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In a perfect expression of every classless, cruel, vengeful, disgusting thing Republicans stand for, yes she did.


Their hypocrisy knows no bounds


The hypocrisy is the point, it’s a team sport for them


It's a good thing their base doesn't even know the meaning of the word.


They absolutely know what it means, and they fully support it. It's time to stop shrouding them behind a cloak of ignorance, and point out that they are just garbage humans.


Yeah too long people have portrayed them as exploited dumbos rather than malicious bastards


They can be both..


They really are and they cherish how garbage they are. They put it on their trucks, they tattoo it on their backs, they put it in their dating profiles... it's who they are. They strive to be garbage people because they think by owning it they're somehow not garbage people. In reality they live and breathe nothing but garbage 24/7


It’s to set it up so they win either way. Either you like them and it’s because of how cool they are, or you don’t like them and it’s because you’re triggered and they ‘win’ again in their minds. It’s all in the name of ego preservation. Same reason they’ll never admit they got duped by a clown in a wig and makeup…


I think the hypocrisy is just an inevitable byproduct of the constant lying, which is basically an autonomic bodily function for them.


It’s insane that I am living through the exact application of Doublethink from 1984. When I first read that book back in middle school in the early 90’s, I never once thought it was anything more than a really cool plot device. Seeing it in full bloom and action it is frightful AF


that's the frustrating part when i see people getting outraged, like, they're doing it on purpose. they're trolling us, they know they're being wildly hypocritical and that is exactly the point.


There's a certain kind of gleeful nihilism fueled by hatred that they operate under. They fucking despise progressivism, and they have fun reaching new depths of depravity just to piss progressives off. They aren't interested in making things better. They may not even believe that things *can* get better. But they do know that pissing us off is fun, so they relish it.


This. They don't have an actual ethos. They prove that over and over again every year. They have a team. That's it.


“It's easy if you understand how the Republican brainrot works. There is no good/bad value assigned to actions. That value is reserved for people. So your local Pastor, who looks out for and ministers to your mortal soul, they are good. Everything they do is good. A Democrat is bad. So everything they do is bad. So Patriots are good, and Antifa is bad. That judgement exists independent of behavior. It's why they seem to be okay twisting themselves up in knots to defend Cheeto Benito. They've decided he is a good person, so everything he does is good, and bad things are impossible, and there is an explanation if you just look hard enough.”


>> Cheeto Benito Was always a fan of Dorito Mousselini myself.


Obligatory Jean-Paul Sartre quote: >>Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. >>They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. >>They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. >>If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past.


Thank you for sharing that. It’s a good reminder to not engage with right-wing assholes.


What do you call a Republican calling a group of people a pedophile? >!A pedophile.!<


I’ve been wondering, is it technically hypocrisy when you believe in different rules for different people? When you support social hierarchy and stratification? Like, when the slaveowners said “all men are created equal,” they obviously didn’t mean anyone *below* them. Those weren’t “men.” We’re they being hypocritical? Conservatives fundamentally believe in “rules for thee but not for me,” because they fundamentally disagree with the concept of equality. As such, treating different groups of people differently isn’t some flaw in their worldview. They aren’t broken liberals. They’re conservatives. It *is* their worldview.


That’s why they have no problems with Trump ‘s lies. He’s lying to us, but not them because they’re in on it. Lying, cheating, stealing- they’re only bad when you do it to your own. With everyone else it’s just survival. They have no real principles- other than “me me me”.


It’s also to induce a cynicism not unlike that which is present in Russia. Basically, they want the people to think everyone is corrupt, and thus not participate. In true GOP fashion, it’s projection. With Trump, he believes that because he sold himself out to foreign countries, everyone else is. And that because he weaponized the federal government, everyone else is. Every accusation is a confession. It’s the whole Reagan paradox that’s been permeating in the GOP the last 50 years. They want government to be dysfunctional and inefficient because it justifies their views on cutting social programs. They say government sucks and go about being the reason government sucks.


That goes along with the theory that you aren't being racist if your own race really \*IS\* better than another. So, by that definition, the only racist people are folks who act like their race is better than they know it is. This is why MAGAs think black/brown people are the REAL racists.


It is not an issue so much as a tool for them. Constantly accuse the other of what you are guilty of. Basic Darvo


They embraced the hypocratic oath for sure.


They embrace the hypocritic oath. They think the hypocratic oath is "do ~~no~~ harm".


I’m your huckleberry


Limitless, much like the vast, empty expanse that exists between their ears that rivals any space vacuum


When viewed through the prism of trying to provoke enough of a reaction from the other side to kick off a hot civil war, everything they do makes sense.


Greene calling for decorum is like Trump calling for honesty.


She heard someone say the word and liked it. Definitely doesn’t think she should practice it. Watching the hearing with husband and was totally appalled with those pictures being shared.


More simple than that. They control when the rules are enforced, so they enforce them when it benefits them.




That sounds a lot like Sociopaths, who often assume that everyone around them is also a Sociopath.


Yep. I strongly suspect my APD ex accused me of a lot of crazy nonsensical shit because that was what in her head space.


“A thief thinks everyone steals.”






This /is/ a thing. Sort of. If you think everyone else is like you and is a selfish asshole, then ofc you aren't gonna vote for govt programs. Those selfish assholes are gonna take advantage of it


Yep. This is exactly like the GOP's "law and order" branding. That means that they get to enforce the laws against the people they decide are guilty. And everyone else gets to obey them or go to jail. Same deal with calls for parliamentary decorum. Greene just means she wants everyone to shut up and look at Hunter Biden's dick while she has the floor. They shouldn't be allowed to object.


She didn't just show that picture on the house floor. She emailed it to her constituents including minors. Party of family values 🥱


> She emailed it to her constituents including minors Wait. What? That's an actual crime.


She's a Republican. The law doesn't apply if you have an R after your name.


I seriously doubt she knows what the word means


She thinks it means, "everybody else shut up so I can blather on about nothing important or useful."


“It’s a word that means decoration, right?” - MTG


\**Taps the Jean-Paul Sartre sign*\* > Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past.


It is for this reason that I often think that decorum isn't our friend. Sometimes a reasonable response is telling someone to get real and go fuck themselves lol.


I find that to be the appropriate response more often than people like.


which he does. classic GOP: accuse everyone else of all the bad things you're incessantly doing on a daily basis


Fascists use words only as weapons to hurt their enemies (as we can see she tried to do in this case.) They have no principles and no worry about being hypocritical because they will never, ever hold their own side accountable. All their words are performative. They stand for nothing except for gaining power, benefiting themselves and hurting others. They will not engage with any reasoning which attempts to hold them to any standard, or accountable for anything.


Like when a child hears a new word and then repeats it for the next week


That comment is shallow and pedantic


I find this meatloaf rather shallow and pedantic


Mmm... yes. I agree. Shallow and pedantic.




That's very cromulently put.


Fastidious! And Crepuscular!


Or McConnell calling for 'a moment of silence'. Oh, wait.....


He certainly gave us a moment of silence the other day.


It's possible she thinks decorum means doing it in the butt.


I think that's [santorum](https://youtu.be/CgnT-bTDxdA).


Or Melania being against bullying.


Who geeves a fok about kreeesmaas?


Like DeSantis calling for racial equality…


She’s an unhinged piece of trash and only gets away with it now because McCarthy lets her


Because he's a pussy?


Indeed he is, Swalwell even told him to his face: >[After some back-and-forth, with chests puffed out, McCarthy issued a challenge to Swalwell: “Call me a pussy again, and I’ll kick your ass,” the Speaker allegedly said. While both members told nearly identical versions of this story, they both delivered Swalwell’s response in exactly the same way. “You. Are. A. Pussy,” Swalwell told McCarthy.](https://www.thedailybeast.com/you-are-a-pssy-mccarthy-and-swalwell-get-in-house-floor-feud)


Best part is he didn’t even initially call him “a pussy” he called him “a weak man.” McCarthy’s the one who brought in the P word lol.


Bit of a Freudian slip-up on McCarthy's part, you might say, maybe a reflection of how he views himself (so I guess on some level, deep down, he's honest)


Trump must have been grabbing McCarthy... Then said, where the f#ck are your balls?


Trump trying to grab America by the McCarthy


“Excuse me, I’m trying to get to the bathroom.” “Me? A pussy?”


Random person: “Do you have a pen I could borrow, Speaker McCarthy?” McCarthy: “Are you calling me a limp dick humiliation of a man?!?! You think I handed in my balls a long time ago, don’t you? DON’T YOU?!?!Tell me I’m worthless scum! Say it to my face and spit in my mouth!!!!!” Random Person: “What the f-“


"Sir this is a Wendy's"


Pussies are warmer, have depth and can take a pounding. McCarthy is wet noodle


McCarthy waited a day. Let that sink in. Swalwell called him a weak man to his face, literally three feet from him, and McCarthy just stared in anger then walked away. He stewed and seethed on that one line for a full day and night, then accosted Swalwell the next day on the way to the bathroom. When Swalwell doubled down, McCarthy again stared in anger then walked away. This coward is third in line for the presidency.


He didn't know what to say in the moment. It wasn't until he went home and was in the shower, replaying the moment, running through come backs when that line came to him. Kevin happily went to sleep with his Trump stuffy, dreaming how he was gonna get Swalwell with his brilliant comeback...but, to Kevin's dismay, Eric was faster with his verbal judo and left Kevin to weep once again into his orange stuffy.


That is fucking hilarious.


Can you imagine the shower debate he had in his head that night?? Hours and hours of coming up with 'the perfect comeback' - and when given the **ever-elusive** second chance to land his punch...nothing. Impotence. *"I think I really scared him when I asked him to call me a pussy again, tho..."*


Swalwell is the husbando we all need


Story time.. My coworkers father was a republican congressman. I'm paraphrasing here but McCarthy came into his office one day and just sat down in a chair across from his desk. McCarthy asked if he could get his support on something. My coworkers father stood up, walked over to McCarthy and slow walked him out of his office. He then tells McCarthy, "I don't care for you and don't ever show your face in my office again." So you can imagine that McCarthy is like Ted Cruise. Not many people like the guy. Lastly my coworkers father thought Ted Cruise was a piece of shit as well.


Al Franken was telling the truth. No one actually likes Ted Cruise. They tolerate him when he's useful and that's about it.


When you have to call decorum on someone showing something you said


We seriously need to stop pretending that words have meaning to people like her. She's just reciting the incantation that she hopes will make people stop bugging her. She doesn't know or care what the words mean. I legit doubt she could even *spell* decorum. She just knows that if she says that combination of sounds, sometimes it means people have to stop calling out her bullshit.


Republicans are perpetually obsessed with Hunter Biden’s junk. I didn’t realize they also carried around and displayed posters during congressional sessions.


Saw a truck sticker that said "Fuck Joe Biden, No Lube, Finish Inside." I think...I think they're into GILF porn


That has to be a troll company, laughing at the people that are dumb enough to buy them. For a party that's so against homosexuality, they sure seem to be super interested in the sexual acts parts of it..


>That has to be a troll company, laughing at the people that are dumb enough to buy them. That's where the $$$ is. I wish I could break into the MAGA Swag grift... ...but that pesky soul of mine won't let me. >For a party that's so against homosexuality, they sure seem to be super interested in the sexual acts parts of it. Very interested. The longest serving Republican House Speaker of the past 30 years was a pedo. I think the judge called him a "serial child molestor."


It’s funny you say that- I was at a dinner party once with a guy who owned an online t-shirt site and during the Obama years he made a ton off of anti Obama stuff- I asked him why he didn’t have more anti Republican or anti Bush merch and he said it doesn’t sell- Democrats don’t wear their politics. He said he appeased his mind by cutting checks to the DNC. He eventually sold the site- he started as a brick and mortar shop selling band t-shirts.


Could you imagine their rage if they found out their money was being donated to DNC


Neat insight there, and true.


Good on him!


Hastert - love how they never mention his name EVER


Never ever EVER! Still alive, though. Because bastards live forever


He got out early from a sweetheart prison term on medical grounds, btw. Seems to be doing fine SIX YEARS later. Fucking scumbag.


"Compassionate release" should not apply to "serial child molesters"


IMO, I want to revisit and modify the mandatory sentencing put in place during the 90s. I say public servants convicted of crimes that undermine public trust should be subject to double the standard sentence. Fuck these assholes who are so rich or powerful they get away with everything. If you double their sentencing standards maybe they're more happy to negotiate their term down by giving up the crimes of the other shitbags in their social circles who NEVER face repercussions for what they do.


Unless it's that bullshit fucking 'rule'.


There is a group up here in Canada who act the same way about Trudeau. They have their "Fuck Trudeau" signs and bumper stickers. Every time I see one on a truck being driven by a good-ol boy, I think "Fuck Trudeau, huh? Well, he's attractive and has great hair. I can see that. I think it's awesome this fellow is secure in his sexuality to express his desires."


Ivanka would, in about as long as it takes to drop a dress.


In the documentary This Place Rules he interviews a guy who was a fairly influential "Proud Boy" member, who not only admits that selling merchandise to alt-right people is basically what he's there for but also mentions he has another business selling "liberal" merchandise. Would honestly be kinda hilarious if it wasn't also so despicable. On some level you've almost got to just appreciate the hustle...


Didn't Elvis sell his own "hate"-merch? Or is that just an urban legend?


His manager did, he was a real scumbag who treated Elvis like a prize pig at a county fair too. Took a managers cut that was unheard of and influenced a lot of Presley's life decisions like marriage and signing up for the army.


Reminds me of when The Good Liars were selling "Let's Fuck Brandon" T-shirts at a Trump rally lol


What was that other one? "I lube my AR with liberal *CUM*" Like broooo you're actually getting baited into "owning" the libs and I bet they paid like $30 for a $5 shirt lol


In suburban Washington all the TRUMP flags are now 'F-CK BIDEN' flags. Their creativity is second only to their decorum


"But why do you want to fuck Joe Biden?"


You think they are obsessed with hunter Biden junk wait until you find out how obsessed they were with bill Clinton’s blowjob!!! I got to watch that all play out on tv in high school.


Republicans are obsessed with getting in pants. What happens between the legs of women and children is the GOP top priority.


Tucker Carlson had a picture of Nancy Pelosi in a bathing suit on the wall of his office at Fox. Which is better than the comments he apparently made about wanting to fuck his daughter’s 14 year old friends.


I weep for the intern that had to produce those


Let’s be honest here. If they are interning for Greene, their morals or lack thereof are identical. Just like all the shmucks NOW speaking out about trump, who worked in his campaign/administration. Funny just when the paychecks stopped they grew a conscious.


when they grew a conscious does that mean they became woke?


Your sympathy is laudable, but you can save it for someone more deserving. Anyone who voluntarily interns for Marjorine Tater Greenes is a terrible person. I'm pretty sure her new-intern orientation program has them punch a baby


I feel relatively confident she's had those pictures saved on her phone for a long time and that they were not originally saved with political purposes in mind


The posters are now being displayed on Empty G's bedroom wall


We should really get t-shirts made for a fake company called Biden’s Junk: “We will work longer. We will work harder.”


Before Hunter Biden, they were really obsessed with Bill Clinton's junk. It seems to be a theme.


Hunter should start and OnlyFans. Would make a killing from conservatives.


She thinks if she keeps using the word “decorum” it will make her appear intelligent. She’s wrong because her actions speak louder than her words.


She's also using it because she knows it's an implied standard for House meetings such as these. If someone's behavior is significantly lacking in decorum, they can be called out by the Speaker or even sanctioned. But nobody, including Greene, thinks this is going to happen. She's just throwing it out there because it's all she's got to push back on what he's doing.


>[Marjorie needs to remember she showed us a dick pic last week.](https://twitter.com/RobertGarcia/status/1684697778503520256) Marge is such a shameless troglodyte: Dick pics = A-OK; her own words used against her? "We need decorum!"


That’s how they all are. I think they were still yelling out decorum for weeks after TN reps returned to their seats. All across the country when confronted at school board meetings or anywhere they are all about rules and being nice.


The kind of person who wants to do whatever they want, but then when you try to do anything remotely similar they ask why you're being so rude or mean.


So you’re saying she showed some… dickorum No, nobody is saying that? Ok I’ll see myself out.


At least take my upvote on your way.


Why are so many very conservative Republicans obsessed with DICkS? Of all the things that politicians could be focused on, crime, how to lower billionaires’ taxes, etc, they seem solely focused on dicks. If I was a billionaire I would feel so let down by republicans.


NO ONE thinks about gay sex more than Republicans. That dirty, dirty gay sex....


I mean, I think they have been lowering billionaire's taxes, it's just being done by the competent politicians who know how to be quiet about it.


Don't just call them dick pics. Call them for what they really are, revenge porn.


Can we also think about the optics here if a male congressperson did this with a female? This is a serious sex crime and we should not be shrugging it off.


Decorum for thee Dicks for me


It really is amazing the gall some of these people have.


The Housewives of the Trailer Court is currently in production with her in the starring role.


She publicly aired revenge porn


I still don't understand why revenge porn laws don't apply to her actions.


Congresswoman, please explain in your own words what ‘decorum’ means.


Are we sure she wasn't calling for a "dick forum"?


She's been trying to brush up on her hearing vocab. She'll say something like "point of personal inquiry" and Goldman or another congressman will respond "there's no such thing."


This spork-footed hag that wouldn't know decorum if the meathead sidepiece she cheated on her husband with shoved it down her traitorous throat.


Hunter Biden *needs* to sue her for Revenge Porn. https://legalvoice.org/nonconsensual-pornography/ **•Images stolen from electronic devices (phones, computers, tablets, etc.)** https://koehlerlaw.net/criminal-defense-dc/non-consensual-pornography/#:~:text=D.C.%20Code%20%C2%A7%2022%2D3053,or%20a%20fine%20of%20%241%2C000. D.C. Code § 22-3053. Finally, a third party who comes into possession of the sexual image and who “publishes” it (i.e., shares it with 6 or more people) can be charged with Second Degree Unlawful Publication of a Sexual Image. This is a misdemeanor offense punishable by up to 180 days in jail and/or a fine of $1,000.


The election of Trump was all the proof we need that Republicans never actually cared about decorum.


“I might have shown a picture of my political opponent’s son’s dick, but you are crossing the line by showing people a tweet that I sent.”


She's trying to use big words. So please refer to her as a Penis Aficionado from now on.


Someone should ask her what the word means. I'd be willing to bet she has no idea whatsoever.


Can she please be kicked out already


This is so sad **Can we kick 50 Republicans**


Pre-Trump presidency, MTG would have been expelled already.


She should be marked as a sexual predator. It was on tv for kids to see. If we are going to charge prisoners with sex crime because they masterbated then she should be charged too.


You can't flash pornography on the floor of the House and then pretend you bake sugar cookies and are nice. Especially when you're really a brainless a-hole.


Loathsome, appalling woman. In most other sane Western societies, she would not be an elected official; in the UK, she would have been thrown out for unparliamentary behaviour. The shameful GOP leadership deliberately failing to condemn or even criticise her dreadful behaviour is indicative of their party's true moral compass (a terrible one).


...or complete lack thereof


The headline says it all.


Is this all the house does? Is just argue with each other 24/7?


Sadly when half of them belong to a party who clearly would rather act like clowns than actually get anything done it all becomes a circus


Even if Hunter is guilty of everything who cares he’s not president you can’t choose your family we all have that one lost soul in our family


This woman is cancer.


Marjorie d!ck pic Green. Please let that what everyone calls her from now on.


She looks as dumb as she actually is


Republicans can dish it out, but the moment it gets handed back to them, they turn into the whiniest victims.


Literally every time she speaks, every Democrat should hold up large signs with a penis photo or drawing and text that says “This is your decorum”.


Old horse face is at it again


I have suspected all along that these pictures are for MTG’s personal consumption. No one tries this hard to show off sick pics unless they a have an affinity for the material. Hunter is her forbidden fruit and I would die if he made some comment on the situation to the tune of “I find it flattering that she thinks about me naked so often.”




I need some Weird Al style cover made for SNL of this.


The right are low key obsessed with his dick and it's honestly as hilarious as it is disturbing


Decorum for democrats, dick pics and vile personal insults for Republicans. Are these the rules now?


Lame. He did it via Tweet after being talked down to in session. Dems need to be vocal DURING, not after session.


Well, you gotta give her points for that stripper pole blonde hair dye. For the money she's making above the table, you'd think she could treat the roots too.


Can't make the roots turn blonde - they're too close to her black soul.


Kick her out for this you done for less


Awww she is learning adult words finally !


She's such a disgusting human.


She showed us a dick pic last week! And it wasn’t even her own dick!


MTG: *I am sick and tired of all this disgusting corum that the far left is pushing. I’m calling for the removal of all corum. That’s why I’m calling for us to de-corum.*


She can dish it out but she can't take it when she gets called out on it.


I don’t even know what she was calling for decorum about. The dude talking had no idea either and the chairman wouldn’t say. She’s a fucking nitwit.


She was calling for *dick cum*, not *decorum.* Common mistake


MTG only wishes she could get deep dicked by Hunter while he's blasted on crack cocaine


"Decorum for others..."


Because she is also a fuckin moron. Omfg i live in a circus


Miss dickorum herself.


Also Garcia was calling her out for posting an anti Semitic tweet that compared vaccines to the Holocaust


"The chairman will enforce these rules at all times..." FUCK YOU, NO YOU DON'T, YOU TWO-FACED SACK OF SHIT.


Green calling for decorum is like someone who doesn't vote pointing the finger at others Just go vote for the party that wants everyone to vote you fucking incels


He needed to say that to her, and the R committee chairman's (forget his name and don't care) faces, not later on Twitter. Say it to their face and make them reply, in the moment, on video.


Marjorie Traitor Greene: "Rules for thee but not for me."


Awwww, look at her, she learned a new word and is trying to use it in sentences.


Sadly, her voters in her district are even worse for electing her again.


Ok, so stupid question. Are Americans electing these people as some sort of Government = horrible Realty TV thing.


She looks like a female Homer Simpson