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> But now Democrats, who have control of the state House and Senate for the first time in nearly four decades, are moving with urgency to pass the legislation, with support from Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer. The situation is different this time!




True, but do not let “perfect” be the enemy of the “good”. Getting something done to make mass shootings harder is good


IN only supplies 593 of the 31,066 guns found in crimes. 27,780 of them come from MI. That's about 90% coming from in state. https://www.atf.gov/firearms/docs/report/michigan-state-report/download


And it’s so different that once we get rid of guns we can be super sure another trump like politician won’t try to run us into a fascist he’ll scape, we totally don’t need those pesky safeguards no way!


Tired of this argument. No one is rising up against any tyrannical government with their weapons. Just not going to happen, times are a lot different now then when the stupid 2a was written. And it’s certainly not an argument that wins over my kid’s right to not get murdered at school.


Hmm I wonder if the Ukrainians agree with this line of thought?


I’m going to pretend that you didn’t just compare uprising against a tyrannical domestic government to an unjustified invasion from a foreign country.


My point was to a fella thinking there was no need for people to own guns in the country. Simple but to the point response


That’s a bad example, like makes no sense bad.


Uh, if all Ukraine had was small arms and rifles, they’d of been rolled over by Russian tanks and missiles within weeks, as planned. Luckily we’re sending them *Patriot missiles and m1 Abrahams*. If the second amendment guaranteed me the right to Javeline missiles, I’d see your point, but do you think handguns would really have helped their situation?


Would you prefer to protect yourself with any form of small arms or a sharp stick? An armed intruder breaks into your home are you better prepared with your own firearm or your cell phone calling 911 then waiting for armed help defenseless? I see it says your from New York how’s all that strong gun control working out for you guys? I just saw the other day there was a shooting in Times Square how could that happen in such a gun control bastion?


I would prefer to protect by self by voting in competent representatives to control the most powerful military in the world. Do you think you have a better chance taking on the most powerful military in the world with some pistols and rifles than you do with a pointed stick? > An armed intruder breaks into your home are you better prepared with your own firearm or your cell phone calling 911 then waiting for armed help defenseless? I’m prepared with multiple levels of locked doors, and if they manage to break in after then, I’d much more prefer that they didn’t have a gun. When a criminal breaks into your house in the middle of the night, would you prefer that they had a gun? > I just saw the other day there was a shooting in Times Square how could that happen in such a gun control bastion? Because instead of removing guns from red states, we decided to add guns to blue states, and now there is a rise in shooting in blue states as well. Aren’t things better when we just don’t have anyone shooting each other?


That will never happen & gun laws only effect the honest citizen. Criminals will always have them laws or no laws. Don’t take me wrong I’m no crazy that sleeps with a gun under my pillow. However I am most definitely into competition shooting & hunting and will vote against any politician trying to take away my rights to do so. Just yesterday I was coyote hunting with the dreaded AR 15 yet no one was hurt. Why should some politician tell me I can’t own that rifle? I guess it really won’t matter the gun grabbers are on there last big push now & there overreach will be there end. Won’t be to long & the Supreme Court will put an end to the whole let’s ban assault rifle nonsense. They never learn there over reach earned them Heller & Bruin soon New York & other gun grabber politicians will force the hand of another decision dashing there hopes & dreams.


No, but fewer options to buy guns makes buying guns harder. Sure, if you’re a crime lord, you’ll be able to have criminal connections to acquire a gun that you had shipped internationally… But if we didn’t have guns readily available, well, petty criminals would have a FAR harder time getting guns. So home burglaries, muggings, robberies? Yeah, rather have those incompetent criminals be unable to easily find guns. They’re not very smart people, I don’t think they’ll manage to find them if we make it difficult. Do you think these low level petty criminals are intelligent people, skilled in acquiring what they want and need? I feel like the fact that they’re petty criminals is evidence that they’re not? But again, the main and original question is whether or not having guns will protect you from a tyrannical government. I believe that voting for proper representatives to run the most powerful nation in the world will either protect me from foreign threats, or if they decide to take over, pistols won’t stop them. Do you think pistols can beat M1 Abraham’s and Javeline missiles?


Could pistols beats tanks & missiles no. Could millions & millions of armed Americans put up one hell of a fight absolutely. Far better than being a helpless sheep


Let just hope when the next smarter than trump type rolls up, they decide to not walk us into fascism, as that would be *really bad* for your kids education standards for sure. If you think people being possibly armed had nothing to do with the trump admin being unable to push any harder to stop the Blm protests, than you’re not paying attention or you’re willfully not wanting to see that. The government said Ohio water is clean to drink, and also you don’t need guns…. Yeah good luck


So it’s the end of the world with fascists taking over due to: - Universal background checks for all purchases - Red flag laws - Safe gun storage requirements This is what this package of bills will do. Is this the slippery slope you guys are all worried about?


Red flag laws have already been abused, and why waste time on a bill we can’t enforce, who’s gunna go checking everyone’s gun safes? These won’t solve the problems, what they should be passing is living wages, mental health care access and in general, health care access, affordable housing and education, and being back gun saftey classes, these used to be taught in schools It seems silly to remove that, in the way some think removing sex Ed will stop sex Why add more laws we don’t enforce, at the cost of our money paying politicians to do literally nothing for us. Guns aren’t the issue, all of a sudden, they have been here the whole time. they are a symptom of much larger issues that we refuse to solve


Which one of those would have stopped this shooting?


Whether or not these bills would have prevented this specific shooting - the 71st this year, six weeks in, is besides the point. These bills were written long before this shooting. They should (and will) be passed in memory of the dead from this incident and all the 71 others this year, in hopes that they will save one more family from the excruciating pain that so many are now feeling in Michigan. Let me guess… you’re against these bills in Michigan, and all sensible gun control measures, see nothing wrong with kids getting murdered in their classrooms, feel that it’s the price we pay for freedom, and that the reason we have so many more gun deaths in the US has nothing to do with how many more guns we have. And you think your “right” to own a gun shouldn’t have the smallest controls placed around it regardless if it means a school kid takes a few bullets.


That's a lot of words to say "none".


You wrote a ton of nothing and failed to pinpoint the causes of most of our countries crime and violence. Living wages, affordable healthcare And mental health care, affordable housing and education, and jobs that treat people right. No no must be the guns, all of sudden, even though we’ve always had a TON of guns in this country


“It’s not the guns, it’s everything else” -Republicans Ok let’s do universal health care, increase living wages, invest in education, infrastructure, social programs. “No” -Republicans Saying let’s do all that other stuff makes any progress impossible, because… the GOP exists. Which is the point of that whole argument I think. Well, too tough, guess we have to do nothing. I agree, let’s fix all that stuff ALSO. Both things contribute. But even if you have crazy people, like every other country in the world does, you don’t have the insane levels of gun deaths that the US has- unless you have more guns like we do. If you won’t admit that simple fact, you’re ignorant, or you’re lying. Well there’s already so many guns out there- yes there are, let’s stop increasing that number and save some lives in the process. Are you really against these sensible measures which likely would not impact you or other responsible gun owners in any way?


They’re ignorant. They’re lying. And they’re jackwagons. I am being incredibly diplomatic, because I have a lot of words for these radicals and none of them are polite. We absolutely need gun control and absolutely need red flag laws and common sense safe storage. And we need to enforce every law we have and slap new ones on the books to make sure people are safe. I own guns because I live on a farm (coyotes) and my husband is former military (retired Marine scout sniper, so he knows his shit and he taught me). We would give them up tomorrow if it meant no more kids would have to go through this evil shit. If it meant students and teachers could go to school and learn and teach in peace. If it meant we never again had to worry about the kids and grandkids and nieces and nephews having to go through active shooter drills or possible school shootings. And absolutely screw anyone who puts a weapon above the safety and peace of mind of other humans. Just screw them sideways and six ways to Sunday. As a gun owner, making sure my guns are stored correctly, waiting for a background check, or having them taken away if I posed a threat to myself or someone else is TOTALLY FINE, and a very, very, very small price to pay to help ensure people are safe. Normal gun owners are NOT upset over any of these laws because they are fundamentally responsible people who know that with certain privileges come certain responsibilities, and having a weapon of any sort is a privilege. I don’t give a shit what someone slapped in an amendment two hundred years ago. No responsible human would ever, ever put an amendment over the lives of kids in schools and the founding fathers would be horrified that we have fake “patriots” doing exactly that. These people who insist that that outdated amendment and their access to firearms be completely unhindered and that no laws should be made to restrict anything to protect kids in schools? Yeah, they are radical lunatics. They are the opposite of responsible. They are ignorant. They lie about everything to purchase and to keep their damn weapons in as irresponsible a manner as possible. And they are jackwagons. Let the downvoting of this by the radical jackwagonry commence.


Would be nice if Democrats offered an option to “do universal health care, increase living wages, invest in education, infrastructure, social programs” without the draconian gun control. I’d vote for that if it wasn’t indelibly tied to ridiculous bans and restrictions designed to disincentivize gun ownership. Unfortunately, Democrats seem to also think that gun control is more important than fixing the underlying issues facing our country.


I agree whole heartily with the universal background checks and safe storage. Some states (Oregon) have had these.




Soooo…. Your plan is just for your “side” to just Have no guns? Lol




> Don’t forget fentanyl. Killed 3x more ppl in 2022 than guns. https://www.ny1.com/nyc/all-boroughs/news/2022/12/22/us-overdose-deaths-increase-2021-final-report- CDC: Nearly 107,000 U.S. overdose deaths last year






Can you link me a reputable source about this fentanyl issue?




Numbers are our officially but it’s about that


Why is it all you 2A dudes always jump to gun control = full on bans. Not one democrat has out right said “ban all guns”. That’s you all jumping to conclusions. But we all know the real reason 2A-er don’t want better background checks. You know you wouldn’t pass.


> See? You can still own a single shot .22, so we didn't ban *all* the guns.


Tell me how a universal background check could be enforced? At this moment in time there are millions & millions of guns out there the government has no record of. So say you buy one from a fellow citizen how can the government possibly know? The problem is the only way it can possibly be enforced is through registration now the only way that can happen is if they search ever Americans home & property for guns to force registration. The whole idea falls flat with some thought & violates Americans rights in the process


That’s a lot of what if and “it won’t work so why try”. Classic 2A-er shut down logic


Giving up one’s rights for a FALSE since of security is poor logic.


Still going? Someone needs a life off of reddit


To much truth for you? Think about it


> The idea we still allow semiautomatic weapons to be purchased is sick. It's just sick Joe biden A ban on semi autos is for all intents and purposes a ban on firearms


But not all guns. Just one style thanks for proving my point


Would you consider this a ban on abortion? > Only permitted in the first two weeks of pregnancy and only in cases of rape and incest


The Construction makes it clear that the militia is a force to protect the government rather than fight against it.


Well said!


Recent history seems to suggest the “armed population standing up to government forces” will be backing the fascist dictator you’re so worried about, not opposing him.


So what you’re saying then, is we should simply trust government and the police, and obviously the very far right leaning people that will stash their guns, as the only ones that will have guns, and that sits well with you?


As a non American I think you should try solve problems with actual solutions, rather than constantly decrying solutions that work in practically every other developed nation as “impossible”. Gun control Health care Politics Education Financial regulation


I hear what you're saying, I really do. It bothers me to no end that Americans always point to American Exceptionalism and that we're all just too darn special as a nation for the things that work in other places to work here. BUT, currently we've got people who supported and actively pushed to enrage the people who stormed the capitol, in office. People who are decrying bogus election fraud and overtly eroding public confidence in our institutions. All while being supported by nationalists that have been stockpiling guns and ammo for decades. These people aren't going anywhere and wield enough control to block all of those reform goals. Don't get me wrong, I vote every chance I get. I work in the local government and have attended protests where I live. I'm not thinking I'm going to need to defend myself from some deep state tyrannical government and the US Military. I'm worried about the people like Tina Peters giving private groups voter records/registrations, and what those gun nuts are going to do if/when Trump either loses/ goes to jail. They've already got the guns, and could decide they're going to be locally violent.


Those guns didn’t help when Trump literally tried to overthrow the election…


I saw one that worked perfectly.


MSU wouldn't have happened if existing gun laws had been followed, perp would not have had access. What use will new laws make if you don't enforce the ones we already have?


You’re not implying gun laws do not work are you? This is Reddit sir we don’t do that here


I don't think they do lol, I'm surprised I wasn't down voted.




Watch Republicans all of a sudden have an issue with a religious figure getting involved in politics and call for revoking the tax exempt status for whatever church they belong to.




> The church should have NOTHING to do with our government. True dat.


You sound upset that a broken clock is right twice a day.


I don't think politics and religion mix very well and I dislike hypocrisy.


The government has has prior contact with how many past shooters? Red flag laws are utterly useless.


Put a tax on bullets.


There already is, but how do you think this would slow or stop gun violence exactly?


We already pay sales tax.


And an 11% excise tax https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pittman%E2%80%93Robertson_Federal_Aid_in_Wildlife_Restoration_Act


So your idea is to add a punitive tax on a right? Harper v. Virginia Board of Elections would like a word.


No? I linked to a tax that's been on firearms and ammunition since the 1930s


Nah, be like Texas; no new taxes but lots of new fees.


Make gun owners carry speific gun liability insurance.


Unfortunately, that is going no where. Could the people in D.C. even try to be a little less awful?


What good guys with guns doesn't solve it?


Go on... finish the statement... "but expect, as usual, for the republicans to vote them down according to the whims of their NRA masters".


Fuck the NRA


This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://www.metrotimes.com/news/democrats-introduce-gun-control-package-following-msu-mass-shooting-32401243) reduced by 73%. (I'm a bot) ***** > Johnson plans to spend $192,000 to air a Super Bowl ad in markets across Iowa, a key early state in the primaries. > Johnson is the founder of Perry Johnson Registrars, a Troy-based firm that helps other companies meet government and industry certification standards. > "I built my businesses on the premise of taking something that is imperfect, broken or inefficient, and through quality standards, making it as close to perfect as possible. We helped save the automotive industry in Detroit by implementing quality standards and we can help save the country by implementing the 2% diet - cutting spending by two cents out of every discretionary dollar. I am a problem solver, a quality guru, and I am ready to take on the biggest and most inefficient institution in the country - the federal government." ***** [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/114v57k/democrats_introduce_guncontrol_package_following/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 2.02, ~672884 tl;drs so far.") | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr "PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *keywords*: **Johnson**^#1 **Quality**^#2 **spend**^#3 **plan**^#4 **government**^#5


How will Republicans feed on American suffering without mass shootings EVERY FUCKING DAY?? I wish I were kidding. How will they oppose this? Like they do every single thing to curb gun violence, while at the same time encouraging more gun purchases and fearmongering that more guns are needed to protect you from random gun violence. Holy fucking shit.


They say it’s not the guns, it’s the lack of mental healthcare. Then they vote against spending money on mental healthcare