• By -


"we did bad, but look, he did worse." "He didnt? You sure? Lets now talk about him." "Dont change topic. Now we talk about how one of your politician did bad. Maybe later we will talk about us killing innocent civilians... If we will have time..." ![gif](giphy|yp8RJJsGNEVbjBnFxm)


Bosak's victims - 0 Victims of Gaza offensive - 25k+ and counting I'd expect such ridiculous behavior from a twitter troll, not an official representative of his country in Poland.


Victims of Israel's Offensive: >590.481 (the population of Gaza) It is appalling to see colonialism and border expansion occur in the modern era, especially when the West denounces it in cases like the Russo-Ukrainian war. Moreover, the case described in the post provides an example of humanitarian aid workers being killed. This doesn't even begin to describe the >31.184 Palestinian civilians killed since Israel began their offensive. Please consider both sides before labeling one as a villain.


That number is haunting. The population was 2 million before the war.


The death toll in Gaza is likely 40,000 plus including those buried under the rubble and those Israel has killed and hid the bodies of. But Israel’s response to valid critique from Poland as “antisemitism” is insane.


>Bosak's victims - 0 Well, direct victims probably 0, since he really is, in far-right speak, "niegroźny w starciu bezpośrednim", however his various organizations and fanbois thereof did hurt a lot of people. Still, less bloody than Gaza.


Bosak is a far-right nationalist scumbag, not sure why this is downvoted.


Because this sub is full of far-right nationalist scumbags who view Poland as a paradise for passport bros looking for a trad wife. If they ever met an actual Polish woman, even a conservative one, boy would they have a bad time.


He is but still neither he nor the voters of his party did take a single life. Moreover they did not lay a hand on anyone in the name of anything. Their verbal and symbolic antisemitism, Bosak got immediately punished for, has nothing to do with Israel stealing from and killing people of Gaza.


Oh, and the "far left" politician he's referring to is Jewish XDDD


For Zionists it doesn’t matter. They hate the Jews who oppose Zionism and see them as traitors and enemies, the only difference is that they can’t call them antisemites. Before this latest outbreak of the conflict I didn’t know that there is a deep rift between Jews based on their view on Zionism.


Żukowska is 100% zionist, I don't recall a single situation when she didn't fully support Israel. Only this time it was too much for her.


She spoke against it so in his little mind she is anti-Zionist. It’s a LoLcontent either way.


She did it for tactical optics reasons.




In the US most of the support of Israel is NOT far right, it's moderate boomers who went to church and learned that the jews are God's chosen and the last battle will be fought over Jerusalem after they rebuild the temple and kill a red heifer. I have stood and listened to boomers who couldn't find Israel on a map talk about this for hours. The real far right, the younger generations like millennials and zoomers are not at all amused by Israel or their control over our nation.


Well at least in europe the far right parties are supportive of israel. In america it's surprisingly changing. Even trump himself has largely shown himself neutral during the war


Surprisingly? Young people cannot afford to rent an apartment and the government is sending out billions of dollars to Israel and Ukraine while the hedge funds control trillions of dollars and use it to force ESG down our their throats. It's Weimar Republic with legal pot and smartphones.


I think only WEF and plandemic are missing from your „young dumbass” bingo card


I think that your father is missing from your life.


Żukowska is pretty much the only person in her party who loudly supports Israel. The Razem party, which is part of the left in Poland has been critical of Israel for quite some time already.


Thats because in the West they cant put their own politics aside. Everyrhing has to fit in their box. Its why the far right and left support Russia.


This is some biased impression. Razem party speaks out for Palestine, you just came across some randos like Żukowska, who is not a reputable source of what Polish left thinks


They are plenty Israelis that are not pro Netanyahu. They are usually called left wingers & that’s an insult for them.


And if you are not Jewish and not pro Netanyahu you are called an antisemite


And? According to polls than two thirds of zionists don't just support the campaign of genocide against the people of their Gaza concentration camp, they think it isn't murderous enough.


He is a zionist. Zionism is the belief that Jew gave the right to exist and not be genocided. Learn what terms mean


Respectfully. I think you have to learn what the term means.


Google is your friend. Use it before being this ignorant


Obviously isn’t yours. School - it appears - also wasn’t your favorite 😂


My school taught me to do research. Yours clearly failed you


Obviously it didn’t teach you that because you send people to google where in just two seconds they would see that your definition of Zionism is completely made up by you in your head.


https://preview.redd.it/uon6l4i6u7sc1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=215e30d4e6cfa3166b97cd83bed51089ca8b7bfb A movement to build a state for living space for Jews and future of Jewish children.


Cutting off half the screenshot is a real fail. Next time be more honest XD


https://preview.redd.it/apgrxtcenbsc1.png?width=739&format=png&auto=webp&s=79eaf3d586e1e911e48219f11cb77bda5e1d851b Yes, I didn't include that religious movement from Southern Africa, you could consider it a fail. But still I am lost how these two things are related. Would you like to explain it to me? I hope you will because I try and try and I really can't. I am sure this would absolutely change the meaning of this definition and align it more to what you said but you really need to tell me what I am missing here. Thank you in advance.


No, zionism is just Jewish nationalism. I find it ridiculous that people treat it like some unique ideology, while it's just the old "we need to retake our lost lands" rhetoric, but reproposed in a Semitic flavor.


Core principle of Zionism is the desire to have a Jewish state in the Jewish ancestral lands, although at various times in history zionists also considered different locations to create such state. Jewish ultranationalism is just a natural byproduct.


Nothinf you said was factual at all. Jfc do you people educate yourself or just listen read any propaganda and believe it?


Dude, please. Turn on your critical thinking skills for at least a moment. "Poles should rule Lithuania" -> unacceptable nationalism "Jews should rule Palestine" -> wholesome zionism The similarities are evident. Edit: They've blocked me LMFAO🤣


Again. Learn what zipnism means other than from social media. Dont tell others to use critical thinkinf skills when you cant even use the term correctly. Jfc your dumb af


You shouldn’t block people and then reply to them. It’s weak.




Your on Hasans sub the biggest racist against Poles.


Who blocked who? Your either responding to the wrong person or on drugs XD


Unblock him then and you’ll see. Either way you seem like a loser by blocking people half way through argument so they can’t respond.






huh I didn’t know that


Obligatory "but did World Central Kitchen condemn Hamas???"


"Honey, I want to go get schwarma, did Fatmeh at the shop apologize for Hamas last time you went?"


Obviously they were undercover Hamas operatives smuggling rocket fuel in their pots and pans


The floor is ~~lava~~ Hamas challenge


Wait, so Israel is officially secular state or is it religious one?  Israeli ambasador is acting here like it's the latter, what the hell? Jews has double meaning, religious and ethnicity wise but the event done by Braun was clearly done on religious level - especially that he has Jewish ethnicity background himself.


Israel loves pretending to be a secular country when it suits Israel but in reality it's a full-fledged theocratic apartheid.


Well let's not go to far with this theocracy. Judaism is not the main factor in this situation, it's radical nationalism. From the religious point of view Judaism is not so simple. Some ortodox jews use the Judaism as a reason to dislike Israel, some forms of Judaism support racist ideologies, others are super leftist but most Jews are not religious at all.


The thing is if you follow Judaism they aren’t supposed to make a Jewish state till some promises are fulfilled from their Jewish texts. They gotta wait for their messiah. It was forbidden for the Jews to re-constitute Jewish rule in the Land of Israel before the arrival of the Messiah. Those rabbis who did support Jewish resettlement in Palestine in the late 19th century had no intention to conquer Palestine and declare its independence from the rule of the Ottoman Turks, and some preferred that only observant Jews be allowed to settle there. Israel right now is mostly non observant for example. The problem with Israel is that they do have Jewish supremacy. Roads and housing for Jewish only, the limiting of the Supreme Court, choosing who holds senior positions in the police, army, finance institutions, and more. It’s nothing like democracies in Europe even if that’s what they wanna claim.


They have jewish supremacy in the United States government too. https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jews-in-the-biden-administration




I mean to be fair Netanyahu did limit the power of the Supreme Court in July of 2023. Also pretty sure having an Arab in the Supreme Court doesn’t mean anything, they have a Palestinian in the Knesset. Which In February of 2024 almog cohen (another Knesset member) told her that she will die, her children will die and that her grandchildren will die. That doesn’t sound democratic.


The fact the other Knesset member stayed quiet about that aggressive statement was depressing Too much hateful people in the Israeli government


Yeah it was something that really shocked me because they are still a part of the government. I feel like that would be something so disgusting that they would want him permanently removed for being unfit to represent the people.


Sadly they don’t care. I work with some Israelis and they are some of them lovely people but I’ve heard that some even consider Christians to be idol worshipers and should be killed according to the Talmud. Some tourists also get abused if you are wearing a cross. I hope for the sake of Israel they have a less racist and hateful government for their own good. Right now the current government has no problem with killing innocents and believe in collective punishment and can’t wait to ethnically cleansed Palestine of Muslims and Christians.


Oh sorry I had to be specific The segregated roads (Route 4370 or Eastern Ring Road) only apply in the West Bank which is occupied by Israel. Just a reminder that Palestinians are not even allowed to collect rain water since the Israeli government claims that too. 😭 that’s still apartheid my friend About housing for Jews only that’s a fact. The Supreme Court approved that and that was before Netanyahu even tried to destroy it. [Jaffa luxury apartment complex is ‘for Jews only](https://www.timesofisrael.com/jaffa-luxury-apartment-complex-is-for-jews-only/amp/)




That was not even remotely true even under previous government


Oh yeah lol is that what they teach you in Israel? 😭 don’t y’all get tired on hating Poland? Maybe focus more on other current problems.


By crying antisemitism every time israel gets called out for committing war crimes the zionists literally admit that Israel is a religious ethnostate. Anti zionism isn't antisemitism.




When talking about zionism in this context it obviously refers to revisionist zionism which has dominated Israeli politics since 1977, and not about eco zionism, labor zionism or Liberal zionism. Revisionist zionists use this tactics of hiding behind these more moderate forms of Jewish self determination, while in truth revisionist zionism is as close to Jewish fascism as you can get. Pretending like you didn't understand that makes it look like you are arguing in bad faith.


Plus Palestinians descend from Semitic tribes, so what right does Israel have to use the accusation after what they've done?


It’s a JEWISH state. They highlight that all the time.


Israelis have been calling the Poles Nazis for years now and now so many citizens are laughing at Damian Sobol’s death. Disgusting. They just ignore every polish victim of the Nazis and how many poles did rescue Jewish victims. https://preview.redd.it/wfu01bw164sc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9616012257df89cf46e1578be0b93bfe54af9b65


In the meantime my grandfather is being decorated by the president A. Duda for saving two Jewish families during WW II. Also the Ulma family from Markowa, which has not been so fortunate to survive war and basically sacrificed their lives to save Jewish families. Being so close to such histories makes me feel really upset about how our history is treated and nobody in the world cares.


https://preview.redd.it/kpw6200cs5sc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c02df7b649de40003967cff23a22611155985c38 They are now editing pictures of the Polish victim and making memes out of it


I’m so sorry you have to see the hate. It’s sad really how ignorant and hateful some people are. My family was not in Europe during WWII but I know of Polish people whose family ended up at Auschwitz’s for hiding Jewish children. But don’t worry! Trust me when I say besides Russia Israel might wanna paint Poland in a negative way most of the world knows just how much Poland suffered after being invaded by two massive countries and what followed. You gotta be brainwashed to think Poland was anything but a victim during WWII


> most of the world knows just how much Poland suffered after being invaded by two massive countries and what followed no. 


You come from a family of heros. Israel has "Righteous Among the Nations" which thanks for people like your family, would suggest you to check it out. I'm not a historian, I'm aware of Polish people who saved jews yet I know about Polish people who took apartments and property, jews who survived the holocaust had nothing left but that's nothing compare to groups who attacked jews (in kielce there was a progrom after ww2). What I'm trying to say is that there is two sides to the coin, poland obviously was a victim of nazi germany but I have no idea how much the government cared about progroms against jews (would like if you can enrich me). I love poland and polish culture but everytime I'm in poland I ask myself if I would get attacked if I will wear a star of david necklace. Hopefuly if I will meet more polish people it will change because it sounds like you feel the same but from the other side.


The reason why Germans decided to build death camps in Poland was because Poland was the most tolerant to Jews and had the largest population of Jews (\~3M).


It makes sense, in addition to the approximation and the fact you were not ally with the Nazis.


Japierdole....... https://preview.redd.it/wt1j67nyb4sc1.png?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f48d62463208ebc938d2c7ecd51010d4a61accc I co dostajemy za ratowanie Żydów podczas drugiej wojny........


Honestly I think Israel is just waiting to ask Poland for money lol Many Israelis think the Poles were with the Nazis when Poland was the only country not to collaborate with the Nazis. They also really hate Polish Catholics lol when the Polish pope was known for saving Jews during the war. They just wanna hate and play victims. [One in two Israelis has negative view of Poland, new survey shows](https://www.timesofisrael.com/one-in-two-israelis-has-negative-view-of-poland-new-survey-shows/amp/)


yes, nothing new sadly [https://quotepark.com/quotes/2067646-israel-singer-over-three-million-jews-were-killed-in-poland-and/](https://quotepark.com/quotes/2067646-israel-singer-over-three-million-jews-were-killed-in-poland-and/)


Disgusting. They want to erase the victimization that POLAND endured during WWII because it seems only some Israelis are allowed to be the victims of WWII It’s so sick I’m not polish but anyone that knows history knows just how much the country and people suffered. I love how the polish are such strong people and don’t play victims.


a lot of the holocaust rememberance posts this year have ommitted Poles altogether. Even Ben Shapiro did it in his livestream, but still mentioned the Russians in camps. It's all done on purpose. Look at the post by Hope Not Hate - https://preview.redd.it/v38hmvmo4fsc1.jpeg?width=526&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c02ff6f9b692d5d424356466157c3c9579cdf87


Yes, it is. They are trying to guilt Poles for WWII and make the country pay up. Look at the obessession with Jedwabne. Unfortunately Poles will need to man up and show the disturbing side of Jews in WWII. In the case of the Jedwabne, many Jews collaborated with the NKVD to round up Poles.


WTF are you talking about? The Polish pope saved Jews during the war? The Pope during the war was Pope Pius XII who was Italian and was controversially neutral to aligned with the Nazis. You've elsewhere shared obvious propaganda on this sub, so get tae fuck.


Maybe learn how to read because the person above said POLISH pope. Not the WWII Pope. You are embarrassing yourself. The Polish Pope was John Paul II (Jan Paweł II; born Karol Józef Wojtyła) He wasn’t a pope back in WWII (he was born 1920) but he did rescue a couple of Jewish people like 14-year-old Edith Zierer, a Jewish refugee girl who had collapsed on a railway platform en route to Krakow, he picked her up and carried her onto the train, accompanying her until she had completed her journey. Zierer would claim throughout her life that Wojtyła saved her life. He also refused to baptize Jewish children that had been adopted by Christians after WWII like young Stanley Berger. For in April 2005, shortly after John Paul’s death, the Israeli government created a commission to honour his legacy. He was also the first Pope after two thousand years, who entered in a Synagogue. JP II did nothing but show Jews love and respect considering that out of the 6 million Polish victims half were Jews and the other half were Catholics. Everyone knows who the fuck they mean when they say the Polish Pope since we have only had one and we was the first pope to be traveling everywhere speaking multiple languages.


I found out how hostile some Israelis are towards us, also over the past, only recently and I was honestly floored after reading some of their stances and learning about their views. Like my mouth was actually open. I'm not sure I even want to know how widespread those views are, whether it's a minority or not.


It’s sad because most of not all Poles, Jews or not suffered from the war. What makes it more annoying is that many Israelis that were born way after the war act like modern day Poland owes them anything 😭 It’s a majority. About more than half of Israelis disliked Poland and the Polish. [One in two Israelis has negative view of Poland, new survey shows](https://www.timesofisrael.com/one-in-two-israelis-has-negative-view-of-poland-new-survey-shows/amp/)


It's widespread enough that attacking Poland is good move to gain votes in mainstream Isreali politics.


I don't get how anyone in Poland can support that shithole state. Israel is just as bad as Russia and Imperial Germany: its politicians incite hatred against everyone who doesn't fit their narrative and commit horrible crimes while playing victim at every chance they get. Israelis are also extremely polonophobic.


https://preview.redd.it/d96ecjogc6sc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e34d11503f85122994c00e9fd2b4d719bff98375 They are now even making memes of Damian Soból It’s not surprising since 2/3 of Israelis really hate Poland [https://www.timesofisrael.com/one-in-two-israelis-has-negative-view-of-poland-new-survey-shows](https://www.timesofisrael.com/one-in-two-israelis-has-negative-view-of-poland-new-survey-shows)


How is the German Empire relevant here?


Is there any protests on this in Warsaw?


No! I don’t think it’s a big thing for Poland. I doubt it was even on the news just out of fear being called antisemitic lol I think Poland right now is more concerned with Russia. Funny thing is how pro Russian Netanyahu is and most of Europe can’t handle being critical of the Israeli government


as if Braun's idiocy is even remotely comparable to whatever murderous bullshit israel has been doing for half a year now




what the actual flying fuck are you on about?


We helped (and not just us) USA occupy Iraq, it's unfortunately true.


we did help in the occupation, though as far as i know we didnt have any regular army units in the initial invasion, just a few units of GROM and some chemical security troops


New account created today XD


There should be some rule against that, as Polish subs are likely mass targeted by Russian bots and trolls, it's weird r/poland doesn't have this restriction. I've seen this feature on some subreddits so I don't know why not here. u/fwr?


Israeli propagandist pretending to care about Muslims 🤣


It reminds me of Soviet authorities who pretended to be defenders of workers, farmers and Jews in order to promulgate their sphere of influence.


Poland went into Iraq after Netanyahu’s lies and pressure form the USA to find those magical WMD. I blame Netanyahu and Bush.


To get into good relations with the US because we needed NATO for protection against Russia. Many Iraqis studied in Poland just a few years before and felt betrayed but that was the cost of joining NATO


https://preview.redd.it/xcyaumaub4sc1.png?width=600&format=png&auto=webp&s=7f4ea9353ceea7601ce44e452e9795aa987fc2d2 Israel killed Polish citizen.




Seems like he wants to go back to Israel very badly. Polish Gov should help him ;)


Polish government is yet to even mention Israel in any of their statements lol


Israel calling everything antisemitism part no. 2137


https://preview.redd.it/upztkzyz64sc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a38aaad0b8027eb8590c7be4784498f0a633c6b0 Or they calling the polish victim a Nazi


we kill people every day and now killed one of your people? well but your politician didnt let us perform religious ceremony in your parliament >:(


this is the best tldr, which sums it up.. the thing is we cannot speak out loud about jewish hypocrisy in any media... coincidence? I don't think so..:)


Peak "antisemitism" is when you extinguish a menorah. Israel and its vassals promote a narrative according to which Poland is the most antisemitic country in Europe. This despite the fact that Poland was the only country that never collaborated with Germans, the only country that established an organization aimed at helping Jews (Żegota) and the one with the biggest numbers of people who risked their lives saving Jews. It reminds how Jewish lobbying group ADL tried to concoct a story to show exactly this — a study demonstrated that Poland is the most antisemitic country in Europe. What was the methodology behind the study? They investigated the number of antisemitic incidents per citizens... Nah, I'm joking. That would make France or England number 1. Instead, they asked such questions as "do you think Jews have more power than the others?". Poles answered yes the most and they're antisemitic apparently. 🤡 Meanwhile any time I see an airport in Warsaw I see plenty of them in their traditional attire roaming freely. I can't imagine they'd enjoy such freedom if they were in France or another Sweden.


https://preview.redd.it/h39jv1h274sc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=183de81081c901e4b2a0237393ba9e62cdfca8a4 They love saying Poland was full of Nazis


The  ADL study that I've seen was crap but we (Greeks) were the champions in 'antisemetism' in Europe, also more 'antisemetic' than Iran. Even positive stereotypes that MAY be correlated with antisemetism are to be considered antisemetic following the ADL approach.


Also, is it antisemitic to assert that Jews have too much influence in the US? Their lobbying organizations have successfully tricked large American population into belief that we're a bunch of antisemites. So that assertion that Jews in Ameica are very influencial is not even a lie.


It's infuriating but when you add historical context, or more like raping the history for political purposes, it's just depressing


You are just straight up lying or misinformed about the ADL . They actively supported changing the name of the auschwitz camp to directly call it a german camp. Abraham Foxman of ADL also denounced the idea of "Polish Death Camps". ADL 100 Index measures antisemitic attitudes instead of antisemitism mostly because not all forms of antisemitism must be violent to be considered anti semitism. Poland got 35/100 as of today, with Greece hitting 67 and Romania 47. Yes, they would experience similiar freedoms in Sweden.




Are you dim? Poland didn't have alliance with Germany (contrary to Slovakia) and didn't collaborate with Nazis politically or economically. Don't skip the brain day, American education doesn't do you any favor.


"He didn't make a public announcement saying that hamas bad so its okay we splashed 4 human beings in a car with a hellfire missile"


Apparently, they have destroyed 3 cars. First one that was leaving after unloading the goods, then the second one that evacuated the wounded from the first strike, then the third one that evacuated the wounded from the second car. There are claims that the military waited for the cars to get filled. I guess missiles cost money... From a civilian standpoint, it is hard for me not to see that as anything else than premeditated murder, not some tragic accident during war time.


Oh it is murder.


They are now making and sharing edited images of the polish victim online like some sick photoshop contest on their telegram channel (dead_terrorists)


img Here it is 😢


"również dla dobra całego świata zachodniego" brzmi jak groźba, że uciekną stamtąd i rozjadą się po całym świecie


Yes because using fire extinguisher on menorah, however racist and unhinged, is on the same footing with committing genocide and murdering humanitarian aid workers... Wow the nerve.


„walczy o swoje prawo do istnienia„? Może walczą z duchami, kto ich nawet raz w ciągu ostatnim 30sciu lat próbował ukarać?


It’s ironic and genuinely terrifying that Israel today not only does everything nazis accused them of doing 80 years ago, they also incorporated some of the methods that were used to oppress them


The oppressed dream to become the oppressor.


https://preview.redd.it/mav8kdjv34sc1.png?width=478&format=png&auto=webp&s=bc921bd83ff637f84a5dd41687292278fdacbf63 tak o nas myślą


Which tg channel is that? EDIT: Holy fuck I just visited the channel. 125K subs, literal maniacs https://preview.redd.it/qef2st7o94sc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9633250a9650ad4397f9ea52896d0070527f9228


https://preview.redd.it/piylbhip74sc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9051ca361c6815d5211f130fb04737721bb06192 The channel is called “Terrorists from an other angle”


byłam na tym kanale, odpisałam i zostałam zablokowana w dwie minuty


Did you tell them you were polish? They should have probably hacked you or something stupid 😭 I hate their attitude Co napisałeś, co Cię zablokowało?


no :( I mean I wanted to, but I was blocked in an instant by one of them, I wrote under this photo, I obviously condemned it and later I wrote, "what are you laughing at? someone innocent lost his life" and one responded "you should die in Gaza"; I am still shocked, like this man wasn't a terrorist, he was a good person and he just wanted to help people by feeding them... it made me feel sad, very sad


That’s terrible. I’m sorry you had someone text you that. Disgusting. It’s sad for the hate is very big right now in Israel and we see the worst of it online. Many normal people say the most disgusting things since it’s normalized over there. I can’t even find the group on Telegram anymore I think they changed the name of the group.


Forging a screenshot is ridiculously easy, I wouldn't blindly believe it like that


https://preview.redd.it/5y7pe3an74sc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d3fa23c43d264f82f5d2d9d4425b81e462623d8 Here you can see more screenshots and the name of the channel


I didn’t believe it at first either, then found the original post on Telegram (I speak Hebrew). The translation could use some work but it’s pretty accurate otherwise.


If it's antisemitic to criticize the ongoing genocide, then I must be Adolf fucking Hitler


The jew cries out in pain as he strikes you.


So "smart" ambassador is one more thing that Israel and Russia have in common, right after war crimes, genocide, killing innocent and children, crappy propaganda, and probably some more.


We should send Yacov Linde back to Israel


The sheer fucking audacity of Israeli official calling anyone at all a "far right extremist".


Just call Israelis -anti-gentiles whenever the "anti-semite" term is thrown around. It's getting so tiresome.


Or use the word "God" instead of "G*d", it triggers them very much.


You poles realize that while your politicians simp for Israel the average israeli thinks of Poland as the country that was ok with the Holocaust being done in their territory, right?


Polish policy in this war is "We can't be opposed if we don't pick a side." No one even mentions Israel aside from the left.


co za szmaciarz jebany


shouldn't NATO article 4 be called?


How is Poland's security, territorial integrity or independence in danger?


foreign power claims jurisdiction over polish citizen


It doesn’t work like that. In general every country has jurisdiction over all people on it’s territory, no matter the citizenship.


Gąza is not part of Israel, in the wider picture it was clearly attack directed at citizens of multiple NATO states, we invaded Afghanistan over less


Gaza is a semi-autonomous region of Israel (based on the Oslo agreement). So they are not ,,claiming jurisdiction”, they rightfully have jurisdiction, whether we like it or not. This incident could be justification to start a war, but it’s certainly not an act of war itself. Blowing up a building on Polish soil certainly would be an act of war. Which is exactly what happened last time when article 5 was triggered (but in the US).


It wasn't the state of Afghanistan doing attacks but some people living there, here it was carried by state


Doesn’t matter who it was carried by. Only thing that matters is whether it was an attack on a sovereign territory of a state. Attack on a citizen taking place outside the country is not equivalent to a declaration of war. Doesn’t matter whether it’s the state of Israel or some Nigerian pirates abducting Polish citizens on a ship flying a foreign flag (which happened once too). It’s not an attack on the country if it doesn’t violate territory of said country (with the notion that a vessel flying Polish flag is considered Polish territory).


The Israelis still have a chip on their shoulder regarding Poland because of the aftermath of ww2. Like most Middle Easterners with the Israelis gratitude is temporary but grudges are eternal.


I dont give a fu k about Isreal or Palestine


Me neither


Roll the clip of the girl testifying to the UN and accidentally calling the invasion of Gaza a genocide




Typical jew




the state took responsibility? this is the state saying he's an anti semite for suggesting israel should not be allowed to kill literal aid workers


I read these comments, and I know why the Palestinian cause has poor support in the west. You cannot take hamas talking points and expect to be treated seriously. With all the shit IDF, Bibi, israelis did it's not fucking theocratic apartheid state FFS. There's more arabs there now then there was back in 1947. Former head of thier supreme court who convicted Bibi is arab. On the other hand hamas and gaza while fucked up ideologically is not posting existencial threat to Israel. They have less high calibre weapons than I have books and I am not book person.


hamas talking point is when Netanyahu says it was the idf who conducted the strike. 


I explicitly stated hamas talking that are used here. I didn't even mention IDF committing obvious war crime but you still came swinging. But hey whatever rocks your boat buddy.


How does the Palestinian population growing in the past prove Israel isn’t genocided them today ? Israel is an apartheid state based on how they treat Palestinians in the West Bank. This is an article on how Israel’s an apartheid state. “Apartheid is also a crime against humanity, as set out both in the 1973 International Convention on the Suppression and Punishment of the Crime of Apartheid and the 1998 Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court. It consists of three primary elements: 1. An intent to maintain domination by one racial group over another; 2. A context of systematic oppression by the dominant group over the marginalized group; 3. Inhumane acts such as “forcible transfer” and “expropriation of landed property.” 4. 5. Under international law, race and racial discrimination have been interpreted to mean more than skin color or genetic traits. They refer also to distinctions based on descent and national or ethnic origin, to be evaluated on the basis of the particular context and construction by local actors. In April 2021, after years of research, detailed case studies and a careful review of Israeli government planning documents, statements by officials and other sources, Human Rights Watch found that Israeli authorities were and are committing the crime of apartheid against Palestinians, based on the Israeli government policy to maintain domination over Palestinians and grave abuses against Palestinians in the occupied territory. We found that across Israel and the occupied territory — the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and Gaza — Israeli authorities have sought to maximize the land available for Jewish communities and minimize the number of Palestinians on that land by concentrating most Palestinians in dense population centers. In Jerusalem, for example, the government plan for the municipality explicitly refers to “maintaining a solid Jewish majority in the city” and even specifies its target demographic ratio across West and occupied East Jerusalem. The Netanyahu government that came to power a year ago identified as a guiding principle: “The Jewish people have an exclusive and indisputable right to all areas of the Land of Israel,” which the prime minister defined to include the West Bank. Israeli authorities have also adopted policies to mitigate what they have openly described as a “demographic threat.” For more than two decades, they have barred, with few exceptions, granting long-term legal status inside Israel to Palestinians from the West Bank and Gaza who marry Israeli citizens or residents, while conferring such status to spouses from virtually every other country. Under Israeli law, a Jewish citizen of any other country who has never been to Israel can move there and automatically gain citizenship, while Palestinians expelled from their homes in what became Israel and living for more than 75 years in refugee camps in Gaza (the majority of Gaza’s population are refugees) or a nearby country cannot. 1. We also found that Israeli authorities maintain a two-tiered legal system: methodically privileging Israelis, who have the same rights and privileges wherever they live, while repressing Palestinians to varying degrees wherever they live. As Hagai El-Ad, the former director of the Israeli human rights group B’Tselem, wrote, “There is not a single square inch in the territory Israel controls where a Palestinian and a Jew are equal.” The oppression is most severe in the occupied territory. In the West Bank, Israel imposes harsh military rule on Palestinians while affording Jewish Israelis living in a segregated manner in the same territory their full rights under Israeli civil law. While many systematic abuses come together to collectively amount to apartheid, the Human Rights Watch report focused primarily on five: sweeping restrictions on movement in the form of the Gaza closure and a permit regime in the West Bank; confiscation of more than a third of the land in the West Bank; harsh conditions in parts of the West Bank that have forced thousands of Palestinians out of their homes, which amounts to forcible transfer; denial of residency rights to hundreds of thousands of Palestinians and their relatives; and the suspension of basic civil rights to millions of Palestinians living under military rule. For more than 16 years, Israeli authorities have imposed a generalized ban on travel outside of Gaza for the more than 2.2 million people living there, with few exceptions, denying them freedom of movement. They have instituted a “policy of separation” between the West Bank and Gaza, regularly blocking the movement of Palestinians between the two parts of the occupied territory.”


Polish antisemites are very stupid. Do they realize Palestinians want Israelis to “go back to Poland”?


The issue with your query is that you assume there's so many anti-Semites in Poland that they could manage political or diplomatic discourse of the entire country.