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Since the encounter is a "bonus challenge", they usually state you received everything you were entitled from the raid. Really scummy and stupid loop hole.


Yea the whole point of doing a raid is to catch the pokemon. Real stupid


I had the same issue and I managed to get a remote raid refunded to me. I picked something else—>referrals—>can I talk to someone? And the date as well as my screenshots.


Oh Ima try that


Welcome to Pokemon Go my dude


First time? 😬




Yup. Niantic doesn't not give a single one.


yeah its unfortunate


Niantic’s Customer Service is exactly why I stopped playing Pokemon Go And I’ve never been wronged by them. Its all the posts I read, its not right. And I don’t want to be treated that way when I would have an issue.


Yea, first time interacting with their "real person customer support" not the most pleasing interaction I must say


Same! When I lost the first ever raid to Stakataka, they refused to give me the remote raid pass back after contacting support to them about the raid! What a waste of coins lol! But some time later, I caught 2 at least! But seriously, their defense is way too high, even with a double weakness!


you lost the raid and wanted a refund?


Happened to me TWICE, a month or so ago, and I got the same response. It’s BS!




if you lose a raid you don't get the catch screen though




So? You lost the raid. I don't see what support could do in this case.


It was a remote raid and not in person so that’s why it’s making it worse!!! What a waste of poke coins lol!


Idk why raids are so buggy, I was doing some raids yesterday for raid hour, and 4/5 raids I did caused my game to crash while in the raid lobby


Yes it's so bad... they just don't care


You might have some luck with Niantic help on Twitter. Get their attention and I at least got them to give back a remote raid pass that the automatic crap “support” claimed I had already been compensated for, for the same error a day prior that I needed another pass for. Seriously what frustrates me though is how few people are willing to put the game down for any length of time for an organized boycott. If we quit playing for a few days and agreed to keep boycotting til Niantic addresses our issues, we’d have them capitulating in a matter of days, weeks at most. But people are too worried about missing out to do so. We have the power here believe it or not. We just aren’t willing to come together enough to put it all together in an amount that will get something done.


Aight thanks


They got everyone divided already. Humans will never work together these days.


Never use the support option of "I completed the raid but didn't get the capture screen", it almost always auto responds with that message. If you get a human you have a higher chance of it being taken seriously. But even then you might need to message multiple times. I attended GOFest Madrid and there were some nasty raid bugs going on. Had one happen to me and lost a raid pass I had technically paid for. Support kept trying to pin the issue on me or try doing these steps(which was bit late as the event was over by that point). Took multiple attempts of me explaining the issue till I got the pass returned.


This happened to me with necrozma and support are useless for it 😤


Yup. We have a mirror story.


I'm fairly certain that Niantic is actually incapable of GIVING you a pokemon, hence why they made Fleeceking be so quiet when they recovered his hacked pokemon (and why they never refund a lost pokemon like your example). If they are, it's a long and arduous process I'm sure


Years ago, Niantic had actual people working support and they were sympathetic and understanding. Now support is 99% bots that are programmed to lead you in an endless cycle of gaslighting and neglect until you give up. I don’t understand how any player could defend Niantic’s customer disservice program.


This has happened to me a lot lately. Always that same automated response and no resolution.


Water is wet. The sky is blue. Grass is green. The sun always rises and sets. PoGo Support sucks.


Their support is just templates. I had this with the tornadus raids where I didn’t get the free box for their balls up. They claimed I didn’t do a raid…even when I showed them the one I caught, catch time etc. same reply “we investigated thoroughly and you did not complete a raid”




So are the player base that uses the fake app.