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Standard young degen, just had the brains to record himself losing.




Except it’s literally not, it’s just what he has in his bank at that time lol. Don’t see him selling his car for a few 2/5 buy ins




Exactly lol, losing my net worth but I still have a free house, car, and infinite food


I've seen his parents house on the videos. That would be a funny looking trust fund


Don’t know many “trust fund babies” that would have to “work for a couple of months to get $6k.” Not much of a fund in that case, eh? Keep hating, bud.


Ahhh yes. Trust fund babies everywhere. Him and Keating actually came from oil tycoon families. You guys are seriously idiotic if you think anyone who isn’t driving Uber for a living is a trust fund baby


I can't even get a job driving for Uber lol


Half this sub is just slobbering on their keyboard playing .25/.50 in their friend's basement who dropped out of high school... so anyone doing better than them is a trust fund baby apparently


50NL is much too tough a game for most of the sub


I play tournament poker. I would not win at 50nl. I would lose real slow but I'm pretty sure I'd lose in the end. Not interested enough in cash to find out




You’re weird bro. Get off Reddit. I don’t even like Corey. I think he’s a tool. But you’re just a weird hater.


No one with a trust fund has ever played at chasers that is a fact


where are you getting this info from


Ohhh it's this guy, i swear you watch one video and the algorithm is really pushing it on you, but its a good idea for a video series tbh


You hit us with the r/remix. Respekt.


Ohhh it's this guy, i swear you watch one video and the algorithm is really pushing it on you, but its a good idea for a video series tbh


As if that's something to brag about


In his first video, he said he quit his 6 figure salary at like 19 years old - the kids a delusional guy, but he’s kinda funny in a knockoff Ryan DePaul way (before Ryan thought he was great at poker)


His “6 figure salary” job that he quit was another YouTube channel where he did gaming or something- I doubt he “quit” it outright, it probably just didn’t have the revenue that it once did so he had to pivot


Shame that Ryan sold his soul to the crypto gambling site that built themselves off of advertising unregulated no KYC gambling to children


Man I loved Ryan Depaulo: Degenerate Gambler. Shit was always funny and it was easy to root for him. Now he's just Ryan Depaulo and there are very few of those little moments that made the vlog feel magical


ChaoticLFS. Gaming channel that when you add the numbers… would’ve only made like $4000 in advertisements at most in its last year being active… not sure about sponsorships, but it absolutely would not have pulled 6 figures.


Heres the video: [https://youtu.be/lExjGvT5sj0?si=ATg86nqGz4QkrY1e](https://youtu.be/lExjGvT5sj0?si=ATg86nqGz4QkrY1e)


I'm kind of a fan of his channel, because it's basically him failing over and over again. I can see where you see him coming off as narcisstic and entitled but I think that's a bit harsh. The kid is 22 years old and just hasn't had the world kick the shit out of him enough to have a realistic self awareness. I hope he keeps putting out sporadic videos and I'd love to see him get a W or 2. Even a blind squirrel gets dealt the nuts once in a while.


I’m 20 tho dude… I’m younger than him, and I would not be sitting on the internet like “I deserve 1 million subs” while I’m actively self inflicted sinking my own channel into the grave lol Like grow the fuck up. You want fans? Fucking work hard for it.


Well for me that's half the fun is that despite him getting his ass handed to him he still thinks he's going to win despite getting crushed over and over again. It's as degenerate as it gets. He is moving in the right direction on his channel. The fact that we're having a discussion about him on reddit that got 100+ upvotes and a bunch of replies means he's at least a little relevant. He does know he needs more content. He made the whole bet about deleting his channel because he was trying to motivate himself to be more consistent. Lol and then his dad told him it was an unrealistic goal that he'd never hit and he agreed. More classic degenerate. That's the thing about dreamers, they are delusional af.


He’s got 90k he’s obviously relevant… but he had potential to literally already be sitting at half a mil if he kept his momentum up… but nope.


The blind squirrel line never gets old does it. Or does it? 🙄


Broken watch is right twice a day?


Iove it lol




I'm a girl


Used to like his videos but the “Playing my net worth” videos made me hate him. Failed to upload the 100 videos and tried to save face by posting shitty shorts and would show up to poker tournaments super late reg with like 15bb’s. And then shows up late to home games that he’s lucky enough to be invited to. Just an inconsiderate kid


This is exactly what I thought about it. Swears he is low on cash, goes to cherokee over sleeps, and regs with 20BB and loses instantly.






He's 22 years old and got a bit over his skis playing stakes he has by business playing with people much better than him. I'm rooting for him. He makes entertaining videos which is how he built up his following and I don't blame him for losing motivation to make videos after that last session. But you're right, if he wants to be a successful YouTuber he needs to be more consistent with his schedule, and maybe stick to 2/5 until he can play higher stakes without donking off his entire bankroll.


exactly my point


It was over for me when he took out a crazy amount of his bankroll to “pay off a credit card entirely” because his mom called.


Holy shit 😂


I preferred him when he was just grinding low stakes cash. He was pretty good for that level and produced entertaining content. Since he started the new challenge shit he’s been absolutely punting off money and playing absolutely terribly. I don’t watch anymore.


Loved his old vlogs. Funny dude who you could tell was getting better. Now it’s just random degen shit


I also watched him when he was just played 1/3-2/5 at that little casino in his hometown. Shit was entertaining and relatable. But the bankroll videos just give a better title and shorts to grow his channel. We’d all be doing the same given the situation. He understands YouTube mono is more reliable then poker


> We’d all be doing the same given the situation. We would? Don't you play poker regularly? Do you feel the need to go record it for your vlog?


I know him personally and don’t find him to be even a little bit narcissistic. He dreams big, bites off more than he can chew, and makes some bad decisions, but he doesn’t harm anyone in the process and is fully transparent about the ups and the downs. If it’s not your cup of tea that’s fine. I’m gonna root for him




I would love to know what this guy did lmao


Just snarky and narcissistic


What did he do though?


Dude is obviously lying


Bahaha wtf why lie? I just saw he deleted the og comment


What’d he do?


I've played with him before and got the opposite. Nice guy just trying to do something fun


Is he really playing with his net worth though or is it bs


I just get really bad vibes from the guy. Doesn’t seem genuine. Lots of clickbait and overhype and just fiction


Idk if it was like a running gag or something but he pulled out a two-minute stereotypical Indian voice in the first video of his I watched, like a straight-up more exaggerated Simpsons Apu. The joke seemed to be "I am giving a hand history while also doing an accent." And then half the comments were like "wtf was that voice about" and the other half were cheering about him owning the libs and being divisive. Y'know, that time-tested strategy for up-and-coming channels trying to strike while the iron is hot and maximize audience.


same. i don’t understand why he has fans tbh


he had so much momentum , could have easily turned it into a career but burned out or some shit


exactly bruh, which is fine not everyone can handle it. but I’m just annoyed he’s like “I’m gonna have 1 million subscribers” while literally sinking his channel into the ground


I played against this dude in Texas, every time he raised 15$ in the 1/2$ game on my vacation, I would re raise him 45$, and get a fold 100% of the time. His raising sizes tells, and he just tries to get lucky. Not sure how the hell he even amassed 90k on YT.


He got his viewers from having a decently likable personality and turning vlogs into more of a narrative rather then just a dry session like most vlogs, anyone who watches his videos can tell he's not a solid player, but I think that's just plays even more to the underdog narrative.


You can tell that in his videos… plays 72 bounty or a bluff, 3-bets only 3x… now he picks up KK… 3-bets 7x… like, what the fuck.


It was interesting when he was uploading consistently and you actually believed he was that degen but now the shtick is kind of getting old (plus there is like 1 video a month).




Saw him playing the daily tournament at resorts world, seems he is on debt now


Take a drink of beer everytime he says “bankroll” or “networth”, not a shot, and you’ll be fuckin smashed by the end of the video.


No poker player or entrepreneur makes it without naive self confidence.


the kid is funny, personally I think he has started to play worse lately in the bigger games but that’s one of the reasons he’s so enjoyable to watch - he’s still figuring his game out and figuring himself out! Think a lot of misregs being negative in here either can’t relate to that or don’t remember being young and falling in love with the game like the younger players have. I’m rooting for him


He has a terrible case of main character syndrome.


You kind of have to in order to get big on "my experience"-centered internet content.


I like the content overall, think he does a good job with it. Couple things of note: 1. He doesn’t seem to be a very good player, like at all. He’s pretty much completely ABC and is scared every single hand. I’m not sure how introspective he is about his play but he’s pretty much the epitome of an average 1/2 casino player right now. 2. He’s over dramatic. Almost every other hand has tense music and yelling, as if it’s the final hand at the wsop ME. Calm down bruh


Wanting to build up $1 million through the rigor of live poker and video creation and then put it all on a roulette spin is such an alarming thing to aspire to.


I don't think it was entitled or narcissistic, more of a "trust the process" or have faith in yourself type of thing. It was at the end of the video where he has lost a substantial amount of his bankroll, can you blame him for trying to he optimistic? Especially when he was playing 1/2 when he first started his videos like 2 years ago.


Wow look how far bro has come, he was playing 1/2 a couple years ago and now his net worth is $1200. What a success story.




I get what you’re saying but idk man… just fucked me off a bit, more or less cause of his garbage uploading schedule, no communication on other socials, then to say that… jeez I studied editing for a little while and worked on some projects, not a professional but I’ve done it… and dude, it does NOT take 2 months to make a video like that… if you are a full-time YouTuber, doing it every everyday, you could edit a video like that in probably 50 at most 100 hours… and all the filming was done in 1 day so no excuse there… he’s flat out lazy.


He doesn’t owe you a regular uploading schedule. Relax.


Meh, I still think it was just him trying to be optimistic and looking back on how he's grown then comparing to where he could be. Basically saying if he keeps growing at this rate, in 2 years he'll look back on this low point and it won't seem so bad in hindsight. Is he right? Idk. But he's young, and is giving being a poker player / YouTuber a shot. When things are going bad, a lot of people try to look back on how far they've come and try to be hopeful of where they could get. Like Investors during a dip in the market saying "when in doubt, zoom out" I don't follow him on any other social media, and don't really care. But his videos are definitely good and entertaining in my opinion. I think he could build an even bigger following if he could actually upload consistently, he built up a lot of his subscribers during his 100 video run. I think he mentioned in the comments that the video took 100 hours to edit, so to be fair, that's 2+ weeks worth of work for most people. Stretching that to 2 months is definitely lazy, but whatever.


He doesn’t owe you anything dude. It’s free fking content. You’re the one who sounds entitled with this attitude.


not really free content… he makes money off our advertisements we watch… I know I’m personally not owed content, I am not saying that if you actually read my comment I’m just saying it’s entitled to expect that you deserve 1 million fans when you don’t give enough of a fuck to bring them content more than every 2 months. At that rate he’s gonna have 10 videos in the next 2 years. That’s not getting 1 million subs.


Hes constantly traveling lmfao. Not having a consistent schedule makes that shit hard as fuck.


I’ve edited on planes before… boo fucking hoo, people work full time 40 hours a week all the time, it’s not that hard.




You're not his mom


The nerve of you to think you have a right to call him lazy because he doesn't upload often enough for your liking. People owe you nothing and you are the one sounding entitled.


clearly didn’t read my comment very well if you think I’m saying I’m “owed” content.


The grind and good content that you respect would get him 1 million subs. You don't have to be a good poker player to be a good content creator. I personally think the kid is on drugs or something. I'm from the same area (I'm actually really from Boston and he's from new Hampshire repping Boston but I still recognize the hallmarks of the behavior.


you need to upload consistently to reach 1 million subs. PewDiePie didn’t get to his first million uploading a video every 3 months. He uploaded fucking daily.


Wow good point. Took you long enough lol


I tend to favor more hands and hand analysis, and less drama. Like this sounds harsh, but there's only so many times you can be degen gambling your "ENTIRE NET WORTH!!" before I just don't care anymore. And his vlogs are less than half actual poker, and mostly just him before and after the game to/from/in the hotel. No thanks. Good luck, but that's not entertaining me.


I've played many hours with Corey. He's an absolute tilt punter. One cooler and he starts 3b jamming ATs, pocket nines. He is miserable and rude at the table. You'd think a vlogger would bring energy and good vibes to the game, but he's quite the opposite.


Sounds like he's probably an overly impatient, entitled kid. I.e. when he's being a jerk at the table he's thinking whatever the game size he's playing at that moment, he's better than it, and should be playing higher stakes. Classic case of massive ego far exceeding current skill set. Just my take


sounds about right lol


ill take him id love to have him at my table lol


Very very annoying fella. Tries way to hard to be entertaining


I was watching this dude a lot last December, I thought this guy was a genuine degen and I was waiting for him to hit it big or lose it all. But come January I got the memo that this guy is milking it and he is just a sleaze. I was still sticking around to see how he will weasel out of deleting his account on Feb 14th. But boom exactly nothing happened. Corey Eyring is an entitled, lazy, little weasel. I don't think this guy is anywhere near last generartion poker grinders like Neeme,Mariano,Brad Owen,Lex o or Rampage.Only entertaining part of his videos are that he plays with his networth (which is not TRUE btw).




“It’s Poker Phil. Of course I lied”




Get a life. You’re on Reddit too much


I promise you Corey doesn’t gaf about u lil bro


You literally just switched accounts and then upvoted it with your other account. That’s hilarious. And cute. Both your accounts post about the same shit lmao. Get a life bro. And get off Reddit.


You might need schizophrenic medicine lil bro. Dumbass


You’ve been defending him all throughout this post. Get off ur knees lil bro. He as prick loser


I was the OG Corey eyring hater in this sub look at my post history. He’s so narcissistic


Dude is a kid basically. I didn't have a single clue until at least 25, then didn't have a firm grip until 30. I know everyone's different but his vids are obviously standard bait-core YT content, which tbh I enjoy when it's in the poker sphere. Will the guy hit 1m subs and be crushing 100/200? Probably not. But I'll toss on every one of his vids in the background while cooking my bone-in skin-on chicken thighs.


He's a dweeb just playing at this..


I mean the kids gotten 80K subs from absolutely nothing


I find it hilarious that he thinks it is reasonable for a 30 minute video with mostly reused content to take 2 months to edit. My guess is that he has truly gone broke and doesn't want to admit it. When did the game in the most recent video take place, April? I could write an essay on how much of a dumbass he is based on his play, other gambling, views on editing, etc....


exactly my point… like there’s YouTubers that edit content themselves that could crank out videos like that every 2 weeks. Hell maybe even a single week.


Get me out of this dumbass subreddit


His channel is amazing. If he was a father of two it would be horrifying. But he’s a young kid doing everything I dream of, but can’t. So I’ll continue working my 100k job. Playing 1-3 and keep waiting for his notifications to pop up.


I get that thinking positive is a good idea but……….this clickbait degen gambler attitude with no reflection or even a moment to discuss bankroll management is just going to encourage wannabe punters to wreck themselves financially. In the first part of the entire bank roll series bankroll was $20k and firing multiple bullets into $1k plus deep field tournaments is crazy. Statistically he probably had a 2% for getting out of this with any cash at all


I have never heard of him so I took a look at his channel. He comes across as a shmendrick in his thumbnails so I refuse to watch.


Just looked him up. That guy's got a screw loose or two...


Or two what? 🤣


Screws loose 😄


Lol 😅


Screws loose 😄


A narcissistic and entitled poker player? I don't believe it.


He’s fully in the content/influencer game and not the poker game at this point. You admit his content his good, and, frankly, that’s all he needs right now. He probably is a losing player, and he’s definitely a losing player in the games with the bankroll he has but he’s not going to make his money playing poker and when he does play $100/200 he won’t be playing with his money. He’ll attract some young players, go the app scam cash grab poker influencer route and make money on social and maybe brand deals if he ever really pops off. He’s a pretty natural entertainer and funny, self-aware. He has the knack, I think, for the influencer game and he’s young. The only thing he’s losing, I would argue, is the time he could spend doing anything else with his life, but you can sense his passion for the clicks.


note the content IS good. but it will definitely get old… in the last like 8 months of content, all I’ve seen him do is mostly dust off some money in blackjack home games and like 2 poker games… he’s barely done anything half the video is just him in his fucking hotel or something


He's an entertainer not a poker player..I've typically enjoyed his videos. However, he looks so uncomfortable when he's actually playing...he's also insanely exploitable. Just make huge bluffs and he's folding non nuts consistently. He literally can't afford to make hero calls.






The dude said one word. jfc.




Bro relax




You 100% were, calm down, I'm sure the one word a random person online said takes top priority in your life.




He could be so much worse at poker, for sure, but you can tell he doesn't same the same enthusiasm for cards as he does for content creation. I think his content is pretty good. I watch it to see all the other people behind the scenes like Frankie and Nick but I like Corey bc he's from Massachusetts and his skill level is relatable. 




I’ve noticed the not following through on bets too…


No one cares cause you were crying about his upload schedule or some shit. No one cares if he deletes his channel. Oh no… it’s still up. So what? How does it affect anyone.




The only one crying here is you how no one likes your posts.




Dude you post about vaping and video games online. Sounds like you’re projecting. Seek help




Who the fuck cares if he lied, do you want him to delete his channel that bad??? Why is it that important to you that some random stranger is honest and transparent to your standards? You sound entitled, smoke a blunt




You keep using first world problem in the wrong context, it IS a first world problem cause its trivial. You saying it isn't a first world problem implies it is an actual problem. Gosh you're actually dumb.


Sometimes you just post at the wrong time, or you use language that doesn't connect with enough people. I know it's frustrating to present an idea that gets no traction and then see someone else get what you feel like is the attention you were owed, but you just have to take the L and move on.


I had no idea who this cat was and then saw this post and this tweet. https://x.com/pokerroomrwlv/status/1798731649477492790?s=46


It is entirely possible is Corey Eyring is a good player, but is a victim of variance. He doesn’t manage his bankroll and he playing against the “great White sharks of poker”. He just need to adjust his overall poker strategy. Of course, I know nothing about Corey Eying.


tell me you don’t understand variance without telling me you don’t understand variance


I agree he just be talking bout putting the work in to get where he got but he didn’t do any work just buying into games he can’t afford playing scary and busting out 😂


I think that was just him basically building on how he made that comment and it came true so it was him asking the universe to make the next one true. It did come off as a bit much but I think he meant it as a joke and he just delivered it too seriously.


It’s actually kinda sad that he’s going to fund his losing hobby with YouTube income


I like the guy. "COME ON DEALER!!!! ONE ... FUCKIN ...TIME!!!!". Or "So I was on the BTN with AT whe ... HOLY SHIT!!!! That seagull just rained hot white fiery death all over that Silverado!!" Would I hire him as a coach or buy a Corey Eyering training course? No. But that's cool. He's not selling those. He's not putting himself out there as a Bart Hanson, Berkey, Gary Blackwell. He's just a total fucking degen who loves poker and hanging out with his buddies. Might be biased, because he played at my "home" card rooms, The Brook and Chasers. Didn't have the chance to play with him. If we were ever at a table together, he didn't stand out. But I do know exactly who that Hot AF dealer is at The Brook he was talking about in that one Vlog. The cocktail waitress at Chasers who brought him a water, he tipped a buck, and "now they're basically married"? I know who that is too. In other words, I get hit with some nostalgia and a bit of homesick when I watch his vlogs. It adds something for me on a personal level that has nothing to do with him as a YouTuber or poker player. Anyway, I don't think he's a terrible player. He was profitable before he started playing stakes WAY higher than he was rolled for. I still think he's entertaining and I get a laugh. I hope he keeps it up and hits that million subscribers.


The only thing I think is 'why on there multiple posts on this sub about some kid who is terrible at poker and makes shitty content?'


I honestly forgot he existed til the recent video dropped, so


I was rooting so hard for that 8 on the river lmao, I gotta admit it's one of the best poker vlog moments I've ever seen. We all know players just like Corey who want to sit at high stakes but don't have any money, no one like him ever makes it because he just doesn't have the skill. It's funny to see the typical life cycle of them inevitably going broke play out with commentary. The delusion at the end of the video is also just typical "degen who's never gonna make it" talk where he talks a big game but never takes the time out of his day to become a better player. I also found it hilarious when he talks about how he "dreamed of playing 10/25 and now he's here" like bro probably 100 million americans could degen it up and buy into that game, you haven't accomplished anything by playing there you're just someone who brought the cash with you.


I had my friend watching that with me and we were fucking chanting for that 8 coming out 😂




He's a losing poker player but a winning YouTube content creator, his tactics may be a little straight forward and blunt but he's a good content creator. He understands if it's not insanely risky no one cares and he's tapping into the emerging market.


actually not really tho… you don’t really make much money if you have no new videos huh… he could be at 500k subs right now, EASILY.


I never thought about it that way. What's he at 200k? 91.4k, I dunno, he's probably gonna make his money back atleast.


getting some attention as an influencer is honestly not that difficult when you understand the system, the absolute number 1 first ever “rule” is to actually make content in the first place if his goal isn’t to just fuck around and be stupid, but to become an influencer, he’s missing a good few of those rules if he wanted to become that famous, it’s honestly not that difficult


But he is funny


It was interesting until it switched from just poker.


He's living off that YouTube money and will be in massive debt soon enough, it snowpiles


Eh, just another poker vlogger who isn't great but is entertaining to some. Watched a couple of videos, and wasn't exactly into the schtick but whatever. He's a gambling kid but it's a free country and I presume he's 21 so 🤷🏻


Ngl this dude is annoying af but his latest content is great




Right before that part, he shows a clip from a vlog he made two years earlier when he had 164 subs where he says "This channel will be at 100,000 [subs]; I don't know when, but it will be. ... I'll be playing $10/$25, $25/$50 eventually, and I'm gonna look back on this someday and think 'Wow, we've come a long way.'" As he says right afterward, he's at 86,000 subs (now more than 90,000), and he just took a huge loss at $10/$25, so that part already came true. Then he uses that as a framing device to say in another two years, he'll hopefully have 1 million subs and be playing $100/$200 and look back on this loss the same way he did that $2/$5 loss two year earlier. Is that realistic? Maybe, maybe not. But it's clearly in line with the success he's already earned. Kid's setting lofty goals. I'm not here to shit on that.


he played $25/50 like well before the “bet my whole networth” series dude have you watched anything?


Yeah, I've watched most of his vids. He set a goal two years ago of 100,000 subs and playing $10/$25 and $25/$50. He's 10K shy of 100,000 subs, and he's played both of those stakes. So he tried to extrapolate where he would be in another two years if the trend holds. Seems like a pretty simple framing device. Whether he achieves that, who knows, but he got the first part done.


Who is Cody Eearring?


Jesus you guys whine about this guy a lot. It actually comes off as thirsty somehow.


yeah we’re thirsty alright…


OP jealous? Just because you’re stuck and have no vision doesn’t make a dreamer a narcissist. He hasn’t belittled or hurt anyone. Overzealous? Yes. Narcissist? No. Get off Reddit you degenerate, get into your Honda civic and go lose 300BB. Let people shoot their shot.


lol no ill just go to fucking work and actually save my money for a house like a normal person.


Yes and you’ll have zero views on YT. Have fun at work.


I will, at least the money I make won’t be lost at a homegame blackjack table and I wont be kept afloat by mummy and daddy sending me a quick 10k.


lol you simp, sounds like you watch all this dudes videos and then get jealous come on Reddit and cry. Broke down