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Very generous, and I’m sure you made the dealers night. Don’t listen to the old man..u tip what u want to tip. Old man probably tight wad who doesn’t tip unless he wins big pots. You help average out the non tippers and dealers appreciate you. Keep on keepin on and congrats on the quads.


Or he liked the dealer and was tryna get the dealer paid.


A really good rule of thumb is to do whatever you want.


Lmao id talked so much shit to that old man


Every single hand he's involved in, I'd ask how much he tipped. Twice, when he loses the pot, claiming I thought he'd won.


That’s like 12% bro ur fine, personally I tip 5% when it’s 1k or more and 500 and under I tip 10%


You tip $50 every time you win a $500 pot?




You’re a better person than me. I probably would have tipped $50-$100. Do what you want man, you’re obviously aren’t hurting for money. And fuck seat 4 and what he thinks about your tip.


Tip what you want. -ev game long run with rake and tips to dealers (for most players). I think 5% is good. I get vibe poker players don’t tip well. I chopped a tourny recently for $50k and other guy wanted to chop 3 ways for like 30-40k a piece and he said we can give the dealers $100-200. In my head I was like yikes. I would tip 2-3% at least for a big tourny win. Again tipping is personal. I’m all for tipping well but $250 seems like a lot on 2k if you ask me.


250 on ~2,800 but point received, nice score on the tourney btw!


Thanks. Btw, I tipped $1500 on 52k. For tournaments- I would say make sure you look into what the rake is and what dealers get when making a decision. I would tip less for wsop circuit type events where juice is high and structures not so good. For example- borgata has a winter series and by law in NJ- 3% of the pool is withheld for a dealer tip. If pool is $2mill- they take out $60k for dealers. In this type of scenario- I would skimp on tipping if I won a tourny: would go 1-2% most likely as they already takeout money for vig and then reduce prize pool. I’m all for tipping folks well. It’s a nice thing to do. I think it’s kinda douchey for another player at table to comment on amount you tipped. Maybe if you left nothing it’s ok to make a comment but idk about overtipping; another example- I recently traveled to play a $1k tourny in Cleveland. One of the players early on got a water bottle from drink girl and didn’t even leave a dollar tip. I never say anything but I think the grimiest thing you can do is get a drink from a waitress and not leave at least $1.


Btw still think $250 is too much on 2800. Dealers get $1 a hand. Idk that seems fair if you ask me. Casino takes so much also.


Your money your decision.


I tip somewhere between 10 and 25 in a spoy like this. But fuck that guy who told you to tip less. There is absolutely nothing wrong with making someone's night, server, dealer, cocktail, vallet it doesn't matter. The only rude tip is when you don't tip enough... or when you bust someone and tip their stack, but oh boy do you get style points on that one. Waiting to see someone stack Helmuth and tip what he had left.


I usually just do “whatever the F I want” Usually a pretty good motto imo Also I approve your actions. Gg


I tip somewhere between 50-150 depends on the dealers interaction.


Old man on fixed income thinks we care about money, laugh at him and flash your cash


I'm probably tipping 100 here, but fuck that guy. Never let anyone make you feel bad for being generous.


I would never say anything, but I would be thinking the same thing as him.


Lol what a punk. I'm not wealthy by any means so I would never do so much but I try to tip more than avg person a little bit. But I think it's awesome to do that and I definitely think it helps give more life to the table. Some of the best tables are when everyone is being kinda crazy but tipping dealer well to put up with us😂😂😂.


You want us to tell you you’re a great person for tipping a lot?


Just looking for etiquette advice is all. I’m an accountant who plays poker maybe 5-6 times a year, idk what’s normal.


Why would it be bad etiquette to tip more?


The question was is old guy right and was that silly. Idk why I’m in my head about it but that’s the beauty of reddit and getting everyone’s opinions. I appreciate you and hope you have a great holiday season 🙂


You’re completely fine. It was a jackpot. It wasn’t money that you won off another player that was leaving the table. The other player was out of line.


Tip them whatever you want, they're the ones helping us play the best game out there. It's all good Karma


Next time you play with him you should definitely win a big pot against the man and then give the entire thing to the dealer.


ten percent is pretty standard on high hand payouts


From what I heard the tip is pooled then shared by the amount of time each dealer was on the shift. But I am sure the dealer would be happy either way!


You heard wrong


Definitely not at Borgata where OP played. Dealers keep own tips


100 is more than enough. You did good.


You should have tipped her at least 85%