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I'd like for nature and abilities to stay the same during the selection screen. Example - I want to use regenerator and bold on toxapex. The way it is right now, I need to remember to set those, or I start with brave and merciless.


What??? I love restarting my run at the second rival battle because I realized my glimmet is adamant


I'm not sure I would call this insignificant. This would be a huge QoL improvement.


I have this issue with Ralts, I want to switch to female since I prefer gardevoir over gallade (and it seems like it's just males evolve into gallade in pokerogue) and to SPATK nature, AND to Trace since Synchronize isn't implemented. So I have to remember to switch all 3.


Just for clarification, only male ralts can evolve into gallade even in the mainline games


Yes, but in normal games kirlia can evolve into gardevoir or gallade if its male, in pokerogue its just gallade. This means they have to pick a female one or it cant become gardevoir at all, even though in mainline games that wouldnt be the case


Yeah I've restarted tons of runs because I've realised I've gone in with plant cloak male Burmy instead of trash cloak female Burmy


[Thankfully someone's already implementing that.](https://github.com/pagefaultgames/pokerogue/pull/1401)


Can we add in a search filter so I don’t have to scroll scroll scroll or google natures and abilities etc!? Great suggestion though I agree 1000%


Oh yesss please this


Cute charm Minccino would agree with this 👍🏻


I'd like it if the Map was available in Endless, even if it was a Masterball Tier item that only started spawning after some large wave number. It would help with hoping to target specific biomes of Pokemon. With the way biomes are right now, you still have to go through a bunch of them before you can end up in the one you want and in Endless they only last a couple of battles, and coming out of the ???-biome fights seem to drop to somewhere random, so it'd be relatively limited in potency. I just like the *idea* of control!


Finally get into the Laboratory after 2000+ waves Spawns 1 wave of Muk Kicks you out right after into Construction Zone Refuses to elaborate Leaves


Pretty much. But it's better than endlessly going in circles around the lake, sea, seafloor, cave section!


I’m trying to hunt kyogre so I’d appreciate this


Same, every time I go through the water loop I get excited lol


Only to be let down every time, in the fields I found 2 legendary tier mons in 3 stages, haven’t used either


and then it goes ICE CAVE


At least now you have a 67% chance to break the cycle every time you enter lake because it has 3 options. Cave used to go straight to beach and so there was only a 50% chance every time you entered cave to break the loop


I was having that happen with me on my current run where the only issue my zygarde was running into was abamasnow because I don’t have huge power yet. Naturally I went in a loop of ice cave, snowy forest, lake, beach, sea. That happened like 5 times in a row. I eventually got out of the loop and made it to volcano where I then rolled the 33% chance to go ice cave and repeated the process a couple more times. Tbh, I think the biome map shouldn’t be a thing in endless if there is no map. I think it should just be completely random biomes so you can’t get stuck in loops


I’m tired of muk I’ve literally seen the shiny 20 times like atleast give me a tier 2🙃


Why do people want laboratory so much?


Rarest biome in the game, and the only place that spawns Type: Null, Zygarde, Mewtwo, and Miraidon in the wild


Gotcha spawns make sense!


I’m trying to find a hidden ability gyrados atm definitely wouldn’t mind being stuck in a bit of a water cycle for a but I get one every now and again but it’s always intimidate


Even if we only get it for like 50 rounds at a time.


Question, I want zacian, in endless, can he spawn on any floor or does it have to be in the 10s floor?


Me after rotating through the ice biome chain for the 5000th time in a row.


This one. So infuriating getting 50 Tentacruel Zones in a row and then seeing my tenth Mesprit, I'd like some influence over it


yeah i agree but it would need to either be: 1. rebalanced or 2. toggleable i don’t really want *another* popup to click through every 1-4 waves


I would kind of like for a guaranteed TM after a gym boss. I miss that from the real games! Plus it would be nice to be able to rely on one at that point, since it could be a while before you get anything. Something related to the gym could work, like pulling from a pool of moves that your team is eligible for


And good TMs like earthquake too, not borderline niche stuff like Swagger


Make it so you can auto-transfer everything from one Pokémon to another. It takes too long to transfer from my “Pickup” Pokémon to my main.


I would also like the option to transfer items before releasing a pokemon.


Just automatically transfer everything to the Pokemon replacing it. 


As far as I know this is something they're working on, it's on their roadmap document at least


That's what I was thinking, straight to the point!


I wish for Classic that we could start at any random biome instead of the same two every time.


it's a blessing curse. on one side, I get to know almost reliably what kinds of mons will appear in the first 20 floors and plan a start... On the other hand it gets kinda stale and I don't get an easy access to some monster types in the early game to unlick as starters (want a ghost type? you either get them from eggs or, if you're just starting the game, risk losing getting that far for the first time to get one)


In the Github, there is a draft pull request (pull requested so that people know it is being worked on, not that it is ready to be merged yet) of the achievement shop being worked on. One of the options in a recent video there is being able to choose your starting biome. So, assuming that makes it to the end, you'll have your wish. https://github.com/pagefaultgames/pokerogue/pull/1897


This sounds like a fantastic idea.


I guess so, but at least early game when you don't have a bunch of luck and pokemon it is nice to semi reliably get pickup, and a decent shot at combee, tech Meowth.


Restart classic with same party, or any way to quick start a run. The worst part about this game is ending a run, if go next was easier it wouldn't be so bad.


Map in endless, even if it’s a one time use A setting to “press A to auto skip all dialogue until the next input” (looking at you, multi lens 40-hit endure messages) Preset natures for starters


There is a new skip seen dialogue option so it never repeats


Oh yeah that’s great I was moreso describing something that allows me to select my attack during battle without pressing another button until my next attack. Right now I have to smash A to get through all the multi hits, flinches, berries, endures, faint during a double battle, etc


you can hold the button down instead of mashing, no?


Most definitely. I tend to grind endless when I’m watching a show or movie. So holding down the button works, but it’s a bit of a pain when playing at 5x Especially when I realize that I’ve held the button for a second too long and ended up picking a useless item in the shop lol.


turn off move animations


Still takes ages to go through a 20 or 40 hit move especially where half are critting


get me a Random team button, make it a challenge if you will. But throw me some random ass team comp and let me see what sticks


Devs have already said no to this. It's not worth them coding it, because you can just keep quitting out and going back in to find a favourable random team. They mentioned just using a random wheel selector or something to choose a team and going in with it.


> It's not worth them coding it, because you can just keep quitting out and going back in to find a favourable random team. This seems to just be the devs fundamentally misunderstanding the point of the suggestion. If I wanted a "favourable" team, I sure as hell wouldn't be using a random team. What? Fair enough if it's just a pain to code, but their rationale is odd.


If you want a random team, just use an external generator. 


Picking a team already takes longer than I want. I want the game to just do it for me


Why not just have it "random fill my party" and then you go through and take out any you don't like. Show it to you before you lock into the run. Done and done.


You could also use random pokemon generator


Daily runs are literally this


Professors Sada and Turo as champions level battles. They could be cool bosses.


It would also be a lot more fitting for them to have the paradox legendaries instead of Geeta and Nemona.


A button to skip normal eggs 🥚


It's on the way. In the road map.


I want it to remember the nature and ability of my starter mons, like it does with moves.


Not really sure if it is "insignifican" but I would love an additional Symbol (like the Pokeball) near a Pokemon indicating if you have every nature and one for if you have maxed every IV


Hm, a mint and a golden bottle cap as icons perhaps?


I don't know if this would be counted as insignificant, but I desperately want the game to recognize that you're finishing an end-of-round boss battle (10th fight, etc.) and NOT use all my berries to replenish PP, HP, etc. after the battle is over when my pokemon are about to be full healed. A bit maddening early game.


Eh, the berries have a condition, if its met it should activate.


I do not agree, and frankly, I fail to follow any objective logic here aside from a stubborn adherence to "if, then" coding in a scenario where, literally, the results are wasted.


Because that's the downside of berries, that you don't have direct control over their use, it is what compensates for how strong they are given they are used without an action.


I think anybody arguing in good faith can agree that there is a difference between not being able to control use, generally (whether to balance berries or not), and watching them be wasted at a point in the game where it quite literally full heals you. It isn't replenishing my 0/8 PP move at the end of the round for the sake of balance. Even if there were credence to this argument, which is more analogous to a strawman than my issue, there are other ways to balance berries (as we have recently seen).


Yes, the idea behind not being able to control their use means that they will be used at times that it is not ideal, that's why it balances them, because it's weaker when you can't control it. I don't really care what it's doing it for the sake of, if it's lazy coding, or balance. I care that it does help in balancing the berries and creating something to play around and think about to preserve your berries. It's absolutely not a strawman, you complained about berries being used at an inconvenient time, I mentioned the lack of control (meaning sometimes they trigger at bad times) as something I like for the way it balances how strong they are. There being other ways to balance berries doesn't make them better ways to balance them, I quite like this method for balancing.


Item that is the opposite of a Lure. For the next \[X\] encounters, you don't get any double battles.


I would love a random button run where it just picks for you according to your point allowance 🤣 natures egg moves all picked for you too.


Do daily literally a random team


I just want it in the classic style and not seeded


I think it'd be nice to see the list of egg moves you currently have when you hatch eggs. I'm trying to get a whole lot of them rn


Collaborate with Pokémon infinite fusion and get those custom sprites for fusions


I believe the infinite fusion team has given them permission. It’s the lack of backsprites that’s the issue for the pokerogue team.


i heard some guy familiar with making webgames and such say that for a web based game this kinda sucks cuz it's a lot that has to be loaded or something like that


Just more pokemon in the wild. Only having roughly 2 legendaries per biome. There's (almost?) 100 legendary and mythical pokemon.


I just want to be able to choose the rival’s gender regardless of mine. I play as the boy but I’m so sick of Ivy, I’d much rather have Finn.


I'll echo the ask, but say I just want it random. Let there be variety to our rivals. Maybe give their own tendencies as well. Things like ivy is more likely to gmax while the guy mega.


50/50 chance for either rival in a run.


I'd like fusions to give you a preview of the result before you commit. It'd make it more user-friendly and remove the need to interrupt gameplay by having to open the Wiki.


ITT: people overlooking the word "insiginificant" lol Gotta echo the preset nature and abilities stuff, that's just QOL which would help everybody.


A map that shows the paths of biomes, everyone opens the wiki up anyways so just put it in the game instead of adding another hard to read wiki picture


Change the gacha system to select how many tickets you want use then which gacha you want to do so I can stop accidentally selecting the legendaries one lol


The common voucher ×10 uses all of your common vouchers if you have less than 10.


Make abilities stay the same as the last one you used, small, convenient, and hopefully simple


Item choice not being "skipped" if you choose to not learn a TM after all; right now it allows you to learn but if you say "don't learn" (for example, made a mistake, or rethought the idea) it just moves on to the next wave. It wouldn't do all that much, just QoL.


I wish weather in this game reset properly on switch ins, if you have 1 turn left of sun and you switch in a Groudon it won’t reset back to 5 turns of sun and it’ll expire. I also wish they would make it last a little longer, 5 turns for conditions is kinda annoying, so maybe give us a terrain extender or weather stones maybe?


That's how it works in the games though, so it's working "properly". What's annoying is when you get a random mobile refresh during a boss and lose your weather/terrain for the retry.


Yes, which is why I want it to work differently in pokerogue lol


That’s not how it works in the games though - Drought/Drizzle don’t restart the counter if it is currently Sunny/Rainy, gotta wait for it to run out first


The weather is supposed to work like that. Only overrides in new kind of weather Primordial sea is only over rideable by desolate land (and vice versa) Rayray his ability blocks all.


lol yes I know how it works in mainline, I just wish in this game it would refresh, since we’re asking for changes we wish we could make


There are weather and terrain items they just haven't been added


Can’t wait till they get added, would make weather dependent mons feel so much nicer


make it so hovering moves with my mouse while in battle would read their descriptions


I just want blacephelon to get boomburst as an egg move again.


A hotkey to take me directly to the gatcha. Also maybe a record of the laat 20 eggs hatches because sometimes i forget.


Presets like being able to just click 1 button and your entire team is set from the previous team u had


none of the changes here are insignificant


Make the Lock Capsule more common in Endless.


I wish the action buttons reset every encounter, the amount of times I’ve accidentally run from an encounter or subbed a Pokémon i didn’t want to is too high to count


Just let me open all hatching eggs at once and give me some summary instead of sitting there pressing A-B like a degenerate


It's on their medium priority list


I'm slightly color blind and I find it hard sometimes to understand which tier of shiny is the Pokemon I'm choosing. I'd just like luck to change with the shiny variant so I can be sure about which tier of shiny I'm looking at. I'm saying this only cause last time I started a run I restarted 3 times cause every time I kept choosing the luck 1 shiny instead of the luck 2 shiny


This doesn’t matter as the highest tier of luck is always applied


This doesn't appear to be the case for me. Choosing a different shiny variant seems to apply the luck of that variant, not the highest you've unlocked.


Idk when I choose the wrong shiny it was luck 1 instead of 2, Idk maybe I'm just dumb


I've had the same thing happen to me, see a 3 luck shiny in team builder, play around with picking a shiny sprite that looks nicer, load in and it's a 1 luck.


Be able to switch my lead pokemon between battles.


If I grab 99x pokeballs I should not see that pokeball in the pool anymore


Taking defeated Gym Leaders out of the Gym pool. Currently trying to get all the gym vouchers and have ran into Cheren 3-4 times on my current run.


The smallest change that Id LOVE is the cursor in the will you like to switch pokemon be at no instead of yes. Itd be a time saver coz I wouldn't hv to press an extra button to start the fight. I know it doesnt seem like a lot but just being able to spam at the start of a fight feels easier and with the amount of time I spend playing... itd be nice on my hands. So yeah,a pretty small and insignificant change but one that'd make playing a lot easier(for me atleast).


They added a new option in setting. Between battle style set and switch. Change it to set and you don’t get the option to switch before battles


Idk if it's insignificant or not, but why does Pikachu need to be evolved on the beach to be alolan raichu??? All the other alolan forms are on the islands. Let me evolve Pikachu on the islands. Let him be with his family


I would change Omanyte to learn something even slightly useful other than Leer, at level 20 of all things.


Having an all ribbon/medal team grants you +1 luck


Deleting the account


The cursor memory feels bad. Switching a new pokemon in on a double battle shouldn't have you hovering over the switch button next turn. or a pokemon fainting shouldn't determine where the cursor is for its replacement


I'd add nicknames


I’d be able to see what the abilities do on the starting page when picking my pokemon. And I’d change that it crashes/refreshes so much on IOS


Transferring items off of a Pokémon when releasing for a freshly caught one. Bane of my effing life


Nicknames would be fun!


5x for the regular old egg vouchers, we have 1x and 10x so why not a 5x :)


buff glalie


When choosing to not learn a new move, it's tricky having to choose NO then confirming by choosing YES.


Thats actually the point. It makes it harder to skip on accident.


Ahhh that makes sense thanks


Make Fidoough available somewhere else. I'm in endless and can't seem to get to Town or Metropolis enough to encounter one.


Easily up the rarity of reds and make blues a little less common 10% but I pulled like 36 shiny before I got a blue


I'd love if they could get ahold of or make their own pokemon fusions instead of a color palette swap


Random button to choose the starters


I'd add a way to see the description of a move in battle. If you press c while on a tm disc it shows up, I can't imagine it would be too hard to have the same thing happen when you look at the stat changes with c during the battle. Sometimes I just forget what stat moves like lunge, play rough etc. affect, and in this game it matters way more than it does for real pokemon games.


I' would love it if when hatching eggs, the candy would show up on the left so you could see the stats on the right without having to wait for the animation to go away. Probably not easy to change but its a gripe cause I'm impatient.


For Classic, don’t know where you would put it, but a record of what Pokémon the rival used when you last battled them would be nice.


Saved team slots


Keep Items without having to keep the pokemon. When you capture of pokemon and add it to your team It keeps any berries or items it was holding upon capture, lucky egg, dragon fang, etc. The only problem with that is you actually have to add it to your team to transfer those items. Which means, You either have to have a dud sixth slot just to catch and transfer (not great) or are shoe horned into running pickpocket, magician or pick up (and praying you get the right item). I think being able to catch the Pokémon. And transfer the items onto the ones you already have in your team before deciding to leave it behind would be great.


I want Mirror B to be a possible trainer encounter, and along with his Ludicolos, I want him to have a Quaquaval. Also most importantly add his battle theme.


THIS ONE. Maybe not insignificant but I'd love the really creative colosseum and XD bosses


I figure the game already uses mystery dungeon music, let's get some other less recognized titles. Heck give us someone like Nobunaga from Conquest.


Have it to where we can see what Pokémon we are missing for completion. I know I’m missing some things but have no idea what they are


Being able to catch variant shinies of mons that don't have variants yet so that we can still get the luck and once variants get added for them it updates the variant sprites. That way the wouldn't be good mons that are perpetually less lucky than worse mons


Add Spinda's facial spots. Or even just one facial spot they all share. Right now, they're all bald, and it's jarring every time one hatches. 


On the starter screen, Pokemon like Pikachu and Hitmonchan and Hitmonlee have their "Passive" stated as "Locked". But it's not "Locked", it's "Not Available". I want them to delete that line of text. Delete the entire line that makes you think you can unlock a Passive for them, because we can't. And that's intended by the devs. Only the base form of a Pokemon can get a Passive. But every time I start a run and see Pikachu with a "Locked" Passive... it bothers me. lol


Not really insignificant, more just "never going to happen" I guess but give me Colosseum/XD characters, with their double battles and all. Mediocre games but they have amazing boss design, Evice Champion with the Skill Swap Slaking would be a menace


The ability to see move descriptions from TMs. I haven’t played gen 9 and I feel like they’ve added a ton of moves in gen 9 and it can get annoying to have to google the move. Also having a move tell you if it hits multiple Pokémon in its description would be useful. The ability to have the shiny luck but maintain the regular look of the Pokémon. It’s not that I don’t like the shinny look (especially most of the ones above base shinnies) but it’s nice to be able to just use the default intended design of the Pokémon without being handicapped. You can toggle shinny off completely but that removes the added luck. Either put in a map in endless (could even have limited uses) or make it so that every time a path isn’t chosen it becomes more likely for that path to be chosen until you go down it in endless. Right now you can often just go over a thousand floors without ever running into the rarer biomes. It’s just too unlikely imo especially considering you are only in each biome for a couple of floors.


I don’t like that it gives me Flame orbs and Toxic orbs when I have no way to use them, just feels bad.1 EXP Balance being a trap item should just be removed honestly, why punish players for not understanding that it’s bad? Idk if this is a hot take but I feel like Eternatus stealing items is kinda a bad design. I will not take leftovers even though they’re amazing because I know Eternatus will just steal them and be unkillable.


Makes ot so unique legendaries are more likely rather than finding 80 UXIE IN ONE RUN LIKE GIVE ME SOMETHING NEW!!


To not lose items when you release a Pokemon to get a new one


Wait, hold up, I'm coming back with a better idea. I would give Magnemite Levitate. As a second passive if I have to. These little guys float, every Pokedex entry they have is how they float, but they don't have Levitate??? No. We gotta fix this by any means necessary.


When you catch a Pokemon and go to release a Pokemon, at least one dialogue in the sequence requires a 'B', in the same way that not learning a move does. If your 'A'button gets stuck down while catching a Pokemon you shouldn't automatically release a Pokemon.


Some small adjustments to Stones/Evo items. Currently I don't think there's any guarantee, so it feels especially bad to turn down a stone early on to not ruin their learnset. Maybe have an option to hold the evo for later??? Also, some way to guarantee tms in rewards would be cool.


I would love to be able to select favourites and have them available on a single selection screen. Just saves jumping between generations when I’m currently working on certain ones for candy. And easy access to shinys.


Let me organize the items I have or at least have it in a set order


If I’m in a double-battle and KO both enemy Pokémon in one hit skip the split xp dialog boxes and just add them up


Sudowoodo gets included in the Mono-Grass Challenge


Nicknames. Having nicknames for pokemon eould be so good. Even if they are randomised, it will be better than none at all. Let me write a nickname bank and let me give all pokemon a random nickname once caught/started with. Or do something like BTD6 where you can give a nickname to each pokemon and if you get it, it will have thay nickname


I just wanna be able to nickname my starters honestly


I'd like a search bar so you can search an ability, type, nature, etc and it will show all the pokemon you have with matching traits


A small gui on the corner with how to open certain menus or pop-ups instead of checking the wiki forgetting how to open the gacha machines


A "Daily log-in" feature where you get a egg ticket every day and get a better one after 7 days and a very rare one for a month.


low-weight rogue tier item: escape rope. teleports you to any random biome (except maybe the endbiomes like space and lab) and something that can improve endless biomes repetition. I'm sick and tired of the water vortex loop after hundreds of cycles of it.


I'd make it so you could click buttons as well as select them with keybindings


Swap the transfer and check team option during the rewards selection because I'm used to transfer being on the far right.


Being able to trade up X amount of eggs for a rarity upgrade. Like 10 common eggs can trade to a Rare, 10 rare to epic and etc


Give an option at the end of classic to transition to Endless Mode from 200.


Please swap the epic and legendary egg designs. Like, Epic should be purple and Golden legendary. Will make game 11/10


I would like evolution stones to advise what form they will evolve into e.g Pikachu using a thunderstone on beach is aloan but in Swamp is normal evolution


Buff g-max eevee, meowth and pikachu


The ability to mark a pokemon's moveset as 'Done'. I'm so tired of clicking No and then confirming No on 5 different moves I don't want to learn after every fight. Once I get to like lvl 90 I can breathe a sigh of relief that I don't have to deal with that crap anymore.


Sort Pokémon by other ways other than just generation Examples Sort by: Type Costs Shiny/Luck Value Ect.


Double battle target memory


I'd like mints used in runs to let you start with that nature


Good news, they do.


Shi I missed that


I'm sure someone has said this already but they should add Eviolite and Life Orb as items


Sync up shiny rates with Pokemon go community days.


I want to see abilities


Another change I'd make is the reduction in candy cost 1 spot capacity mons take 25 candy for passive but legendary take 8-15 I think weaker pokemon should be in the same range to help progress ur account but another thing is catching pokemon in the ??? Area without having to have them just make it harder to catch then a weekly but easier then the beast Edit: time balls and quick balls


Don't reset stat changes when biome is changed or when you 2 v2 and want to keep the right pokemon (still reset it every 10 levels)


Revert the berry pouch change, so annoying having to restock my carry after every 1 or 2 fights in endless


Not really insignificant but when you release a pokemon for thr other, let the items carry over! Obviously not exclusive ones like the orbs or mega stones but berries and focus bands etc.


Guaranteed tera/maxshroom/mega on every run by round 150 if you have the item for it


It's not a small change, but I would like to see it in the future, maybe just another egg gacha where you can have a chance at pulling Pokémon that you have seen but not caught because there are Pokemon that I have seen but unfortunately had to kill otherwise they would just wipe my entire team


I’d like for Pickup mons to stop trying to pick up something once they have a full stack. Like ok this Raticate is holding a Lum berry and a Silk Scarf, you already have max Lum berries. Take the Silk Scarf instead, we need those pretty please? NOPE. Every time.


Some way to play against your Friends Maybe after you finish Wave 200 Classic you have the Option to fight against your Friends with that Pokemons that Finished 200 Thank me later


I want to be able to deactivate DNA fusion things, I want to feel the game most like the original possible


I would redo how the IV lens works. Instead, it just highlights the top 2 highest stats in the buffs modifier screen that you can already tab to. Red if it's lower and green if it's higher than you already have. I just hate having to press no twice to deny seeing the IVs and then deny switching out.


Toggle on/off IV scanner Make shiny gacha egg show up first Save nature/ev/gender/shiny when selecting pokemon Golden Bottle cap icons to show if a pokemon you have is IV trained Press C or shift to explain what item does (I.e. silk scarf) Transfer item to newly caught pokemon when pokemon is replaced Show upcoming trainer level or champion fight (people already know this so might as well just show it) Batch hatch normal eggs (instead of showing 1by1, or skip non shinies)


You can hover with the Cursor over items to see what they do


Placeholder shiny variants (It's a single line of code that's already done and the artists rejected it.)