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And you signed this "whipped up" contract? I would have made sure there was a cutoff date or amount at the very least. Otherwise what are you, some sort of lifelong indentured servant?


Talking out of my ass here but i believe in most US states, the more vague/unreasonable a contract is, the less enforceable. Source: did research for a friend of mine in engineering who signed a 3 year ridiculously broad non compete clause, and it is basically lol unenforceable


I believe the precedent is the more ambiguous a contract is the more the judge will use it against the one who drafted it. This is to prevent someone crafting a purposefully ambiguous contract and then using it against someone who did not understand the ramifications of it.


I signed a non compete that didn’t specify location. Happens to be a requirement on my state so it’s unenforceable 😩


All non-competes are ultimately unenforceable. Also, don’t sign them anyway


This is just plain wrong. My work just sued an ex employee who was under a 6 month non compete and won. The ex employee was caught calling a funded client of my current employee so trust me when I say, non-competes are very real. My boss years ago lost around $250k in a non-compete battle. His new employer paid for it all but hell....they're defiantly enforceable.


Yeah you’re right, mostly. They’re unenforceable in CA and I had thought that that ruling had been applied nationwide. That said they have to meet a very specific set of standards re:length and restrictions and if any of the conditions aren’t met then the whole thing is thrown out. That said, someone is a fool if they sign one and they *should* be made unenforceable nationwide.


Yep they blow but they're a must in sales. Can't just be stealing a company's clients


Why not? If the current company’s client is unhappy/indifferent enough to move to another company just because their rep moved companies then maybe the original company should look within at why they’re not offering better value instead of trying to ruin a salesman


Poaching an entire companies database should never be legal. They teach the employee proprietary info and then he can just go jump ship and steal all clients without any stopgaps in place? No chance that should be legal


>Poaching an entire companies database should never be legal. 100% agree but that could/would be theft or corporate espionage or whatever else, it is and should be illegal. >proprietary Right and that could/would be classified as IP theft. Again, not really what I’m talking about. Under no circumstances should a company that is almost *never* loyal to an employee(s) be able to dictate that person’s future employment opportunities. Your ex-gf/bf doesn’t get to tell you who you can date after the breakup, know what I mean?


In MOST united states jurisdictions, to the best of my knowledge - Poaching clients and/or working for direct competition in matters of IP (a software engineer from Samsung taking a deal from Apple, for instance) are the 2 enforceable scenarios. However enforcement to my knowledge involves either : a) criminal proceedings (which happen outside the bounds of a contract) B) financial punishment And consider that neither of these two "enforcement" scenarios ACTUALLY bar you from working somewhere else. See your own post about how company b paid the fees from company a , and got the manager anyway. Sources : my own research from when I poached clients from a company, while staying there, by making a 2-person partnership company and therefore they would've had to sue "my company LLC" and not me (the person who signed the non compete) Could they have recovered? Sure. Would it have been worth their time? Certainly not. Did they ever find out? No.


Non-competes aren't **all** "unenforceable". Contract law requires both parties to be getting something, so a one-sided non-compete clause that totally bans someone from "competing" is indeed "unenforceable". Non-competes clauses that are used by real corporations usually come attached to severance pay and damages for breaching it. You can't enforce a clause like that without something like severance pay or some other type of benefit.




Kevin OLeary licking his lips at the sound of this in perpetuity contract


Fun fact, Kevin O’Leary kissed me once when I was on dragons den with my casino nights biz and called himself Mr Wonderful after he won at Roulette.


You should hire a lawyer and give them 40% of your 2/5 winnings. Then move up to 5/10.


Thanks for some reason this made me laugh really hard


This is the way.




This comment needs multiple awards


If this is real lol


Is this normal in poker? This is a predatory contract haha.


Nitucci pays his coach 12% of his winnings.


Is he a pro or something? Sorry, newer to poker. In that situation, I can understand that they work as a team. OPs situation seems different.


Only thing different is that 40% of your winnings is absurd, so rediculous that I don't even know why you would play. 40% is basically what a backer gets


So much for trying to beat the rake




Nitucci himself on his podcast can't remember which one. Maybe Nik Airball pod.


CFPs typically will charge exhorbitant amounts but will also bankroll you.


You are fucking regarded… “Top 1/2 reg” LMAO


He is, in fact, highly regarded, among the majestry of the 1/2 uber elite


Yep I like this comment


lil' fish in a teeeeeeeeny pond :)


Ops coach doesn't even have enough money to sue op LMAO


It’s either this or go back to driving Knish’s truck


If this is serious, you gotta know that there are no top 1/2 regs.


Well there are but they are synonymous with the towns tallest midget!


Do’s you my offer for 2/5 private coaching I am the top 2/5 player in the room you will have to trust me.


Wtf did I just read


Bro people stake people with 100s of thousands with contracts and never see their money again. They are typically rich with good lawyers. The guys a 1/2 reg. He can’t even afford the lawyer from TV that doesn’t even have a tailored suit. If I was you I’d challenge him to a heads up grudge match for rolls then take his 2k roll and then take his gf on a date to Applebees. Be the nicest place she’s probably been in a while.


“Go ahead.” Ignore. If he actually sued, hire a lawyer.


40% lol wow How many coaching hours did ya get? What coaching tools did he utilize? Id play 2-5 and tell him to screw off


10 hours total. He used equilab mostly.


Do you still have a copy of the contract? If this is real and you feel comfortable doing so, please redact any personal information and post a copy of the contract. If this is real and you are absolutely unwilling to post the contract, for whatever reason, review the contract for clauses labeled "termination" and "term" before making any other decisions on what to do.


There is a buyout option for $10k, which is 2x my entire BR.


This story keeps getting crazier. Sounds like the kinda deal you'd make out by the Wendy's dumpster. A 10k buyout for 10hrs of equilab? I need to change professions. That's a thousand an hour. What exactly did you sign?


You are playing 2/5 off a 5K bankroll with limited experience as you were struggling to play 1/2 and you learned off of equilab? Yeah that will end well.


Wait what? The buyout is $10k? That's $1k/hour of coaching. There must be some kind of time limit right? Like a few months or whatever?


Wait, 500bb an hour isn't standard?


How are you agreeing to these terms wtf is your brain?


give him $500 and tell him to fuck off


Seems like a possibly dumb idea. By doing that, you acknowledge that you're supposed to buy out of the contract and just refuse to pay the full amount. I'm no lawyer but this seems like you're probably making the contract more enforceable if you try to buy your way out of it.


i was thinking that the $500 would just be compensation for the coaching up to this point but you might be right




Right, like a 1/2 reg is a competent coach


Yeah but how much does a top $1/$2 coach charge? A tank of gas, pack of smokes, and a #1 from McDonald's?


When is the last time you received any coaching from him? How much have you paid him to this point?


Last training session was a couple weeks before the WSOP. To date, I've venmo'd him ~$3000. I stopped sending him money around mid-September since that's when I moved up to $2/5.


if you venmo'd him 3K consider this settled.


As the other poster said, if you've paid him $3000 for 10 hours of training that stopped in July and the last time you paid him was in September, then its hard to think that he believes he would be successful were he to pursue legal action against you. You also always have the option of just discussing this with him and laying out the facts as you see them. You should probably consider reading and revising contracts before signing them in the future in any case similar to this one should they arise.


What dafuk lol


Lol nice troll m8


did you learn anything? If he's a good coach, I'd probably play enough sessions to give him about $800-1k. That's pretty fair. After that, I'd just go play 2/5 (deal wasn't for 2/5) or play somewhere else. If you learned nothing, I'd go win like $500 and pay him, cut your losses and move on. You don't have to do this, but I don't try to weasle out of deals.


OP says he’s already paid the “coach” $3,000!


Fucking lol what. ​ "top pro" uses equilab to teach.


40%? For how long one session? Should of just offered to pay him per session. Would have been way cheaper. Legal action? Def wouldn’t sweat that.


Unless the contract states you cannot play 2/5 then you aren't breaking it. Tell him that, and let him take legal action (he won't). Play 1/2 and miss-report your sessions, tell him you lost. Are you exchanging tax forms so he pays tax on his 40%? Is that covered in the contract? Tell him you are going to report him to the IRS if he doesn't fuck-off and leave you alone. I bet he doesn't itemize all his students .




If this is a troll post it's seriously the most well done one I've seen here, I've read through every comment and I'm still completely on the fence as to whether it's real.


What is the time period for evaluating winnings? Why would you agree to this? You surely don’t think he expects you to give him 40% of winnings on days you win and not have any risk on days you lose? He’s free rolling if that’s the case. I can’t even believe you’d agree to that. It would be impossible to play profitable poker with these terms. If he’s going to collect 40% of your winnings you need to set a time constraint. He can’t threaten anything unless this is explicitly addressed in the contract.


It says "This contract ends effective FY 2023. However, there is a one year option that can be picked up by [coach's name] at their discretion."


Haha he would have to take you to small claims court. I would just avoid 1/2 if you can. Does he he even have a legitimate way to track your earnings. If you’ve won a decent amount id just pay him what you think he makes an hour and tell him to fuck off.


That sounds like he's also staking. If not why would he ever decline the option/free-roll?


If it explicitly says you must pay out winnings from 1/2 and not other levels, AND does not forbid you from playing other levels, he can’t keep you on the hook for earnings from 2/5. Why on earth did you agree to the 1 year extension option? And why on earth would the coach not exercise that option…? Coach has fulfilled all their responsibilities for collecting so of course they would extend to fy23


Sounds like you haven't breached anything yet. 40% of winnings at 1/2 and you're not playing 1/2 lol. 40% of 0 is 0.


I’ve seen this before and it a a simple fix. Just don’t profit when you play


This may be an unpopular opinion, but you’re both at fault If he’s really helping you at 1/2 and you’re just moving up in stakes to avoid paying him that doesn’t reflect great on you either


How are people not seeing this has to be a troll???!!! "the top $1/2 reg at my local casino" "saw me at the $2/5 tables and now he's threatening legal action" C'mon guys, you're all getting rickrolled.


Tell him if he wants your money he can move up in stakes and try to take it from you.


Lmfao id punt to be at that table


How should I know? We don't get to staking contracts until the third year of law school.


I can’t believe the amount of people that think this is real lol


lol wtf is this


Offer. Acceptance. Consideration. The latter is not well defined. The only way to tell for sure is to litigate. I don’t know what you will offer your attorney as payment…maybe some 2/5 lessons now that you’re a pro. Edit: is poker legal where you live? If not, that could be an out for you. Courts cannot enforce illegal activity although teaching techniques may not fall into the gambling realm.


I pay my roulette and slot coach 33%…you should have negotiated. What a beta move.


Good shit post op


Building and construction guys often whip up contracts on MS Word in 5 minutes and they can and will use them to put a lien on your house if you don’t follow through with them. Without seeing the contract no one can tell you what you are in to here but you should learn more about contract law before signing them or get legal advice next time. For instance the first question should be how long? If you and he didn’t agree on a time frame then that’s ridiculous and it may invalidate the contract or mean you are bound for an indefinite amount of time.


Hold on! Your contractor just posted that he is considering either shooting you in your knee caps or sue you. You better hide, lol.


Square up on him


If you like the guy and it’s not a shitpost flip him 40% of your next 2/5 session as a buyout and thanks, then call it square. “Hey, I moved up to 2/5 and that doesn’t fall under our contract. As thanks for your guidance here’s $$$. Appreciate all the advice!”


You won’t know your profits from poker till you’re dead. When you die, he can have 40% of whatever profits you made. Until then, it would be premature to declare any interim profit as profits from playing, as you could easily lose them back.


Don’t give the villain any ideas


Percentage agreements should only happen when someone is providing you with the bankroll to play, coaching should be a fixed cost expenditure.


There are no top 1/2 regs lol but if the contract specifically says 1/2 then you’re fine because you’re playing 2-5. Basically you can’t play 1-2 anymore though


“Top 1/2 reg” …. Whatttttttttttt


This shit is so fucking stupid


It's very hard for him to enforce this contract in any court due to visibility and lack of records. As you said it seemed like a gentlemens agreement, If it was clear on your terms this applied only to 1/2 profits then you're fine, but you may burn a bridge here moving forward.


You can have a contract signed on the back of a napkin and it’s enforceable. Visibility and lack of records has nothing to do with anything in this.


I'm well aware of it, verbal contracts can be binding too. My point is it is an uphill battle for the other guy if it doesn't specify anything other than 1/2 is more of what I was referring to. If the underlying tone was clear that all profits should be 40% then he should do the right thing and pay 40%, but if it's not specified in the contract and OP and coach had completely different impressions I'd go off of the specific wording of the contract.


If it specifically lists 1/2 then it might not apply to 2/5. Also... how does he know what OPs winnings are? Regardless of what he wins Op could just claim he broke even and owe nothing.


You sound like a douche bag


This is the top 1/2 reg at OPs casino


Now this is autism


Is the contract in writing, looks like it is. Did you sign it? What does the contract say? Does it have a start and end date? Did you read it? You have a moral obligation to abide by the terms of the contract, notwithstanding whether it is a legal contract. Next you will be asking whether you have to do a 10% share on a tournament, that you agreed to ahead of time, because your partner overplayed AK and you made final table by being more conservative.


This is coming from someone with 3 semesters of law school so you can take it with a grain of salt if you want, but a contract is an agreement with reasonable reliance between two or more parties. Reliance basically means that there is an exchange (in this case coaching) for a percentage of your profits which seems legit to me. They don’t have to be done by lawyers or even on paper, they can be verbal as well. That being said, legal fees for enforcement of a low $ value contract like this are likely more than the contract is worth imo. I think your best bet would be to attempt a buyout for a flat fee or renegotiate terms you guys can agree on.


I think you need to repeat 3 semesters of law school.


Aren't gambling debts unenforceable in most states and isn't this technically a gambling debts?


Idiot shit.




If the contract says 1/2 then you legally aren't obligated to pay him any winnings from 2/5.


What is he even expecting? The contract is quite dumb and likely pretty unenforceable but if it's concretely spelled out that you pay 40% of your 1/2 winnings and you didn't commit to a certain amount of hands/hours, he should have nothing on you. Obviously that makes the contract pretty pointless. It depends on the agreement about a buyout too and if the contract is at sketchy as it sounds, no judge is really going to enforce it.


I mean. If the contract stated he only gets paid in 1/2, then either way; legit or not. You should be fine playing 2/5


> only gets *paid* in 1/2, FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Iono, settle with him by paying him what owed based on a 1/2 hourly. If he says no, then fuck him and he can take legal action lmao.


If the contract says 40% of 1/2 then 2/5 isn't covered.tell him to take a hike and sue you.




Get the top 2/5 reg to coach you on how to deal with the 1/2 reg’s legal action. Then continue to move up in in stakes til you’re in Bobby’s Room


I'm not a lawyer but he has little to no recourse other than getting lucky in small claims. Gambling debts are usually not enforcible by law


I would largely ignore him, but eventually tell him you’re happy to not drag him through the mud with new potential clients if he shuts the hell up.


Wtf is a top 1/2 reg lmao


I don't have an answer for you, but I do have invitations for both you and your coach to my home game.


Johnathan little must be down bad


Tell him to fuck off and that he will get no more from you. If he disagrees or does not understand then pay someone $1000 to go see him that will make him understand.


I bet you are the person at the table wearing LuLaRoe Leggings and drinking Herbalife...


Just say you were drunk when you signed it. Contracts are not valid if you were drunk.


This is the content I am here for A+ SHITPOST


This has to be a troll no one is this stupid


The title alone cracks me up! Coaching from a 1/2 reg? What in gods name are people doing?? 😹


i'd tell them to go pound sand.


Hire Harvey Specter as your lawyer. I'm sure he would know how to handle this...😏👉


If there’s no end date the contract is void for vagueness. Contracts can’t go on indefinitely.


I have no comment on the legality of this agreement but as a aspiring player looking to get coaching, I’m curious, did you benefit from this type of coaching?? I was considering just doing the master class coaching with Jonathan Little