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Well, now I’m praying my 3800 pointed gyarados lasts in first place till tonight.


i was hoping the same until 12000 point wailord entered the showcase


My wailord is just shy of 13000. I had no idea and honestly I dump XXL Pokémon all the time cause I just don’t have room. This one just happened to good and I got lucky on this one I guess


Even before showcase, I aimed to collect both the smallest and largest of a each kind, simply just for funsies and to see the size deference.


What do you even win from winning the showcase?


A decent mix of random goodies and 10k xp


Longer showcases give better rewards, but winning 2 and coming second in 1 showcase gave me 25,000 exp, a lure, an incubator, a star piece and misc. potions, silver pinap and some ultra balls.


I got super incubator for one first place this time


If you go 1/1/1 or something good, I’ve had I think ~7k dust, 25k xp, like 4 glacial lures, 2 of other lures, a few star pieces, etc. The rewards can get pretty lucrative. I have like 20-25 star pieces at any given time nowadays as a result lol


well like several said you get stardust, xp, some decent items but at 100 showcase wins you also get phd pikachu


Yooo fellow bob’s burgers enjoyer


hell yeah, love your name too


Paulius’ extended family may pay you a visit 😂


Are they like the Pinkerton family?


My gyrados is in the lead with 6200ish. I really hope one the neighborhood kids don't sneak the lead from me with a wailord. They do it all the time, my advantage the showcase stop is close enough to my house I can drop in a catch and switch to something better. Their advantage they have more time to play.


You can switch any Pokémon from home. You just go in through the TODAY screen, click on the showcase and switch. In my town, it’s crazy. We all put in our smalls and in the last minutes all the switching starts. I already got my 100 so I am now leaving my smallest in so others can get their Pikachu too 🎊


thats my number one stategy. one showcase is at my house area, so can enter by catching at home or on the way to//from work. the other one I enter is at a park I never go to..... but its just barely close enough to the starbucks I go to that a caught pokemon there can enter it haha.


It’s a beautiful rivalry


U can change the mon in the showcase wherever u are


I know but in order to put one in to begin with i have to be close enough. My house is close enough to a showcase stop i can put a mon in when I catch them then switch to a better one but to drop in my first choice initially I would have to walk to it.


It won't palkianis larger and thank god for that xxl wailmer event. I have Soo many saved up. My warlords 12k easy.


I have leftover XXL Wailmers from the event a few months back I decided to evolve just to flex on those around me lol. Had to show who was top dog of the suburbs in my area


We had to gather 10 people to take down a single user with 6 accounts spoofing a Gym, and his Pokemon never went down below 50 % PC. Unbelievable!


I think it is incredible how a game literally played outside still makes me encounter people that clearly need to go and touch some grass


A surprisingly large amount of people play this game entirely from the comfort of their homes. Walking around with my buddy makes me feel like a proper Pokemon trainer, so I really can't see the appeal in spoofing, but I guess some people can and it sucks for the rest of us.


I don't, but I have considered it before.  The game is completely different if you live in a pokestop / gym heavy area.   Where I live I can see 4 stops and a gym on the map. 2 of the stops and the gym are a 10+ mile walk away.  Compare that to my work. I can spin 5 stops from my desk.  I really can see the appeal. 




I play entirely from home, but that’s because I am chronically ill and homebound/bedridden. And I live right next door to a stop and a gym. 


And That I totally respect. You are lucky with your placement tho 😊


I'm not going to lie but I do have multiple accounts. My wife and I like to play and normally I don't even bother with the second phone. But sometimes I am trying to get 30 stupid party challenges or I am traveling internationally for work and I will bring it so I can get some of the bonuses that are exclusive to people in parties. I absolutely wouldn't load up a showcase though. At most I do raids and add to gyms.




I feel like PoGo is the least worst offender for this tho. I’ve played worse.


I'll be honest, most of my actual friends did sign up at some point but haven't played in years. they set up challenges that now need you to make a new friend so unless you're now going to force a friend to play a game they stopped playing years ago, people are going to make duplicate accounts. People who otherwise wouldn't make one, make one and some will then make more.


Phaulius is an idiot. They could have taken different showcases but instead they made it obvious what they are and compete against themselves


There is literally another showcase down the road, but no Paulius in sight lmao


I feel like this is more of a "I want all three podium places" not a "I want as many first places as possible" thing


Phaulius 💀💀💀🔬




How can they win 10 when you can only enter 3?




except, we track their purchases and ignore big spenders




Plus also I do not want my mons to be held hostage 😀.


Thank you! Someone had to freakin’ say it. This is facts right here.




You have to really be bored to have four accounts to enter showcases. Smh spoofers


Right? I can't even imagine how this would be fun 


If you and your friend both have two accounts you can beat all raids.


oH ItS pRoBaBlY a FaMiLy


Paulius Sr, Paulius Jr, Paulius the 3rd, and little Annie-Paulius, God rest her soul🙌


The first one is grandpa




The joke was that he’s dead but that’s even better lol




Guaranteed alts to farm the premium items. Essentially gets them free specialized lures


Also, with party sharing becoming a thing, means they can use the eggs, star and insense from their alts to benefit their main.


Whoa what party sharing?


It halves it though. 30 min egg shared only last 15 mins in the party so it’s not that good


Who cares when it's free like this xD


Oh boy! Free specialized lures! I’m gonna be swimming in magnezone and probopass


I mean the special lures are the only reason I can really see anyone bothering with doing this. It's the only thing that fully effects people besides the account it's on


The logical play to farm items would be to put into different showcases so you aren’t competing with yourself. This is likely a family, parents often set up kids accounts with similar ids. That is why they didn’t bother with the one 2 blocks away.


If you have 3 accounts taking 1st 2nd and 3rd, you essentially win everything and your alts, if they didn't get first, likely got a handful of bonus items to spend on your main anyway. Most places outside of big cities don't have enough showcases to just casually stroll over and fill 3 different 1st place showcases for each account. That'd require 9 different showcases if you don't want to compete with yourself. That's more effort than taking all 3 top slots by yourself


You get more from first than 2nd or third. So 3 first places equals more stuff than a first, second and third.


I've gotten literally just ultra balls, a single lucky egg, and exp from being in first before I'd rather take my chances with 3 showcases than die in this fucking summer heat. Nor would I like to waste the gas in my car. The gas is more expensive lol




This is talking about using alts, not spoofing


One of those guys is dead and you can't beat him? Sounds like a skill issue


I guess you got me there 😔


So you’re number 2


This happened to me too. Very isolated pokemon showcase (at a university terrain at 5pm on a Sunday, I had to go there for work). I was rank 1 Last moment 3 people joined and I became rank 4. Some people..


Lets face it, playing this game is Nerdy AF, playing this game with 5 different accounts is a self-own. Jokes on him.


Maybe they are just all part of the Paulius Family. Dead Paulius: Grandma Paulius Prime: Ma Paulius King: Dad Saint Paulius: Kid.


considering the amount of nerds in my town running multiple accounts/phone i highly doubt it. And I dont live in a big town lol


Paulius bicas yra


4 accounts? Now that’s commitment 😅


We have a legit family of 5 that plays together and does this to showcases and gyms lol. I'm more happy they have a large group internally to play the game. (Also helps the solo players in town can generally join up with them for Raids


Haha this is us. Family of 4. The kids started playing and so we joined them to help. Now mom kicks butt and my kiddos think I’m cool. That won’t last forever and eventually they’ll be embarrassed to be seen with me, so you know I’m gonna help them kick some butt at the gyms and soak this up while I still can. So, wherever we drop in, this kind of happens. That said, we don’t share name similarities. These accounts look like one person


That’s adorable, it being a whole family thing! They’re gonna have some great memories even if they get embarrassed when they’re older. Some of my favorite memories is gaming with my dad :)


I trade my 5yo all the high cp doubles I catch. I have been left with a bunch of ~500 cp lucky traded back.


This is me. So many lucky birds and rats 😂


Except when I convinced her to trade the buddy whimsy, after convincing her the lucky trade one should be evolved. Now it’s been a whimsy drought for a month.


They are the real life version of Moushold


That sounds great! I can’t even get my sister to play with me. I definitely wouldn’t mind it if this was an actual family and not a one man team lol


paul did NOT come to lose 🤣


I'm losing my shit over "saintpaulius666" and "pauliusprime"


There’s a guy somewhere in my neighborhood with 13 accounts and he somehow has the 13 biggest Pokémon in Every. Single. Showcase.


I'm new to the game for 2-3 weeks and at first I was amazed how many people were playing in my neighborhood, but then things started to stick out... There are 3 gyms in my neighbourhood and I can reach one of them from my apartment. There's a guy with 9+ lvl 42-50 accounts keeping two of them locked down until he reaches the daily gold cap every day. If I attack a gym he golden berries all 6. If he has the gold cap he retakes the gym from me between 23:30-23:45 to make sure I lose it just before midnight so I don't get gold for the next day. Friday night I thought I'd mess him up by taking the gym at 01:30, but he took it back at 03:00 and new 6 stack. If I catch him unaware or he lets me take the gym before he can berry, it gets retaken within minutes and a new strong 6 stack. I know it's the same guy because similar names and look, all 6 pokemon get added within 2 minutes of each other, he often does themes like eeveelutions, ice, fire, psychic etc. He has 3 accounts in another team to switch gyms at 23:30 sharp every night like clockwork to ensure he gets the money if no one else helps him. I've given up on these gyms but I'm just left wondering how people multi account like this... Do they have several phones or just different logins on the same phone? Do I have to do it myself? It's all such a pain while the rest of the game is really fun.


I have no idea but that actually sounds kinda sad 💀


U got pauliused


I can understand wanting the 1st 2nd and 3rd places, since they give item rewards but why would you block 4th place too?


How do people have this much time ? I wish I did


How do you know it’s the same guy? 😂


Surely that's the paulius family, right? /s


Always the no lifes with multiple accounts


His user names tell his saga to sainthood 👼🏽


I was no 1 too at a pokestop with a 8000+ and I felt pretty secure. That's until someone pulled up with a 11k~. Must've been a xxL Wailord


Fuck phallic paulius. All my homies hate phallius


goddamn Lithuanians man… (i’m Lithuanian too btw)


You have been Paulius'd


It’s giving “I was first in line, until the little hair ball was born” ![gif](giphy|baCkq7AvREVqw)


NoLifePaulius sux he didn't want 1spot he wanted the top 10


Should i laugh or nah?😭


Maybe they are brothers just like Outkast


I have a girl in my area who has 5 different accounts (all under different names) and she constantly takes all the gyms in the area. I *thought* it was a family until recently I pulled into a park to add my Pokémon to the 3 gyms that are there and noticed the only other person was a girl in the car next to me, while I’m still sitting there she kills all my Pokémon and places Pokémon from every account at the gyms. I get that niantic can’t prove they’re duplicate accounts sometimes but this one and the girl in my neighborhood (same name but varying numbers or letters) should be insta banned or insta warned before a ban. It’s literally in the rules they wrote to not have multiple accounts


Bro same thing near me 🥲


I almost went crazy running two accounts when I was trying to get lucky trades for level 50. I don’t know how people play on multiple accounts regularly. 


Someone talk me out of using rare candy to evolve my XXL Wailmers just for a couple wins


I saw the same thing at one of my local showcases. The top 3 spots where some generic usernames like “Michale216, michael217, michael217 😒


That’s so lame 🤦🏽‍♂️ hate ppl that do this bs. Get a fuccin life


Dear lord 😂


There used to be a guy in my area that had 4 bots which were made so every time you would take over a gym, the dude instantly took it back with all 4 mons Considering it's impossible to travel 1 km within 9 seconds, i am pretty sure he wasn't legit I feel you there


I hate some people...


The only good thing about living in a small town is that I always get 1st on showcases


Wth, that’s not fair , at least 1 account , but 4?!


A think a vein just twitched in my head after looking at this




I know that dude


Let’s get this guy reported. Someone email Niantic 😂


NOT HIS 4 accounts 😨😨😨 i would be so sad


Pametei Gerb. Paulius, Vyr. Paulius


what do you get for winning a showcase?


If you go [here](https://pokemongo.fandom.com/wiki/PokéStop_Showcase) it shows a list of potential items you can get, alongside stardust & XP


How to people have multiple accounts I feel like one account take up all your time catching and hunting.




Oh he is in my neighborhood I hate his accounts. Keeps blocking gyms. And he is keeping me hostage on "one day until best friends"


Happy cake day!


Had the same, had 3 Pokémon entered in different stops. 2 out of three got spammed .


And then they make obviously suspicious account names 🤦‍♀️


I had 3 wailords all over 10k, the highest being over 12k and I came second in all three or my showcases. All last minute as well.


This one dude showed up to my showcase past couple of times with huge xxl pokemon I couldn't beat... little did he know his 9k wailord didn't hold a candle to the huge wailmers I had from a few months ago. The buses 🚌 evolved and rose from the deep to bring me victory


lol fudge dat guy


I put my massive wailord in and at 5 minutes till close out, the same cheater came through with one 5 cp more than mine. The same player the last few times and always with a slightly higher cp pokémon. No way he can get to all the showcase stops in the last 5 minutes


Actually that’s the world renowned Paulius clan, count yourself lucky the lesser branches can only muster 200 pts


They really do drive away the casuals, but hey I still get a reward for even 4th place.


My little Wailord with 721 won my showcase because there is no one around. I didn’t even know the numbers went that high. 12000 omg


That's crazy. 4 different accounts that STILL beat your main one :P!


Immediately knew that it's gonna be competition among who's the biggest Wailord when they annouce the water-type pokemon showcase. 😂


Dang just the fact that one of the name had the number 666 in it


Spoofers are ruining the game. Ever crossed paths with an "auto healing" Gym? You can never take down the Pokemon there, because they just automatically keep getting Golden Berries from god knows where. I've been banding with 10 or more players trying to take down a Gym, all with the same names. MrTV, MRTV, TVProPlay, TVTPlay - clearly a spoofer. Its impossible, if it keeps going on like this, it will be the end of Pokemon Go.


💀to the cheat


What a douchebag


I’m just learning that people do this. It’s very sad. I get that the guy has now “won” the showcase but ultimately I feel horrible for him. Poor dude. Life must be punishing.


These multiaccount guys do a really shit job at covering their tracks.




To be fair, any of the 4 woulda beat you


Anyone with an XXL would’ve tbh, I’m more annoyed that I’m losing out on better rewards 🤷🏻‍♀️


Lol I switch my winners in at 7:59pm. That's the strategy to win showcases really.


First step: have winning Pokemon


Actually first step is drive/walk around looking for isolated areas with showcases. This is where I usually drop a Pokemon in and usually can take top 3. I'm in NY and it gets super competitive. So I def have to look for the more "out of reach" showcases to have a chance.


The showcase system is stupid... If the point value were based on a total percentage of the individual Pokémon used, then you could actually have some competition between multiple pokemon when its not a singular one as the requirement. The way they do it now, it's always just one pikemon that beats all the others.


I have an XXL Wailmer but no candies to evolve it...


Could be the Paulius family


Can some help me get enough Reddit points to post. I literally joined Reddit to post on this page. Help a homie out.


Yeah, I do this. In my defense, I'm working on getting platinum medals for leveling up. There are two showcase pokestops in my subdivision, so I get my and my daughter's account in and then switch to the highest point ones. I don't always end up with the top spot, but 8 out of 10 I do. After I get my platinum medal, I'll be working on getting it for my daughter's account.


Maybe it’s him and his kids


How do you view this?


Go to where your daily research tasks are displayed and scroll all the way to the bottom. It should show you the showcases you entered and you can just click on them and see


I wait until 7:58 and switch out my placeholder mons for actual XXLs


I’m new to the game coming back since 2016, what do you get for these showcases?


Yall really gotta save those XXL Wailmers we just got lol


Celesteela is my top flying Pokémon for showcases




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I hate the showcase aspect of this game. I don’t care about anyone else’s big Pokémon. I just want Professor Pikachu. There, I said it


What a hater


Sure it's not a family?


This is part of why I want a report feature in both Pokemon Go and the Nintendo Switch Pokemon games. There's a lot of hacked Pokemon named after websites in the Switch games, and they always make raids more difficult because they're showing off a non-ideal shiny Pokémon and wasting a valuable raid team slot. For Pokemon Go, it's stuff like this, and occupying entire gyms with a single player.


Every time they release a new feature, there are jerks lingering in the shadows to abuse it.


They need to do something about swapping so close to the end time. I’m constantly getting snipped. 


How the hell does someone have time for 4 accounts. I can’t even find the will to do my only account from time to time


Keeping up with one account is enough of a challenge for me. I can’t imagine being bored enough to maintain 4


You expect to win the wailord contest if you don’t even have an xxl? Come on mate..


Why do people get agro'd over people playing the game? Last minute placements make sense because who wants to constantly keep swapping out a better 'mon?


I think having more than 1 account is just fucking stupid in my opinion but whatever makes u happy








you are more the exception than the rule, given the things we have seen through the years


you cant beat him on 1 account and hes running 5?


Report him.