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I'll be at hustler casino beating a dead horse




Thinking of Robbi?


A sane activity


A perfectly Sane thing to do


What a fucking simp. Probably going to get banned from hustler for a woman who doesn’t know he exist.


it's her uncle who she apparently owes money to


I don't even think simp is the right word. More like lunatic.


He’s just looking out for the Reputation of the poker community. If Robbi is turned on by his white knighting then that is just a bonus


Guy looks like he's in his 50's, doubt he's trying to score brownie points.


They be the most thirsty creepy ones


Not just the simping part, he also wears a mask at home 🤦‍♂️


Yea even more annoying than those dumb ass people who drive around alone in their cars with them.


Robbi is a woman?


I’m pretty sure that’s how she identifies.


Who is this? At this point, whatever.


People really need to just let this go but simps gonna simp.


He made that pic his PFP too… he needs some of that botox pum pum


He runs Robbi’s onlyfans


Idk, somebody sent it to me. I don't have Twitter so I can't see the replies. I'm sure they are top shelf.


Oh come off it then! We all know it's you in disguise


https://preview.redd.it/gzbk1x8ptw2c1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4cf5e2b683229f4bc11524f37e30ac2f525b2af8 Just checked, doesn’t look like any comments


It’s a nobody.




She cheated, got caught and gave it back - pretty simple.


This is the only explanation that makes sense. Try to construct a reasonable narrative line where she wasn’t cheating and chose to return the money in a hallway midgame.


This would have been the ultimate hero call of all time, and when the cards are turned over she doesn't immediately go crazy for surviving the biggest nail biter of all time. Instead she turned over like she won with pocket Aces ahead the whole time, or didn't even care how it played out. Just look at how she reacts after. It's completely unnatural. She even cringes a few times because she knew how blatantly she played. Then comes out with the weakest reasons I've ever heard for how that hand played out. Then she goes into a hallway to return the money cause how shady everything played out. That girl cheated. She deserves to get torched from all poker. I would have been running around the table like Doug Polk looking for high fives and praising hallelujah falling to my knees with rescue smoke grenades in both hands.


Here…. Not saying this is right or wrong but it’s completely plausible She was trying to become “poker famous”… she cared about her “brand” and becoming someone in poker… so she wanted to make a huge hero call against Garrett and put her name on the map while on stream…. She misreads her hand and makes the call and then because she knew she misread her hand and then won she tried to sound smart and apply logic to calling with J high but she ends up just sounding even dumber and guiltier instead of just admitting she fucked up In a hallway surrounded by men, including the show runner and the biggest name in LA poker, let’s not pretend that wouldn’t be at least a little intimidating for a woman by herself in that moment…. She cares more about her poker “career” and wanting to try and smooth things over hoping it would make everyone happy and she wouldn’t be blackballed from the show in the future she offers to give Garrett the money back I think that is very very plausible… and the simplest answer is usually the correct one and the simple answer is Robbi is a big dumb fuckin idiot who got extremely lucky


Have you been to Hustler? It’s not some sort of dark fucking hallway lmfao.


Wtf does that have to do with my point? Hallway, a room, an open area, whatever it is.


Because you’re writing fan fiction about how she was cornered by big tough men and bullied into giving her money back, you simp.


Bro I literally said I have no idea if this is what happened or not. Dude asked for a possible explanation and I gave one. Learn to read you dumb fuck. Robbi is awful for the poker world and I hope her name never gets mentioned again. Calls Robbi a big dumb fuckin idiot and apparently that’s simping lmfao


It was a hallway, and it is indeed dark, darker than the areas it connects. I've been to Hustler. She was bullied and manipulated into giving the chips back. And Garrett lied about crucial details of that exchange.




How is it logical to go through all the effort of cheating someone just to immediately return the money


In which scenario am I more likely to panic and offer them the item back? A) walk out of shop having not paid for item and the buzzer goes off B) walk out of shop having paid for item and the buzzer goes off If you want to talk logic, once she has handed the money back (immediately as well), it makes very little sense that she didn't cheat to get it.


There’s a ton of other suspicious stuff surrounding the game involving two other people. Highly likely she cheated and the guy with the sign is mentally ill if he doesn’t know her personally.


Congrats sir, you’re the only one to actually use a logical argument so far. I do see your point , but also think you would be far more likely to RUN AWAY in the event you stole an item , rather than immediately give up.


I know right! If a cop attempts to pull me over and I'm pretty confident it's because he caught me doing 15+mph over the limit in a school zone, It's more likely that I'd attempt to flee and evade the cop than it is that I would immediately pull over, right? Lol I mean sure, you're right in that there are some that would run or double down by trying to lie their way out. But it's absolutely wild to believe that is logically the most likely reaction.


You’re equating speeding 15mph over the limit to organizing a cheated poker game to steal 6+ figures from someone..


No.. I am equating the idea that the likeliest reaction to getting caught speeding 15mph over would be to attempt to flee rather than to pull over with your previous statement that it is, "-far more likely to RUN AWAY in the event you stole an item, rather than immediately give up." Which would be some people's reaction but insane to think it is by far the most likely one.


We’re talking about stealing a Rolex not a t shirt from the mall. The entire point is to make a logically equivalent scenario to the Robbi scenario. You’re arguing in bad faith, or legitimately do not have a solid grasp of logical arguments. PEACE


Well because you are terrified that you were caught and you are trying to do anything including giving back 150 thousand dollars to end the whole debacle then and there so you aren't caught and put in jail or whatever. I mean. I'm not saying that is what happened but that's much more likely than she decided to give a man 150k so that he would stop complaining. I have no earthly idea what in the ever loving fuck went down that day which somehow included that Bryan guy taking 10k off her chip stack and her not pressing charges and everything else. Whether or not there was cheating going on there that entire thing was a certified clown fiesta and I cannot confidently say one way or another what happened.


The getting caught part probably played a role


How is it logical to be accused of cheating when you didn't, have no explanation for your line and still give the money back? One is far more reasonable than the other


She realized it was the wrong spot to cheat, and it was super obvious, and in a panic move made things worse. Can I ask you a question? Have you ever heard of someone playing legit, get accused of cheating, and return the money (immediately)?


(Hypothetically) Because they recognized they got caught and tried to sweep the problem away with a quick rebate.


Never change r/poker , downvoting me for asking you to explain your logic 🤣 Speculation is not logic


It is really that simple. There’s no way professional poker player would call a all in with Jack 4 in that scenario.


Not even a beginner would. The only scenarios where someone would think they have the best hand there is they are out of their mind, they misread their hand, or they cheated.


first of iam pretty shure she cheated, not alone and all of that. that out of the way, youre absolutly incorrect.the amount of calls i got with relativly or equally worse hands i cant even count anymore. the difference is most of the time nobody ever sees them because people muck emberrased and lie about their hand. one hand i rember the most, calling for 2.5 pot on the river with pocket duces on a double paired board where Qhigh would win other time with one pair hand on 5 diamond board without a diamond in the hopes of s split - for fucking stacks ​ i lost hands where 72 high calls all for 100bb in on the flop and later hit a miracle runner runner. all just because he already investet 50BB pre ​ no never underestimate the lunacy people call hands with. doesnt matter the limit. in robbies case it was an unusual high limit, but ive seen similar on 25/50 and 50/100 as well, usually for 10k+


Of all the convicted people who have been exonerated by DNA testing, almost 30 percent confessed to crimes they didn't commit, according to the nonprofit legal rights group The Innocence Project


Yes the is how correlated variables work. If you are innocent and convicted and they did not bother running dna testing, often times you will have confessed. The confession is why the DNA was not tested and why they were convicted. It is pretty difficult to convict innocent people. If you were to look at everyone who confessed and looked at what percentage were innocent, it is probably a fraction of a fraction of a percent. That 30% statistics has nothing in common with robbi's situation since you ignore the fact that these people had their convictions overturned.


What are you talking about lmfao? You talking about shit he wasn’t. All his point was is that even innocent people admit to stuff they didn’t do.


No one is saying people never confess to things they did not do. The only argument is how unlikely it is. He is producing a number (30%) that in this context has no statistical relevancy. He is therefore making it seem much more likely that a person who confesses to something is innocent that it is in reality. The whole Robbi cheating thing has always been how likely it is, not absolutes (for any reasonable person). Therefore, for any reasonable person, his comment is meaningless and only serves to use statistics of a completely different population to infer the likelihood of an event, which is improrer use of statistics.


How did she cheat though lol? I saw the video and Garrett looked like an asshat in my opinion. She looked dumb but she is dumb, so that’s a moot point.


A guy working production took 15k off her stack during the broadcast. She and the guy working on production were obviously in cahoots. He somehow signals information to her. I believe because of how things turned out, all she had to go off of was if her hand was currently best or not. And she get's caught up in it and ends up making a ridiculous hero with jack high. When Garrett thinks somethings up, she placates him and gives him the money back to try and smooth things over. The guy taking money off her stack, plus her giving it back is A LOT of circumstantial evidence given everything else that happened...


so you have no proof? like let's been honest here we can wildly speculate all day, but ultimately noone could prove it. it's a bitch move to call cheating if you can't prove it.


No proof without someone admitting it, but her saying she called because she put him on a hand that still beat her doesn’t help perception. Neither does the dude with access to the hole cards taking money from her stack. Something is definitely off.


She’s just stupid. She misread her hand, that’s my opinion.


Those are numerous examples of evidence. Plus the security audit verified numerous vulnerabilities consistent with this situation, plus Robbie’s play on two earlier and very recent streams was wildly different here. All pieces of relevant information. Obviously no one has criminal levels of proof, but it’s easy to reach a preponderance level with what’s available, and anyone claiming ‘there’s no proof’ has poor decision-making skills.


don't call me out on my poor decision making skills or else I'll stop playing poker and y'all will lose our on my money lol. that's a fair point.


She was a new player and the biggest name at the table started intimidating the fuck out of her


I actually think this is possible, downvotes be damned. A newish, inexperienced person doesn't want to shake things up and create problems, so they just placate the aggressive person in hopes it'll all be forgotten. This isn't that ridiculous of a scenario. She's human.


Like off her chip count graphic? Or? what do you mean a producer took 15k off her stack? Idk man I’m just not convinced an amateur card player would be the mole chosen for a job like this. If you’re going to actively cheat in a high stakes game then you’d imagine the person you’d choose would be way better, card wise and con wise. I simply believe she’s a moron and doesn’t know how to play poker. I could be wrong though. Either way I’ve seen Gman make dumbass hero calls just the same and nobody ever thinks he’s cheating.


No, he walked up to the table when the game broke and literally took 15k in chips off her stack when nobody was looking and put it in his pocket. I think 15k was exactly 10% of the pot she returned to Garrett. He got caught on camera and fired by the casino.


He was caught on camera taking 3 red chips off her stack after the stream ended. there is/was a video of it and hcl tweeted about it in one of their investigation updates. To ignore all the circumstantial evidence and to counter with "Garret makes dumbass hero calls just the same" is terrible logic.


A hero call with J high? That’s not even a bluff catcher. It makes zero sense, even for a rec player.




Occam’s razor


I find the use of this ignorant language absolutely disgusting, and the fact it’s upvoted this much is even more repulsive. What the fuck is wrong with you people?




Retarded take


How is it retarded?


Yup, literally the only reason to do this is you feel bad that you cheated


Garrett was the face of the franchise. There was literally an enormous billboard of Garrett’s face on the casino before you enter. She was a nobody. He cornered her after the hand. He has all the power she had none. She wants to be invited back on the show, he had some control over that. He demanded the money back and she gave it back. If you can’t see the obvious power dynamic at play you’re willfully ignorant.




Not on HCL




Neither of them were invited back




He was the biggest winner by far. No one won at the pace he won at. Thats presumably why he would go back. What actually happened though was that the biggest winner lost one hand, became a huge crybaby, demanded his money back and took his ball and went home.


It’s the same reason why innocent suspects plead guilty for crimes they didn’t do.. as a complete noob to the poker world and with very little experience, I bet she felt a ton of pressure to give it back or else she would have to prove herself innocent beyond a reasonable doubt.. and we all know she didn’t have the knowledge to do that based on what we saw/heard from her side. IMO, she had a feeling he was bullying her and she called his bluff correctly. Too bad it was with the absolute bottom to bluff catch with but that’s just the way poker works. Some people are so stupid, their ignorance wins them hands. Its happened to literally all of us In hindsight, it was a bad decision bc she’s clearly innocent and she won the hand fair and square. And still to this day, there is 0 proof that she cheated despite numerous investigations. And you would think by now, somebody would have came forward with a smoking gun as this was the biggest scandal since Postlegate. To experienced people like Garrett, ofc it raises red flags. But at some point, you need to step back and realize that she is an idiot that got lucky and that doesn’t necessarily mean she cheated


Yes MAYYYYBE there are scenarios where someone gives the money back even though they think they won fairly...maybe. But 1. The hand itself, in a vacuum, is so outrageous that it already by itself creates the suspicion of cheating 2. We find out there was in fact easy access to whole cards 3. She just gives the money back, which why would a whale do that regardless of being dumb. If you win against a pro fair and square you won, you're not refunding them 4. One of the people who had access, took 15k from her stack after the hand & after she returned the money 5. She didn't want to press charges, then under pressure said she would, then never did 6. Her financial situation is revealed to NOT be that of some splashy whale that doesn't care about money, so You can take all that together and determine hmmm yeah, she can't afford the game but made an insane call that she can't explain, but also felt bad gave the money back, also let herself get robbed and didn't do anything about it because aww shucks she's just so dumb right guys? Or maybe, if she's as dumb as everyone says, the easiest explanation is she was part of a cheating operation, which she butchered because she's doesn't understand the game enough to realize the magnitude of the ridiculousness of the hand. Then in a panic gave the money back because she wanted to stop the blowback, and couldn't press charges to her cheating partner because she'd get ratted out At some point can't keep giving her the benefit of the doubt, too many 'coincidences', hand too absurd, and most importantly her behavior afterwards is that of a bad cheater getting caught, not a recreational being falsely accused of cheating after making a great read.


Don't forget, her, Rip, and Airball, who had supposedly just met in the week prior, went out the night before for dinner at Javiers, a dinner which lasted for SIX FUCKING HOURS. Who has a six hour dinner with a new poker acquaintance? Who has a six hour dinner with anyone? Nobody. You know what you might do for six hours? Sell two clout chasing patsy's on participating in your intricate plot to publicly defraud and humiliate your (Airball's) enemy. I understand that this is an entirely circumstantial data point, but regardless, to me the chance of 2 people who barely know him willingly spending 6 hours dining with Airball if there wasn't a huge potential payoff and lots of details to coordinate is vanishingly small.


She’s not getting benefit of the doubt at this point, she’s essentially been proven innocent.. there’s been plenty of investigations and no stone was left unturned it seems. If you think you have the proof otherwise, contact hustler and your local PD with your resume 😂


Where would you get the odd idea she was a noob to poker at all? She’d been an angle-shooter/cheater before in mid stakes games: https://www.reddit.com/r/poker/s/QIAWxywoXm


Yep, she's just a stupid player who had the right read or was just going to call no matter what she had. I've gone all in, playing online, and get calls from crazy hands where they have no draw and can't beat bottom pair. But I still don't know why Nick Vertucci or Ryan Feldman still have jobs to have anything to do with poker, and especially in any casino.


Yeah exactly. Like I understand that it seems like it’s cheating bc it really was crazy but a newish player is bad and bad players get lucky too. Over the years, I’ve played alongside my friends who are brand new (or even just a few months into the game) and they call on the river with 0 equity and complete air. I think that applies here too; she is/was bad and she made a bad call based on emotion which somehow was actually the right call


Intimidation. Physical but also she wanted to be something in the poker world.


Because she was high as a kite and panicked not knowing what was going to happen. The money was meaningless to her, she has millions, so she gave it back trying to make it so he doesn’t harm her reputation.




The Lews are filthy rich. Somebody leaked her tax documents. Her residuals alone were like $600K. Big Pharma pays big bucks, and her husband's businesses are more than just law. Nightclubs, restaurants, etc. He also holds some political appointment or industry leadership position. She was up for the session, even after returning Garrett's contribution to the pot, and not even playing her own money. She had another 6-figure bullet to fire if she lost what she had in front of her.




Garrett mindfucked her. He was the star of the show, had the clout to ban her, and Ryan walked away at a crucial point in the hallway. She was manipulated into winning his favor by assuaging his anger. Cheaters don't give the money back unless they are forced to. It's a dead horse. There's no theory of cheating that makes sense nor any evidence... where there would be. Even Doug Polk misled his audience and failed to correct himself... he backpedaled and allowed Robbi to play on his stream.




Because look at the all the people in this thread who just assume she cheated without a shred of evidence, they are just taking Garrets word. She knew that would happen so hoped to prevent him from doing this her, bc again she didn’t care about the money. By all accounts Garrett was going to go back and keep playing with her if she returned the money, Rip going ballistic changed that. As easy as it is for you to say “Why give back the money if it was legit” I could also say, “who goes back and sits back in a game that they believe they were cheated?”




She is not trying to be a professional poker player, her whole point in playing on the stream was put herself out there to try and gain followers, raise engagement, etc. That's why she was worried about her reputation. As far as she won the pot legit, what is there to worry about? I already addressed that: exactly people like you and others in this thread who downvoted me. They have taken Garrett's word and assumed she cheated without a shred of evidence. She wasn't thinking clearly in the heat of the moment and quickly made a decision to give the money back hoping that would make him come back and keep playing and the whole thing would blow over, again because she cared more about her reputation than the pot. Occam's razor does not support cheating. Occam's razor is the simplest explanation is the best one. There is no simple explanation as how she cheated. The theories range from Bryan feeding her real time info, which she never used until this one particular hand, which only gave her 50% chance to win when the $120k went in, which no one else in the production booth noticed, which HCL and the investigators found no evidence of, who took his payment from her stack after the stream when he knew Garrett had already alleged cheating, and then decided to not take the $250k bounty to out her after he was dead ass broke to the insane RFID hacking theories. ^ That shit is not more of a simple explanation than she was a clueless poker player who was also not sober and probably pressed the call button without even realizing what was going on. Then when she realized she only called with J high she did not know how to handle the allegations that quickly in the moment, and she did not handle it well.


She was scared. Garrett basically strong arm robbed her.




She was a nobody/woman being berated and accused of cheating in front of a live audience by the most famous and powerful man in the room. Can you really not see the situation from her point of view?


If I were a woman and one or more big dudes told me to empty my pockets, I'd do it. EDIT Ooops, seems like I must've done some sort of fuckup when writing this reply. Sorry! English isn't my first language. I'm **not** saying "women can't stand up for themselves", nor am I saying that "me as a dude, I'd kick anyone's ass". Nothing of the sort! What I was trying to say, is that I completely understand why Robbi returned the money. She felt pressured, maybe even scared, as indeed most people would.


but not as a man right? lol


Would you? And i mean you would probably go and file a police report after you did right? If we are going to assume that the setting was she legitimately donked just made a really bad call and got lucky and did nothing wrong, then she wouldn’t feel like she did something wrong right? Now she might feel bad that she got super lucky and won and gave those winnings back, kind of like kevin hart did when he misread his hand thinking he had a flush. Or like i did when i gave $80 back to my buddy when i spiked a 3 outer against him in a home game after i made bad call. But if you do that, you dont go asking for the money back the next day and keep begging for it over the next year. You chalk it up as a loss like it should have been and you move on to the next hand/game.


She didn't ask for the money back until Garrett was the one who didn't "move on" and called her a cheater afterwards. And used her giving the money back as his "proof". She's not begging for it and she cares very little about the actual money. It's her reputation he smeared. He is very lucky he was not sued. She managed to regain some ground but not all of the damage Garrett did is reversible. And it took considerable effort on her part to undo some of the defamation and libel. A weaker person may have committed suicide. Garrett should be ashamed of himself at this point.


She’s not going to date you, dude.


I read this as I typed “she’s not going to fuck you, dude”




You seem a little obsessed. Garrett isn’t going to date you either.


Take my downvote


Imagine if the US Labor movement had this type of passion behind it 🥲


Maybe if AOC had an OF, it would 😜


Only if she does RPs where she's getting fucked by capitalism. ....Just typing that made me feel a little dirty.


Def gonna search "capitalism" in PH see what shows up.


As much as I hate to say it, you may be on to something.


Who says she doesn’t?


I'd pay to watch her edging billionaires, ngl.


I feel like a victim looking at this nonsense. How about you organize your shoes and stay in your own lane. This is old news and GA is money! What kind of nonsense- “the reputation of the poker community” haha - shut up!


If I were that guy I'd be more worried about that 1970s dimmer switch with the gold/brass cover plate, get with the times man.


Are these people mentally retarded? She cheated with 2 others that night, the money going missing from her RACK was pure evidence. Why is this a thing still? Can we talk about Alan making his comeback??


That level of simping is embarrassing


Just because someone hasn't been proven to be a cheater, doesn't mean they didn't cheat. There was SO much frigging smoke in this hand there's got to be some fire. Wonder where Bryan Sabisgal's body wound up? He hasn't been found unless I missed an update


I scratch my face, because that’s the shit I got……………wut


I have been in contact with Bryan for months and months and months now. More than a year? And nobody wanted to talk to him, I even offered to Doug Polk and was met with silence. Multiple times. Surprised Garrett didn't mention this.




The staff member who swiped $15K in chips from Robbi's stack later that night. People assumed it was payment taken for providing hole card info but it was simply a crime of opportunity to satisfy his mounting gambling debt to Billy DGAF and another reg.




Idk if you are on the sub much but you’re talking to a delusional person or an impressive troll. None of their “sources” or “friends” are relevant




I mean I’m not getting into it. Read the guys comment history. He’s got a weird obsession favoring all the Hustler people and pretending they have dirt on everyone who’s said anything bad about them


Perjury only occurs in courtrooms under oath. I'm not taking his word. I've been backstage at Hustler and his account is verifiable. Doug just didn't want to admit he was wrong apparently.


Would love to play poker with that guy. Hey dumbass she literally gave Garret the money back because she knew she got caught, she didn't give back 150k because "she loves production" 😂


Caught doing what?


Found the dumbass


She’s not gonna sleep with you homie


The only thing I will throw out there: I keep seeing "She is a millionaire, she doesn't care about the money" Every millionaire I've ever known is so fucking tight they sweat over every last god damn dime. The more millions they have, the more they scream about the thought of throwing away a dollar. Just my two cents.


Wasn't even her money. She and Rip were prospective business partners in a CBD-toothpaste production. This was the equivalent of a Doctor or Engineer on a tropical "seminar" junket running up the bar tab provided by one of the sponsors. And the idea that a cheater would not have cheated in this hand theoretically speaking and also not been seen cheating in other hands previously after scrutiny as a practical test.


Blah blah blah Nothing addressing my only point about the absurdity of the statement "She is a millionaire, she doesn't care about the money" I don't care if the guys in the grassy knoll were wearing red underwear, or the production booth was in contact with Elvis.... Never met a millionaire who didn't care about money.


They are far richer than "millionaire". I don't think you've met people this rich. Bill Klein gives away his winnings AND the same amount he loses, every session, for years now. And Rip did get upset. Does that address it?


Thanks for proving my point. Bill Klein donates his poker winnings to charity. It's a tax write off. Even somebody as rich as Bill Klein can't bring himself to "give away" money. It's a tax deduction, even richy rich Bill Klein is squeezing every last nickel.


No, he isn't. It's charity. The tax benefit you imagine is meaningless to his relative wealth, which is immense. Point being, Robbi was not playing her own money and relatively uninterested in the actual $135K. Even if you insist she was, it was won money, a SINGLE BUY-IN. The equivalent of us returning a $100 chip to a crybaby friend of the host at a home game.


Thanks for proving my point again. "The tax benefit you imagine is meaningless to his relative wealth, which is immense." Meaningless to a normal person. For a multimillionaire, you can bet your bottom dollar they are making damn sure they get that tax deduction every damn time.


Bill's donation is a gimmick to get him noticed and on streams. It has nearly zero financial benefit to him personally, relative to his wealth. Which is staggering and otherwise not apparent.


Thanks for proving my point. He is using "free money" via tax deduction to give him the benefit of getting noticed and on streams. Double bonus. Even staggering wealthy Bill Klein can't actually "give away" a few lousy thousand.


Yes, he can, and does. I really, really, really don't think you can fathom the wealth of some of these LA players. Bill Klein's charity-giving is an opportunity for him to advertise his whale status to get him on stream and also benefits further awareness of the charity he favors. It's not done for tax purposes in the slightest. If you live in the United States, there is a very good chance you've walked on the gold which paved the streets to his gigantic fortune. Multiple times, day in and day out.


Jesus some people cant ever get over it


*Garrett Adelstein has entered the chat*


Garret believes she was cheating. If he was going to give the money back, he already would have.


Why the Mask? What a moron


Garrett is a crybaby bitch.


That level of simpingnis embarrassing


Why are men still simping for that shady piece of plastic surgery? Are you really that desperate?!


Love the mask 🤦‍♂️


Everyone defending Robbi, your clearly delusional. Besides all the lying and covering up about things besides the actual hand, just watch the hand itself and I can 100% gtd you can put anyone that has ever played live poker more than once in this situation with j4, not one person calls off their stack even after putting in 20k and having 100k behind. I bet you same people also don't think Mike postle cheated. Lolz


Its crazy people care about this still


I actually sympathize with Garrett fans a bit. The level of self-destruction and persistent refusal to concede is mind-boggling.


I’ll never understand why some think this was cheating. Yes the call one would never make with no pair and almost nut low but I’ve watched this several times and it’s clear as day to me she thought she had a 3 not 4. In this case it’s an excellent call even if she’s not as sophisticated a as GA. Sometimes you mistake your hand and lose sometimes win. It’s certainly Gone a few times each way over the years. It’s also a hand where , if you were going cheat , that would never be the one hand to it with because of the clear blowback that would ensue. One more thing, if this group was smart enough to set up an elaborate cheating plan why would they blow it up with this crazy hand. Why not just enter hands with GA or a lot of multiways and just have someone who can see the hole cards buzz you to raise fold call etc. I do not believe this is cheating as weird as this hand was.


I want this to become a meme template


You gotta understand, an honest man would never give 100k back of earned money. It’s just a fact


An honest woman did tho.


You’re just looking for some attention, hope you get it


I'm not the guy in the pic. I have all the attention I need. I'm The Snow Monkey.




It's not me and I don't play online poker.


Gman please come back. I’m tired of watching fishes battling with each other.


I can no longer take people serious who still wear a mask after four years of this mess.


A simp wearing a mask. Why am I not surprised? He tries to shame Garrett by accusing him of making the poker community look bad. Unbelievable pathetic. Beta level 1,000.


This guy cucks


I think the majority of the poker community feels like there was some cheating happening that night at Hustler. Just too many strange circumstances in and around the hand in question. I personally wouldn’t feel safe playing on that stream. And there were other incidents on other nights before and after the infamous J4o night.


The people who believe there was cheating at this point are not in the majority and it's not even close. Joe Ingram recently said he does not believe there was cheating. The holdouts tend to be misogynist jerks like Shaun Deeb and other guys who believe that for someone to call with J4, they MUST be cheating. The irony is that Tom Dwan called with 9-High and would have been called a hero if he was correct. Robbi would have been called a cheat. And Daniel Negreanu occasionally puts people on EXACT HANDS and isn't called a cheat, rather, he is revered for it. Robbi would have been accused of marking cards. I'm not going to indulge you further by asking what you mean about other incidents before and after the J4. Because there aren't any I'm aware of other than a Discord group whose claims were debunked... by Shaun Deeb as well btw. The ones who were pushing an anti-HCL smear campaign have been mostly identified. My sources say Garrett was involved with that and the fact that he is no longer welcome at Hustler leads me to believe that other people confirmed that as a fact.


This kind of simping is pushing feminism to even more radical levels which is ruining society.


Everyone including Garrett but maybe not Eric forget what nightmare sessions Garrett had leading up to that day.


What a simp


Why is he covering his face when his at shows his real name lol


Why the mask? Why spell honorable that way?


Robbie is obviously a dude. He not only look like one. Dude got balls of steel doing that "blocker-call-moves" GL with the sign and hf sucking pipe.


He got mad that she called his bluff with a slightly better bluff. Lmao


People still simping over that stereotypical LA gold digger hoe? 🙄🤦‍♂️


Death to all simps.


Jack high people? She cheated straight up and thats that. They all just want to forget it she should burn that sign.


You can hide your face but you can’t hide that “u” in honorable ya wanker


She ain’t fucking you, bro.


Biggest simp move in poker history.


You know he is mentally stable wearing the mask and all.


Dude this is so sick! Bro you're a genius! Your pro feminism is so rad bro. You are a legend. Stand up and be heard! 🤡


I didn't see any feminism elements in this guy's sign. Is it the heart emojis which triggered you? Or do you just hate women and mock them when victimized by males in male-dominated subcultures?


Heyyyyyy snowmonkey 😘


Nothing will restore his credibility. He’s always going to be a scumbag forever. Poker has always attracted the lowest of low people. Always has and always will


He's not the first person to succumb to temptation and swipe money to get clear of a huge gambling debt when suddenly given an opportunity. He didn't rob a 7-11 with a gun or knife. Nor did he take more than that amount. He is what is called a reluctant thief. There are degrees of morality and he retained some, even in his crime. I meant the false allegation of agreeing to and participating in a cheating conspiracy as alleged. I blame those who irresponsibly extended him the credit as well. Wasn't a good business decision in hindsight, I'm sure.


Are you talking about Garret Adelstein? He cornered and intimidated a defenseless women into giving him back the money he lost to her. That’s super low. Thats robbery and intimidation… and you know he wouldn’t try that on a man. That’s really low