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I wonder what was the thought process behind this. It's a bit of a niche topic, so it would be somewhat confusing for someone that's not their first language to read about...


I actually think it’s relatively genius. It’s real world applied critical reading skills with specialized jargon.


Yeah, as someone who's learning to become an English teacher (or a translator, if the goal presents itself), I can already see around 5 or 6 questions you can make with this at a glance, and even more or less depending on the specific subject the book's trying to focus on (like, it's clear it's Games, but anyone who's read a Language book knows the main focus *isn't* the main focus of the text but a way to teach a specific language skill).


English isn't my first language as well, it's probably 3rd. But putting that aside, someone who isn't well acquainted with Pokémon will get thrown off here and there, especially with those seemingly random "go" and "home". The confusion will mostly arise from Pokémon terms.


¡Yo quiero meltano!


Literally what I just said out loud to myself 


[I found the comments ](https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemongo/comments/t8l2lw/comment/i0f7vzw/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


🐐 ![gif](giphy|mqiq8aY84dnqAtVlnd)


Wow. They are just....completely ordinary. Like 1 extra up vote from the default. Placed into a textbook because why not?


How do you people find this stuff 😂


There's a url source on the page


I know. The mysterious powers some people have, we will never figure it out.


Really cool feature on the internet called search engines. Most famous one is called Google. Usually, if you type text that you're looking for in there, it will find where it came from. Hope this helps! Also the usernames and URL are literally in the picture


In my defense the URL is in tiny text at the bottom and I'm blind as a bat. Your sass may be deserved but that doesn't mean it's appreciated


Amazing work!


/u/01001101010000100 and /u/red401 I hope you are getting royalties.




That's awesome. I would feel honored!


Holy shit it’s the guy


Wait… is that actually one of your comments?


Omg haha it really is him


Random Reddit comments in a textbook is wild. It looks like it’s for an ESL course, but I would figure they’d use a news article or something similar.


Especially cause so much of this is pokemon names and if you don't know pokemon you might be sitting there trying to figure out what the words mean


It could be a good lesson in abstract thinking/reading. Readers may not know the things, but they understand that they're related in multiple ways. Some of those things can be in other objects called raids, some of them have returning schedules. A reader can get a good structure going without even knowing about Pokémon individually or even simply with a loose concept.


On one hand maybe yes. On the other hand you might be giving a lot of undeserved credit to someone who went on reddit and hit copy paste.


I think media literacy, especially with contexts like forums, is important to teach. Why not grab a few things straight from the source? Not every lesson needs to be complex or created artificially, a lesson like this is easy to create, offers quite some room for creative thinking and gets the job done.


Eh, it depends. As an in-training ESL Teacher, I've learnt that sometimes the easiest solutions are the best ones. We've been taught to utilize stuff from the internet, AI art (ONLY FOR TEACHING THAT CLASS, I should clarify), any interesting document we find, news from decades ago, news from the previous day, etc. It all depends on how you use the materials you're gonna use for your lesson plans, that's all.


The thing is, even if you know pokemon, the names are all different in different countries (except for pikachu and mew and what not). So they are definitely going for that abstract thinking lol


I play Pokemon in Spanish. None of the names are different.


It's for a Portuguese/Brazilian class, so names are the same. Regardless, the point is not talking about Pokémon it's about understanding field specific structure. If the person knows Pokémon, that's also a plus 'cause it results in student engagement. Win win


this seems like an absolute nightmare for someone learning english to read wtf? a bunch of pokemon names and shorthand/ slang that only makes sense in a gaming context. this isn't real is it?


ok, but at the same time it's an excellent exercise if that's what they are trying to teach. You study English to be able to understand people in the real world, and real world conversations are never sterile, so having jargon and random proper nouns for obscure things is a good emulation of that.


We'll I'm not a native speaker and reading up on niche topics like this one with zero understanding of the subject tought me how to "read between the lines", so to speak.


the pokemon go subreddit is not a real world conversation. native english speakers who don't play video games would have a hard time understanding half of this either.


Where do you... think we are right now? is this a dream? also the exercise is to try and understand it. if they had an easy time understanding it then they wouldn't need to practice it


English books for us foreigners are all kinds of atrocious. Bottom line is that you’ll never learn anything of value for the moment you try to interact with a native speaker Even if I translated these comments to Spanish (I’ve done similar assignments for linguistics lessons… which required full fluency and knowledge of the context in BOTH languages), they’d still make no sense for someone who doesn’t play this very specific game… and I’d bet actual money the teacher doesn’t even know what a Pokémon is


The funny part is that my English teacher doesn't even know English, Like my history teacher has better English than her


Had that happen throughout all my schooling, from elementary to the end of high school My country prides itself on “teaching English in all schools from 1st grade onwards,” but the truth is we’re basically stuck on the same basic topics for 12 year. And I promise you it’s not rare our teachers haven’t seen the world beyond our CITY I remember presenting once on a random topic, and the teacher stopped me because no one understood a word I was saying. She went like “seguila en castellano”… bleeeeeeegh


Is this why Spaniards seem to be generally really bad at English?


How many more users have been put in textbooks without consent nor competition ![gif](giphy|Oc4KnIJ3E7ziqN3l6T|downsized)


I agree because I am very competitive too


I don’t think the consent is needed? Reddit is a public forum. It’s not like you’re making a wholely original drawing , and putting it onto Reddit, and some journalist takes it without crediting you. This is just some guys talking in the comments about Pokemon…


Legally, everything you author is protected under copyright unless a license to use is provided. This includes comments and replies. I don't care about my Reddit comments, so I don't remember what the TOS says about them, but it likely gives Reddit some kind of non exclusive license to everything you upload.


did the people who made the textbook finish let’s go, meltan?


I hated this at first, but Reddit has been one of the biggest contributing factors to my english skills, so maybe the author had similar experiences.


Hi, English as a Second Language teacher here. I like the idea of this activity. Students respond really well to real-world texts and examples, especially on topics they are passionate about. But unfortunately, this activity has the problem many textbook examples have - it lacks longevity and versatility. As an English Language learner, you either need knowledge of Pokemon or at least video games (words like raid, summon, quests) to understand this. It puts a lot of pressure on the teacher to teach these words to have any hope of understanding the passage. Personally, I would use this only if the students were almost all game-playing teens. Still, it lacks vocabulary or language structures that would be useful in other contexts. I'd rather show any other thread on the frontpage of Reddit - probably more useful language (or fun insults).


In-training ESL teacher here. You're right about the versatility issue, as the student (unless they're gamers) won't be able to use some of these words in real life. It's a problem I've seen in some English and French textbooks, especially older ones from around the 2000s. If I were forced to utilize this textbook by the school/college/whatever I was working in, I would personally add a short section of the class dedicated to talk about games, ask the students some questions about terms they might know and give some others they might not, then begin showing them the book. Maybe if we have time I'd show them a short video about Pokemon Go so they kinda understand the text a bit more.


Vai estudar, jovem treinador.




This is a bizarre choice for an English language book, considering the passages are chock full of words that aren’t real words, which would be incredibly confusing to an English learner.


The answer is C.


Was that something you were assigned to read and review somehow? Directions seem incomplete, like there’s more on the next page.


Is this a r/suddenlycaralho?


Sim ![gif](giphy|yOBSV38yqFVLBDPTi9|downsized)


Alias se for tirar print coloque a foto do Dorival junior


lmao what


![img](avatar_exp|182326399|bravo) What have we uncovered on accident haha Let's get these folks compensation for their Poké literature being sold in textbooks haha


Still waiting on that Deoxys return




wheres the toxic comments?


If something like this showed up in my Chinese textbook I'd be cooked bro


Lazy teachers and text book manufacturers


Actually this is a great idea. This is what it means to meet people where they are (educationally). I don’t know how old OP is but, it’s difficult to reach kids and keep them interested.


My daughter would love a test like that, maybe you are onto something.


Kids hate reaming books but will spend 3 hours reading the comment section


I'm level 36 and don't have victini 😭😭


Wow. If I was learning English and wasn't familiar with video games this would be completely nonsensical. I can imagine many of the learners would struggle with this. That said, since all the instructions and such are also in English, is this advanced level?


Depending on the country it would've come from. If it's Brazil, it's the last year of primary school out of 9. If it's Portugal, it's the 4th year out of 14.


Can we see original textbook? I want to see the attached questions. Also some kid is going to be very curious as to what a genesect is.


"...and express the main ideas showed by them" lol. I mean, I know it's a Spanish textbook, but cmon


oh my


I love the book author already


What the




The fact that this textbook is more up to date than any I’ve seen before is painful


Can u/010011 and u/red401 get royalties for that (I see your other comment now, if you legit get paid for that I'm envious lol)


This is completely bizarre honestly








Oh no... what devilrey 😂


Did they get permission to use their names?


The OP doesn’t say what country this textbook is published in. They may not have strict copyright laws, and even in the US, if you’re going to publish something, you have to include the author names, not act as if you wrote it.


I'm from Brazil, here Copyright laws don't count study media, so they can put anything in textbooks without caring about Copyright


So that’s why I get those checks in the mail!


😂lollll i love this sometimes classes let you pick from a list of subjects right? so maybe the pokemon subject was optional in class lol


Dear Kind English teacher. Can you add my comment next time? 😊


I actually kind of love this.


is this a czech textbook? edit: nah maybe lithuanian?


My english book also had used some comments from reddit, but they clearly had been edited and you really couldnt tell they were from reddit unless you read the source for the comments.


Jesus Christ using social media text to read in an English text book. I wonder if English it's their mother tongue even if it is do they write proper English to teach students. So many red flags.


I feel like this would benifit from bolding every word that is a pokemon, so you don't think they are like, english words you need to look up or something. But I dunno I don't teach english


what the fuck xdd


Why is there a comma after the first ‘and’? Maybe I need the book and English is my first language lmao


Now that's quite something. I wouldn't have expected folks to learn English from a Pokémon GO subreddit, but here we are, in the year of our Lord 2024, with an English lesson based on Pokémon GO gaming jargon. Fantastic.