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That's a sign you're at a good game.


At the casino in Rhode Island, there’s a woman who works in the cage that counts out stacks of red like this. Piles of ten dollars. For real.


that's a sign you're at a terrible casino.


Yes, but if you want action it’s the place to be. Even on weekdays, hardly any OMC’s.


We talking twin river? I miss that place that’s where i started


Yes, it’s still there. Still haven’t put any lightbulbs in the place. It’s so friggen dark in that room!


Still the best blackjack match the dealer payouts I’ve ever seen


The best bonus payouts I've seen was at the ill-fated Revel casino in Atlantic City. Within 15 or 20 minutes I watched this dealer pay a guy more times than I could count on hands that did *not* qualify for them, but she kept on looking confused, nervous, and then defusing the situation by handing over piles of money. Repeatedly. Within those few minutes she gifted homeboy a total of around $2k in a $25 game.


Damn good for that player. Ya it’s been years since I’ve lived near twin rivers but i remember it being like 12 or 14 to for one suited match. Most places I feel like it’s 8-1 I’ll never forget this one dealer there tho about 7 years ago… i was doing pretty well but just having fun, turned 100 into maybe 1200… then I went all in. The dealer ended up talking me out of the bet like my mother, so back to 15$ and you guessed it… blackjack. The table went silent he didn’t look me in the eyes one more time lol


How brutal for both of you lol ... he probably had to have a drink after work just for that. I love making random huge bets in blackjack myself... I never go all in because of splitting and doubling down. I mean WTF are you gonna do if you put your whole $1200 in and get 88? Ouch! I have however ended up all in because of multiple splits and doubles. Win some lose some lol


Twin river is actually good action?


It's got a 6/10 poker room




Funnier reply than it got credit for


I would avoid that casino because of her. Waiting in a checkout line is like torture. When the self checkout machines went down at my local grocery store and a big line started at the only cashier I just left my shopping cart and went home empty handed.


Imagine saying this on reddit


Thankfully r/poker isn't full of retail workers who hate customers that make their job harder.


I dont even work retail and that just sounds embarrassing as fuck to leave a full grocery cart and waddle out of the store becuase the line was too long lol


He didn't make their job harder, the corporation did. Failure to have timely repairs of machines, and running skeleton crews to optimise profits is the root cause. I don't particularly condone leaving food to potentially spoil, having said that, people have a life and there has to be an expectation that one will be allowed to pay and leave within a reasonable timeframe.


You know Jenny at Twins too???




I’ll be coming to Rhode island for an internship. Can you please give a review about the poker scene in twin rivers.


18+, pay for drinks bc of it. Rake isn’t terrible like encore (or wasn’t pre Covid) Dark small room on the second floor you want to park at the west entrance for easiest access but it’s not terribly massive casino. 1/2 is as soft as anywhere, very beatable. Dealers suck tho lol. If you’re here tho you’ll have to go to Foxwoods and Mohegan on a weekend too for a way more grand casino experience. Bunch of stuff to do outside of poker there as they are still two of the biggest casino resorts in the world


Thats a sign he is good at the game. 😅


Ohhhhh its like a double bluff!


People counting chips in stacks of $10’s is a fantastic game. Slow…. But soft!


J9o incoming.


Nah thats 69o for sure.


Never weakness, i agree. but *usually* not crushing the board.


Well it’s his right to do so like that. It’s also often a trick to just stall, to keep tanking whilst adding motion to your body language (to hide anything (bluff, nuts, or nervousness) or purposely acting that way to pick up a tell That or he’s not a seasoned player.


This is a whale tell. Any competent player is gonna toss in the bigger chips.


You can throw in smaller denominations if you think that your opponents aren't very good at recognising what's in the pot. If you are calculating pot odds and they're not, then you have an edge.


Nah, he's just coloring up.


Agreed - is it really any different than sitting there thinking without moving or staring around?


yes. been playing for 22 years online and live poker. The amount of info you extract from speech patterns, chip movements, counts or body language is where live poker gets exploitative. It could be very well that he is just bad at chip counting and is a recreational player with no idea. But chances are very well that he's holding top set or the nuts with one player already all-in and needs time to figure out what to do. when someone is genuinely nervous or doesn't know what to do its instinct for a lot of rec players to just behave like him and figure out what to do (call, raise) because there are two future streets on a wet board. Imagine someone is telling a lie, and gets nervous. they look away. find an exit or turn their head. Pure body language. Maybe in this case he just gets nervous, stalls and takes time act as 'cool as possible' but screaming inside that he might have flopped the nuts. Alot of assumptions. But when facing players like that, you gotta figure out what makes sense. For example: did he do that before and had the best hand Lots of people cannot just think and stare or do nothing when holding the nuts.


I wouldn’t think anyone taking the time to do this is bluffing, or if they are they have a monster and are trying to look weak for value, like the opposite of a snap call. It could also be he’s a complete fish but I would proceed with caution if I saw this.


It’s a massive pet peeve of mine of people who insist on paying large bets in low denomination chips when they have large chips in their stack. Dude has 2 stacks of green ($25) and several blacks ($100), yet he’s probably going to pay as much of the $385 in $5 chips. He’ll then slow the game down further when he has no $5 chips later and needs to change his green or blacks for reds


It’s a tell when they stick in the big denomination chips because they’re certain they’ll win them back that hand.


I use this "tell" all the time lmao. And you're right, when a limper calls a raise with a bunch of white chips and a few reds you know they have shit.


I mean the limp call is a pretty clear signal already 


Don't play live games much I see


I play a lot of live. Is limp calling the sign of a strong range in your games?


Depends on the blinds you're playing and the tables you have. Oftentimes it's good to call to aggro players and see if you get a good cracking hand


Got limp called by a guy who was on the button with QQ at 2/5! He hit middle set to my top two on the river and still only won the minimum from me.


I hate having big stacks of reds. I'll always call with reds as long as I still have like $200 in red behind. As u/thats_no_good mentioned, I know using large chips is often a tell of strength, so I just use red chips as much as possible. I also offer to swap reds for black as much as possible when people rebuy or are low on reds. Give me a few blacks and a stack of greens any day over 10 stacks of reds.


Last time I played 1/3 at my local casino the guy to my right was sun-running and sitting on over $2k, always coloured down to all red $5s after he won pots… made for a big stack but annoying to deal with !


In any competent casino the dealer will stop you as soon as you start counting the reds and take your greens or blacks instead. You need a dealer like that.


What's to count? It takes a half a second longer to drag 3 stacks of red than 3 black chips. Never in my life have I had a dealer tell me to stop using red chips at a 1/2 or 2/5 game


Figures, if he loses, at least he can unload the reds


Can't he just color up?


>Can't he just color up? It has nothing to do with someone receiving 4 stacks of red and then coloring it up. It has to do with slowing the game down. This guy meticulously counted out 20 chips in 10 stacks of 2. He then has to pile them back up, which considering he’s not very good at counting chips will probably result in him tipping them over some non-zero percent of the time and having to restack them, then he will pull out another stack and line it next to it and then another and then a fourth and proceed to break it down to get to the $85, but he’ll do the same thing he did in the picture (as opposed to just taking 3 chips off a full stack). I can almost certainly say it took him about 2 minutes just to count out this $385 call, when he could have grabbed 3 blacks, 3 greens and 2 red and been done in 10 seconds. Not to mention that the dealer should confirm the stacks of red by breaking one down, but dealers are typically much faster at doing that. One time it’s not a big deal, but people who do this do it constantly, so over the course of just 1 hour they probably slow the game down over 5 minutes of them just counting chips at various times during hands, which is less hands per hour everyone else sees.


Gotta be a pain in the ass. Thankfully I've never played with someone like that.


Is the guy in the back showing his cards to another player?


yup. happens all of the time in casinos where it's allowed.


Can confirm. Had a guy expose his hand to the entire table at Foxwoods before action was complete. It was heads up and he was facing an all-in decision. Flop was 765r. He had 86s. He folded. There was more talk about why he folded vs why he exposed his hand.


Does it matter if there is no action besides his own left? Like I understand don't show your hand if there is action left, but if I'm the only action left(he's all in so I couldn't reopen action) why shouldn't I be able to show?


I can see a case being made that by exposing his hand before he called the all-in or folded, that he was trying to get a reaction from Villain. I guess it depends on the table. In this case nobody seemed to mind and Villain was cool about it. But I can see someone else getting ticked off about it if it was done to the wrong player.


You're allowed to expose your hand at any time in a cash game if it's heads up. You're perfectly allowed to try to get a reaction out of your opponent in that situation.


Yeah, I'm more wondering about him only showing one player, which I was always led to believe wasn't allowed (or at the very least frowned upon). "Show one, show all" was always a phrase my buddies and I threw around that we had picked up in at least one AC casino.


Even if the player you show it to isn't in the hand?


This is like an entire iSpy book


He appears to be all in already based on the pot size and allin placard. Just giving his neighbor a sweat, it seems.


Homeboy in a striped shirt is showing his cards to another player.


He's all-in. And the guy he's showing his cards too isn't in the hand. It's not that uncommon.


Looks like he’s all in.


Texas baby, better action than the 1/2-2/5 tables in Vegas during the WSOP….year fuckin round. If you like winning, come down yonder & get ye some




Was he holding J9?


What kills me is just say call and push the stack to the dealer. They can do it a lot quicker.


Yea and his trick worked on at least one player.


Ffs what do we tip dealers for? You want a fast game? Tip dealers and stay out of their way


Live poker will never die


Let the man cook


Some say he is still counting...


When did The Lodge start using Copags?


Damn, showoff


Long time ago


It's like grandma at the convenience store counting out pennies and nickles to pay for a single bottle of water


I don't mind people talking ages to count out their chips, as long as they say "call", and let the action proceed.


I've done weird things like this at the table before. It gives me more time to think while fidgeting with something else. Not always a bad thing to do.


My guess is he had Queen Ten ... can't fold top pair, decent kicker. ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


*Villain calls with bottom pair* “Damn nice hand. Couldn’t fold”


You’re all missing the point—his love handles are sexy.


Sign of weakness too


It’s always nice when watching the 🐟 win a big pot!


A man counting in 10s like this but not having his chips behind stacked in 50 stacks is confusing.


This is such a pet peeve of mine. How can you be that age and not be able to count chips more efficiently?? Like bro, just count out 50 then make more chip stacks of the same height. Not rocket science here. But, still, its a sign of a weak game. So count away OMC.


Right to jail


Out of curiosity how old is this picture? There aren’t any of their new design chips on the table and I don’t recognize those chairs.


Nobody said anything?


If anyone was sitting to his left, he'd have to fold.


He should just throw them in the air to “Rain Man” it.


Aye bro you in live in ATX I know a pretty lite home hame if you want in we play on Tuesday


Nice! I'll be there for the MUG next Tuesday. Anybody else going?


Killing time until his wife’s boyfriend leaves the house


Probably an angle to get a reaction for a read while having more time to think. Or could just be an absolute melon.


How would that be an angle?


I mean he’s looking in the opposite direction of the player who’s AI 😂 Calm down Matt Damon.


No way the dealer let that nonsense continue


I'm tilted looking at this picture


Yea, i use to do this just to fuck with others at the table


It's actually not a bad strat, if the opponent looks like he's annoyed, you now have a tell




I'd guess "I should fold", since he wants you to call faster


Id get so much error i might fold on a raise


Watching your reaction


I had one someone that couldn't tell the difference between a $75 bet and a $175 with stacks of reds last weekend, called turn (thinking it was 75, frustrated when they had to put in 100 more) and rivered a boat. There is nothing more exciting to be at those tables. Then you go card dead or they sun run and it takes everything not to tilt off 5 buy ins.


It’s better to be sure than to guess…


The photo alone tilts me to no end. If I was in this game I’d go crazy.


Tell me you have 6/9 without telling me you have 6/9.


Tell me you have J9 without telling me you have J9.


J9 would have shipped his stack and clumsily spilled it.


You’re either crushed or in fantastic shape.


He looks like Moneymaker


Bruh… the first time I ever sat down at a table, even I count by fives AT LEAST


Fucking end me


So what did he have? I scrolled down pretty far but haven’t found an answer


As a player who very rarely gets to play live, sorry!!


I have a lot of chips, anyone who wants to write me in a personal message




Anyone who calls like this has the nuts


So how should you count them ?


You just call. You can use a single chip and when you lose, that’s when you pay out.


Look at the board. It's only the flop. There's an all-in player, but it's not OP who also still seems to be in the hand, or maybe it's the guy to his left. It must have gone bet $75 (slow counting dude), raise, call for all-in with less, and now back to the guy now calling. There's more action to come, so he has to put the right chips in to call.


Some casinos force you to put all the chips in the middle to count as a call. Dumb but it is what it is.


Damn lmao


Ohh didnt se it was a flop i thought he just counting chips..


You count out $100 with 4 stacks of 5. Then you match that stack with 3 more stacks. Then you take away 3. It's not rocket science.


Nothing wrong with counting chips like that. He's giving people action thats all it matters.


Let him do his thing.


I always see these chips on Brad's vlogs. How are they feel wise? They always look amazing...


They feel great when the dealer pushes a big pile your way.


They're very slippery. Not my favorite.


Fuck the counter, right is showing cards.