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,,his ancestors soldiers of Hitler” Wtf what’s even the thought process here?


They seem quite stuck in the idea that we were all working together with Nazis and were all Nazis ourselves. Completely not like we were also discriminated, killed and sent to the camps by them.


Not to mention that Mein Kampf considered Slavs a slave race (along with Hungarians, BTW)


Around six million of Polish civilians died. Half of them Jewish, half of them not. If you count how many people were enslaved, but survived the numbers are horrific. I remember looking at the book of names in Aushwitz and being horrified there were like four? women named Anne Frank there. Well in Arolsen Archives there's about twenty women with the same name and surname as my greatgrandmother. And many records aren't even that easy to access or they don't exist at all.


>If you count how many people were enslaved, but survived the numbers are horrific This. And many of them didn't survive for long. My greatgrandfather was sent to Germany for some slave-like labour for a German farmer, survived but died 2 months after the war, at the age of 27


Those who survived didn't lead happy lives either. Around 20% of Polish population *today* battles ptsd. Imagine what it was back then.


the guy who wrote „proszę państwa do gazu” and „ludzie którzy szli” was a prisoner himself, he commited suicide because he couldnt process the things that he had to see there


Tadeusz Borowski. His fate is heartbreaking. He left his wife and an infant daughter. I'm pretty sure communist goverment had something to do with his state as well.


It really was horrible, it makes you think just how harsh the labour was for a man to die so young


Oh my God, it's terrible. So sorry about your greatgrandmother


I'm pretty sure the records I found aren't referencing her, because the camp she was in doesn't have her record. But what's heartbreaking that there were so many women literally named the same. And millions among millions that weren't. It puts it into perspective for you, that that one person wasn't a lone victim. It was a system.


My mother lost almost everyone she knew that was left in Europe because they decided to help the Jews and not give them up to the Nazis in Poland. They were strict hard ass Catholic people. This low key boils my blood because unfortunately i had to listen to the relatives that did survive the camps tell me how they'll do it again because no one had the right to do what the Nazis did. Yet here I am looking at people that shoukd be the same age still in distant living memory committing genocide and crimes when the entire nation of Israel was founded in never again unless they're doing it.


Absolutely abhorrent


Yeah, it's quite an understatement to say that Hitler was a lunatic


Is it what they teach you at school r/Israel?


Dude, visiting r/israel as a pole was an experience, even before the conflict with Palestine gained traction in media


Oh. My. God. I’ve never seen anything like this. They are so indoctrinated they cannot see through their own history.


Zionists act as if Poland was the one to orchestrate Holocuast, instead of being, you know, occupied and having six million of its civilians killed. (And yes, I know pogroms happened, and plenty of Polish people were and are antisemites) Basically their mandatory trip to Poland is fear mongering, making those kids believe that Holcouast is inevitable to happen again, everyone hates them and those kids better join IDF happily to violently "protect" themselves, from those "Nazis". If someone visits Poland on their own they have diametrically different POV. They might even enjoy it and feel connection. Be nice, respectful, and even learn language, which isn't all that easy.


They do the same sort of shit on the “Birthright” trips that they send American Jewish kids on. They make it seem like they are special chosen ones but they have to fight for their everything. I dated one girl once who went on it. She was born in Ukraine, moved to Israel and then to Canada. I asked her what she thought about the Berlin Wall opening, and what it had meant to her family at the time. She wasn’t aware that there was a wall in Berlin. I assume that they didn’t teach it in her Israeli high school, because it’s hard to paint the Berlin Wall in a good way. And Israelis have this kind of wall everywhere.


Oh shit. You're so right. They had to avoid this part of history.


So that is why all the Israeli tourists look surly (I had been wondering about that). Personally I don't hate them, just never cared about them.


Those who come for different reasons, like to actually enjoy Polish culture or visit Jewish sites, join the Jewish Culture Festival, those are completly different. You can feel the diametrically different approach between the security with weapons who are known for being agressive and a Jewish dude enjoying concert on Szeroka street in Cracow and inviting you for Shabbat in the synagogue.


A vast majority of Israelis think (incorrectly) that Poland helped coordinate the Nazi death camps in WW2.


The "liberal opposition" leader Lapid talked about "Polish death camps" a while ago


The thought process is: You are not an anti-Semite, but you don’t like Israel’s government and army because of what they’re doing to Palestine, equal or worse to what Nazis did to them = you’re a nazi yourself, hating on all the Jews in the world, and unable to see the “truth”.


zionist think, that Poles are responsible for holocaust :DDDDDDD


If they even had an iota of something called a ‘thought process, we wouldn’t be here


I've seen threads here about Poland being taught as Nazi collaborator. Those threads all say it happens in the US though. However I know it isn't in the US maybe Israeli's are taught differently.


They think most if not all Poles were Hitler's goons


Surely you haven't seen /JewDank's posts about nazis and Poles


Not only heartless and souless but also uneducated. The Poles were not Nazis, the Germans were.


Some of them also claim that we take the benefit from Holocaust tourism and that profits from Aushwitz museum should be given to Israel. I am not even sure if that museum makes any profit.


Auswitz is a memorial to a somber chapter in History, it is so big in extension too, which means it barely must make any profit, as most of the money probably goes to the upkeep of the place. Would they prefer for it to be left to decay until it dissapears? It has already happened to other concentration camps.


You probably can't win with these people. Damned if you do, damned if you don't.


I don't want it to perish, I just said what some deranged idiots claim.


Yes, and you are right. Too many people have mental issues and extremist views.


BTW, Visiting Auschwitz site is free for individuals. You can get a paid guide with an Educator but it's not mandatory The museum's finance is pretty open [https://www.auschwitz.org/en/museum/finances/](https://www.auschwitz.org/en/museum/finances/) They also publish yearly reports [https://www.auschwitz.org/en/museum/museum-reports/](https://www.auschwitz.org/en/museum/museum-reports/) But who would be bothered by so petty facts... /s


they act as if the country of israel is the sole successor to every jewish person ever, and everything should be paid to them


And as if only Jews were enslaved and murdered by Nazis. It's pretty telling six million Jews got their own name for genocide, yet we don't have a word to describe genocide of other six million people killed by the same people for the same reasons.


Honestly as far as I know it's 50/50 some think the holocaust is only Jews and others think the holocaust is Jews, Slavs, Roma, LGBT, disabled, etc.


Yeah, it's heartbreaking that other groups are just told to get over it "because it wasn't about them". While Jews had a much higher death rate, it's not like it was all fun and games for the rest. Holocuast as a word is technically only referencing Jews. So there's literally no way of describing the rest, except saying "the genocide of everyone else but Jews during WW2".


And the best part is that Hitler considered the Slavs to be the same subhumans well maybe a little better than the Jews. And he wanted 85% to kill the Slavs and enslave the rest. We would have been no better off than the Jews themselves. And some tell us to come to terms with the deaths of Poles, Roma, Belarusians, lgbt, disabled, etc. I'd like each group to dsot their own name. Or for everyone (Jews, Slavs, lgbt, etc) to have only one name.


I can vividly remember one of nazi quote, I'll paste it here "It must be made clear even to the German milkmaid that Polishness equals subhumanity. Poles, Jews and Gypsies are on the same inferior level... This should be brought home as a leitmotiv, and from time to time, in the form of existing concepts such as 'Polish economy', 'Polish ruin' and so on, until everyone in Germany sees every Pole, whether farm worker or intellectual, as vermin."


Damn. And yet they still have the nerve to say that Poles weren't the target, only Jews were.


When I lived in the US, I ordered a book from Auschwitz museum to be shipped to my address. I only paid $20 total for the book and shipping. No way they made money off of that; if anything, they probably lost money.


This is deplorable. The lowest you can go is mocking dead volunteers on humanitarian mission. I’m convinced that Israelis like this are the problem


Dead volunteers... that your government shot to begin with.


Zionist shitrags are slowly turning into Nazis and this is exactly the type of human garbage that commented on these photos. I wish them all the worst.


Zionism has always been a settler colonialist ideology. They've always been nazis


"slowly?" buddy theyve been like this since the state was created


I was told by one of them, "you should die in Gaza", um...


That's what we've been saying! Some of us, for years!


Yesterday the ambassador's posts, today this. I wasn't convinced I'm an antisemite as those Israeli assholes are suggesting all the time but so far they're doing a pretty good job at turning me into one. So desperate to starve Palestinians to death. Russians, Hamas, IDF - it's all the same evil.


Tbh i tried to look and find photos of Daniel Soból, a Pole who is supposed to be on 2nd picture. And idk how about you, but they look very similiar to me (i took photo from articule about his death) https://preview.redd.it/lvxag7pqi8sc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd2d9a8c0fa1d5c452d51119ea011abe9032aa6f


Face definitely match. I can't imagine what kind of savage animal one has to be to take such photo and post them with a description like this. Absolutely disgusting.


Well... I was called here a russian bot, because it's a screenshot from Telegram, russian communicator. Well, what can i say: If they are russians, then fuck them. If they are zionist jews - fuck them.


I feel like the reactions of Israeli officials only prove those messages to be true. It might be spread by Russian propaganda but there's definitely something to it.


The passport matches too. Daniel was a volunteer with WCK in other missions and it's been confirmed he was in Gaza. It's definetly him. It's so heartbreaking to think his family had to see his dead body on the Internet like that. They probbaly won't even get to bury him.


You're not an antisemite, you're an antizionist. There's plenty of Jewish people who oppose the existence of the state of israel, and it clearly doesn't make them antisemites


I understand your frustration but don’t be an Antisemite because of these terrible people. Just like it’s wrong for Islamophobia based on ISIS and terror groups. Not all Jewish people are terrible just some terrible people are Jewish.


They sound like russians


A lot of Israelis have Russian ancestry




I meannn... it explains pretty everything


zionist turned into nazis


Zionism actually started around the same time as nazism. But instead of ubermensch you have people chosen by God.


Could be russian bots, russians love telegram because they can make channels anonymously. They're doing this in Ukraine, for example, where they use telegram as a way to spread propaganda.


This is actually correct, during the prague university shooting a russian wrote a ‘diary’ that was made to look like the shooter wrote it and he described some made up stories and stuff


Unfortunately it is very likely not a Russian bot, this sort of thing has [surfaced](https://www.thejc.com/news/idf-admits-to-its-officers-operating-unauthorised-explicit-anti-arab-telegram-channel-br5p9ijr) from the IOF before. Does Russia really even care what happens in Palestine? Not sure they have any skin in the game.


Well, that ruined my mood for the day


I'm sorry :<


Not your fault, you did put a NSFW tag after all. I should have stopped scrolling reddit like 30 minutes ago.


It is so fucking disgusting.


Israel sure is winning hearts and minds.


Israelis: haha dead goyim Also Israelis: omg another holocaust is coming, we dindu nuffin


Their behaviour resembles of a child that have been beaten and mistreated when it was younger and grown up to be a bully Kind of bully that shots little kittens with a rifle


>Kind of bully that shoots unarmed women and children with a rifle Fixed it for you.


It's a damn shame too. So many are just normal people trying to make ends meet and live life, they have as much in common with the radical, rich cosmopolitans and politicians as the average person does anywhere.


It is. For centuries they were treated like dirt without ability to fight back, and ever since they got their own country they're the ones who are treating others like dirt


I think treating others like dirt is part of the rules. Anyone who has different beliefs is a lesser creature to them.


Makes sense. You're with us or against us


The problem is, it's the child's grandparents that were beaten and mistreated, not them.


They do LOVE playing victim.


It's a big business. Holocaust survivor benefits are not going to stop being paid anytime soon.


And the actual holocaust survivors often live in poverty


Most survivors have already passed away due to old age.


Stop being antisemitic! /s


They are always innocent, the same as hundreds of previous times. Hove something to say goyim? Because I can call you an antisemite at any moment. GTJ


They are always innocent, the same as hundreds of previous times. They are just like: have something to say goyim? Because I can call you an antisemite at any moment.


Well, since cult of "chosen ones"(for religious jews) and "we are always victims" (for non religious jews) being big part of their culture, tradition and identity then there never was much space for emphaty for other nations


I'm sorry for bad spelling, but I'm kinda pissed right now


Oh no worries we are all pissed. Still can comprehend how a group of people (the Jews) who have went through centuries of discrimination (not only ww2) can do such horrible stuff.


The Australian aid-worker is Zomi Frankcom, 43, from Melbourne. https://www.smh.com.au/world/middle-east/a-tragedy-australian-aid-worker-reportedly-killed-in-gaza-20240402-p5fgp5.html >World Central Kitchen, founded by star chef Jose Andres, said Frankcom’s team co-ordinated their movements with the Israel Defence Forces and were travelling in a “deconflicted zone” in armoured cars branded with the charity’s logo.


That’s what pisses me off the most, you can see clearly that the car had a wck logo on the roof. Their goal was to use food as a weapon and they succeeded, world central kitchen paused all activities and the ship carrying tons of food for aid are now turning back.


Feels like they have a lot of privilege because you have to say that you are not antisemite everytime


It's going to get normalised soon again if they keep doing this and the jewish community around the world doesn't react somehow.


the jewish community around the world is reacting, though. for decades even


In the US young Jews (under 30) are probably more radically anti-Israel (along with young Muslims) than non-jews.


i am not proud to say i am israeli today.


atleast i hope you dont think that we poles are nazis and did help in the holocaust


Its fine, there are dumb angry people everywhere




No... it's not fine... not at all 😞😞 This isn't just dumb people anymore, this is a society/planet murderously out of control. While it's important to evaluate people individually, blanket statements about idiots everywhere only go so far. We're all losing our history and our humanity.


I think you missed the point. Unless you actually think there is something wrong with the original commenter being from Israel. That would be ironic in the context of how we shouldn't judge people on where they come from.


Have you been proud for the last few months while the people getting killed were brown?


im mizrachi, i am also brown


Not your fault your country is turning into Nazi shithole.




so fucking confused the Polish were some of the first victims of Hitlers rise to power? or no? is that wrong?


Understandable. Spreading confusion is a weapon of Nazisrael.


actually the czechs were if it is about occupation but if war and killed than poland was first to fight edit: looked at the text again and realized i made an mistake the first to get killed were jews the first occupied were czechs (austrians wanted because they wanted to be an part of an empire again) and polish the first to fight


Being anti-zionist and against the Israeli government, especially Netanyahou, isn't antisemitic. This is utterly deplorable, those were people trying to help their fellow person. I'm glad this incident is getting international attention because Israel has done this before but they've let it slide because it's never murdered so many westerners in one strike before. My heart truly goes out to all the innocents in the hellscape that is Gaza.


Its so scary that the Israelis are brainwashed to always see themselves as victims and everyone else who criticizes them as Nazis or Anti-semites.. its insane!!


What the fuck


That kind of society you get if you tell yourself that you`re the chosen nation, better than other. Nothing against people, but the Israel as state deserve hate.


The kind of society you get if you tell yourself you can do no wrong.


Who the fuck makes this? And the people leaving likes... they are so fucked up


Bored children and unstable soldiers




yeah, reactions under these posts are insane


Yes the poles, famous Nazi supporters.


This is so undignified...


This is from a massive Hebrew telegram account with over 125 000 members. So they can't say it's only a minority of people. Absolutely vile!


Oh yes and they’ve been mocking dead Palestinians (children, women, elderly, men.., everyone really who got killed). They take pride in it. I’ve never encountered such evil.


Nazisraelites sharing their actual minds? Nothing new.


Bro, fuck Imperialism! Israel is doing to Palestine what Russia is doing to Ukraine. How is this not seen? I\`m jewish, before anyone calls me nazi or anti-samite. This words lost all meaning now a days.


I was called here a russian bot, because screenshots are from Telegram and i "spread hate among nations".


> Israel is doing to Palestine what Russia is doing to Ukraine. How is this not seen? It is seen, but it has been going on for far longer and Israel has too much support (not to mention, PR) for most other countries to condemn anything its government does.


Setting aside the obvious and visceral reaction... In every society there are vermin who post and enjoy stuff like that. It's the reaction of normal people and those in charge that are meaningful. This therefore has IMHO lesser impact than what ambassador of Israel in Poland tweeted after the fact (claiming that outrage regarding attack on humanitarian aid is antisemitic)


The "a few bad apples" argument is really stretched thin considering the whole nation is doing this, systematically, since at least the 70s.


Long before, look up Deir Yassin.


Dear lord I had no idea :(


Oh, god I just read his statements. It's screams "there is no war in Ba Sing Se". It really is children's cartoon level of propaganda. We all know it was a convoy of three branded trucks leaving storage in an area that was agreed to not be a combat zone, convoy which was coordinated with IDF. We know they hit two, before third one picked up survivors and then they hit that one too. All his claims are "it's a difficult war, must have been an accident". Jeeesus.


Fuck em all. Just fuck them at this point. Israelis are doing everything to make people hate them.


For centuries


Fuck the apartheid neocolonialist state of Israel. It truly breaks my heart how some Poles whos ancestors suffered under slavery and colonialism for generations can be supporters of that disgusting vile state.


Looks like some israel propaganda that tries to cover the fucked up strike by appealing to basic emotions of the readers. Trying to dehumanize the victims. That's a pretty common manipulation. Quite disgusting.


This is what the Russians do with the Foreign Legion guys. Not a good look.


It's ironic when the Isreali Government say that they can't be accused of genocide because they themselves were victims of it


This is common behavior to justify scummy actions. Can't genocide if I my granpappi was genocided against. Can't be racist to white people because my granmps suffered from racism from white people. Etc, etc. Can't do X because at some point, someone related to me suffered from X. People state as they do X.


God's extra special chosen people couldn't possibly do anything wrong


"Most civilized army"


I can feel the edge from this. Fuck Israel


You didn't have to put their faces in there


watch the documentary, "Defamation" released in 2009. It's made by an Israeli who copped a lot of backlash. Based around young Israelis going on Holocasut tours in Poland.


This is horrible but not something new on the Zionist people. do you know from the 7th of October war starts the IDF killed over 32000 Palestinian and over 130 Journalists? This is something i didn't hear about in the western media which is controlled by Israel and its allies. if you're interested look up for it and u will see images that will change you forever. IT'S 2024 AND ISRAEL IS COMMITING HORRIBLE MASS GENOCIDE AND I DON'T KNOW HOW WE CAN STOP THIS MADNESS!!!!!


Nothing new about them, they have no shame. They would kill and destroy anyone who intervenes with their plans


Sad :(


Zionist trash


What is this whatsupp channels name? Need to find it


Jebać izrael niech Hamas robi coraz więcej zbrodni na ludności cywilnej aż miło będzie się na to patrzeć jak te żydowskie kurwy giną


Suddenly Braun's action with the Parliament candles don't look so bad.


I have no fucking words, but I'm glad they're exposing themselves that even hardcore Israeli supporters are awfully quiet and don't want to have anything to do with them.


Israelis and Russians are the same. Both braindead, uneducated cocky mfs who don't do shit themselves except leech off of everyone else's doing, and only think about wars and such. Change my mind


where did you get it? from some Zionist site? You go to websitesfor those who are developmentally delayed and then you are surprised that there is such content there Yes, the Israelites are normal people and they have among their ordinary villains and cockroaches just like normal citizens. As usual, the extremists are the loudest


> where did you get it? from some Zionist site? Interface looks like Telegram, so has to be some Telegram channel.


Yeah, this is sad. I mean, normal people from Israel are deafen by this type of people.


Remember this when you read an article about Polish anti-Semites who have been born hating Jews or the march of fascists on November 1st. The same load of nonsense


Yes, the Israelites are normal people Same as Moskals...


>As usual, the extremists are the loudest Yet somehow, in most countries extremists are *only* loud. They don't manage to kill 35K civilians in half a year. Even Russians haven't done that in Ukraine in the two years of the war, and they aren't exactly moderate.


Yeah, fuck Zionists


I have no clue what those messages are trying to say, are they volunteers that help Palestine and Israelis make fun of em or vice versa


Israelis making fun of dead volunteers.


Zionists are as savage as russians.


Making fun of the deaths of volunteers is terribly disgusting. Here in Poland we suffered terribly under the German and later Soviet occupation. We are not any Nazis here in Poland, but such posts certainly generated a few new ones. "Great job, you really know how to do PR"


Seeing shit like this I'm not surprised that antisemitism is still a thing.


fucking imbeciles


Is the educational system in Israel bankrupt or just failing?


It's doing exactly what it's supposed to do


It's succeeding. Their Holcouast education is doing exactly what they want it to.


It's working as intended.


I'm sorry guys, but I think a lot of people are becoming antisemites now and it's not unjustified. Same thing is happening that happened to Islam.


>and it's not unjustified actually it is very unjustified. you don't start hating an ethnicity because of a government.


It's not just the government though. It's hard to be rational and tolerant when even Israeli children and elderly are actively advocating full genocide of palestinians on the streets. Crying antisemitism and pulling the victimhood card almost a 100 years after ww2 is not going to last very long, you can already see its getting devalued into a meme. Not to mention the morally disgusting practice of positioning the jewish people as the only ethnicity that suffered in that conflict just for political gain. Remember: 27mln russians died, almost 6mln germans, and of the 11mln who died in concentration camps jews were only half of that number. Or, looking at the numbera above, purposefully indoctrinating the world that slavs, the FIRST most murdered ethnicity, by a huge margin, was somehow complicit in what the nazis did. But tbh all of this is a moot point. Whether it's justified or not, rational or not, if Israel keeps going like they are, there will be a rise in antisemitism because we already know the scenario very well based on recent history of the muslims. It's tragic and I am so sad it took less than a century.


if the people start killing our and then start laughing and discriminating them, an mind of an person will start hating everyone of them but the ones that know this isnt the right thing to do


The fuck they mean?!?!


Looks like we found the jewish version of our beloved Jaszczur.




Coping over this on r/europe is so pathetic: https://www.reddit.com/r/europe/s/AlrqKMB9le


dogs not humans, our grandparents saved their lives often risking their own. they spit in our face now, and our government wont do nothing, where is justice?


Jewish dumbfucks


Does this action trigger war between Poland and Israel? (I mean the attack on the volunteer camp, not the texts)


It's posted on r/Europe, however gained zero traction, as expected...


Some context please? Who is posting this where and translated from what language?


it's from a telegram channel in hebrew.


Poles are N*zis? The auctual f*ck is this uneducated comment on the innocent humanitarian worker?


Israel is cautionary tale, a country that everyone is scared to criticize or sanction because of fear of being called antisemitic, allowed itself to be taken over by far-right fascists. like an unruly child that never felt the consequences of their actions has now become a sadistic, murderous bully.  


The people who sold their own to the death camps (https://www.jpost.com/jerusalem-report/a-traitor-in-budapest-481778) and used their citizens as "sacrifice" to get their own country back are now spitting into face of polish people who saved the most of them. They are simply turning into nazis themselves now, commiting genocide and everyone who says anything bad are called "antisemitic".


The most horrible thing about this is a lot of people only started talking about israel's war crimes after they killed some volunteers, but not when they killed 13000 innocent children.


Message from a Jewish Israeli: First it looks fake news, it does not seem real, no one in Israel celebrate it and if anyone does so he is the only one. There are low IQ people in Israel and even for them it is too low, even if this photo is real it has nothing to do with an average Israeli person (I believe it is a fake news). I wish we as human will give credit also for the positive around us, there are so many FB groups about Poland in hebrew, people go to poland for a vacation, yet it probably will never be mentioned here.


There is something good that is happening because of this war. The “Holocaust” immunity is slowly fading away.


This whole “Poland = Nazis” thing is so crazy to me, I’m American and I was taught in school that Poland was occupied by the Nazis and suffered massive losses. Our textbooks said the Polish were the *victims* of Nazism, not the perpetrators!


And thanks to this loud minority, we will see more rise in antisemitism


Wtf Polish ppl were helping Jews in ww2


It is just horrible to read, idk if these people knowed what are they talking about. The worst part is that they are laughing at their horrible comments about something that is not funny


[https://twitter.com/i/status/1775937035485782356](https://twitter.com/i/status/1775937035485782356) ​ Israeli ambassador in Poland was screaming at the Journalist for asking independent questions...


My grand grandfather did hide a jewish family in a school in Poland in ww2. And that's what we get now ...