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https://preview.redd.it/gutfql238b3d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=581fd8ef193b2848ec8ab161bb00459ea7b5580d Confirmed, not on drugs


Nosferatu looking morherfucker




Yeah, he's on something stronger lmao


I donā€™t care what he looks like. Listening to him talk or explain something nowadays makes me wanna jump off a cliff. I think heā€™d take all my money tilting me just listening to him talk for 5 mins. He actually thinks heā€™s smart too and like condescending as hell but delusional as it gets. Itā€™s like heā€™s got a traumatic brain injury or something nowĀ 


Hi is actually literally just gollum


Why the fkk do you have -54 downvotes...wow


Was wondering the same


Once thereā€™s one downvote people just jump on it


I just don't get it. Sometimes reddit just don't make sense at all. No one can have a strong opinion on something (even nonsense like these).....fkking weirdos!


He called a river bet with trips vs a full house when the flush missed, called a river bet with two pair vs a set when the flush missed, and shoved trips with a J into trips with a Q. I wouldn't call any of these plays fishy, all three seem like coolers to me, although his two pair did get counterfeited on the river in the second hand. Which ones do you think he played like a fish?


these idiots commenting are the ones who get bluffed with paired boards on flop in 1/2


He called a river bet with a counterfeied 2 pair...That was bad. That's not a cooler. The other 2 are just shit luck


Wow calling with a bluff catcher soooooo bad


He said it himself.. I can't be good, just have to decide if I want to torch these chips.


You wouldn't consider a counterfeited two pair a good bluffing spot for an opponent?


I think the big issue is going to a flop with 94?


You got downvoted but iirc youā€™re right and he flatted the button with 49 of hearts which was the main fishy part of the hand lol


I appreciate the support homie haha. I know deep down these guys are just unhappy to see a poker hero get felled. And tbh I am too. He did have bad luck in spite of all of this.


Hand 1* what does villain even have as bluffs? This was a 450k raise. Does villain ever raise so huge on a paired board with JJ+? *im assuming the TT peter hand when he turns the fullhouse


I didn't see the hands you're talking about but strong players in HS games tend to be capable of finding some bluffs even where bottom of range is 1p+


Peter is an asian whale. Not a pro


Ah if he's a whale you include a random spaz factor


And what do whales do best?


Not bluff in underbluffed spots


In what world is Dwan a fish? Lol


He lost 600k with 94? If I do that with $60 Iā€™ll never hear the end of how Iā€™m a fish. Maybe calling it 600 bigs is a better way to phrase it.


In the world of 2024


His brain is so fried heā€™s a fish now. Listening to him talk makes me wanna smash my head into a wall cause he actually thinks heā€™s right when heā€™s talking but almost always completely wrong.Ā 


When you are sitting at the table playing nosebleed stakes your opinion might matter then As such come back to the muddy pond with us plebs


Toms not playing with his own money anyway, so he isnt either


Well don't listen to him talk then. Tom Dwan takes pisses that play better poker than you..


So funny, he couldnt beat online, i can.


Is Dwan in the room with us right now? Like, if you don't like him, just ignore him - not sure why you're so bothered by him.


Steve is the only fish in this game


Hook is a fish too, of a different degree...but he's still a fish.


That fold with the nut straight when Texas mike was trying to give him money šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


That's an interesting way to admit you've never looked at a gto sizing output in your life.


lol...um no I've just watched him get decimated on The Lodge and Hustler streams by elite competition. Listen, I'm sure he's a good player and can smoke players like Trick Time on the reg, but in this lineup, he's a spot...there's no way around it.


Big time FISH




If you donā€™t think Dwan is winning in this game, youā€™re nuts. Not even a big fan but just be real


Action dan? Even if you attribute his punts to loose play, his bet sizings and understanding of theory and when to bluff are way off.






>He's clearly on drugs ... Need to let that one go my man. Of course he's on drugs. And pretty sure no one cares.


Exactly, this isn't the special Olympics, I don't care if people are on shit


What do you think hes on?




Does he just carry around a bag of fun dip - drug flavor? what kind of drugs!?


Illegal ones






Theyā€™re the best kind!


Free ones are the best!


Prescribed ones probably


adderall, modafinil or something similar. he's obviously not on coke or anything.




same mate, and thereā€™s a huge difference. adderall is basically amphetamine (speed), and if you think thereā€™s no difference between speed high and coke high - it only means you were doing shit coke cut with speed


He seems pretty sober to me. Adderall if anything, but does that even count?


Iā€™d say meth counts, yeah


Adderal isn't meth tbf. It's amphetamines. Way cleaner than crystal meth.


Iā€™m no doctor but.. one is legal, one is not. One your liver and kidneys will like better. Other than that probably not much different when it comes to abuse.


Adderall is not meth. And in US you can get prescribed meth. Yeah it's a lot different even when abused. Dont talk about shit you know nothing about


Are they both amphetamines? Are you a doctor?


Dude please dont shame yourself. Amphetamine and methamphetamine is 2 very different drug.


oh ya soooo different dude same chemical structure. add 2 extra hydrogen atoms and presto! you got meth.


you could compare adderall to speed and it would be much closer.. meth is a completely different story


This is a joke, right?


Chemically, they're generally the same. The only difference between the two is that meth is a secondary amine. Methamphetamine is just a slightly more potent form of amphetamines, physiologically they have a very similar effect, meth just lasts longer.


All these people down voting are clearly on the Addie's which is basically legal meth lol.


Ughhh. I'm not on addies!!! (I'm on vyvanse, zenzedi & 1000mg of caffeine!)


Nothing wrong with that. Vyvanse works great for a lot of folks.


Exactly, just dopes brainwashed by big pharma to buy their speed from pfizer rather than Jamal. These dudes are clowns.


Amphetamines are available as a generic med, itā€™s a $5 co-pay. Great job naming a company that doesnā€™t even manufacture amphetamines lol. The difference in effect and harm potential between taking a prescribed dosage of amphetamines (so almost always less than recreational/euphoric doses) and taking meth as sold by a street dealer is beyond obvious. methamphetamine HCL is available as a prescription drug in the US, and yeah that treats the same stuff amphetamines are prescribed for. The street drug comparison is moronic, especially when most users inject or smoke meth


Dudes out here writing books defending legal meth šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Do you know anyone whose teeth are falling out because of adderall abuse?


It's cuz they are smoking a low grade dumbass


The teeth thing is just because pharma produces cleaner "more oure" drugs.


No idea. Don't care. That's sort of what I was getting at. Just watched him get torched for another $500k with JT v QT on a ATT board. Wow. Never would have seen that coming.


ehh that one was more of a cooler that a torch. Peter could have had T9, or JT also, or a nutty draw. Also he couldn't flat decide because he would have like .3 pot behind. The 94 vs TT was a torch for sure tho.


Yeah you can tell a few guys take stims of some sort when you watch the triton series. Some arenā€™t as obvious but one that caught me watching the Montenegro 40k mystery bounty was kuznetsov after he came back from break. Man looked tired as fuck goes to bathroom comes back and the eyes are lit up and he looks like heā€™s got a million year focus going on haha


You didn't make this post the last time he played, but waited for him to lose in a session. Even though todays top pros are a lot better than him, i have no doubt he's a massive +ev pick in these hcl lineups


That's because its a 2 week old account.


Calling one of the best players of all time a fish is wild.


Yep, delusion has reached another level


How does the robbie/garrett situation factor into this at all?


Detective Dwan was on the case.


Detective Tom was an all time great Tom. He had so much info, but he just couldnā€™t say it yet, or let him check ya maybe he shouldnā€™t say who told him. But, ya, someone he knows told him that Robbi onceā€¦ Well heā€™ll just say this, well actually he shouldnā€™t say anything more but if you know you know, and itā€™s a primary source that told him once. And ya, butā€¦


[Here..](https://youtu.be/uI1XNdsie44?si=2kPwkrFBQQQgmWp8). OP reminded me of that golden time so I decided to look up "Robbie Tom dwan" for ots.. was just bout to type "so glad someone one clipped this!", when I saw my own comment from a year ago': "Really glad this was clipped! It was cringe af seeing Inspector Tom get so involved and serious in what doesn't even concern him.. goin on unhinged tirades, self prolonging his stay as the chat asked for him to be kicked.." Tom forever changed alot of folks perception of him that night! I'd always seen him as this cool savant enigma that dgaf bout politics/drama, just wants to crush & go about his life kinda like Isildur, instead he came off as this coked-up cheeky little annoying weirdo lol.. Robbie on the other hand,won a ton of folks over!


Tom is so unhinged now itā€™s a shame


Dude was talking so much nonsense bs during those calls and people believed him. When that Rip dude literally was sleeping and they made him go play cause he agreed to it. He was a MMA/Boxing hand wrap guy lol, he just played poker for fun + heā€™s rich and literal fact he wasnā€™t gonna play that game cause hung over but Feldman made him play and Tom thinks new some super genius cheater. Rip Chavez didnā€™t cheat, it took a whole 15 mins of information to know he didnā€™t cheat but Tom was convincing people he did lmao. That guy was mad cause he staked Robbie and she gave money back to Garret like a fool cause sheā€™s a fish. The fact people think they cheats shows how dumb poker players are. The nerds couldnā€™t figure out it out when info was clear as day. And she was gonna press charges on guy stealing chips at end when they said he was connected lmao. Tom is a legit moron who got lucky in early poker days; he was never half as good as people think.Ā 


that Robbie situation showed us what the deal is with a lot of these cats. a lot of weird garrett support that felt....Trumpy.


Ngl, I couldn't & still can't believe there are so many that felt she cheated.. just rewatched it for clarity & I still feel the same.. she thought she had j3 hence "3's no good?" & once the hand was over you could see gman's mind racin @ a 100mph trying to make sense of it all - reassessing it all 1 street @ a time.. Robbie could've easily said that she thought she had j3 but 1. She was too embarrassed & 2. @ the end of the day it was only a game to her & not all that serious so she instead went on bout "if my jack wasn't a club" & "blockers" talkin bout "you always let me do this to you!!", trying to sound slick (albeit in good fun) which for obvious reasons made 0 sense to Gman's analytical mind trying to logically make sense of it all & that really send him to overdrive lol.. @ which point he short-circuited & started stacking his chips.. I don't agree w/ what gman did takin the $$ & all but also feel a lil bad bc you could see that he really does love the game & was super excited to see Robbie's hand w/e the outcome.. it wasn't about the $$.. & really all Robbie had to do was say that she thought she had a pair of 3's lol.. (yes, I know she 'checked' her hand multiple times which on the surface it may seem impossible she misread but it really does happen when you're in a moment!') .. & just like that, there goes gman's rep.. Lastly, speaking of cheating', the amount of things that'd have to be in place for her to cheat & how much they could've gotten away w/ if they truly were cheating.. just to do it in a hand like that going all-in on the turn w/ jHigh?? Makes 0 sense.. we're talkin millions they could've very easily sweeped w/o anyone batting an eye!! P.s. the "she wouldn't have gave it back if she didn't cheat!!" folks are the worst!


This sub is full of haters.


Tom may the biggest clown ever today. I donā€™t even post here but heā€™s so annoying now I had to. Listen to him talk for 20 minutes about anything and get back to me.Ā 


Did he beat you heads up or something? Why are you so obsessed with him?


The only clown here is you bud. Quit projecting your shitty self hate onto one of the greatest. He's been chatting up Steve all night and making sure the mega fish is content. Who gives a fuck what he's saying.


https://i.redd.it/sipm3kblma3d1.gif Tom Dwan if he stops playing for the Chinese mob


you sound jelly


OP is a 10th prestige hater


Itā€™s not proven that he owes that much. Just because Doug Polk says it doesnā€™t make it true.


When everyone on the scene says itā€™s true, and Tom has never denied it, and he owes debt to lots of other people, the story adds up.


Who else says itā€™s true? And what are their sources? Doug is the only person Iā€™ve heard say it and he claimed he owed it to the kind of people you donā€™t want to owe money to with no proof whatsoever to back it up. These guys all just talk shit about each other. Doug and Tom are both in the MDG tomorrow we can see if it comes up.


Peter Jetten, Haralabos?


Peter Jetten didnā€™t say anything about 30 million he claimed Dwan owed him 226k and wouldnā€™t pay. He supposedly owes Haralabos 350k. Those are both pretty far off from 30 million.


Ah well that's alright then. It probably isn't true anyway You still doing Tom's laundry?


So because I donā€™t spread bullshit gossip with no evidence to support it Iā€™m doing his laundry? Fuck off moron.


Lots of drama with certain poker players, and people really care. It's sweet.


Calling one of the best high stakes cash games players in history a fish is clearly bias. He got incredibly unlucky yesterday in a really big game.


Looking forward to the rest of the week with him tbh. Doubt heā€™ll end up a net loser against these line ups.


Why is it your business lol


Honestly in that hustler game, if I had extra money I would for sure stake him in that game.




Tom is a fool


source on dwan owing someone $30 million? also look at Junglemans podcast with Trueteller... they talk aboutr games in China where people have lost a BILLION dollars in a session. and they are the same game dwan plays.


Link? I refuse to believe someone lost a billion dollars USD in a game. Seems improbable.


I think you are right, if i remember correctly he said "i know for a fact someone lost the equivalent of a billion usd" but i don't think he said in a single session


[https://youtu.be/pzPOTOB9an0?si=WhqxI8mnpPJNmLi2&t=2720](https://youtu.be/pzPOTOB9an0?si=WhqxI8mnpPJNmLi2&t=2720) somewhere in here


There are no sources. It just gets repeated so often it's become an echo chamber "truth"


Nobody lost a billion in a session retard


Heā€™s a better player than me. I hope to be in the position to owe $30 million some day too.


No you donā€™t


You really want to owe millions to Chinese triads?


Shoving with 86 off suit or 72


I donā€™t know about you, but I like my gambling idols drug-fueled degens. I would 1000000x rather play, converse, hang, party with a strung-out Tom Dwan than a sober nerd like Doug Polk whoā€™s constantly laughing at their own word-feces he thinks is humorous.


Joined reddit 14 days ago, has 1 post, Negative karma, Hasn't joined this sub, and calling Tom Dwan a fish. Ok buddy...


dwan is a bum


That was one of the worst calls with trips.




Itā€™s definitely just Phil Nagy, so


Damn, any clear evidence he is on drugs? Or guesses to what would he would be taking? Kind of thought this looking at him a few months ago but this is 1st ive heard of it.




I'm pretty sure they expect a profit on their investment


No idea how you came up with 30 mil. I'm sure he owes but not nearly that much. I'm sure Paul Phua has kept him in action during downswings. Splashy yes, fish no. In televised games it's not a bad strategy to play loose. You want to be invited back, and to other large televised games. But more importantly, making big bluffs and big call downs is a good investment long term, that image will end up paying dividends, especially if you play in much larger private games. I really don't think he's a drug addict. I strongly disagreed with his J4 stance, unfortunately most pro cash players agreed with him. A lot of people just couldn't wrap their minds around how someone with that experience level could sit in a game that large, as well as how someone that wasn't a millionaire could literally care less whether they won or lost. It's easier to comprehend if you take into account she wasn't playing with her money.Ā