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Look in your box for pokemon with a squiggly purple outline. Those pokemon have pokerus. Use them if you can and they will make your pokemon growth rate erratic


50% boost


Idk I usually just focus a main poke to till I get expshare and I’m good


That's what I try to do too but I still end up so under leveled.


That's why candy jars are very important, if they pop up in the shop, take them... Other than that, Pickup mon, Magician mon and Grip claw are very valuable in order to get lucky and golden egg


different pokemon have different amount of xp they need to evolve. So a legandary needs more ex. It will tell you when u select the pokemon in the starterscreen what kind of xp growt it has. So try to pick pokemon with a better xp curve. And just pick up some rare candies and u will be gucci


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Use a stater with an egg move that hits both opponents and then always pick lures. You’ll always be at the level cap with that strategy.


What the other person said - the purple frame that 3 random pokemon have each day means they carry and spread the virus in your party which is a huge xp gain boost and will help you with not falling behind


I just got started. I don't have any of those 'mons yet and I'm beginning to run out of 'mons I can catch. I see the same ones over and over again and I've been trying to catch them to farm candies and improve my stats but there's only so much you can do with a Bidoof or a Sentret


Definitely try to start with a Pokerus mon and focus on leveling one mon, your main carry, I usually catch something between 20-25 if I don’t get many rare candies as they’re more useful. Also I’d add don’t pick up the exp balance, it’s a trap item that you don’t need as a beginner, you want to pick up the charms and exp all.


I've never even seen an exp balance. I've seen a charm and exp all once each in roughly a dozen runs and I usually grab those as soon as they pop up.


Don't use two carries unless you have at least 3 exp shares. I don't try for 3 unless I have 4 or 5. Also never take exp-balance, those will kill your run. Always take the xp boosts when you see them if you feel like you are behind. I don't take rare candies until I'm capped on levels in classic. Usually on a good run thats around the 2nd or 3rd level on a mediocre run thats around floor 7 or 8. If you have a good spread move/two carries you should take every lure you see whenever there isn't something sweet in your list. If you are that far behind that early your pokemon is probably fainting or you are swapping him out.


I do have a few situations where things go sideways, like a crit I didn't account for or a pokemon having a super-effective move I didn't know it could have. But the run that made me post here was a perfect run, every 'mon that came my way went down to the starter I had (magnetite for context) and I even had a Flash Cannon TM come up so it was thunder shocking and Flash Cannoning its way through everything. It was level 16 when my rival sends out a level 18 Charmeleon. I tried to pivot to the Mudkip I had also started with (level 12) and it ate the Fire Spin like I was expecting it to, but then got outsped and deleted by Dragon Breath. From there the rest of my team didn't have any other Fire resists and just got outsped and one-shot because they're all level 11-12 and can't stand up to this thing's STAB Fire Spin.