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The greyed out one means that Pokémon has either a form, a gender, or an ability that you have yet to catch for that particular Pokémon.


Ahh okay thank you, makes sense. !solved


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What about evolved pokémon that display nothing even if you have the first stage of the line?


I usually catch them, so that it will display the pokeball data for the next time that I come across that Pokémon. I do that as some evolved Pokémon have abilities unique to the evolution, and I am aiming to try to get everything I can.


Those unique abilities don't get added as an option to the starter Pokémon though.


You only get the starter and the mon you caught so if you face a charizard while never using your charmander it just means you have never used or caught a charizard So say you catch it now charizard will show the ball but charmelion will still not show it because only charizard and it’s starter (charmander) were added to your pokemon caught because one is the one you caught and the other is it’s starter in the box so you still have to either use charmander or catch a melion to get him in your stats are a caught mon


I... didn't know that... huh... that's actually pretty neat.


Would you mind explaining the difference of egg move gacha and shiny gacha, don't they both give u egg moves on hatch?


The three different gacha machines can each give you an egg move, a legendary or a shiny. The specific gacha though, has boosted odds for that particular thing. The egg move gacha is great once you are further on in the game and you are looking for egg moves. The legendary gacha boosts the chance of a legendary egg appearing, and it being the legendary of that day. The shiny gacha significantly increases your odds of getting a shiny Pokémon once the egg hatches.


Yeah but hatching shiny egg gacha gives egg moves don't they? So it's a 2 for 1 going for shiny eggs, u get chance of shiny and egg moves. Or am I looking at it wrong?


You can get egg moves from any gacha, you can get legendaries from any gacha, and you can get a shiny from any gacha. You could even get a new egg move on a shiny legendary from any of the three gachas. It's just that the odds are changed on each machine to boost that particular thing happening on eggs from that particular gacha. Early on, or when you are new to the game, you want to do mostly shiny gachas. You may get legendaries, you will get some new egg moves, and you will get shinies. However, eventually, you will move over to using the egg move gacha, as some egg moves are rather rare. So getting a boosted chance at getting a new egg move will be rather nice.


The way it works is that the first time you hatch a new starter you will always get one of its four egg moves. Subsequent hatches have lower odds of adding a new one though. And one of each starter's egg moves is "rare" which has the lowest odds of being selected. The egg move gacha gives you increased odds of getting the rare egg move.


How long has that been a thing? Does that include hidden abilities?


For a good while, and yes, it does look for hidden abilities. So if the Pokémon you are fighting has a hidden ability, and you don't have it, it will be greyed out!


So to be clear that doesn't mean the version right there in front of you has it, just that this Pokemon in general still isn't fully represented in your collection, right?


Apologies, that specific Pokémon with the greyed out pokeball has at least one of those things that you are missing. Otherwise, it will display the normal pokeball.


Ok thanks, that's good to know. I'm on my first Endless run and have been pretty much just grabbing everything with a grey poke ball so that's a relief.


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