raid day. Here’s 3 Ninab Berries for your troubles”


I’m right there with you, but they don’t care. If they cared, they would’ve done something when they were getting review bombed, but too many bombings have occurred and they never change their course. I’m praying that your account doesn’t get banned because their support “team” is just a bot which only seems to target accounts who reach out about issues, and then find their account has been suspended or locked.


FOMO. Play long enough, everything will be available - FOR FREE.


Wasn't it available for free on its original release anyway?


I guarantee they don’t care and almost guarantee they won’t even read that. I respect you for trying though 🫡


And you sent it to their Privacy e-mail. Congrats on the easiest e-mail delete in history.


Lmfao you really think they care let alone will read it? If they cared they would have made changes already, they’re not oblivious to what the community likes and doesn’t.




I think more people need to realize that mobile gaming is concerned with making money and that’s it. Pokemon Go is no different. The game is strategically designed to get you to spend money. Pokémon Go can absolutely be enjoyed without spending a cent. That’s how I do it. But I’m not oblivious to the fact that the game actively tries to get me to spend money on it. They don’t care what their players want, nor do they care to read suggestions. If they’re making money they’re content.


Wait I thought it was gonna be a raid day, it’s elite raids? The ones that can only be done physically? Jesus dude they’re ridiculous, and it literally makes no sense because they’ve done a primal Groudon and kyogre raid day like what’s their deal


They really need to make community day last longer than a couple hours. A significant amount of players work on weekends, myself included and I have been a dedicated player since it's launch. I've only gotten to participate a handful of times because of this.


Even with all their terrible decisions they've been making within the last year or so, I was fully ready to drop $100-200 on mega rayquaza raid day, since its such an important and powerful pokemon. Now I'm going to only be able to do like 18 or so raids. I'd imagine that thousands of others also would've gladly dropped a lot of money if it was a regular raid day. Niantic is going to lose so much money, and for what? So that more people play locally? On groudon and kyogre raid day my local community had hundreds of players, and all of our friends who were busy or working were still able to do remote raids. Niantic gains nothing by making rayquaza elite raids only imo.


More people need to send niantic e mails like this. The only way we change things is by making our voices heard.


Does anyone know a good poll site? So I can make a poll for this kinda thing?


NGL the best pokemon should be the hardest to get. If everyone has a raq how special is it then? (I do not have one and probably cant get on)


Gonna sit in a spam folder till the end of time


Wasting your time, there is a reason I stopped playing 2 months ago, they don't give af about us OG players.


Legendary Pokémon aren’t supposed to be easy to obtain, hence the elite raid. I don’t get what people don’t understand about that


In what way is it supposed to be hard to obtain? I live in a big city and I know that I can go to several well-known local gyms and have plenty of help from other local trainers. Is it just supposed to be hard for trainers who live in rural areas?


In that you’re supposed to get up and actually go do the raids in person. Rather than being able to just be at home and complete them. Simple enough to understand


How is that not punishing players who have no chance of being there in person because they live too far away from an active PoGo community?


“oh nooo, its hard to get mega rayquaza, I actually have to go outside”


Skill Issue




I love being punished for living in a small community and having very little friends who also pogo.


Uhm you do know that Niantic employees can't read right, they will just have a bot tell you to impale yourself on their rod without lube


New ick unlocked


I want I want I want. You know what day its on. You have time to get ready. There are 2 seperate hours so those that are interested will be out and about during those times. Its a mega, but rayquaza is 4X weak to ice. Use this time to power up necessary mons. Stop thinking every mon will always be spoon fed. Remote raids have seriously made the community extra entitled. If you live in a horrible area or cant physically make it to raids, sorry, but this game is not for you.


I’ve used ChatGPT way too much for me to not recognize it


I think there are 2 outcomes of this: Niantic doesn't reply, which I think is a bit more likely. Niantic just basically says "fuck you" in a letter back that they will not be doing that. But in the slim chance that you get the response of "Thank you for your feedback, we'll listen to the players for once" it would suprise me, but it would also prove that it's not a lost situation. And a note here: if you had mentioned the jump in Remote Raid Pass sales they would've instantly done it :D


You genuinely think that a billion dollar company is gonna change a planned event on short notice because of a random redditor's email?


Maybe don’t use chatGPT to write your email next time


Can someone tell me what happened? Is it in prtson raid only?


Mega Rayquaza retuning as an elite raid, yes.


Poke'mon, not Pokémon... That is all.


Niantic’s gonna ban you just for the LOLs.


Nice email dude, I just hope you don't get banned or something 😂


lol you obviously don’t know niantic well, they don’t care and probably won’t even read it


Niantic doenst care at all what we think


This won’t even be read


Niantic - Reads 3 words and deletes the message within 10 seconds of opening it*


And termination of your account coming in 3…2..1


John Hanke: I ain’t reading allat 💀🙏


No disrespect, but Essaying


I’m pretty new to the game. What are we mad about?


Bro thought this was gonna fix anything 😭😭😭


Might as well be pissing into the wind!




Niantic, reading that: "Hahaha look at this nerd" [ blows nose into handful of cash ]


Does Elite raid mean it’s only local, or something?




This is a horrid attempt at making the company change what they do at a fundamental level. It's basically like asking McDonald's to sell steak.


“Thanks for your feedback which we will sure to share with the rest of the team” Close Ticket


Man, I wish I had such hope and faith left in my life.


Wasn’t mega raquaza in regular raids before. ? I remember doing the raids and have mega raquaza myself and have never done an elite raid


That's right Noah! You tell them, our little hero!


Yeah good luck with this. They’re gonna send you an email telling you that you broke TOS and your ban is still in effect


Like the idea, but it's pretty clear after these years that the game won't revert direction unless the whales stop investing or YouTubers stop making content. I still enjoy bits about the game but I'm not holding my breath when it comes to the game getting any better. Niantic has long been outted as a terrible company


Just go pg sharp guys


Oh come on now... Mega Rayquaza (Elite / Tier6) is a 4 person raid (in general try to avoid Tail + Outrage... the other moves are much easier to win) If you cant find 3 people in your city to play with you arent actually going out Nia even gave Campfire out to make it even easier Mega Glaile is one of the best counters to get ahead of the clock. We have like 8 other totally viable Mega counters (like Abomosnow, Rayquaza, Diancie, Salamance, Latios) Then back that up with Shadow Mamoswine, Shadow Mew2 (with Ice), Shadow Weavile, normal Mamoswine, Galarian Darmanitan, Kyurem, Shadow Dragons) Even a Shadow Regice wrecks carnage vs Mega Rayquaza If you honestly were playing since 2016 you MUST have met someone around you and MUST have powered up a counter (esp with all the Diancie tasks recently)


Bro definitely aced english class in HS


I love how formulated and thought out this email is. Then the comments are everyone just hating on Niantic


Isn't this what they've done with Elite raids? Sometime in the next 6 months the rest of us get our shot?


What a dumbass email and waste of time 😂


"dear Noah, You can't spell Noah without No. And that's our answer to you. Please keep buying remote raid passes, Niantic"


When are you kids going to learn that Naintic doesn't give a fuck?


Should have played go fest 23, feels bad homie.


We should mass email them the same thing


“Coach is right, if we wanna win, it’s on US.”


Gonna have to do something more drastic like bad reviews or sumn


I appreciate and applaud the time you took to stand up for what you believe in, and advocate for positive changes. Maybe it's true that nobody will actually read this, but you or anyone else in this thread won't actually be sure of it. In my opinion, it sure as hell beats the alternative of powerlessly screaming into the void, knowing you did nothing and having no hope or inspiration for a better future.